Multiple Command-Line Arguments - Replace Words - c

I've a program which takes any number of words from the command-line arguments and replaces them with the word 'CENSORED'. I finally have the program working for the first argument passed in, and I am having trouble getting the program to censor all arguments, outputted in just a single string. The program rather functions individually on a given argument and does not take them all into account. How would I modify this?
How does one use/manipulate multiple command-line arguments collectively ?
My code follows.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char *replace_str(char *str, char *orig, char *rep, int j, int argc)
static char buffer[4096];
char *p;
for ( j = 1; j <= argc; j++ )
if(!(p = strstr(str, orig))) // Check if 'orig' is not in 'str'
if ( j == argc ) { return str; } // return str once final argument is reached
else { continue; } // restart loop with next argument
strncpy(buffer, str, p-str); // Copy characters from 'str' start to 'orig' str
buffer[p-str] = '\0';
if ( j == argc ) { return buffer; }
else { continue; }
sprintf(buffer+(p-str), "%s%s", rep, p+strlen(orig));
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) //argv: list of arguments; array of char pointers //argc: # of arguments.
long unsigned int c, i = 0, j = 1;
char str[4096];
while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF )
str[i] = c; // save input string to variable 'str'
puts(replace_str( str, argv[j], "CENSORED", j, argc ) );
return 0;
$ cat Hello.txt
Hello, I am me.
$ ./replace Hello me < Hello.txt

Two issues, you are not guaranteeing a null-terminated str and second, you are not iterating over the words on the command line to censor each. Try the following in main after your getchar() loop:
/* null-terminate str */
str[i] = 0;
/* you must check each command line word (i.e. argv[j]) */
for (j = 1; j < argc; j++)
puts(replace_str( str, argv[j], "CENSORED", j, argc ) );
Note: that will place each of the CENSORED words on a separate line. As noted in the comments, move puts (or preferably printf) outside the loop to keep on a single line.
I apologize. You have more issues than stated above. Attempting to check the fix, it became apparent that you would continue to have difficulty parsing the words depending on the order the bad words were entered on the command line.
While it is possible to do the pointer arithmetic to copy/expand/contract the original string regardless of the order the words appear on the command line, it is far easier to simply separate the words provided into an array, and then compare each of the bad words against each word in the original string.
This can be accomplished relatively easily with strtok or strsep. I put together a quick example showing this approach. (note: make a copy of the string before passing to strtok, as it will alter the original). I believe this is what you were attempting to do, but you were stumbling on not having the ability to compare each word (thus your use of strstr to test for a match).
Look over the example and let me know if you have further questions. Note: I replaced your hardcoded 4096 with a SMAX define and provided a word max WMAX for words entered on the command line. Also always initialize your strings/buffers. It will enable you to always be able to easily find the last char in the buffer and ensure the buffer is always null-terminated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SMAX 4096
#define WMAX 50
char *replace_str (char *str, char **bad, char *rep)
static char buffer[SMAX] = {0};
char *p = buffer;
char *wp = NULL;
unsigned i = 0;
unsigned char censored = 0;
char *str2 = strdup (str); /* make copy of string for strtok */
char *savp = str2; /* and save start address to free */
if (!(wp = strtok (str2, " "))) /* get first word in string or bail */
if (savp) free (savp);
return str;
while (bad[i]) /* test against each bad word */
if (strcmp (wp, bad[i++]) == 0) /* if matched, copy rep to buffer */
memcpy (buffer, rep, strlen (rep));
censored = 1;
if (!censored) /* if no match, copy original word */
memcpy (buffer, wp, strlen (wp));
while ((wp = strtok (NULL, " "))) /* repeat for each word in str */
i = 0;
censored = 0;
memcpy (strchr (buffer, 0), " ", 1);
p = strchr (buffer, 0); /* (get address of null-term char) */
while (bad[i])
if (strcmp (wp, bad[i++]) == 0)
memcpy (p, rep, strlen (rep));
censored = 1;
if (!censored)
memcpy (p, wp, strlen (wp));
if (savp) free (savp); /* free copy of strtok string */
return buffer;
int main ( int argc, char** argv)
unsigned int i = 0;
char str[SMAX] = {0};
char *badwords[WMAX] = {0}; /* array to hold command line words */
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) /* save command line in array */
badwords[i-1] = strdup (argv[i]);
i = 0; /* print out the censored words */
printf ("\nCensor words:");
while (badwords[i])
printf (" %s", badwords[i++]);
printf ("\n\n");
printf ("Enter string: "); /* promt to enter string to censor */
if (fgets (str, SMAX-1, stdin) == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "error: failed to read str from stdin\n");
return 1;
str[strlen (str) - 1] = 0; /* strip linefeed from input str */
/* print out censored string */
printf ("\ncensored str: %s\n\n", replace_str (str, badwords, "CENSORED"));
i = 0; /* free all allocated memory */
while (badwords[i])
free (badwords[i++]);
return 0;
./bin/censorw bad realbad
Censor words: bad realbad
Enter string: It is not nice to say bad or realbad words.
