Pluggable-app-style for angularjs website - angularjs

We are building a website allowing 3rd party (ourselves included) to write plugins and install into the platform. Basically, you can imagine of wordpress written in angularjs, and webmasters have options of install modules (for example Q&A , forum/whatever) into it.
I am thinking about something like this. Using server code to create main-app code (app.js as in standard naming)
angular.module("thePlatform", [
whereas forum/musicStore/whatever are plugin that can be installed/unsinstalled into the platform.
Is that a good choice ? Or should we go for the SinglePage-Solution like that? If you have better approach, please !
Note: I did google before asking but couldn't find any answer:
AngularJS websites: single SPA vs multiple SPA apps/components


Misunderstanding about a technical test for my first application

I have a technical test for a position which consists in creating a simple TODO-App. I wonder about part of the instructions :
The product owner is curious and likes to read the application code on Github and test it via Github Pages
The application should have a mocked backend and store all todos on it (extension of HttpXhrBackend)
From what I read Github Pages allows to host "frontend" part of websites, so how is it possible to test a fullstack app with it? Does it just mean that I have to create a test pipeline via Github Action or I'm missing something?
Secondly, concerning the "mocked backend", it mentions HttpXhrBackend which is an Angular class. Is there any React alternatives? I have to specify that I've never used Angular yet and they left me the choice of programming languages to carry out this project:
The backend application should be based on your preferred languages (Java , JS, PHP, Python, Go, C++, ...) and/or Framework (Spring Boot,
Django, .NetCore , NodeJS, Angular, React, ...)
Which solutions should I consider if I want to use Spring/React and meet these requirements?

Integrating Angular CLI with Squarespace

I am interested to know if anyone has been able to successfully use Angular CLI in a Squarespace site.
I have been searching for answers to this problem but can't find a solution. I know that you can add custom scripts to a Squarespace site and/or add scripts via CDN but Angular CLI apps are usually deployed using a different method.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
NOTE: I know that this is not a best practice and devs should deploy their Angular CLI app via AWS or with a similar platform.
I'm surprised no one has answered this. Yes, there's no reason why you couldn't use AngularJS or any other Javascript library with Squarespace. You'll need a 'Business' level account, however, and you'll want to check out the developer portal here:
Squarespace provides you with a Git repository and a CLI that you can download via NPM that will let you run a local squarespace server and develop your site from scratch or with a base template.
You can check out their docs on 3rd party avascript (e.g. Angular) here:
Since your question is specifically about using the CLI, I would just note whatever your final 'production' bundle looks like and include that in your git repository, so that you can reference it in your main html page.

Grails - Ionic - AngularJS - Is it a good idea to work in this Env.?

I want to create an application using Ionic and AngularJS and Grails?
Also, I want to use Grails Spring Security Core plugin for login or registrations procedure.
Although, Stack Overflow is not the correct site to ask this type of questions which simply needs suggestions and other's opinions.
Well, we are here to help. You can try other StackExchange sites like
Grails + Ionic + AngularJS is a perfect combination of frameworks to build a fully functional and elegant mobile application for all platform. We've build various mobile applications using these three technologies and they work awesome.
Since Grails fully support the concept of rest API for JSON and AJAX based calls, it is absolutely possible to use it along with AngularJS. AngularJS doesn't care about the server-side technology you are using as long as your server side code can communicate over JSON data.
Ionic is just a beautiful front-end SDK which works on the top of AngularJS and provides various utilities to develop a hybrid user-friendly mobile APP.
So you can easily use these 3 technologies and get your mobile app ready in a few weeks.
Ionic doesn't care about what you use as a server stack. As long as you create a service which has well defined interfaces (REST?), you should be fine.
I for example use PHP (yeah, I know, shocking, right?) Slim framework + Postgres database as my backend.

Should sites like ebay and amazon use frontend frameworks like angular js or vue js?

I'm thinking about upgrading my site. It's a trade place a lot like
My site is build in Laravel 5.1, but without any front-end framework. Because of that, I was wondering if it made any sense to use a front-end framework like angular js?
Pros and cons please.
I don't know that much about angular js, but if I convert my laravel application to fully obey the REST principles, i'm also well suited for building an iOS-app when that time comes??? - Link to my site
I don't know whether it is suitable to use angularjs for this purpose. The problem is as far as I am concerned, that website which are written in javascript (so angular) can not be indexed well by SEO's. I'm hearing a lot that Google can index it but I'm a little sceptical about this. For a trading website like ebay it's very important that the site is SEO optimized. Of course if you use REST principles you can always change the frontend and that is also the way to do it.

Can I Build my app within a week with Supersonic UI ( AppGyver )

So here's my problem . I have a web app designed in code-igniter php and we're exposing an API for it to talk to a mobile app.
It's an education based CMS app. It allows teachers and students to log in and see grades and any calendar based notifications
We want to quickly build an app which will let students log in and see their notifications or messages . I am sort of a front-end developer and was looking into Ionic and AppGyver's Supersonic UI ?
What would be the best choice to go for now ( I need something within a week ), also , how do I set up my app folder to talk with the api or bind it with the api ?
I've not really worked with APIs a whole lot and a bit lost in how to set up my project. I come from a graphic design background and have been recently using Yeoman for my front-end workflow.
We plan to migrate from code-igniter to AngularJS in the long run , so Ionic would be a good choice then but for now I need to get a working app and was wondering if SuperSonic UI would be a better choice for an hybrid app.
Questions :
From what I've described what would be the best solution to go forward with?
Also, can anyone suggest any tutorials / screencast which does an in-depth project with one of the technologies ? Or maybe some other frameworks I've not taken into account ?
Can I set it up with Yeoman ? Can I use Yeoman and Ionic together ?
Appgyver is doing well with Supersonic and Data. They are working extensively on their Data implementations. I am currently using an API for my application without using Appgyver Data, but also was able to get it working with their data option. They have a few tutorials to get you the basics of building, scaffolding, deploying applications using their framework.
You will notice the third tutorial gets you into the data portion.
This is the documentation for their data options.
What you will see in their framework is AngularJS written in either coffeescript or javascript (you choose which when you first run steroids create projectName in your command line).
There are lots of discussions about this platform happening here.
Personally, I am about to release an application to the app store and google play with little effort. Your application doesn't sound too complicated if you have an API to get the data. This is worth a shot.
They also have a new product coming out May 25th I am told. And with lots of funding recently, they are hiring more developers to tackle the GitHub issues and move the platform forward rapidly.
I've only had good experiences with them.
Yeoman is being used behind the scenes as far as I can tell.
