Sign extension, addition and subtraction binary in C - c

How would I go about implementing a sign extend from 16 bits to 32 bits in C code?
I am supposed to be using bitwise operators. I also need to add and subtract; can anyone point me in the right direction? I did the first 4 but am confused on the rest. I have to incorporate a for loop somewhere as well for 1 of the cases.
I am not allowed to use any arithmetic operators (+, -, /, *) and no if statements.
Here is the code for the switch statement I am currently editing:
unsigned int csc333ALU(const unsigned int opcode,
const unsigned int argument1,
const unsigned int argument2) {
unsigned int result;
switch(opcode) {
case(0x01): // result = NOT argument1
result = ~(argument1);
case(0x02): // result = argument 1 OR argument 2
result = argument1 | argument2;
case(0x03): // result = argument 1 AND argument 2
result = argument1 & argument2;
case(0x04): // result = argument 1 XOR argument 2
result = argument1 ^ argument2;
case(0x05): // result = 16 bit argument 1 sign extended to 32 bits
result = 0x00000000;
case(0x06): // result = argument1 + argument2
result = 0x00000000;
case(0x07): // result = -argument1. In two's complement, negate and add 1.
result = 0x00000000;
printf("Invalid opcode: %X\n", opcode);
result = 0xFFFFFFFF;

partial answer for sign extension:
result = (argument1 & 0x8000) == 0x8000 ? 0xFFFF0000 | argument1 : argument1;

To sign-extend a 16 bit number to 32 bit, you need to copy bit 15 to the upper bits. The naive way to do this is with 16 instructions, copying bit 15 to bit 16, then 17, then 18, and so on. But you can do it more efficiently by using previously copied bits and doubling the number of bits you've copied each time like this:
unsigned int ext = (argument1 & 0x8000U) << 1;
ext |= ext << 1;
ext |= ext << 2;
ext |= ext << 4;
ext |= ext << 8;
result = (argument1 & 0xffffU) | ext;
To add two 32 bit numbers "manually" then you can simply do it bit by bit.
unsigned carry = 0;
result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
// Extract the ith bit from argument1 and argument 2.
unsigned a1 = (argument1 >> i) & 1;
unsigned a2 = (argument2 >> i) & 1;
// The ith bit of result is set if 1 or 3 of a1, a2, carry is set.
unsigned v = a1 ^ a2 ^ carry;
result |= v << i;
// The new carry is 1 if at least two of a1, a2, carry is set.
carry = (a1 & a2) | (a1 & carry) | (a2 & carry);
Subtraction works with almost exactly the same code: a - b is the same as a + (~b+1) in two's complement arithmetic. Because you aren't allowed to simply add 1, you can achieve the same by initialising carry to 1 instead of 0.
unsigned carry = 1;
result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
unsigned a1 = (argument1 >> i) & 1;
unsigned a2 = (~argument2 >> i) & 1;
unsigned v = a1 ^ a2 ^ carry;
result |= v << i;
carry = (a1 & a2) | (a1 & carry) | (a2 & carry);
To find two's complement without doing the negation, similar ideas apply. Bitwise negate and then add 1. Adding 1 is simpler than adding argument2, so the code is correspondingly simpler.
result = ~argument1;
unsigned carry = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 32 && carry; i++) {
carry &= (result >> i);
result |= (1 << i);

to get sign extension from short int to int....
short int iShort = value;
int i = iShort; // compiler automatically creates code that performs sign extension
Note: going from i to iShort will generate a compiler waring.
however, for other situations...
no need to make comparison, the & will result in a single bit being either 0 or 1 and be sure to cast the parts of the calculation as int
int i = (short int argument&0x8000)? (int)(0xFFFF000 | (int)argument) : (int)argument;