censored str: It is not nice to say CENSORED or CENSORED words.


How can i add a character after every word in a string?

So what i have is a string(str) that i get from fgets(str, x, stdin);.
If i write for example "Hello World" i want to be able to add a character infront of each word in the string.
To get this "Hello? World?" as an example. I think i've made it alot harder for myself by trying to solve it this way:
add(char *s, char o, char c){
int i, j = 0;
for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (s[i] != o) {
s[j] = s[i];
else {
s[j] = c;
add(str, ' ','?');
printf("\n%s", str);
This will read out "Hello?World" without the spaces. Now the only way i see this working is if i move everything after the first "?" one to the right while also making the positon of the "W" to a space and a "?" at the end. But for much longer strings i can't see myself doing that.
You can't safely extend a string with more characters without insuring the buffer that holds the string is big enough. So let's devise a solution that counts how many additional characters are needed, allocate a buffer big enough to hold a string of that length, then do the copy loop. Then return the new string back to the caller.
char* add(const char* s, char o, char c)
size_t len = strlen(s);
const char* str = s;
char* result = NULL;
char* newstring = NULL;
// count how many characters are needed for the new string
while (*str)
len += (*str== o) ? 2 : 1;
// allocate a result buffer big enough to hold the new string
result = malloc(len + 1); // +1 for null char
// now copy the string and insert the "c" parameter whenever "o" is seen
newstring = result;
str = s;
while (*str)
*newstring++ = *str;
if (*str == o)
*newstring++ = c;
*newString = '\0';
return result;
Then your code to invoke is as follows:
char* newstring g= add(str, ' ','?');
printf("\n%s", newstring);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char text[] = "Hello World";
for(char* word = strtok(text, " .,?!"); word; word = strtok(NULL, " .,?!"))
printf("%s? ", word);
return 0;
Example Output
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 4228KB
Hello? World?
IDEOne Link
Knowing the amount of storage available when you reach a position where the new character will be inserted, you can check whether the new character will fit in the available storage, move from the current character through end-of-string to the right by one and insert the new character, e.g.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXC 1024
char *add (char *s, const char find, const char replace)
char *p = s; /* pointer to string */
while (*p) { /* for each char */
if (*p == find) {
size_t remain = strlen (p); /* get remaining length */
if ((p - s + remain < MAXC - 1)) { /* if space remains for char */
memmove (p + 1, p, remain + 1); /* move chars to right by 1 */
*p++ = replace; /* replace char, advance ptr */
else { /* warn if string full */
fputs ("error: replacement will exceed storage.\n", stderr);
p++; /* advance to next char */
return s; /* return pointer to beginning of string */
(note: the string must be mutable, not a string-literal, and have additional storage for the inserted character. If you need to pass a string-literal or you have no additional storage in the current string, make a copy as shown by #Selbie in his answer)
Putting together a short example with a 1024-char buffer for storage, you can do something like:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXC 1024
char *add (char *s, const char find, const char replace)
char *p = s; /* pointer to string */
while (*p) { /* for each char */
if (*p == find) {
size_t remain = strlen (p); /* get remaining length */
if ((p - s + remain < MAXC - 1)) { /* if space remains for char */
memmove (p + 1, p, remain + 1); /* move chars to right by 1 */
*p++ = replace; /* replace char, advance ptr */
else { /* warn if string full */
fputs ("error: replacement will exceed storage.\n", stderr);
p++; /* advance to next char */
return s; /* return pointer to beginning of string */
int main (void) {
char buf[MAXC];
if (!fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin))
return 1;
buf[strcspn(buf, "\n")] = 0;
puts (add (buf, ' ', '?'));
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/str_replace_c
Hello World?
