Most efficient Grid module/method with AngularJS? - angularjs

I have a web app that is built aimed primarily at iPads on full screen mode. I've got to implement a select-able grid/matrix that has two levels of selections - one main item selection and one sub item selection. It looks something like this from our design:
First picture has main item selection, and
The application is built on AngularJS, and Bootstrap3. Right now we have implemented a working version of the grid using a custom jQuery plugin we authored and now are wondering why we ever did it. The code is buggy and constantly throws up new bugs. We are looking for an alternative form of implementation, hopefully a pure AngularJS one.
The criteria we're looking for are:
1. Responsiveness across devices - iPad/desktop
2. Stable DOM structure compatible with filtering (search bar at the top needs to work - not shown in figures).
3. Quick rendering from dynamically changing AJAX data.
4. Touch friendly
What are the best methods/ng-modules to implement something like this? We are on the verge of deciding to write a custom module, but don't wanna reinvent the wheel!
We did see ng-grid, but it still seems to be in Beta. We need a stable module.
SmartTable seems to be the most decent option as of now.

Have you Tried Angular Material Gridlist I think it must something more clean. I frequently use it rather than bootstrap. Hope it helps

Take a look at Angular Grid. I know it works on iPad, the scrolling uses touch gestures. It performs very well in comparison to other AngularJS grids. I've used it with large grids on iPads and Androids.

Go for Ionic Framework in conjuction with angular-material.
Both have you covered in terms of UI elements and grid needs, and are very reliable. Both are very active frameworks.
They both reached v1 very recently.
You should seriously consider the time you're going to gain, even if at first you have to drop Bootstrap. I was anxious as well to drop ui-bootstrap, but really, you won't regret it (and you'll be wondering why you didn't do it before).
Docs are impeccable, Codepens and Plunkrs are all over the place, Blog posts abound...
Learning curve is... well... judge for yourself.


How to extend angular-material components?

I want to apply angular-material in my recent project, but I am afraid that it will be very difficult to find other components which are not available currently. Like treeview, date/time picker, carousel and so on...
How can I deal with these things? any opinions?
I've just tried to use Angular-Material in a site with an existing style, and found a number of issues that I wasn't able to resolve:
- Site UI was feeling very sluggish
- There was a paralax script that became extremely slow and lagged when there was a quick scroll.
- Odd behavior with fonts when it loaded (when I re-sized the screen and back again it was working again) in chrome.
This became a real issue - for the most part it doesn't feel complete. I was really hoping for something like Material-UI, which appears to rely on React.
However, I have come across this which appears to be suitable and works with bootstrap.
There's a really good answer : Using Bootstrap for Angular and Material design for Angular together for some of the issues you will face when using Material with bootstrap.
Also, I tested on a mobile phone and the site was terrible (in performance), you'd never want to get site up with that type of performance.
Also, there's lumx if you want angularjs support (e.g directives etc...). My other issue with lumx and angularjs material is that swapping over libraries is not an easy task. I'm not sure whether this is the norm, and heading this way in the future - but I'm from the Jquery days where my markup remained consistent and I can activate features. However, both lumx and angularjs material require specific tags which means that swapping over libraries requires me to edit my mark-up.
Maybe here is another view of using Angular Material.
I have been using Angular Material as the only web component for my work projects. Angular Material is still in beta version, and like you said, many components such as table, color picker, and sidenav are still missing. If you have to use those components in your projects and not able to implement yours, Angular Material may not be a right choice. Something like Angular-UI or Polymer is probably what you are looking for.
The reason we choose Angular Material at work rather than other nearly complete web component library/collection is because it is being very actively maintained. Currently there are 900+ open issues and lots of pull requests are still going on. For me, a complete version will be more guaranteed. Treeview, date/time/color picker, table these kinds of components are already in the open issues. Here you can search for it.
Currently we will find workaround or overwrite the material to solve problems. Or we will open issues if there is no solution. And again, it is still in beta version, you should decide whether you want to use it in your project. But you can definitely look at their available components to determine if Angular Material is a right choice for you.

which is better ng-table or ng-grid?