Bitwise Operation on a byte and an int

I have a byte array represented as
char * bytes = getbytes(object); //some api function
I want to check whether the bit at some position x is set.
I've been trying this
int mask = 1 << x % 8;
y= bytes[x>>3] & mask;
However y returns as all zeros? What am I doing incorrectly and is there an easier way to check if a bit is set?
I did run this as well. It didn't return with the expected result either.
int k = x >> 3;
int mask = x % 8;
unsigned char byte = bytes[k];
return (byte & mask);
it failed an assert true ctest I ran. Byte and Mask at this time where "0002" and 2 respectively when printed from gdb.
edit 2: This is how I set the bits in the first place. I'm just trying to write a test to verify they are set.
unsigned long x = somehash(void* a);
unsigned int mask = 1 << (x % 8);
unsigned int location = x >> 3;
char* filter = getData(ref);
filter[location] |= mask;
This would be one (crude perhaps) way from the top of my head:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
// this function *changes* the byte array
int getBit(char *b, int bit)
int bitToCheck = bit % 8;
b = b + (bitToCheck ? (bit / 8) : (bit / 8 - 1));
if (bitToCheck)
*b = (*b) >> (8 - bitToCheck);
return (*b) & 1;
int main(void)
char *bytes = calloc(2, 1);
*(bytes + 1)= 5; // writing to the appropiate bits
printf("%d\n", getBit(bytes, 16)); // checking the 16th bit from the left
return 0;
A byte is represented as:
| 2^7 | 2^6 | 2^5 | 2^4 | 2^3 |... |
The left most bit is considered bit number 1 and the right most bit is considered the max. numbered bit (16th bit in a 2 byte object).
It's OK to overwrite the actual byte object (if this is not wanted, use memcpy).

How can I mask bits?

I have a byte, whose value in binary is 11111111. I have to extend my byte to 16 bits 0101010101010101 according to these rules: if bit = 1, now is 01. If bit = 0, now is 10.
For example:
00001111 -> 1010101001010101
00000101 -> 1010101010011001
What is the operation to do this?
First, convert your byte to an int:
int x = (int)byte_value;
Then, extend to 16 bits, by shifting bits 4 at a time, then 2, then 1, then doubling each bit with a shift and bitwise OR:
x = ((x << 4) | x) & 0b0000111100001111;
x = ((x << 2) | x) & 0b0011001100110011;
x = ((x << 1) | x) & 0b0101010101010101;
x = (x << 1) | x;
Then, mask the bits so that the even bit positions are 1 if the bit is 1, and the odd positions are 1 if the bit is 0 (using bitwise NOT):
x = (x & 0b0101010101010101) | (~x & 0b1010101010101010);
I don't think that there is an operator for "expanding" bits as described.
But you could do it in a loop together with shifting and testing bits as follows:
unsigned char b = 0xff;
unsigned int result = 0x0;
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
result <<= 2; // make place for the next 2 bits
int isSet = b & 0x80; // check highest significant bit of b
if (isSet) {
result |= 0x01; // in bits: 01
else {
result |= 0x02; // in bits: 10
b <<= 1;
Hope it helps.

