I setup a test for a route based on this answer. I now want to check if things injected to the route's controller are setup correctly. From the state object, I can only get the controller's constructor function. I am wondering how can I access the actual instance?
This is probably way too roundabout to be the official solution, but it seems like it could work. If you use controller-as syntax in your state, i.e. "SomeController as ctrl", then it gets added to the $scope object with the given name. Afterwards, you can find this at:
...where '#viewname' would be the name of your view, and 'ctrl' is your controller alias.
There probably should be a simpler way to do this. It'd be a pretty handy feature for writing tests that span multiple states (without resorting to things like Protractor/Selenium)
I found myself annoyed when I need to specify which controller to use for a template every time I use it for a route or a directive. It get worse when template coupled to a controller with controllerAs syntax, and I have to remember which name it has to be.
$routeProvider.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'stateTemplate.html',
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
controller: 'StateController'
template: 'stateTemplate.html',
controller: "StateController",
I’d rather prefer to specify ng-controller StateController as ctrl in the template and totally skip controller and controllerAs in the other places.
The question is: does this approach has some pitfalls I don’t see now? Why it's bad (if it is)? Are the benefits of explicit controller and controllerAs parameters against using ng-controller in the corresponding template? Where canI learn more about it?
I think a lot of people are misunderstanding your question. Am I correct in paraphrasing it as:
What is wrong with only defining a view in your Route Config and then binding that view to a controller using ng-controller="StateController as ctrl"?
So instead of your examples above you would have:
$routeProvider.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'stateTemplate.html',
template: 'stateTemplate.html',
Then in your stateTemplate.html you would have something like:
<div ng-controller="StateController as ctrl">
. . .
Is this what you are asking?
If so, nothing is wrong with this. You will lose the ability to reuse controllers with different views. But honestly that might not be a real concern.
If you use bindToController in directives (you should) you will still want to declare the controller in the Directive Data Object rather than use ng-controller. bindToController causes the property to be bound to the controller before the controller is instantiated.
The other thing you will lose out on is controller dependancy resolve objects.
With uiRouter and ngRouter you can use a resolve object that will then get passed into the controller when the dependancies are resolved. For instance you do not want to display the user details page until the call to get the user details has been returned. Once it is returned it can be passed into the constructor of the controller. This is another thing you will lose out on using with ng-controller. https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide#resolving-promises-for-a-controller
I am sure there are other benefits to using the declared controllers in the route config. Maybe someone else will point them out.
That said, there is nothing wrong with using it. You should probably be consistent with it so that your code is predictable. If you choose to use ng-controller, it may not not be a big deal to change it in the future. Especially if you have protractor web tests set up so that you know you haven't broken anything.
The quickest answer - bad.
You cannot define business logic inside controller template. What if you need to use now 30 different controllers? are you going to specify 30 different controllers? It's messy, it's unadvised and it's a bad practice all together.
It's like writing BLL inside the input logic layer, or authentications in client side code. You are just making it hard on yourself here.
Defining controllers in templates is defiantly not the answer you are looking for.
I'm really new on AngularJS and i don't know the best practices so here is my question.
What is the recommended use of parents controllers properties? Should I use different alias trough the entire webapp or there is another way to use vars and methods of a parent controller?
I'm using partials html and seems it can be confusing see userCtrl.doSomething when the partial has no declaration of userCtrl (because its declared on a partial thats includes this one).
Thanks in advance!
You should avoid to use $parent and scope variables that are not declared in your controller.
Why ? Because if you use it, your controller will be directly dependent to where you instantiated it (ng-controller). So you won't respect the MVC pattern. Your controllers should not be dependent on the View.
Your controller should not know what are his parents. Because you can do it doesn't means that you should to it.
To share data between controllers, use Services instead. That's easier and cleaner.
I'm confused by these three different ways to specify a controller.
1- I can have an include in the app/index.html file:
<script src="scripts/controller/nav.js"></script>
2- I can have an attribute in a route:
.when('/link/list/', {
templateUrl: 'view/list.html',
controller: 'navController'
3- I can have an attribute in a view:
It's quite a few. I wonder which way to go and when.
Kind Regards,
Stephane Eybert
Your (1) has nothing to do with (2) and (3).
And there are other places where you can bind controllers (e.g. a directive's controller property).
Each way is serves a different purpose, so go with the one that suits your situation.
If you have a directive and want to give it a specific controller, use the Directive Definition Object's controller property.
If you use ngView and want to give each view a specific controller (as is usually the case) use the $routeProviders controller.
If you want to assign a controller to some part of your view (in the main file or in a view or partial) use ngController.