Hello? World?
Look things over and let me know if you have questions.
Just for fun, here's my implementation. It modifies the string in-place and in O(n) time. It assumes that the char-buffer is large enough to hold the additional characters, so it's up to the calling code to ensure that.
#include <stdio.h>
void add(char *s, char o, char c)
int num_words = 0;
char * p = s;
while(*p) if (*p++ == o) num_words++;
char * readFrom = p;
char * writeTo = p+num_words;
char * nulByte = writeTo;
// Insert c-chars, iterating backwards to avoid overwriting chars we have yet to read
while(readFrom >= s)
*writeTo = *readFrom;
if (*writeTo == o)
*writeTo = c;
// If our string doesn't end in a 'c' char, append one
if ((nulByte > s)&&(*(nulByte-1) != c))
*nulByte++ = c;
*nulByte = '\0';
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
char test_string[1000] = "Hello World";
add(test_string, ' ','?');
printf("%s\n", test_string);
return 0;
The program's output is:
$ ./a.out
Hello? World?

Finding Longest Word in a String

I am very new in C coding. I have written my code to find the longest word in a string. my code does not show any error but it prints a word with strange characters that is not in the string. Can you tell me what is wrong with my code?
Thank you
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char LongestWord (char GivenString[100]);
int main()
char input[100];
char DesiredWord[20];
printf("please give a string:\n");
printf("longest Word is:%s\n",DesiredWord);
return 0;
char LongestWord (char GivenString[100]){
//It is a predefined function, by using this function we can clear the data from console (Monitor).
int position1=0;
int position2=0;
int longest=0;
int word=0;
int Lenght=strlen(GivenString);
char Solution[20];
int p=0;
for (int i=1; i<=Lenght; i++){
if (GivenString[i-1]!=' '){
if(GivenString[i-1]=' '){
if (word>longest){
//longest stores the length of longer word
for (int j=position1; j<=position2; j++){
return (Solution[20]);
This should work:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void LongestWord(char string[100])
char word[20],max[20],min[20],c;
int i = 0, j = 0, flag = 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
while (i < strlen(string) && string[i]!=32 && string[i]!=0)
word[j++] = string[i++];
if (j != 0)
word[j] = '\0';
if (!flag)
flag = !flag;
strcpy(max, word);
if (strlen(word) > strlen(max))
strcpy(max, word);
j = 0;
printf("The largest word is '%s' .\n", max);
int main()
char string[100];
printf("Enter string: ");
Aside from invoking Undefined Behavior by returning a pointer to a locally declared array in LongestWord, using gets despite gets() is so dangerous it should never be used! and writing beyond the end of the Solution array -- you are missing the logic of identifying the longest word.
To identify the longest word, you must obtain the length of each word as you work you way down the string. You must keep track of what the longest string seen, and only if the current string is longer than the longest seen so far do you copy to valid memory that will survive the function return (and nul-terminate).
There are a number of ways to do this. You can use strtok to tokenize all words in the string, you can use a combination of strcspn and strspn to bracket the words, you can use sscanf and an offset to the beginning of each word, or what I find easiest is just to use a pair of pointers sp (start-pointer) and ep (end-pointer) to work down the string.
There you just move sp to the first character in each word and keep moving ep until you find a space (or end of string). The word length is ep - sp and then if it is the longest, you can simply use memcpy to copy length characters to your longest word buffer and nul-terminate, (repeat until you run out of characters)
To create valid storage, you have two-choices, either pass an array of sufficient size (see comment), or declare a valid block of memory within your function using malloc (or calloc or realloc) and return a pointer to that block of memory.