how to replace given nibbles with another set of nibbles in an integer

Suppose you have an integer a = 0x12345678 & a short b = 0xabcd
What i wanna do is replace the given nibbles in integer a with nibbles from short b
Eg: Replace 0,2,5,7th nibbles in a = 0x12345678 (where 8 = 0th nibble, 7=1st nibble, 6=2nd nibble and so on...) with nibbles from b = 0xabcd (where d = 0th nibble, c=1st nibble, b=2nd nibble & so on...)
My approach is -
Clear the bits we're going to replace from a.
like a = 0x02045070
Create the mask from the short b like mask = 0xa0b00c0d
bitwise OR them to get the result. result = a| mask i.e result = 0xa2b45c7d hence nibbles replaced.
My problem is I don't know any efficient way to create the desired mask (like in step 2) from the given short b
If you can give me an efficient way of doing so, it would be a great help to me and I thank you for that in advance ;)
Please ask if more info needed.
My code to solve the problem (not good enough though)
Any improvement is highly appreciated.
int index[4] = {0,1,5,7}; // Given nibbles to be replaced in integer
int s = 0x01024300; // integer mask i.e. cleared nibbles
int r = 0x0000abcd; // short (converted to int )
r = ((r & 0x0000000f) << 4*(index[0]-0)) |
((r & 0x000000f0) << 4*(index[1]-1)) |
((r & 0x00000f00) << 4*(index[2]-2)) |
((r & 0x0000f000) << 4*(index[3]-3));
s = s|r;
Nibble has 4 bits, and according to your indexing scheme, the zeroth nibble is represented by least significant bits at positions 0-3, the first nibble is represented by least significant bits at positions 4-7, and so on.
Simply shift the values the necessary amount. This will set the nibble at position set by the variable index:
size_t index = 5; //6th nibble is at index 5
size_t shift = 4 * index; //6th nibble is represented by bits 20-23
unsigned long nibble = 0xC;
unsigned long result = 0x12345678;
result = result & ~( 0xFu << shift ); //clear the 6th nibble
result = result | ( nibble << shift ); //set the 6th nibble
If you want to set more than one value, put this code in a loop. The variable index should be changed to an array of values, and variable nibble could also be an array of values, or it could contain more than one nibble, in which case you extract them one by one by shifting values to the right.
A lot depends on how your flexible you are in accepting the "nibble list" index[4] in your case.
You mentioned that you can replace anywhere from 0 to 8 nibbles. If you take your nibble bits as an 8-bit bitmap, rather than as a list, you can use the bitmap as a lookup in a 256-entry table, which maps from bitmap to a (fixed) mask with 1s in the nibble positions. For example, for the nibble list {1, 3}, you'd have the bitmap 0b00001010 which would map to the mask 0x0000F0F0.
Then you can use pdep which has intrinsics on gcc, clang, icc and MSVC on x86 to expand the bits in your short to the right position. E.g., for b == 0xab you'd have _pdep_u32(b, mask) == 0x0000a0b0.
If you aren't on a platform with pdep, you can accomplish the same thing with multiplication.
To be able to change easy the nibbles assignment, a bit-field union structure could be used:
Step 1 - create a union allowing to have nibbles access
typedef union u_nibble {
uint32_t dwValue;
uint16_t wValue;
struct sNibble {
uint32_t nib0: 4;
uint32_t nib1: 4;
uint32_t nib2: 4;
uint32_t nib3: 4;
uint32_t nib4: 4;
uint32_t nib5: 4;
uint32_t nib6: 4;
uint32_t nib7: 4;
} uNibble;
Step 2 - assign two NIBBLE items with your integer a and short b
NIBBLE myNibbles[2];
uint32_t a = 0x12345678;
uint16_t b = 0xabcd;
myNibbles[0].dwValue = a;
myNibbles[1].wValue = b;
Step 3 - initialize nibbles of a by nibbles of b
printf("a = %08x\n",myNibbles[0].dwValue);
