windowsformhost cant load a usercontrol from another dll - wpf

So I have a dll from another project which contains many useful classes and controls for me (lets call it foo.dll). I'm making an WPF app. I need to use some of them in my app. I created my usercontrol for windows forms and referenced UserControlForMe from foo.dll. It's shown, all good. Now I want to insert my usercontrol into a wpf form. It looks like this:
<UserControl x:Class="FlatRectangular_Profile.UserControl1"
Height="2093" Width="717">
<Grid Name="grid">
<uc:WindowsFormsProfManual ></uc:WindowsFormsProfManual>
But here I get an error "cant load type UserControlForMe from foo.dll". No info on that error. Again, UserControlForMe loads in WindowsFormsProfManual. All these is going on in one class library. I referenced everything that foo.dll needed.
No idea how what to do next. I also tried to load it in code in usercontrol.loaded event, but it fails too, and shows stacktrace which leads to the constructor of the UserControlForMe.

I guess you'll have to add the assembly to your namespace import to point your application in the right direction:

I found a workaround since I cant get why it is not working. If I load a UserControlForMe from foo.dll directly to the windowsformhost, it works. But if there is a "buffer" dll, it works in this dll, but doesnt open in futher window. Also I add a UserControlForMe programmatically to a windowsformhost.


IOException when referencing App.xaml's ResourceDictionary

I'm trying to reference App.xaml's ResourceDictionary from a separate WPF window. I want to use resources from there in different windows, and this seems like the recommended way to do it. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to effectively reference App.xaml from the other window. Here is my App.xaml:
<Application x:Class="View.App"
<local:PriorityToIconConverter x:Key="PriorityToIconConverter" />
Notes: I'm not using MainWindow, so I've replaced the startup URI with a form that always comes up. I noted that in some other answers, the location of MainWindow is sometimes the issue. In my case, I haven't seen any difference between using ClockView or MainWindow. Both ClockView and MainWindow exist in the root namespace, MainWindow is just never loaded. I also have more resources, but I've removed them for the sake of conciseness.
Here's a simplified example of the code where I'm trying to reference the ResrouceDictionary from App.xaml:
Topmost="{Binding Source={x:Static properties:Settings.Default}, Path=ToolAlwaysOnTop}"
<ResourceDictionary Source="App.xaml" />
Again, this is simplified to be concise. When I try to load this form, I get the exception:
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: ''Set property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.Source' threw an exception.' Line number '21' and line position '10'.'
Inner Exception
IOException: Cannot locate resource 'tool/app.xaml'.
The view for "Tool" is located in a folder that is also named "Tool." However, the xaml and code behind don't reference this namespace, I'm just using the folder to organize my classes. It looks like it's looking for App.xaml in the folder the view resides in. App.xaml resides in the root namespace (View). I've tried modifying the source in the xaml for Tool to:
- View.App.xaml
- View:App.xaml
- View/App.xaml
How can I get this reference to work, so I can share resources throughout my application? Thank you.
You can't load App.xaml like you're trying to do because it's not actually a ResourceDictionary. You can only specify ResourceDictionary files as the target of Source.
However, if you declare a resource in App.xaml, you can reference it anywhere without needing to load the file it's in. That's done for you automatically. Therefore, you can reference your converter at any time with {StaticResource PriorityToIconConverter}.
Note that if you moved it from the default starting location (the base project folder) you may have to update its location. Right click your project, then Properties. Navigate to the "Application" tab (should be the uppermost element on the left-hand sidebar) and look for the "Startup object" field. Set that to [ProjectName].[Namespace?].[Namespace?].App. When I tested it, mine worked without needing to manually change the location, but your setup may be different.

