How do I write a directive to set attributes of another directive? - angularjs

I've seen similar questions, but I'm having trouble applying them to my situation, so I appreciate any help you can give me. I'm using the angular-nvd3 directive to make 4 different types of charts within many different controllers. Right now, I'm adding them to each view & controller as shown in their basic example.
angular.module('myApp', ['nvd3'])
.controller('myCtrl', function('$scope'){
$scope.options = { /* JSON data */ };
$ = { /* JSON data */ }
and in html:
<div ng-app='myApp'>
<div ng-controller='myCtrl'>
<nvd3 options='options' data='data'></nvd3>
I'm using the same 4 versions of $scope.options over and over again, so I'd like to write a set of directives that would allow me to write this in HTML instead (and only define $ in the controllers).
<nvd3 typeA data='data'></nvd3>
I've seen examples of how to add new attributes and point them to scope variables, but how do I point the attribute to a fixed JSON object?

You can create a directive that wraps the nvd3 directive and adds the options data like this
<typea data='data'></typea>
angular.module('myApp').directive('typea', function() {
return {
scope : {
restrict: 'E',
template: "<nvd3 options='options' data='data'></nvd3>" ,
link: function($scope) {
$scope.options = { /* JSON data */ }


Build template string inside directive

I'm trying to build a string of HTML code inside the directive and then use that as the directive's template.
I tried this but it doesn't work.
myApp.directive('myDirective', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
data: '=' // this is the data that will shape the HTML
template: str,
controller: function($scope){
$scope.str = ****BUILD THE STRING HERE USING 'data'****
Then I tried passing the app's scope to the directive, but got an error again
myApp.directive('myDirective', ['$scope', function($scope) {
var str = ****BUILD THE STRING HERE USING $****
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: str
I'm confused about how I can do this. In the first example the string is built correctly and when I do
template: {{str}}
I see the string but obviously, it just shows up as text on the page and it's not interpreted as HTML code.
Is there a way to access either myApp's or the directive controller's scope within the return statement of the directive?
I could build the string outside of the directive, but even if I do that I still can't access myApp's scope within the directive.
Directives, by nature have access to the outer scope, if you don't strictly define it with an inner scope (or isolated scope). Example:
angular.module('app',[]).controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
$scope.example = {
message: "Hello world"
}).directive("myDirective", function() {
return {
template: '<strong>{{example.message}}</strong>'
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<div my-directive></div>
As you can see in the example above - The directive "knows" the outer scope values without you need to actually inject it.
Now, you can create an isolated scope and by doing this you don't limit yourself to a given scope:
angular.module('app',['ngSanitize']).controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
$scope.example = {
html: "<strong>Hello world</strong>"
}).directive("myDirective", function() {
return {
scope: {
data: '='
template: '<div ng-bind-html="data"></div>'
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<div my-directive data="example.html"></div>
By including ngSanitize I an able to use the ngBindHtml directive and pass an HTML structure to the directive inner scope.
Strictly speaking what you're trying to do can be achieved by using ng-if to output html that uses different directives based on the data count in your controller. This is better 'separation of concerns', as it means you're moving your presentation logic into the view where it belongs, and your controller is then concerned with your business logic including a data count variable (which you can then use in the ng-if).
If using this approach, you'll want to put your data retrieval into a service that the controller uses, and use the same controller for both directives.