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib0 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib0;
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib2 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib1;
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib5 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib2;
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib7 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib3;
printf("a = %08x\n",myNibbles[0].dwValue);
Output will be:
a = 12345678
a = a2b45c7d
If I understand your goal, the fun you are having comes from the reversal of the order of your fill from the upper half to the lower half of your final number. (instead of 0, 2, 4, 6, you want 0, 2, 5, 7) It isn't any more difficult, but it does make you count where the holes are in the final number. If I understood, then you could mask with 0x0f0ff0f0 and then fill in the zeros with shifts of 16, 12, 4 and 0. For example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void) {
unsigned a = 0x12345678, c = 0, mask = 0x0f0ff0f0;
unsigned short b = 0xabcd;
/* mask a, fill in the holes with the bits from b */
c = (a & mask) | (((unsigned)b & 0xf000) << 16);
c |= (((unsigned)b & 0x0f00) << 12);
c |= (((unsigned)b & 0x00f0) << 4);
c |= (unsigned)b & 0x000f;
printf (" a : 0x%08x\n b : 0x%0hx\n c : 0x%08x\n", a, b, c);
return 0;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/bit_swap_nibble
a : 0x12345678
b : 0xabcd
c : 0xa2b45c7d
Let me know if I misunderstood, I'm happy to help further.
With nibble = 4 bits and unsigned int = 32 bits, a nibble inside a unsigned int can be found as follows:
x = 0x00a0b000, find 3rd nibble in x i.e locate 'b'. Note nibble index starts with 0.
Now 3rd nibble is from 12th bit to 15th bit.
3rd_nibble can be selected with n = 2^16 - 2^12. So, in n all the bits in 3rd nibble will be 1 and all the bits in other nibbles will be 0. That is, n=0x00001000
In general, suppose if you want to find a continuous sequence of 1 in binary representation in which sequence starts from Xth bit to Yth bit then formula is 2^(Y+1) - 2^X.
#include <stdio.h>
#define BUF_SIZE 33
char *int2bin(int a, char *buffer, int buf_size)
int i;
buffer[BUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
buffer += (buf_size - 1);
for(i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
*buffer-- = (a & 1) + '0';
a >>= 1;
return buffer;
int main()
unsigned int a = 0;
unsigned int b = 65535;
unsigned int b_nibble;
unsigned int b_at_a;
unsigned int a_nibble_clear;
char replace_with[8];
unsigned int ai;
char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
memset(replace_with, -1, sizeof(replace_with));
replace_with[0] = 0; //replace 0th nibble of a with 0th nibble of b
replace_with[2] = 1; //replace 2nd nibble of a with 1st nibble of b
replace_with[5] = 2; //replace 5th nibble of a with 2nd nibble of b
replace_with[7] = 3; //replace 7th nibble of a with 3rd nibble of b
int2bin(a, buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1);
printf("a = %s, %08x\n", buffer, a);
int2bin(b, buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1);
printf("b = %s, %08x\n", buffer, b);
for(ai = 0; ai < 8; ++ai)
if(replace_with[ai] != -1)
b_nibble = (b & (1LL << ((replace_with[ai] + 1)*4)) - (1LL << (replace_with[ai]*4))) >> (replace_with[ai]*4);
b_at_a = b_nibble << (ai * 4);
a_nibble_clear = (a & ~(a & (1LL << ((ai + 1) * 4)) - (1LL << (ai * 4))));
a = a_nibble_clear | b_at_a;
int2bin(a, buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1);
printf("a = %s, %08x\n", buffer, a);
return 0;
a = 00000000000000000000000000000000, 00000000
b = 00000000000000001111111111111111, 0000ffff
a = 11110000111100000000111100001111, f0f00f0f