An example passing an array of sufficient size to hold the longest word could be:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXW 256 /* longest word buffer size */
#define MAXC 1024 /* input string buffer size */
size_t longestword (char *longest, const char *str)
int in = 0; /* flag reading (in/out) of word */
size_t max = 0; /* word max length */
const char *sp = str, /* start-pointer for bracketing words */
*ep = str; /* end-pointer for bracketing words */
*longest = 0; /* initialize longest as empty-string */
for (;;) { /* loop over each char in str */
if (isspace (*ep) || !*ep) { /* is it a space or end? */
if (in) { /* are we in a word? */
size_t len = ep - sp; /* if so, get word length */
if (len > max) { /* is it longest? */
max = len; /* if so, set max to len */
memcpy (longest, sp, len); /* copy len chars to longest */
longest[len] = 0; /* nul-terminate longest */
in = 0; /* it's a space, no longer in word */
if (!*ep) /* if end of string - done */
else { /* not a space! */
if (!in) { /* if we are not in a word */
sp = ep; /* set start-pointer to current */
in = 1; /* set in flag */
ep++; /* increment end-pointer to next char */
return max; /* return max length */
int main (void) {
char str[MAXC] = "", /* storage for input string */
word[MAXW] = ""; /* storage for longest word */
size_t max = 0; /* longest word length */
fputs ("enter string: ", stdout); /* prompt */
if (!fgets (str, MAXC, stdin)) { /* validate input */
fputs ("(user canceled input)\n", stderr);
return 1;
if ((max = longestword (word, str))) /* get length and longest word */
printf ("longest word: %s (%zu-chars)\n", word, max);
(note: by using this method you ignore all leading, trailing and intervening whitespace, so strings like " my little dog has 1 flea . " do not present problems.)
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/longest_word
enter string: my dog has fleas
longest word: fleas (5-chars)
$ ./bin/longest_word
enter string: my little dog has 1 flea .
longest word: little (6-chars)
There are many, many ways to do this. This is one of the most basic, using pointers. You could do the same thing using indexes, e.g. string[i], etc.. That just requires you maintain an offset to the start of each word and then do the subtraction to get the length. strtok is convenient, but modifies the string being tokenized so it cannot be used with string literals or other constant strings.
Best way to learn is work the problem 3-different ways, and pick the one that you find the most intuitive. Let me know if you have further questions.
please declare a proper main entry point: int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
Use fgets instead of gets, as gets does not check the bound of your string ( what happened when you enter a 120 chars line)
pass the length of the expected string to LongestWord
if available prefer using strnlen to plain strlen, there might be scenario where your string is not properly terminated.
Better yet use the suggested length parameter to limit your loop and break when a terminating char is encountered.
your Solution is a stack allocated array, returning it as it is might depend on your implementation, you might be better returning a heap allocated array (using malloc).
Suggested changes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char* getLongestWord(char* input, size_t input_length, size_t *result_length);
int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
const size_t max_length = 100;
char input[max_length]; // consider using LINE_MAX from limits.h
printf("please give a string:\n");
if ( fgets( input, max_length, stdin ) == NULL ) return EXIT_FAILURE; // some failure happened with fgets.
size_t longestWord_length = 0;
char* longestWord = getLongestWord(input, max_length , &longestWord_length);
printf("longest Word is %.*s\n",longestWord_length, longestWord );
char* getLongestWord(char* input, size_t input_length, size_t *result_length) {
char* result = NULL;
size_t length = 0;
size_t word_start = 0, word_end = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < input_length; ++i) {
if( (input[i] == ' ') || (input[i] == 0) ) {
if( i == 0 ) { // first space
word_start = 1;
word_end = i-1;
size_t word_length = word_end - word_start+1;
if( word_length <= length ) {
word_start = i + 1; // next word start
// new max length
length = word_length;
result = &input[word_start];
word_start = i + 1; // next word start
if( input[i] == 0 ) break; // end of string
*result_length = length;
return result;

Removing array of occurrences from string in C

I'm having looping issues with my code. I have a method that takes in two char arrays (phrase, characters). The characters array holds characters that must be read individually and compared to the phrase. If it matches, every occurrence of the character will be removed from the phrase.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//This method has two parameters: (str, c)
//It will remove all occurences of var 'c'
//inside of 'str'
char * rmstr(char * c, char * str) {
//Declare counters and pointers
int stemp = 0;
int ctemp = 0;
char *p = str;
char *d = c;
//Retrieve str count
while(str[stemp] != '\0') {
//Retrieve c count
while(c[ctemp] != '\0') {
//Output information
printf("String Count: %d\n",stemp);
printf("Character Count: %d\n",ctemp);
//Iterate through arrays
for (int i = 0; i != stemp; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j != ctemp; j++) {
if (c[j] != str[i]){
*p++ = str[i];
*p = 0;
return str;
int main()
char c[256] = "ema";
char input[256] = "Great message!";
char *result = rmstr(c, input);
printf("%s", result);
return 0;
In this case, the input would be "Great Message!" and the character I'd like to remove all occurrences of the characters: e, m, a (As specified in main).
