Haskell -- main.hs:121:19: parse error on input `<-' - file

import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
getLines = liftM lines . readFile
main = do
argv <- getArgs
name <- getProgName
if not (null argv)
then let file = head argv
list <- getLines file
mapM_ putStrLn list
else hPutStr stderr $ "usage: " ++ name ++ " number\n"
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and why I'm getting this error.

A let block should be followed either by more 'variable' assignments, or should be ended. In that case, you want to align the next actions under the let. All of this should be in a do statement.
So.... You want to have a do right after your then, and you want to align the list <- ... and mapM_ ... with the let command:
main = do
argv <- getArgs
name <- getProgName
if not (null argv)
then do
let file = head argv
list <- getLines file
mapM_ putStrLn list
else hPutStr stderr $ "usage: " ++ name ++ " number\n"


How to find if a file is binary

I am trying to read text of all files in a folder with following code:
readALine :: FilePath -> IO ()
readALine fname = do
putStr . show $ "Filename: " ++ fname ++ "; "
fs <- getFileSize fname
if fs > 0 then do
hand <- openFile fname ReadMode
fline <- hGetLine hand
hClose hand
print $ "First line: " <> fline
else return ()
However, some of these files are binary. How can I find if a given file is binary? I could not find any such function in https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle=binary%20file
Thanks for your help.
Edit: By binary I mean the file has unprintable characters. I am not sure of proper term for these files.
I installed UTF8-string and modified the code:
readALine :: FilePath -> IO ()
readALine fname = do
putStr . show $ "Filename: " ++ fname ++ "; "
fs <- getFileSize fname
if fs > 0 then do
hand <- openFile fname ReadMode
fline <- hGetLine hand
hClose hand
if isUTF8Encoded (unpack fline) then do
print $ "Not binary file."
print $ "First line: " <> fline
else return ()
else return ()
Now it works but on encountering a 'binary' executable file (called esync.x), there is error at hGetLine hand expression:
"Filename: ./esync.x; "firstline2.hs: ./esync.x: hGetLine: invalid argument (invalid byte sequence)
How can I check about characters from file handle itself?
The definition of binary is quite vague, but assuming you mean content which is not valid UTF-8 text.
You should use toString in Data.ByteString.UTF8 which replaces non-UTF-8 characters with a replacement character but doesn't fail with an error.
Converting your example to use UTF-8 ByteStrings:
import Data.Monoid
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B
readALine :: FilePath -> IO ()
readALine fname = do
putStr . show $ "Filename: " ++ fname ++ "; "
fs <- getFileSize fname
if fs > 0 then do
hand <- openFile fname ReadMode
fline <- B.hGetLine hand
hClose hand
print $ "First line: " <> B.toString fline
else return ()
This code doesn't fail on binary but is not really detecting binary content. If you want to detect binary, look for B.replacement_char in your data. To detect non-printable characters, you may look for code points smaller than 32 (space character) as well.

The Haskell way to do IO Loops (without explicit recursion)?

I want to read a list of strings seperated by newlines from STDIN, until a new line is witnessed and I want an action of the type IO [String]. Here is how I would do it with recursion:
myReadList :: IO String
myReadList = go []
go :: [String] -> IO [String]
go l = do {
inp <- getLine;
if (inp == "") then
return l;
else go (inp:l);
However, this method of using go obscures readability and is a pattern so common that one would ideally want to abstract this out.
So, this was my attempt:
whileM :: (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> [m a] -> m [a]
whileM p [] = return []
whileM p (x:xs) = do
s <- x
if p s
then do
l <- whileM p xs
return (s:l)
return []
myReadList :: IO [String]
myReadList = whileM (/= "") (repeat getLine)
I am guessing there is some default implementation of this whileM or something similar already. However I cannot find it.
Could someone point out what is the most natural and elegant way to deal with this problem?
unfoldWhileM is same as your whileM except that it takes an action (not a list) as second argument.
myReadList = unfoldWhileM (/= "") getLine
Yes for abstracting out the explicit recursion as mentioned in the previous answer there is the Control.Monad.Loop library which is useful. For those who are interested here is a nice tutorial on Monad Loops.
However there is another way. Previously, struggling with this job and knowing that Haskell is by default Lazy i first tried;
(sequence . repeat $ getLine) >>= return . takeWhile (/="q")
I expected the above to collect entered lines into an IO [String] type. Nah... It runs indefinitely and IO actişons don't look lazy at all. At this point System IO Lazy might come handy too. It's a 2 function only simple library.
run :: T a -> IO a
interleave :: IO a -> T a
So run takes an Lazy IO action and turns it into an IO action and interleave does the opposite. Accordingly if we rephrase the above function as;
import qualified System.IO.Lazy as LIO
gls = LIO.run (sequence . repeat $ LIO.interleave getLine) >>= return . takeWhile (/="q")
Prelude> gls >>= return . sum . fmap (read :: String -> Int)
A solution using the effectful streams of the streaming package:
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
main :: IO ()
main = do
result <- S.toList_ . S.takeWhile (/="") . S.repeatM $ getLine
print result
A solution that shows prompts, keeping them separated from the reading actions:
main :: IO ()
main = do
result <- S.toList_
$ S.zipWith (\_ s -> s)
(S.repeatM $ putStrLn "Write something: ")
(S.takeWhile (/="") . S.repeatM $ getLine)
print result

