I am using $resource to make a rest api call.
My call to that resource is like that :
Client.get({parametres : param}
My problem is that param contains "\" character, that make the call fail with
400 Bad Request
How can I escape the "\" character?
encodeURIComponent should do the trick.
The encodeURIComponent() method encodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) component by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character (will only be four escape sequences for characters composed of two "surrogate" characters).
As per: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURIComponent
Client.get({ parameters: encodeURIComponent(param) }
I am writing a wrapper around react-router's useSearchParams() hook that automatically handles the (de)serialization of individual search parameters. In my unit test I am attempting to verify that calling the update function returned from the useSearchParams() function will also update the location's search property properly (handling any encoding automatically).
My unit test is nearly working, but the final check is failing. I am expecting the updated value to be $%{ }#=! - and when I use encodeURIComponent on it it becomes: "%24%25%7B %20 %7D%23%3D !"
However, the value that I get back for the parameter from useLocation()'s search property is "%24%25%7B + %7D%23%3D %21"
(white space added so I can bold things for emphasis)
While very similar, and clearly the same value when decoded, react-router is encoding certain characters ever so slightly differently from the standard encodeURIComponent function. Here we see that the whitespace character is getting encoded as %20 by encodeURIComponent and as + by react-router. The exclamation mark is being left simply as ! by encodeURIComponent while react-router has encoded it as %21
Is there a standard function somewhere that will allow me to use and test against react-router's encoding? Or is there any documentation describing the differences between react-router's encoding vs the standard encodeURIComponent function so that I might write my own?
AngularJS truncates the trailing equal signs when routing to them. I have a base64 string which need to be added as a query parameter to the url(route)
ex: http://example.com/#!/updatepassword?code=NnuW3q49QW38Mf-Cg==
this loads as:
Is there a workaround for this?
If you try to set route as a string, then you need to escape = sign. That's because this character has a special meaning in the query string - it separates parameter name from its value.
So, one solution could be:
var query = "code=NnuW3q49QW38Mf-Cg==";
$location.url("/some/path?" + encodeURIComponent(query));
What encodeURIComponent() will do, is it will replace all special characters - = will be replaced with %3D for instance. This will prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value separator.
If you only want to change the query string parameters, not the whole URL, you can also use $location.search() method:
$location.search("code", "NnuW3q49QW38Mf-Cg==");
Just remember to pass two parameters to that method, not one. If you do:
the = sign will not get escaped, only stripped.
Angular uses parseKeyValue() function internally to parse query string, it can be found here. You can see that the split is being done over the = sign. That's why they get stripped.
But if you take a look at .search() method implementation, you see that parseKeyValue() is being called only if you supply one argument to .search(). It's not invoked if you supply name of the parameter as a first, and value as a second argument.
Peeking at the source code also suggests yet another solution:
$location.search({"code": "NnuW3q49QW38Mf-Cg=="});
I am trying to create a Sublime Text snippet for AngularJs. This snippet should expand to AngularJs controller (or service, etc or any ng component). In the resulting code, it should construct the controller name in camelCase from the hyphenated file name.
For example:
when I type the snippets strings, say, ngctrl in an empty file called employee-benefits-controller.js, it should expand as given below:
angular.module('').controller('EmployeeBenefitsController', ['', function(){
I am trying to use the $TM_FILENAME variable by applying a regex on it to achieve this conversion. If anyone has already done this, please let us know.
You could use something like this:
angular.module('${1:moduleName}').controller('${TM_FILENAME/(^|-|\.js)(.?)|/\U\2\E/g}', ['', function(){
Note 1: maybe you want to change the scope so that the snippet its only triggered in javascript context.
Note 2: I'm not familiar with angularjs, so I don't know its naming conventions (I have supposed that an uppercase letter its needed after a hyphen [-] character and at the begining of the name, but I don't know if a uppercase character its needed after a dot character for example). So, you'll probablly have to adapt the snippet.
Note 3: expression explained:
TM_FILENAME its the var_name item
(^|-|.js)(.?) its the regex (the parts of the variable we select).