Using the code as it is above, the output is as follows:
Grat mssag!
It is only looping through 1 iteration and removing 'e'. I would like it to loop through 'm' and 'a' as well.
After you fix your break; that was causing your inner loop to exit, it may make sense to reorder your loops and loop over the chars to remove while checking against the characters in str. This is more of a convenience allowing you to shuffle each character down by one in str if it matches a character is c. If you are using the functions in string.h like memmove to move characters down, it doesn't really matter.
A simple implementation using only pointers to manually work through str removing all chars in c could look something like the following:
#include <stdio.h>
char *rmstr (char *str, const char *chars)
const char *c = chars; /* set pointer to beginning of chars */
while (*c) { /* loop over all chars with c */
char *p = str; /* set pointer to str */
while (*p) { /* loop over each char in str */
if (*p == *c) { /* if char in str should be removed */
char *sp = p, /* set start pointer at p */
*ep = p + 1; /* set end pointer at p + 1 */
*sp++ = *ep; /* copy end to start to end of str */
while (*ep++); /* (nul-char copied on last iteration) */
p++; /* advance to next char in str */
c++; /* advance to next char in chars */
return str; /* return modified str */
int main (void) {
char c[] = "ema";
char input[] = "Great message!";
printf ("original: %s\n", input);
printf ("modified: %s\n", rmstr (input, c));
return 0;
(there are many ways to do this -- how is largely up to you. whether you use pointers as above, or get the lengths and use string-indexes is also a matter of choice)
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/rmcharsinstr
original: Great message!
modified: Grt ssg!
If you did want to use memmove (to address the overlapping nature of the source and destination) to move the remaining characters in str down by one each time the character in str matches a character in c, you could leave the loops in your original order, e.g.
#include <string.h>
char *rmstr (char *str, const char *chars)
char *p = str; /* set pointer to str */
while (*p) { /* loop over each char in str */
const char *c = chars; /* set pointer to beginning of chars */
while (*c) { /* loop over all chars with c */
while (*c == *p) { /* while the character matches */
memmove (p, p + 1, strlen (p)); /* shuffle down by 1 */
c = chars; /* reset c = chars to check next */
c++; /* advance to next char in chars */
p++; /* advance to next char in str */
return str; /* return modified str */
(make sure you understand why you must reset c = chars; in this case)
Finally, if you really wanted the shorthand way of doing it, you could use strpbrk and memmove and reduce your function to:
#include <string.h>
char *rmstr (char *str, const char *chars)
/* simply loop using strpbrk removing the character found */
for (char *p = strpbrk (str, chars); p; p = strpbrk (str, chars))
memmove (p, p+1, strlen(p));
return str; /* return modified str */
(there is always more than one way to skin-the-cat in C)
The output is the same. Look things over here and let me know if you have further questions.

Reading words separately from file

I'm trying to make a program that scans a file containing words line by line and removes words that are spelled the same if you read them backwards (palindromes)
This is the program.c file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "header.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(argc != 3)
printf("Wrong parameters");
return 0;
FILE *data;
FILE *result;
char *StringFromFile = (char*)malloc(255);
char *word = (char*)malloc(255);
const char *dat = argv[1];
const char *res = argv[2];
data = fopen(dat, "r");
result =fopen(res, "w");
while(fgets(StringFromFile, 255, data))
function1(StringFromFile, word);
fputs(StringFromFile, result);
free (word);
return 0;
This is the header.h file:
void function1(char *StringFromFile, char *word);
void moving(char *StringFromFile, int *index, int StringLength, int WordLength);
This is the function file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "header.h"
void function1(char *StringFromFile, char *word)
int StringLength = strlen(StringFromFile);
int WordLength;
int i;
int p;
int k;
int t;
int m;
int match;
for(i = 0; i < StringLength; i++)
{ k=0;
if (StringFromFile[i] != ' ')
{ while (StringFromFile[i] != ' ')
//printf("%s\n", word);
WordLength = strlen(word)-1;
p = WordLength-1;
while (t <= p)
if (word[t] == word[p])
if ((match*2) >= (WordLength))
moving(StringFromFile, &m, StringLength, WordLength);
void moving(char *StringFromFile, int *index, int StringLength, int WordLength)
{ int i;
int q=WordLength-1;
for(i = *index; i < StringLength; i++)
StringFromFile[i-1] = StringFromFile[i+q];
*(index) = *(index)-1;
It doesn't read each word correctly, though.