Golang How to read input filename in Go

I would like to run my go file on my input.txt where my go program will read the input.txt file when I type in go run command ie:
go run goFile.go input.txt
I don't want to put input.txt in my goFile.go code since my go file should run on any input name not just input.txt.
I try ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin) but I need to change my command to
go run goFile.go < input.txt
I only use package fmt, os, bufio and io/ioutil. Is it possible to do it without any other packages?
Please take a look at the package documentation of io/ioutil which you are already using.
It has a function exactly for this: ReadFile()
func ReadFile(filename string) ([]byte, error)
Example usage:
func main() {
// First element in os.Args is always the program name,
// So we need at least 2 arguments to have a file name argument.
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("Missing parameter, provide file name!")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Can't read file:", os.Args[1])
// data is the file content, you can use it
fmt.Println("File content is:")
Firs you check for the provided argument. If the first argument satisfy the condition of an input file, then you use the ioutil.ReadFile method, providing parameter the os.Args result.
package main
import (
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 1 {
fmt.Println("Usage : " + os.Args[0] + " file name")
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Cannot read the file")
// do something with the file
Another possibility is to use:
f, err := os.Open(os.Args[0])
but for this you need to provide the bytes lenght to read:
b := make([]byte, 5) // 5 is the length
n, err := f.Read(b)
fmt.Printf("%d bytes: %s\n", n, string(b))
For running .go file from command-line by input parameter like file (for example abc.txt).We need use mainly os, io/ioutil, fmt packages. Additionally for reading command line parameters we use
os.Args Here is example code
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(" Hi guys ('-') ")
input_files := os.Args[1:]
//input_files2 := os.Args[0];
//fmt.Println("if2 : ",input_files2)
if len(input_files) < 1{
fmt.Println("Not detected files.")
fmt.Println("File_name is : ",input_files[0])
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(input_files[0])
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Can't read file :", input_files[0],"Error : ",err)
}else {
fmt.Println("Output file content is(like string type) : \n",string(content))//string Output
fmt.Println("Output file content is(like byte type) : \n",content)//bytes Output
Args holds command line arguments, including the command as Args[0].
If the Args field is empty or nil, Run uses {Path}.
In typical use, both Path and Args are set by calling Command.
Args []string
function. This function return back array on string type https://golang.org/pkg/os/exec/.Args hold the command-line arguments, starting with the program name. In this case short way to take filename from command-line is this functions os.Args[1:] . And here is output
elshan_abd$ go run main.go abc.txt
Hi guys ('-')
File_name is : abc.txt
Output file content is(like string type) :
Output file content is(like byte type) :
[97 97 97 10 98 98 98 10 99 99 99 10 49 50 51 52 10]
Finally we need for reading content file this function
func ReadFile(filename string) ([]byte, error) source is https://golang.org/pkg/io/ioutil/#ReadFile

Reading file with "US-ASCII" encoding in Haskell: hGetContents: invalid argument (invalid byte sequence)

I'm using Haskell for programming a parser, but this error is a wall I can't pass. Here is my code:
main = do
arguments <- getArgs
let fileName = head arguments
fileContents <- readFile fileName
converter <- open "UTF-8" Nothing
let titleLength = length fileName
titleWithoutExtension = take (titleLength - 4) fileName
allNonEmptyLines = unlines $ tail $ filter (/= "") $ lines fileContents
When I try to read a file with "US-ASCII" encoding I get the famous error hGetContents: invalid argument (invalid byte sequence). I've tried to change the "UTF-8" in my code by "US-ASCII", but the error persist. Is there a way for reading this files, or any kind of file handling encoding problems?
You should hSetEncoding to configure the file handle for a specific text encoding, e.g.:
import System.Environment
import System.IO
main = do
(path : _) <- getArgs
h <- openFile path ReadMode
hSetEncoding h latin1
contents <- hGetContents h
-- no need to close h
putStrLn $ show $ length contents
If your file contains non-ASCII characters and it's not UTF8 encoded, then latin1 is a good bet although it's not the only possibility.

Convert all the elements in a file into a array in haskell

I have a file which contains a set of 200,000+ words and I want the program to read the data and store it in array and form a new array with all the 200,000+ words.
I wrote the code as
import System.IO
main = do
handle <- openFile "words.txt" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
con <- lines contents
putStrLn ( show con)
hClose handle
But it is giving error as type error at line 5
And the text file is a of the form
and so on
what are the amendments in the code that it can can form a array of words
I solved it in python (HTH)
def readFile():
allWords = []
for word in open ("words.txt"):
return allWords
readFile "words.txt" >>= return . words
with type
:: IO [String]
or you can write
getWordsFromFile :: String -> IO [String]
getWordsFromFile file = readFile file >>= return . words
and use as
main = do
wordList <- getWordsFromFile "words.txt"
putStrLn $ "File contains " ++ show (length wordList) ++ " words."
Very constructive comments from #sanityinc and #Sarah (thanks!):
#sanityinc: "Other options: fmap words $ readFile file or words <$> readFile file if you've imported <$> from Control.Applicative"
#Sarah: "To elaborate a bit, whenever you see foo >>= return . bar you can (and should) replace it with fmap bar foo because you're not actually using the extra powers that come with Monad and in most cases restricting yourself to a needlessly complex type is not beneficial. This will be even more true in the future where Applicative is a superclass of Monad"