\U\2\E its the format_string (how we format what we have selected).
g its the options (g means globally, so every time something its selected the format its given).
TM_FILENAME: the file name with the extension included.
\U => init uppercase conversion. \E => finish uppercase conversion. \2 => second group, i.e. second parénthesis, (.?), its a single char or an empty string.
(^|-|.js)(.?) First we look for the beginning of the word (^), or for a hypen character (-), or for the extension (.js).
(.?) Then we select in a parenthesis group (second group) the character (if any) after that hypen (or at the beginning of the word or after the extension).
Finally we use the uppercase conversion over that selected character as explained. Note that as there is not character after the extension, we are simply removing the extension from the output.
Note 4: as you probablly know, using ${1:moduleName} and ${2://functionCode} allows you to quickly move (using tab) and edit the important parts of the snippet once it has been triggered, such as the module or the function code.
I am trying to add a special character (specifically the ndash) to a Model field's help_text. I'm using it in the Form output so I tried what seemed intuitive for the HTML:
help_text='2 – 30 characters'
Then I tried:
help_text='2 \2013 30 characters'
Still no luck. Thoughts?
django escapes all html by default. try wrapping your string in mark_safe
You almost had it on your second try. First you need to declare the string as Unicode by prefacing it with a u. Second, you wrote the codepoint wrong. It needs a preface as well; like \u.
help_text=u'2\u201330 characters'
Now it will work and has the added benefit of not polluting the string with HTML character entities. Remember that field value could be used elsewhere, not just in the Form display output. This tip is universal for using Unicode characters in Python.
Further reading:
Unicode literals in Python, which mentions other codepoint prefaces (\x and \U)
PEP263 has simple instructions for using actual raw Unicode characters in a source file.
I want to ask a question about the multipart/form data. I find the http header of multipart post and the Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=-----...---boundaryNumber. I want to ask, how many of '-' between the boundaryNumber and '='?
Not a single - is mandatory. You can have any number of them. It is actually a mystery to me why user-agents tend to add so many. It is probably traditional because in the old days, when people still regularly looked at the actual protocol traffic, it provided some nice visual separation. Nowadays it is pointless.
Note however, that when you use the boundary in the stream, it must be prefixed by two hyphens (--). That’s part of the protocol. Of course, the fact that most user-agents use lots of hyphens in their boundary makes this very hard to see by example.
Furthermore, the last boundary (which marks the end of the message) is prefixed and suffixed by two hyphens (--).
So in summary, you could call your boundary OMGWTFPLZDIEKTHX, and then your traffic could look like this:
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=OMGWTFPLZDIEKTHX
Content-Type: text/plain
First part (plain text).
Content-Type: text/html
<html>Second part (HTML).</html>
The number of dashes depends on how many you want there. It can be zero, if you like -- it's just that more dashes makes the boundary more obvious.
The boundary consists of a line containing two dashes plus everything after "boundary=". So if your header said boundary=ABC, the boundary looks like
In your boundary definition, no hyphens are required. When using that boundary to separate two distinct body parts, you must start with two hyphens, followed by your previously-defined boundary string.
This is explained in RFC 1341 (MIME), and you can find additional information there in the Multipart section (as linked).
It is completely arbitrary.
The point of the boundary is to define the beginning and ending of your data. It does not matter what it is, as long as it is not part of the content.
Multipart/form-data media type can be used by a wide variety of applications and transported by a wide variety of protocols as a way of returning a set of values as the result of a user filling out a form.
Multipart/form-data follows the model of multipart MIME data streams. A multipart/form-data body contains a series of parts separated by a boundary.
Example of multipart/form-data response:
There are four important fields which we are important in response:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="<<field_name>>"
Content-Type: type of the data
The "Boundary" Parameter is one of the clue in the in multipart response:
As with other multipart types, the parts are delimited with a
boundary delimiter, constructed using CRLF, "--", and the value of
the "boundary" parameter. The boundary is supplied as a "boundary"
parameter to the multipart/form-data type. The boundary delimiter MUST NOT appear inside any of the encapsulated parts, and it is often necessary to enclose the
"boundary" parameter values in quotes in the Content-Type header
Resource - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7578