This is the data file:
abcba rttt plllp
These are the separate words the program reads:
This is the result file:
abcba rtttp
It works fine if there is only one word in a single line, but it messes up when there are multiple words. Any help is appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "header.h"
# define MAX 255
int Find_Number_Words_in_Line( char str[MAX] )
char *ptr;
int count = 0;
int j;
/* advance character pointer ptr until end of str[MAX] */
/* everytime you see the space character, increase count */
/* might not always work, you'll need to handle multiple space characters before/between/after words */
ptr = str;
for ( j = 0; j < MAX; j++ )
if ( *ptr == ' ' )
else if (( *ptr == '\0' ) || ( *ptr == '\n' ))
return count;
void Extract_Word_From_Line_Based_on_Position( char line[MAX], char word[MAX], const int position )
char *ptr;
/* move pointer down line[], counting past the number of spaces specified by position */
/* then copy the next word from line[] into word[] */
int Is_Palindrome ( char str[MAX] )
/* check if str[] is a palindrome, if so return 1, else return 0 */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *data_file;
FILE *result_file;
char *line_from_data_file = (char*)malloc(MAX);
char *word = (char*)malloc(MAX);
const char *dat = argv[1];
const char *res = argv[2];
int j, n;
if (argc != 3)
printf("Wrong parameters");
return 0;
data_file = fopen(dat, "r");
result_file = fopen(res, "w");
fgets( line_from_data_file, MAX, data_file );
while ( ! feof( data_file ) )
fgets returns everything up to newline character from data_file,
function1 in original context would only run once for each line read
from data_file, so you would only get the first word
function1( line_from_data_file, word );
fputs( word, result_file );
fgets( line_from_data_file, MAX, data_file );
instead try below, you will need to write the code for these new functions
don't be afraid to name functions in basic English for what they are meant to do
make your code more easily readable
n = Find_Number_Words_in_Line( line_from_data_file );
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
Extract_Word_From_Line_Based_on_Position( line_from_data_file, word, n );
if ( Is_Palindrome( word ) )
fputs( word, result_file ); /* this will put one palindrome per line in result file */
fgets( line_from_data_file, MAX, data_file );
free( line_from_data_file );
free( word );
fclose( data_file );
fclose( result_file );
return 0;
To follow up from the comments, you may be overthinking the problem a bit. To check whether each word in each line of a file is a palindrome, you have a 2 part problem. (1) reading each line (fgets is fine), and (2) breaking each line into individual words (tokens) so that you can test whether each token is a palindrome.
When reading each line with fgets, a simple while loop conditioned on the return of fgets will do. e.g., with a buffer buf of sufficient size (MAXC chars), and FILE * stream fp open for reading, you can do:
while (fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) { /* read each line */
... /* process line */
(you can test the length of the line read into buf is less than MAXC chars to insure you read the complete line, if not, any unread chars will be placed in buf on the next loop iteration. This check, and how you want to handle it, is left for you.)
Once you have your line read, you can either use a simple pair of pointers (start and end pointers) to work your way through buf, or you can use strtok and let it return a pointer to the beginning of each word in the line based on the set of delimiters you pass to it. For example, to split a line into words, you probably want to use delimiters like " \t\n.,:;!?" to insure you get words alone and not words with punctuation (e.g. in the line "sit here.", you want "sit" and "here", not "here.")