All the above are methods for "binding" a controller to some part of the view (be it a single element or the whole HTML page or anything in between).
Im quite new too but Ill try to explain in a more layman way.
1 For each .js file you have (which may contain one or more controller defined), you need a corresponding entry into the script for #1 there. Its not the controller itself, more like to allow script to recognise that this .js file is part of the set of files to run.
2 is more like specify a state or route, which may or may not use a controller. Its much like saying how one event should lead to another. The controller may be involved in the transitions of the states/routes (ie. responsible from one state, to another) or within a view itself.
3 is for using a controller's functions within a view itself.
I've added comments to one of the answers, but aside from syntax this may is more of a design question. Here is my opinion
Firstly, (1) is irrelevant to the conversation.
(2) is the preferred approach when specifying the controller for the view as it decouples the controller from the view itself. This can be useful when you want to re-use the same view by providing a different controller.
If you find yourself using (3),consider making that area into a directive, since by specifying a controller you are indicating that it requires its own logic.
Been reading the Angular.js' Controller docs and stumbled across:
Sharing stateless or stateful code across Controllers — Use angular
services instead.
But this leaves me uncertain. How do one can share a stateless/stateful code between controllers? Or what does the "code" mean here? A model? Besides, controllers do not refer to each other, as far as I understood. Can anyone clear things out for me(others) please? Thanks.
I think what they are referring to might be one of the methods to "persist" data, sharing it between controllers or between route-changes. One way to do that is to put it in your rootScope, another is to use a service. If you define a service like this:
.factory("MyDataObject", function() {
return {};
Then MyDataObject will be the same object anywhere you call it, allowing you to save things into it in order to share data, functions and states between controllers (or directives, or other services, etc).
You never know with the Angular documentation, but I would guess that is what they are talking about :)
See for example this answer: Angularjs, passing scope between routes
Here is my view on subject. As angular guys have always tried to explain, scope is not your model. Angular "services" are way to do it, but word service is such and overloaded term. Coming from DDD background, I cannot reconcile word service with a state or statefulness, it just does not make sense to me. What makes more sense is ViewModel or whatever you want to call it. Since I've worked with Silverlight using MVVM pattern, I call them ViewModel. As it is a job of a "Controller" to provide Scope for a View, my controllers have been so far very lean. Bulk of logic is in a ViewModels that get associated with a View through a $scope that controller creates. Does that make sense? So my controller might take a dependency of let's say mySearchViewModel, bulk of the logic is in there and can be shared between controllers, and to associate it with a view you would do something like $scope.vm = mySearchViewModel in mySearchController.
I wonder what's the best way to configure a route which only purpose is to make use of a service call and then redirect.
I'm currently using this hack:
$routeProvider.when('/talks', {
template: '<div></div>',
controller: ['dateService', '$location', function(dateService, $location){
var nextTalk = dateService.getNextTalkDate();
$location.path('talks/' + nextTalk.format('MM') + '/' + nextTalk.format('YYYY'));
Currently I set the controller configuration to an inline controller implementation which has dependencies on the services and then does it's thing and redirects.
However, it feels a bit weird, since I have to set template to some dummy value because otherwise the controller would not be invoked at all.
It feels as if I'm stressing the controller property for something it wasn't intended for.
I guess there should be a way to run some view unrelated code that has access to services on a route. I could right my own $routeProvider I guess but that seems to be a bit heavy for something I would consider should be built in.
Looks like '/talks' is a kinda abstract since its just used to redirect to other routes.. So how about setting up a route like this:
Where :month and :year is optional. If no month or year is given, your service returns a default talk. Which is probably the next talk. If params are given you just fetch the requested data.
So there's no redirect required. Now you specifiy the controller and the needed view and expose your data on the scope. Optionally would it be better to wrap your service call in a promise and resolve it at routeProviders resolve property.
This makes sure that the view only change if everything's resolved fine.
Hope that helps!
There's no way to inject services into anywhere into a route. Whether it be redirectTo or template, any code in there is handled on the module level. This means that the module is loaded first and then when the application has boostrapped itself then the services and injection-level code is executed. So the controller is your best bet (since that does support injection).
Controller is used in a lot of areas in AngularJS and it should work fine for what you're trying to do. You can either handle the redirection like you do in there or you can setup three different routes that point to the same controller (where you build the page).
var handler = { controller : 'Ctrl' };
$routeProvider.when('/talks', handler).
when('/talks/:month, handler).
when('/talks/:month/:year', handler);
And if you do end up using redirection, then just use $location.path(url).replace(). This will make the history stack jump back one level and therefore that the redirection triggering URL won't be in your history.