How can i swap every 2 bits in a binary number?

I'm working on this programming project and part of it is to write a function with just bitwise operators that switches every two bits. I've come up with a comb sort of algorithm that accomplishes this but it only works for unsigned numbers, any ideas how I can get it to work with signed numbers as well? I'm completely stumped on this one. Heres what I have so far:
// Mask 1 - For odd bits
int a1 = 0xAA; a1 <<= 24;
int a2 = 0xAA; a2 <<= 16;
int a3 = 0xAA; a3 <<= 8;
int a4 = 0xAA;
int mask1 = a1 | a2 | a3 | a4;
// Mask 2 - For even bits
int b1 = 0x55; b1 <<= 24;
int b2 = 0x55; b2 <<= 16;
int b3 = 0x55; b3 <<= 8;
int b4 = 0x55;
int mask2 = b1 | b2 | b3 | b4;
// Mask Results
int odd = x & mask1;
int even = x & mask2;
int newNum = (odd >> 1) | (even << 1);
return newNum;
The manual creation of the masks by or'ing variables together is because the only constants that can be used are between 0x00-0xFF.
The problem is that odd >> 1 will sign extend with negative numbers. Simply do another and to eliminate the duplicated bit.
int newNum = ((odd >> 1) & mask2) | (even << 1);
Minimizing the operators and noticing the sign extension problem gives:
int odd = 0x55;
odd |= odd << 8;
odd |= odd << 16;
int newnum = ((x & odd) << 1 ) // This is (sort of well defined)
| ((x >> 1) & odd); // this handles the sign extension without
// additional & -operations
One remark though: bit twiddling should be generally applied to unsigned integers only.
When you right shift a signed number, the sign will also be extended. This is known as sign extension. Typically when you are dealing with bit shifting, you want to use unsigned numbers.
Minimizing use of constants by working one byte at a time:
unsigned char* byte_p;
unsigned char byte;
int ii;
byte_p = &x;
for(ii=0; ii<4; ii++) {
byte = *byte_p;
*byte_p = ((byte & 0xAA)>>1) | ((byte & 0x55) << 1);
Minimizing operations and keeping constants between 0x00 and 0xFF:
unsigned int comb = (0xAA << 8) + 0xAA;
comb += comb<<16;
newNum = ((x & comb) >> 1) | ((x & (comb >> 1)) << 1);
10 operations.
Just saw the comments above and realize this is implementing (more or less) some of the suggestions that #akisuihkonen made. So consider this a tip of the hat!