View in a module not displaying image but it will display text

I am using MEF, Prism and WPF. I have a simple module (for now, I'll do more with it when I get past this roadblock) that displays a single image sourced as static resource in that module. Here is the xaml for the view:
<UserControl x:Class="SplashScreenModule.SplashView"
Height="960" Width="1180">
<Image Source="Images/My Image.png"/>
The image shows up in the designer but when I run the code the window is blank. If I replace the image with simple text the text is display as expected.
This shows up in the window.
I've spent the last 3 hours trying to figure this out and am stumped. I would appreciate any help.
You have to know that there is a difference on how ressources are managed at DesignTime and at RunTime. At DesignTime there is no compilation required, thus it is able to display a ressource even if it is not include in the project.
At runtime this is normally possible, but it is better to include the ressources in your project (ie create a folder Images in your solution, and add the "My Image.png" in this folder), to be sure of the location of your ressource compared to your exe.
If you do it and the image still doesn't show up, try to remove the label and execute again.
By doing this it works fine for me. As soon as the image show up, you can add back the label.
Hope it helps.
The following code is working for me:
<Window x:Class="LabelImage.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Image Source="Images/visual studio.png" />
I structured my solution like you did: I have the picture inside a folder named Images. The MainWindow is located directly under the project node (it's not in any subdirectory).
Make sure that the Build Action for your image is set to resource, otherwise it won't work with the WPF Resource Finding System (which internally uses PACK-Uris:
I use .NET 4.5 with VS 2013. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.
Update after Bill's comment:
That's a whole different thing when your resource resides within another assembly. The syntax for referencing the image should be like this:
<Image Source="/ClassLibraryForResources;component/Images/visual studio.png" />
where you do the following steps:
Begin with a slash "/"
Specify the name of the assembly that holds your resource (this can also be a strong assembly name)
Continue with ";component/"
End with the path of the image (or other resource)
(Please note that you have to omit the quotation marks).
The solution that I used is structured like this:
This should resemble what you have described. Again: it's all about the PACK URIs that WPF uses (see link above).

Setting design time DataContext on a Window is giving a compiler error?

I have the following XAML below for the main window in my WPF application, I am trying to set the design time d:DataContext below, which I can successfully do for all my various UserControls, but it gives me this error when I try to do it on the window...
Error 1 The property 'DataContext' must be in the default namespace or in the element namespace ''. Line 8 Position 9. C:\dev\bplus\PMT\src\UI\MainWindow.xaml 8 9 UI
<Window x:Class="BenchmarkPlus.PMT.UI.MainWindow"
d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=UI:MainViewModel, IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}"
Title="MainWindow" Height="1000" Width="1600" Background="#FF7A7C82">
<!-- Content Here -->
I needed to add the mc:Ignorable="d" attribute to the Window tag. Essentially I learned something new. The d: namespace prefix that Expression Blend/Visual Studio designer acknowledges is actually ignored/"commented out" by the real compiler/xaml parser!
The following was taken from
Nathan, Adam (2010-06-04). WPF 4 Unleashed (Kindle Locations 1799-1811). Sams. Kindle Edition.
Markup Compatibility
The markup compatibility XML namespace (, typically used with an mc prefix) contains an Ignorable attribute that instructs XAML processors to ignore all elements/attributes in specified namespaces if they can’t be resolved to their .NET types/members. (The namespace also has a ProcessContent attribute that overrides Ignorable for specific types inside the ignored namespaces.)
Expression Blend takes advantage of this feature to do things like add design-time properties to XAML content that can be ignored at runtime.
mc:Ignorable can be given a space-delimited list of namespaces, and mc:ProcessContent can be given a space-delimited list of elements. When XamlXmlReader encounters ignorable content that can’t be resolved, it doesn’t report any nodes for it. If the ignorable content can be resolved, it will be reported normally. So consumers don’t need to do anything special to handle markup compatibility correctly.
Wow, what a pain! Let's hope MS puts in some VS design-time support for x:Bind.
We to be able to use the VS designer but also be able to switch easily to x:Bind instead of Binding. Here's what I did:
In my View, I added a property to get my ViewModel. This makes sense because x:Bind paths are relative to the Page (i.e. the View object).
In my Page XAML, I added the following to the <Page ... > at the top of the XAML:
d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=local:MyView, IsDesignTimeCreatable=False}"
This way, the Page's actual data context is set to the Page itself due to the {x:Bind}. That's because x:Bind is relative to the Page and there is no path given.
At the same time, due to the d:DataContext line, the VS designer reflects on the MyView class (without creating an instance) for the purpose of the VS designer interaction. This lets VS design from MyView, where you can then scroll down to the ViewModel property, expand it and select the item that you want to bind to.
When you do all that, the VS designer will create a Binding statement whose path is relative to the View, i.e. it happens to be exactly the same as the path that x:Bind expects. So, if you want to switch to x:Bind later on, you can just search and replace all "{Binding" with "{x:Bind".
Why do we even need the d:DataContext line to tell VS what class to look at? Good question, since you would think that VS could figure out the very next line sets the DataContext to the Page, using DataContext={x:Bind}. Go ahead and try it, it does not work and neither does it work if you change x:Bind to Binding relative to self.
Hopefully this situation will get cleaned up by MS !!
If you are not tooo fussy on the data have a look at the sample data found in xmlns:d=""
You use it like this...
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Report.Audit.Data}" d:ItemsSource="{d:SampleData}" Grid.Row="1">
it then renders the items control with a few rows of data
I've solved the problem adding d:DataContext="{d:SampleData}" in the component definition (UserControl or Window).
<UserControl x:Class="TestControl"
DataContext="{Binding TestViewModel}"
d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800"