I want the table that I show on the client side to be more responsive. Like when I use "ng-table", when viewed on any other device than PC or laptop it seems to be responsive to a limited extent. So should I switch to "ng-grid"?
Difference for Better Choice
Both are good, but implemented differently. Either you pick will probably be more based on personal preference than anything else.
ng-grid is based on SlickGrid which is a pretty high performant data grid, ng-grid is purely Angular. It is highly customiz-able and gets the job done.
ng-table because it is a simpler version of ng-grid and uses tables. It is a very nice little library that allows you to get up and running quickly. It is exactly what you need when you have to render a simple table with Angular.
Happy Helping!

Client side MVC plus media responsive UI

I m still new to client side MVC and at this point exploring my options.
Angular.js, Ember.js both are highly recommended frameworks, backbone.js is a library but most of the implementation user has to do.
Need a opinion from someone who has been working in client side MVC, as to how should one decide which one to go for?
Plus I need the UI to be media responsive, for which twitter Bootstrap looks ideal.
Is it possible to use one of these framework along with Twitter Bootstrap? In which framework is it easier to integrate Bootstrap?
AngularJs and Bootstrap are the two which I would start with.
AngularJS is opinionated, this means it will help you structure your code well. If you just want binding then don't forget knockoutjs. This is in the mvc package by default in VS.
Bootstrap is just html and css markup so should work with everything.
If you start a MVC5 project now in VS2013 you will by standard have bootstrap.
Many people will have different opinions on this so you could wait for an answer for a long time.
I understand your confusion when it comes to selecting the right JavaScript framework. There are many deciding factors that you must evaluate before dedicating your time and money. I noticed that you mentioned a MVC in your questions title. The first thing that you will want to understand is exactly which MV* architecture that you want to have for your app and why. Once you have that nailed down then selecting the framework will be much easier since you will have eliminated a few of the frameworks. The four architectures are MVC, MVVM, MVP and MV*. Another major factor that you will want to look at is the binding mechanism used for the framework. Some frameworks only allow one way bindings while others support 2-way bindings.
To answer your question, based on what you have explained, I would say that Ember is going to be your best bet. Ember will work with Bootstrap
If your still researching the facts then you will really want to check out this helpful link to a page that goes over the pros and cons of the most popular JS frameworks.
Check it out here:

Is it possible to use ExtJS components in AngularJS?