Bitwise operations equivalent of greater than operator

I am working on a function that will essentially see which of two ints is larger. The parameters that are passed are 2 32-bit ints. The trick is the only operators allowed are ! ~ | & << >> ^ (no casting, other data types besides signed int, *, /, -, etc..).
My idea so far is to ^ the two binaries together to see all the positions of the 1 values that they don't share. What I want to do is then take that value and isolate the 1 farthest to the left. Then see of which of them has that value in it. That value then will be the larger.
(Say we use 8-bit ints instead of 32-bit).
If the two values passed were 01011011 and 01101001
I used ^ on them to get 00100010.
I then want to make it 00100000 in other words 01xxxxxx -> 01000000
Then & it with the first number
!! the result and return it.
If it is 1, then the first # is larger.
Any thoughts on how to 01xxxxxx -> 01000000 or anything else to help?
Forgot to note: no ifs, whiles, fors etc...
Here's a loop-free version which compares unsigned integers in O(lg b) operations where b is the word size of the machine. Note the OP states no other data types than signed int, so it seems likely the top part of this answer does not meet the OP's specifications. (Spoiler version as at the bottom.)
Note that the behavior we want to capture is when the most significant bit mismatch is 1 for a and 0 for b. Another way of thinking about this is any bit in a being larger than the corresponding bit in b means a is greater than b, so long as there wasn't an earlier bit in a that was less than the corresponding bit in b.
To that end, we compute all the bits in a greater than the corresponding bits in b, and likewise compute all the bits in a less than the corresponding bits in b. We now want to mask out all the 'greater than' bits that are below any 'less than' bits, so we take all the 'less than' bits and smear them all to the right making a mask: the most significant bit set all the way down to the least significant bit are now 1.
Now all we have to do is remove the 'greater than' bits set by using simple bit masking logic.
The resulting value is 0 if a <= b and nonzero if a > b. If we want it to be 1 in the latter case we can do a similar smearing trick and just take a look at the least significant bit.
#include <stdio.h>
// Works for unsigned ints.
// Scroll down to the "actual algorithm" to see the interesting code.
// Utility function for displaying binary representation of an unsigned integer
void printBin(unsigned int x) {
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) printf("%i", (x >> i) & 1);
// Utility function to print out a separator
void printSep() {
for (int i = 31; i>= 0; i--) printf("-");
int main()
while (1)
unsigned int a, b;
printf("Enter two unsigned integers separated by spaces: ");
scanf("%u %u", &a, &b);
/************ The actual algorithm starts here ************/
// These are all the bits in a that are less than their corresponding bits in b.
unsigned int ltb = ~a & b;
// These are all the bits in a that are greater than their corresponding bits in b.
unsigned int gtb = a & ~b;
ltb |= ltb >> 1;
ltb |= ltb >> 2;
ltb |= ltb >> 4;
ltb |= ltb >> 8;
ltb |= ltb >> 16;
// Nonzero if a > b
// Zero if a <= b
unsigned int isGt = gtb & ~ltb;
// If you want to make this exactly '1' when nonzero do this part:
isGt |= isGt >> 1;
isGt |= isGt >> 2;
isGt |= isGt >> 4;
isGt |= isGt >> 8;
isGt |= isGt >> 16;
isGt &= 1;
/************ The actual algorithm ends here ************/
// Print out the results.
printBin(ltb); // Debug info
printBin(gtb); // Debug info
printBin(isGt); // The actual result
Note: This should work for signed integers as well if you flip the top bit on both of the inputs, e.g. a ^= 0x80000000.
If you want an answer that meets all of the requirements (including 25 operators or less):
int isGt(int a, int b)
int diff = a ^ b;
diff |= diff >> 1;
diff |= diff >> 2;
diff |= diff >> 4;
diff |= diff >> 8;
diff |= diff >> 16;
diff &= ~(diff >> 1) | 0x80000000;
diff &= (a ^ 0x80000000) & (b ^ 0x7fffffff);
return !!diff;
I'll leave explaining why it works up to you.
To convert 001xxxxx to 00100000, you first execute:
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 1;
(this is for 8 bits; to extend it to 32, add shifts by 8 and 16 at the start of the sequence).
This leaves us with 00111111 (this technique is sometimes called "bit-smearing"). We can then chop off all but the first 1 bit:
x ^= x >> 1;
leaving us with 00100000.
An unsigned variant given that one can use logical (&&, ||) and comparison (!=, ==).
int u_isgt(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
return a != b && ( /* If a == b then a !> b and a !< b. */
b == 0 || /* Else if b == 0 a has to be > b (as a != 0). */
(a / b) /* Else divide; integer division always truncate */
); /* towards zero. Giving 0 if a < b. */
!= and == can easily be eliminated., i.e.:
int u_isgt(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
return a ^ b && (
!(b ^ 0) ||
(a / b)
For signed one could then expand to something like:
int isgt(int a, int b)
(a != b) &&
(!(0x80000000 & a) && 0x80000000 & b) || /* if a >= 0 && b < 0 */
(!(0x80000000 & a) && b == 0) ||
/* Two more lines, can add them if you like, but as it is homework
* I'll leave it up to you to decide.