Passing keys of object to directive

I have created a directive as a wrapper for md-autocomplete so that it's easier to re-use. In the parent controller, I have an object. I want to pass the keys of the object to my custom directive, but I'm having trouble. Simplified code, without md-autocomplete:
Here's the script
var app = angular.module('myApp',[])
.controller('parentController', function(){
var parent = this;
parent.things = {item1: {color: "blue"}, item2: {color: "red"}};
return {
scope: {},
bindToController: {
controller: childController,
controllerAs: 'child',
template: '<pre>{{child.items | JSON}}<pre>' //should be [item1,item1]
function childController(){
//Just a dummy controller for now
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="parentController as parent">
<my-directive items="Object.keys(parent.things)">
TL;DR: How do I pass the keys of an object defined in the parent controller to a child directive? I need to pass just the keys, not the object itself, because my directive is designed to deal with an array of strings.
Try using a directive with local scope from user attribute (=)
app.directive('childDirective', function() {
return {
replace: true,
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
items: '='
template: '<pre>{{items | JSON}}<pre>'
Using the directive, object in attribute "items" is passed "as is" , as a scope variable "items"
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="parentController as parent">
<my-directive items="getKeys(parent.things)">
Using Object.keys(obj) as source will cause an infinite loop digest (the function is always returning a new different object). You need a function to save the result to a local updatable object, like in this example:
//initialize result
//fill result
var result=this.result;
return result;
I'm marking #Igor's answer as correct, because ultimately it led me to the right place. However, I wanted to provide my final solution, which is too big for a comment.
The search for the answer to this question led me to create a directive that is more flexible, and can take several different types of input.
The real key (and my actual answer to the original question) was to bind the items parameter to a proxy getter/setter object in the directive. The basic setup is:
return {
controller: localControl,
bindToController: {
items: '<' //note one-way binding
function localControl(){
var child = this;
child._items = [],
items: {
get: function(){return child._items},
set: function(x){child._items = Object.keys(x)}
<my-directive items="parent.items">
<!-- where parent.items is {item1:{}, item2:{}...} -->
Ultimately, I decided I wanted my directive to be able to accept a variety of formats, and came up with this plunk as a demonstration.
Please feel free to offer comments/suggestions on improving my code. Thanks!

Angular - Bind directive value to controller object

I'm trying to pass an array from a controller to a directive and for some (probably obvious to you lot!) reason when the array values are updated in the controller it does not reflect in the directive. The controller obtains data from a service into an array and I want to pass that array to the directive to create a bar graph. I've put the key parts of the code below.
Here is my top level HTML
<div dash-progress
Other Stuff
My template HTML for the directive:
<div class="boxcontent" ng-show="dashCtrl.showProgress">
<div class="chart-holder-lg">
<canvas tc-chartjs-bar
function(mySvc) {
var self = this;
this.myProgress = [];
this.getProgress = function() {
//logic must be in the service !
mySvc.getProgress().then(function(success) {
self.myProgress = mySvc.progress;
and the directive:
.directive('dashProgress', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
templateUrl: 'components/dashboard/progress.html',
scope: {
graphData: '#'
link: function(scope,el,attrs) {
scope.progress = {
labels: ['Duration','Percent'],
datasets: [
label: 'Duration',
data: [scope.graphData.duration]
label: 'Percent',
data: [scope.graphData.percent]
scope.options = { };
If I set an initial values of the myProgress object in the controller then these do get reflected in the directive, but I don't get the real values that I need when they are returned to the controller from the service.
In your directive's scope, instead of this:
scope: {
graphData: '#'
try using this:
scope: {
graphData: '='
Don't use {{ }} when passing array to the directive with =. It will render the array in the view instead of passing a reference to directive's scope.
As far as I know, # is not only one-way binding, but also one-time binding and should be used mostly for string values (e.g. setting an html attribute while initializing directive). If you'd like to use #, you should firstly convert data to JSON, then pass it to directive with {{ }}, then parse it again in directive and after any change - manually recompile the directive. But it would be a little overkill, wouldn't it?
Just remove the curly brackets from the view and use = to bind value to directive's scope.
<div dash-progress
scope: {
graphData: '='
Try one more thing. In dashCtrl, wrap myProgress with an object (you can change names to be more self-explaining - this is just an example):
this.graphData = {
myProgress: []
this.getProgress = function() {
mySvc.getProgress().then(function(success) {
self.graphData.myProgress = mySvc.progress;
Then, pass graphData to directive:
<div dash-progress
Finally, substitute every scope.graphData with scope.graphData.myProgress. This way you make sure that scope.graphData.myProgress always refers to the same data because it's a property of an object.
If this still doesn't work, you will probably have to use a watcher and update properties of scope.progress manually.

AngularJS Passing scope to directive via a custom filter function $rootScope:infdig