I'm really enjoying learning to use AngularJS. Now I'm looking for components I can use with it. I've been looking at Angular-UI components but I'd like to know if it's possible to use the nice, supercharged components in ExtJS. Does anyone have experience with this? Any hints or tips or Angular directive libraries?
The company I work for is making a similar move. We currently rely heavily on an older version (3.x) of ExtJS, and the effort to upgrade to the current (5.0) version is at least equal to the effort required to move to angular.
To answer the question (to the best of my limited knowledge):
They can exist together in the same JS application.
Can you use UI elements of ExtJs with Angular?
You can put angular in control of markup via HTML templates in Ext.
Is this a wise idea?
Probably not.
Why would I consider doing this?
I need absolute control over the markup and don't care about possible page load issues
I need to serialize or de-serialize in some special way that Ext doesn't innately provide
I need to do something special like pub/sub (still totally possible with Ext)
In our case, it is a proof of concept for a few modals. If I am biased, I am biased in the direction of ExtJs (which is a huge statement given my background). The more exposure I have to ExtJS, the more I personally like it. I've used several frameworks in the past like Ember, Backbone, KnockoutJs and AngularJs and they are excellent tools that are reaching a level of maturity that makes them excellent choices. That said, they don't follow the same development model/pattern that ExtJs does, and I don't think a direct compare is fair to either side.
It would be almost like comparing Ext to Node (silly, I know).
If your project requires some special functionality that you don't believe is possible in Ext, you are probably like me and have limited experience with it. If you have a lot of experience with Ext, and want to try what we are trying, I say go for it. The single downfall of Ext is the size of the built package that is delivered. Another small framework isn't going to help that, but it also isn't going to cause more pain.
In the end, for me, I just love JS and expanding my knowledge of how things work now and in the future.
For the post above asking about the lack of traction for Ext: the answer is simple... it's not free, and thus not an option for many of us who aren't writing commercial software that fits well with the license.
In our AngularJS app at work, we have integrated a 3rd party ExtJS app with it, not for its UI components though. We open certain popups of that app based on user input and when the user commits data in the popup, we respond to ExtJs events to refresh our app. AngularJS is flexible enough to integrate with any other Javascript code/libraries as long as the library has public events to respond to. I would recommend going through the Directive and scope documentation on how to effectively create directives and respond to scope events.
Personally I do not feel ExtJS and AngularJS would be needed together, unless you are forced to use it like me. There is that brings in a lot to the table. Again any given JQuery plugin can be integrated using directives, filters etc in AngularJS. So you may want to investigate into that before trying to bother with ExtJS.
Why do you need AngularJS anyway if you have ExtJS? I agree learning Ext can be somewhat difficult though once you've bitten through it there is nothing better at the moment. The only disadvantage is the heavier footprint but who cares? It's not like it's causing any problems... We use nothing but ExtJS at work and the progress in our apps is amazing. It integrates seamlessly with Spring MVC. We don't need to hack in HTML directly which I consider more of an advantage than a disadvantage: no more writing tags, no more open/close tag issues, you can still use css and Ext handles any browser incompatibilities so what else do you need more?? Angular is just the new kid on the block but in total it can not (yet) compete with ExtJS. It doesn't even com close. Just my 2$.
Sencha is planning to add support in the framework. Please find the link at the bottom for reference:
At SenchaCon in Las Vegas on November 7-9 2016, Sencha will be introducing the ability to use Ext JS components, layouts, and themes within an Angular 2 application, which we are currently calling the Ext JS Bridge to Angular 2 (also known as ‘The Bridge’).

Making development with Ext JS fast

Ext JS is a nice framework for web UI, but I found that building and putting stuff together takes a long time and painfully slow.
This might be a general problem when working with JavaScript, but does anybody have any way to speed things up?
What can I use? Better IDE with good JavaScript suppport? GUI designers? Code generators?
I need some way to speed up common things like building grids and forms but yet let me do complex things like creating custom components easily.
I'm using ASP.NET MVC. Coolite seems nice at first, but I feel that I'll be having trouble when creating any custom components later on.
There's always Ext GWT, which lets you use Eclipse tooling (and all of the advantages that gives you, such as refactoring, swift code navigation, etc.) to create your Ext/JavaScript app.
When you download the ExtJs library, you find lot of sample applications for common requirements like Grid panel, forms, form elements etc.
Regarding IDEs, you dont find mature productive tools, but check the below link and wish it could be of help to you
But if you really wish to develop custom components, you need to get through knowledge,start approaching with ExtJs-provided sample apps.
If you want to get faster at anything, practice it until you fully understand how it works and how to make it do what you want. If you are just starting out, why would expect to be able to work as quickly as you do when you are working on something that you are very familiar with?
Things I use to make ExtJS less painful
Chrome, for it's developer tools, or Firefox with Firebug.
snipMate: snippets for Vim, so I can quickly produce boiler plate code for classes.
JSLint as a command line tool. Especially good for detecting rogue commas.
Sencha forums.
ExtJS IRC chat (Server: Room: #extjs).
API documentation.
Sencha and Saki's ExtJS examples.
ExtJS is building a designer right know so you can look forward it, the only problem I think is not gonna be free.
you can see a video demo there, in term of release date I think this is due to the first quarter of this year.
I say learn the framework. But to develop apps, I use IntelliJ IDEA, which has partial code completion, etc. It costs money though.
Once you have some practice and understanding of how ExtJS works, you'll get faster at it. By using the examples for reference, and building up my application in small pieces, I've gotten much better (and faster) at developing stuff with ExtJS. A great way to get started is to find an example (or two) that kind of do what you need, and modify (or combine) them to see how they work together.