* Hint: check on "both negative" and "both not negative". */
Can be more compact / eliminate ops. (at least one) but put it like this for clarity.
Instead of 0x80000000 one could say ie:
#include <limits.h>
static const int INT_NEG = (1 << ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT) - 1));
Using this to test:
void test_isgt(int a, int b)
"%11d > %11d = %d : %d %s\n",
a, b,
isgt(a, b), (a > b),
isgt(a, b) != (a>b) ? "BAD!" : "OK!");
33 > 0 = 1 : 1 OK!
-33 > 0 = 0 : 0 OK!
0 > 33 = 0 : 0 OK!
0 > -33 = 1 : 1 OK!
0 > 0 = 0 : 0 OK!
33 > 33 = 0 : 0 OK!
-33 > -33 = 0 : 0 OK!
-5 > -33 = 1 : 1 OK!
-33 > -5 = 0 : 0 OK!
-2147483647 > 2147483647 = 0 : 0 OK!
2147483647 > -2147483647 = 1 : 1 OK!
2147483647 > 2147483647 = 0 : 0 OK!
2147483647 > 0 = 1 : 1 OK!
0 > 2147483647 = 0 : 0 OK!
A fully branchless version of Kaganar's smaller isGt function might look like so:
int isGt(int a, int b)
int diff = a ^ b;
diff |= diff >> 1;
diff |= diff >> 2;
diff |= diff >> 4;
diff |= diff >> 8;
diff |= diff >> 16;
//1+ on GT, 0 otherwise.
diff &= ~(diff >> 1) | 0x80000000;
diff &= (a ^ 0x80000000) & (b ^ 0x7fffffff);
//flatten back to range of 0 or 1.
diff |= diff >> 1;
diff |= diff >> 2;
diff |= diff >> 4;
diff |= diff >> 8;
diff |= diff >> 16;
diff &= 1;
return diff;
This clocks in at around 60 instructions for the actual computation (MSVC 2010 compiler, on an x86 arch), plus an extra 10 stack ops or so for the function's prolog/epilog.
Okay, there were some issues with the code, but I revised it and the following works.
This auxiliary function compares the numbers' n'th significant digit:
int compare ( int a, int b, int n )
int digit = (0x1 << n-1);
if ( (a & digit) && (b & digit) )
return 0; //the digit is the same
if ( (a & digit) && !(b & digit) )
return 1; //a is greater than b
if ( !(a & digit) && (b & digit) )
return -1; //b is greater than a
The following should recursively return the larger number:
int larger ( int a, int b )
for ( int i = 8*sizeof(a) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
if ( int k = compare ( a, b, i ) )
return (k == 1) ? a : b;
return 0; //equal
As much as I don't want to do someone else's homework I couldn't resist this one.. :) I am sure others can think of a more compact one..but here is well, including negative numbers..
Edit: there are couple of bugs though. I will leave it to the OP to find it and fix it.
int a, b, i, ma, mb, a_neg, b_neg, stop;
int flipnum(int *num, int *is_neg) {
*num = ~(*num) + 1;
*is_neg = 1;
return 0;
int print_num1() {
return ((a_neg && printf("bigger number %d\n", mb)) ||
printf("bigger number %d\n", ma));
int print_num2() {
return ((b_neg && printf("bigger number %d\n", ma)) ||
printf("bigger number %d\n", mb));
int check_num1(int j) {
return ((a & j) && print_num1());
int check_num2(int j) {
return ((b & j) && print_num2());
int recursive_check (int j) {
((a & j) ^ (b & j)) && (check_num1(j) || check_num2(j)) && (stop = 1, j = 0);
return(!stop && (j = j >> 1) && recursive_check(j));
int main() {
int j;
scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
ma = a; mb = b;
i = (sizeof (int) * 8) - 1;
j = 1 << i;
((a & j) && flipnum(&a, &a_neg));
((b & j) && flipnum(&b, &b_neg));
j = 1 << (i - 1);
(!stop && printf("numbers are same..\n"));
I think I have a solution with 3 operations:
Add one to the first number, the subtract it from the largest possible number you can represent (all 1's). Add that number to the second number. If it it overflows, then the first number is less than the second.
I'm not 100% sure if this is correct. That is you might not need to add 1, and I don't know if it's possible to check for overflow (if not then just reserve the last bit and test if it's 1 at the end.)
EDIT: The constraints make the simple approach at the bottom invalid. I am adding the binary search function and the final comparison to detect the greater value:
unsigned long greater(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) {
unsigned long x = a;
unsigned long y = b;
unsigned long t = a ^ b;
if (t & 0xFFFF0000) {
x >>= 16;
y >>= 16;
t >>= 16;
if (t & 0xFF00) {
x >>= 8;
y >>= 8;
t >>= 8;
if (t & 0xf0) {
x >>= 4;
y >>= 4;
t >>= 4;
if ( t & 0xc) {
x >>= 2;
y >>= 2;
t >>= 2;
if ( t & 0x2) {
x >>= 1;
y >>= 1;
t >>= 1;
return (x & 1) ? a : b;
The idea is to start off with the most significant half of the word we are interested in and see if there are any set bits in there. If there are, then we don't need the least significant half, so we shift the unwanted bits away. If not, we do nothing (the half is zero anyway, so it won't get in the way). Since we cannot keep track of the shifted amount (it would require addition), we also shift the original values so that we can do the final and to determine the larger number. We repeat this process with half the size of the previous mask until we collapse the interesting bits into bit position 0.
I didn't add the equal case in here on purpose.
Old answer:
The simplest method is probably the best for a homework. Once you've got the mismatching bit value, you start off with another mask at 0x80000000 (or whatever suitable max bit position for your word size), and keep right shifting this until you hit a bit that is set in your mismatch value. If your right shift ends up with 0, then the mismatch value is 0.
I assume you already know the final step required to determine the larger number.