Using strtok is straight forward. On the first call, you pass the name of the buffer holding the string to be tokenized and a pointer to the string containing the delimiters (e.g. strtok (buf, delims) above), then for each subsequent call (until the end of the line is reached) you use NULL as name of the buffer (e.g. strtok (NULL, delims)) You can either call it once and then loop until NULL is returned, or you can do it all using a single for loop given that for allows setting an initial condition as part of the statement, e.g., using separate calls:
char *delims = " \t\n.,:;"; /* delimiters */
char *p = strtok (buf, delims); /* first call to strtok */
while ((p = strtok (NULL, delims))) { /* all subsequent calls */
... /* check for palindrome */
Or you can simply make the initial call and all subsequent calls in a for loop:
/* same thing in a single 'for' statement */
for (p = strtok (buf, delims); p; p = strtok (NULL, delims)) {
... /* check for palindrome */
Now you are to the point you need to check for palindromes. That is a fairly easy process. Find the length of the token, then either using string indexes, or simply using a pointer to the first and last character, work from the ends to the middle of each token making sure the characters match. On the first mismatch, you know the token is not a palindrome. I find a start and end pointer just as easy as manipulating sting indexes, e.g. with the token in s:
char *ispalindrome (char *s) /* function to check palindrome */
char *p = s, /* start pointer */
*ep = s + strlen (s) - 1; /* end pointer */
for ( ; p < ep; p++, ep--) /* work from end to middle */
if (*p != *ep) /* if chars !=, not palindrome */
return NULL;
return s;
If you put all the pieces together, you can do something like the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
enum { MAXC = 256 }; /* max chars for line buffer */
char *ispalindrome (char *s);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
char buf[MAXC] = "", /* line buffer */
*delims = " \t\n.,:;"; /* delimiters */
unsigned ndx = 0; /* line index */
FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;
if (!fp) { /* validate file open for reading */
fprintf (stderr, "error: file open failed '%s'.\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
while (fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) { /* read each line */
char *p = buf; /* pointer to pass to strtok */
printf ("\n line[%2u]: %s\n tokens:\n", ndx++, buf);
for (p = strtok (buf, delims); p; p = strtok (NULL, delims))
if (ispalindrome (p))
printf (" %-16s - palindrome\n", p);
printf (" %-16s - not palindrome\n", p);
if (fp != stdin) fclose (fp);
return 0;
char *ispalindrome (char *s) /* function to check palindrome */
char *p = s, *ep = s + strlen (s) - 1; /* ptr & end-ptr */
for ( ; p < ep; p++, ep--) /* work from end to middle */
if (*p != *ep) /* if chars !=, not palindrome */
return NULL;
return s;
Example Input
$ cat dat/palins.txt
abcba rttt plllp
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/palindrome <dat/palins.txt
line[ 0]: abcba rttt plllp
abcba - palindrome
rttt - not palindrome
plllp - palindrome
line[ 1]: aaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaa - palindrome
line[ 2]: ababa
ababa - palindrome
line[ 3]: abbbba
abbbba - palindrome
line[ 4]: kede
kede - not palindrome
Look things over and think about what it taking place. As mentioned above, insuring you have read a complete line in each call with fgets should be validated, that is left to you. (but with this input file -- of course it will) If you have any questions, let me know and I'll be happy to help further.

Print up to a word, replace that word, then print the rest of string (C)

Im having a lot of trouble printing up to the string and then replacing the word and then printing the rest of the string. I want to replace the "word" variable with \e[7m word \e[0m. I tried using strcasestr to get to to where word is in the string, and it returns a pointer starting at the string. My question is how do I use this pointer to print the string up to that point, replace the word with \e[7m word \e[0m, then print the rest of the string
struct node *ptr;
int count = 0;
char* filecheck = "";
char* tester = "";
char* pch = "";
char str[1024];
int i;
int j;
int charcount = 0;
int counter = 1;
FILE *fp = fopen(ptr->fileName, "r");
char line [ 1024 ]; /* or other suitable maximum line size */
int counter = 1;
while ( fgets ( line, sizeof line, fp ) != NULL ) /* read a line */{
//print the line
printf("\e[7m %s \e[0m", word);
printf("%s", line);
This is a simple way to do it
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char *tester = "Hello my name is Rocky the polar bear";
char *pch = NULL;
char *word = "the";
pch = strcasestr(tester, word);
if (pch != NULL)
size_t length;
/* this will give the difference between the pointers */
length = pch - tester;
/* write to stdout from the start of the string just 'length' bytes */
fwrite(tester, 1, length, stdout);
/* write the word you want to substitute */
printf("\033[7m%s\033[0m", word);
/* pch is pointing to the start of 'word' in the string, advance to it's end */
pch += strlen(word);
/* print the rest of the string */
printf("%s", pch);
return 0;
Printing the part after word is easy: just start at the character strlen(word) characters after where word starts. Printing the replacement is trivial (unless you need to compute the replacement, which you've said nothing about how to do).
That leaves the part before word. If tester didn't have a string constant in it, you could set *pch to 0, terminating the string at the start of word, and just print tester (then put the character you erased back). Instead, you could copy the part of tester to be printed into a character array, and print that.