The type toolkit:BusyIndicator was not found

I'm working on a WPF project with the beginning of a UserControl defined as:
<UserControl x:Class=""
Within the user control I have this:
<toolkit:BusyIndicator IsBusy="{Binding IsBusy}" BusyContent="Please wait...">
I have the WPFToolkit.Extended referenced within my project and that reference appears to be valid (does not have a red underline).
However, I'm getting this error and don't know why:
The type 'toolkit:BusyIndicator' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built.
Any ideas?
Navigate to the folder that conatins the DLL. Right click on the DLL and select properties. Under the general tab near the bottom click the "Unblock" button. You should be good to go.

wpf custom control not recognized

This is my first foray into custom controls, and it's not going well. I have a custom graph control derived from Canvas.
namespace Grapher2 {
public class SeriesManager : Canvas {
public SeriesManager() {
It's defined in the same project and namespace as my app. I tried adding a reference to the control in XAML as follows:
<Window x:Class="Grapher2.Window1"
Title="Grapher" Width="800" Height="600">
<StackPanel Name="container" Width="700" Height="500">
<graph:SeriesManager Name="seriesManager" Width="700" Height="500" />
But when I try to reference the control name "seriesManager" in the code-behind for the Window, I get "The name 'seriesManager' does not exist in the current context."
Furthermore, the XAML editor will not render the Window, giving a huge stack trace with the error: "Type 'MS.Internal.Permissions.UserInitiatedNavigationPermission' in Assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' is not marked as serializable."
I imagine the solution is something stupidly simple for anyone who's done custom controls. But I'm stumped.
did you try x:Name="seriesManager" in your xaml?
Edit: This may not be the issue seeing how you said your xaml isn't rendering. I'm guessing once you get the xaml to render in the designer... the code behind will work better.
Edit 2: Whenever I've had a problem with the designer rendering, it's because I'm doing something in the constructor of my custom control. Check your SeriesManager to see if you are doing something in its constructor that is causing a problem. Maybe you are referencing something that doesn't exist yet. If you do have extra code in your constructor, consider moving it to the UserControl_Loaded event.
Backing up Scott's answer here, since he helped me solve it:
What I did wrong was trying to access the control BEFORE InitializeComponent(), but was confused by 2 other error messages somewhere else in the code.
Just in case someone else has this error.
