No CollaboratorJoinedEvent in Google Realtime after CollaboratorLeftEvent triggered by inactivity - google-drive-realtime-api

In the Google Realtime API, a CollaboratorLeftEvent is triggered for the local user after a period of inactivity. However on wakeup, or subsequent activity, there appears to be no ColaboratorJoinedEvent triggered.
Is this a Realtime bug, or is there perhaps an expected/recommended way to deal with this behavior? Should a CollaboratorLeftEvent be ignored if it's for the local user (ie Collaborator.isMe == true)?


How to synchronize backend timer with mobile app

I am developing a app that chooses a user and has a 15 sec. timer for that user to respond. The user app queries the db every 5 sec to see if that user is chosen. If so The mobile app begins a 15 sec. timer. The problem is that the timers will never match up because the user app can be on a different timer cycle that the backend and can query the db at a later time. I use Angular, NodeJS, and expressJS + MongoDB to develop this app.
any suggestion on how I can get the timers to be synchronized?
You need to create API for requesting current server time and use that server time as basis of your timer.
You also need to take into account condition when browser pauses javascript execution. This is true for mobile device. When mobile device is paused/sleep, browser stops javascript execution causing timer not sync anymore.
Every tick, check last tick millisecond with current tick millisecond. If difference is greater than some threshold value then assume timer not sync anymore and need to be sync by requesting current server time and recalculate timer value

Should I need a database to ensure immediate consistency with a message-oriented middleware?

App A wants to send domain events to App B through a middleware like RabbitMQ.
Let's take the example of one domain event called UserHasBeenRegistered, involving by the creation of the User entity.
A would inform B that this latter should send a welcome email, by sending this event.
I have in mind two workflows:
- App A registers the user and the event is generated.
- App A sends the event directly to B through a queue provided by RabbitMQ
- App A registers the user and the event is generated.
- App A saves the event in some kind of event store as a database table (if relational) in the same local transaction used for persisting in database this new user.
- An asynchronous scheduler queries the event store, find this new user registration and sends the message through the RabbitMQ's queue.
Do you see the difference?
Yes, one is longer than the other... but the second is far more safe! albeit less performant.
Indeed, what while in the first case, the registration is rollback due to an exception thrown just after the publishing was made? => the mail would be sent whereas the user was not persisted.
This could be fixed by implementing a global XA transaction (two-phases commit), but it is well known that some middleware don't support it.
Therefore, is the second workflow mostly used in critical application?
What are its drawbacks?
I plan to implement one of both solutions for my project.
I had the same task and it was done as a mix of your two workflows:
App A registers the user and the event is generated.
App A sends the event which has ttl set to non-zero value directly to B through a queue provided by RabbitMQ.
App B receive event and send welcome message to user and store flag that welcome message sent.
There are background script which check whether there are newly registered users from last ttl + 1 time interval who doesn't receive messages.
You can remove background script and flag storing and stick with first workflow from you q. The cases when messages lost or any other cases are damn rare (with welcome messages sending it might be 1 failure per 1billion users) and unnecessary application complication may give you more errors.
The second workflow looks also stable, but why you are using RabbitMQ then?

How to interrupt current request, Google App Engine?

My website on GAE-Python has a function to calculate some math using Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm, which will be called by an ajax request when the user click a button. Each request usually takes very long time to finish calculation.
I need some way (ajax or other methods) to tell the server to cancel the current request rather than using ajax's xhr.abort() function which does not stop the calculation on server side.
For an early attempt, I have found that GAE has the Request Timer in which the DeadlineExceededError will be raised by the runtime if the request takes too long to finish.
Based on this idea, I would like to ask if there is a way to send a signal to the server to cause the runtime to trigger an interrupt on the request?
You shouldn't be trying to do any long-running tasks synchronously in a handler. This is the perfect candidate for a task queue. The Ajax request should simply push the task onto the queue, and App Engine will process it offline. Tasks get a ten-minute timeout.
You can use memcache or the datastore to pass information to and from your Ajax code. For instance, the task handler could check memcache every few seconds for the existence of a 'stop_processing_FOO' key (where FOO is a unique ID generated by the Ajax when the task is first triggered), and the your 'cancel' button would call a handler to insert that key into memcache.
Similarly, the task could put a 'finished_processing_FOO' key with the associated values into memcache when it finishes, and your Ajax could periodically poll a handler that checks if that key is present, and return the value if so.

Event-driven HTTP client with App Engine

I have a mobile app with a comment system, backed by App Engine. When user A replies to user B's comment, user B gets a notification. Everything works over HTTP.
Right now I have the client device polling App Engine every minute for updates. It works but on average, there's a 30-second delay before the notification appears.
I would like to close this gap by having App Engine send a packet to user B's device immediately after user A posts the reply. I can make this happen by moving the wait(60) command from the client to the server -- the client will run a tight loop, making another request as soon as it gets a response; App Engine sits on every request for 60 seconds before responding.
But if the user gets a notification, App Engine responds before the 60 seconds are up. Essentially, user A's request handler wakes up user B's sleeping request handler and causes it to return non-null data.
Is there a name for this technique as applied to HTTP? Can it be coded efficiently? If so, how can I implement the wait/notify code?
In lieu of sockets App Engine has the Channel API, which should be nearly instant without the need to poll.

How to implement timer callback on Google App Engine

Consider implementing poker on Google App Engine. Suppose a player is allowed only 10 seconds to check/fold/raise.
That is, if 10 seconds pass with no response from the player then some timer should fire which executes code that writes to DataStore declaring that the player folded. What is the idiomatic way to implement this on Google App Engine.
The GAE has a feature called "Tasks". Sadly, they have no guaranteed resolution, so a task scheduled for now+10 seconds can execute in 10 seconds or any later time.
Solution: Write the current time-stamp along with the information about the current player into the database. If any of the players request updated information about the current game, you can check this time-stamp, compare it with the current one, and therefore determine if these 10 seconds have passed and update the database accordingly.
You can combine this solution with tasks to ensure, that even if nobody "watches" that game, its still updated sometime.
This needs to be done on a backend, as that's the only code that can persist outside of a request handler.
Player is dealt. Timer starts on backend. Timer expires. Player
status updated.
Backends are special App Engine instances that have no request deadlines, higher memory and CPU limits, and persistent state across requests. They are started automatically by App Engine and can run continously for long periods. Each backend instance has a unique URL to use for requests, and you can load-balance requests across multiple instances.
No need to act synchronously - i.e. do some action exactly 10 seconds after last user action.
Just record the time of last user action and act accordingly next time the user action happens: if <10s let user do next move, if >10s notify user he folded.
To keep things more responsive, e.g. to show user how much time he hes before folding, you should also track this on client.