I've created simple custom directive in angularJs. In that directive I am passing an array of objects as tableLayout. Please see my working jsfiddle with no errors.
JS Fiddle Working
However I need to pass a filtered tableLayout. I've created a function in the scope called filterFilterFn to filter the values and then pass it into the scope of my directive. When i do this I get a $rootScope:infdig error.
Js Fiddle w/ filterFunction NOT working
Reading another similar problem it was to do with the using the default filter in angularJs. Hence why I've have done a custom filter function in the scope. But I am still getting a same error. Advice on what I am doing wrong would be appreciated.
Non-working code below:
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<script type="text/ng-template" id="/template">
<button ng-click="testFn()">Test</button>
<div layout="row">
<div flex ng-repeat="col in [1,2,3]"><span>HEADER{{$index}}</span>
<div layout="column">
<div flex style="border: 1px solid black;" ng-repeat="row in [1,2,3]">{{$index}}</div>
<button ng-click="testFn()">Test 2</button>
<form-table table-layout=formFilterFn('table_id',1)></form-table>
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngMaterial']);
app.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.tableLayout =[{"head_id":"GAP Assessment","table_id":"1","table_name":"GAP Table","element_id":"0","element_name":"Action Reference","sort_order":"0","is_multirow":"1","flex":"30","element_sort_order":"4","is_show":"0"},{"head_id":"GAP Assessment","table_id":"1","table_name":"GAP Table","element_id":"1","element_name":"Audit Criteria","sort_order":"0","is_multirow":"1","flex":"30","element_sort_order":"0","is_show":"1"},{"head_id":"GAP Assessment","table_id":"1","table_name":"GAP Table","element_id":"3","element_name":"Document Reference","sort_order":"0","is_multirow":"1","flex":"10","element_sort_order":"3","is_show":"1"},{"head_id":"GAP Assessment","table_id":"1","table_name":"GAP Table","element_id":"4","element_name":"Findings - General","sort_order":"0","is_multirow":"1","flex":"20","element_sort_order":"1","is_show":"1"},{"head_id":"GAP Assessment","table_id":"1","table_name":"GAP Table","element_id":"5","element_name":"Findings Details","sort_order":"0","is_multirow":"1","flex":"40","element_sort_order":"2","is_show":"1"}]
$scope.formFilterFn = function(key,value){
var output = [];
var input = $scope.tableLayout;
for (var x =0; x < Object.keys(input).length; x++){
if (input[x][key]==value){
return output;
app.directive('formTable', function() {
return {
link: function(scope,element,attrs){ // normal variables rather than actual $scope, that is the scope data is passed into scope
//function and scopes go here
templateUrl: '/template',
restrict: 'E'
2 way bindings is causing the loop here, you can bind your scope with '&'.
Please check:
scope:{ tableLayout:'&' },
"Because of this, '&' bindings are ideal for binding callback functions to directive behaviors."
I wouldn't personally call it a filter, just to avoid confusion with actual angular filters. Yes it's a filtering function.
The infinite digest is happening because the filter function is returning a new array every time. If you set a variable to the result of the filter, and bind the table to that, it should work.

Angular, ng-repeat to build other directives

I'm building a complex layout, that takes a JSON document and then formats it into multiple rows, with each row then having more rows and/or combinations of rows/columns inside them.
I'm new to Angular and am just trying to get to grips with Directives. They are easy to use for very simple things, but quickly become very difficult once you need to anything more complicated.
I guess I'm doing this the wrong way around, but is there a way to simply add the name of a directive (in the example below, I've used ) and get that directive to be rendered on an ng-repeat?
Maybe the same way that you can use {{{html}}} instead of {{html}} inside of mustache to get a partial to render as HTML and not text.
As expected, the example below simply writes the name of the directive into the dom. I need Angluar to take the name of the directive, understand it, and then render before before it is written. Due to the complex layout of the page I need to design, I could be rendering many different directives, all inside each other, all from 1 JSON document (which has been structured into different rows and then row / column combinations).
Example code that renders the name of the directive to the page, but gives you an idea of how I'd like to write a solution the problem...
<div app-pages></div>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
var app = angular.module("app", ['main']);
angular.module('main', [])
.controller("appPageController", ['$scope', function( $scope ){
$scope.pages = [];
var page1 = {
title: 'Page 1',
directive: '<app-page-type-1>'
var page2 = {
title: 'Page 2',
directive: '<app-page-type-2>'
.directive("appPageType2", function factory() {
console.log('into page type 2');
return {
replace: true,
template: 'This is the second page type'
.directive("appPageType1", function factory() {
console.log('into page type 1');
return {
replace: true,
template: 'This is the first page type'
.directive("appPages", function factory() {
console.log('into pages');
return {
replace: true,
template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="page in pages">{{page.directive}}</li></ul>'
This is one possible alternative to your idea. The idea is to append the directive you defined in page object for each html element inside the ng-repeat. Please take a look at the demo. Hope it helps.
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="appPageController">
<li ng-repeat="page in pages" app-pages></li>
.directive("appPages", function ($compile) {
console.log('into pages');
return {
replace: true,
link: function (scope, elements, attrs) {
var html = '<div ' + + '></div>';
var e = angular.element(html);
