meanjs - angular is not defined - angularjs

I'm just learning mean.js . Just did the installation steps in .
But when loaded in browser, console is showing error Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined . do we need to include angularjs separately ?

Use this command
bower install --allow-root

No, you dont need to add angularjs one more time because angularjs is added as default in meanjs project.
You may try:
npm install
This command will install node packages and bower packages.
And then run project again:
npm start
Check running meanjs at http://localhost:3000
Hopefully you have a nice time with meanjs.


Using angular from both atmosphere and npm gives warning

Using Meteor I do:
meteor create myapp
cd myapp
meteor npm install --save angular
meteor add angularjs:angular
and in main.js add as first line
import angular from 'angular';
This gives me
WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.
in the browser console.
I guess this is because angular packages from both npm and atmosphere are added, but I do not know how to circumvent this if I need an atmosphere package that depends on angularjs:angular and also want to to use angular from npm (for example when using angular-meteor). More specifically I want to use the package angular-leaflet-directive in a meteor/angular app. Any suggestions ?
I asked the same question here.
The package author needs to follow those instructions here to make his package work on both Meteor 1.3 and Meteor 1.2 and earlier.
Maybe you could submit a pull request for him and until he will merge it, you could publish to Atmosphere under your own user.
Also, you could just bring angular-leaflet-directive from npm!

Mean.js - angular is not defined

I'm just trying to run mean.js using grunt. Just did the installation steps in But when loaded in localhost, console is showing error
Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined
Can any one help how to resolve this problem?
It sounds like angular is not included on the page.
When the install process is over, npm will initiate a bower install command to install all the front-end modules needed (including angular) for the application
You can run bower manually using
bower install --config.interactive=false
make sure that angular appears in the public/lib folder and included on the page.

Angularjs not rendering

I downloaded a sample Angular app from
When I open the index file I just get raw Angular syntax and the pages are not showing correctly.
How can I fix this?
You need to run bower to get your dependencies. Just downloading the repo is not enough.
Install bower, the in your repo run a bower init
You should see it grab Angular and other items needed.
You need to do the following command in the root directory of your git clone:
npm install
This does a bower install also. You need npm installed (packaged with nodejs)

How can I run my bower-angular project?

Hi everyone I know its simple question but I am new the angular development.
I have angular projects but I cant run.
I know npm using on console, I tried many times npm run, npm instal on my main directory.
So, how can I run my angular project on the console?
If the project is using Angular Seed or is similarly configured, you can use
npm start
to install dependencies and start a running http-server on port 8080 (by default).
If you project has a README or package.json file, it might give more clues.
Otherwise you can just serve up the application with http-server:
npm install http-server
http-server .
Asume you are using NodeJS as a server side, try node [your-application-main-js-file.js]. For example node index.js. But it depends on what back end environment are you using. Angular is just a front end library/ framework. It should be tested on browser not in your console.

Yeoman - Errors With Grunt Server Command

I already have npm and git installed on my Ubuntu machine.
I followed the instructions below when installing Yeoman and the generator-angular.
Kickstart Your AngularJS Development with Yeoman, Grunt and Bower (step by step tutorial)
My ultimate goal is to lauch a simple app using twitter bootstrap, so I can take advantage of their pretty UI. :D
However, when I get to the portion to run grunt server (recently replaced by grunt serve), I get a rediculous number of errors:
I was previously suffering from the issue described below:
Cannot install yeoman because 'generator-karma does not satisfy its siblings peerDependencies
Luckily I was able to work around it by running npm uninstall -g generator-karma && npm install -g generator-angular and then sudo npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower.
However, now I've hit a wall with grunt appearing as if it's not installed at all.
Does anyone know if there is a specific location where grunt should be installed?
Should I install it globally (using -g)?
Should I not install it globally (using -g)?
I don't understand what I'm doing incorrectly, but it must be something fundamental because the process is intended to be automated and simple.
Any ideas?
This looks like something npm install would fix. Looks like some of your dependencies didn't install.
Try it first without -g.
The problem definitely has something to do with compass and ruby. I was able to quickly build an angular app using yeoman when I opted not to install compass/sass for the app when prompted after typing yo angular at the terminal. After following the suggestions in this post, the last error I got was the following error:
Warning: /home/ubuntu/.rvm/rubies/rubie-2.1.1/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_req‌​uire.rb:55:in 'require': cannot load such file -- compass (LoadError) from /home/ubuntu/.rvm/rubies/rubie-2.1.1/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_req‌​uire.rb:55:in 'require' from /usr/bin/compass:20:in 'block in ' from /usr/bin/compass:8:in 'fallback_load_path' from /usr/bin/compass:19:in '' Use --force to continue Although, --force doesn't help.
but fixed it by simply following these instructions.
