Calling multiple std=cXX in C makefile - c

I was wondering what happens if you call multiple std=cXX? I tried it in my code and nothing outward happened on compile so I didnt know if it worked or not.
-std=c99 -std=c11 -std=c1x
What happens? Does it use all 3 std or is the last one that called?

Most gcc flags follow a model that the last conflicting option on the line is the one that is actually in force. For example, using -O -O1 -O2 -O3 really means the same as -O3.


pthread_cleanup_push and O2 CFLAGS

I have some warning when compiling a piece of code using pthread_cleanup_push/pop with -O2 CFLAGS. Just by removing the O2 cflags in the Makefile make it compile without issue.
Is it forbidden to use gcc optimization with these pthread macros ? I was not able to find anything in man or documentation. By the way, is there any alternative to clean stuff at the end of a thread ? Also it is working perfectly with gcc arm. But not on x86 gcc.
Warning :
x/x.c:1292:2: warning: variable ‘__cancel_routine’ might be clobbered by ‘longjmp’ or ‘vfork’ [-Wclobbered]
pthread_cleanup_push(x_cleanup, &fd);
My current CFLAGS option :
-W -Wall -Wformat -Wformat-security -Wextra -Wno-unused-result,
-Wextra -Wno-long-long -Wno-variadic-macros -Wno-missing-field-initializers
-std=gnu99 -O2
This issue has been reported several times now in GCC tracker (see here). I believe that this warns about real issue in pthread.h (see my comment). __cancel_routine is not marked as volatile so it's value is indeed undefined after return via longjmp which may cause arbitrary consequences.
The only solution is to remove the Werror until a fix ?
I'd rather go with -Wno-clobbered, to keep other warnings enabled.
Roll back on a previous version of gcc on x86 ?
You'll have to rollback to pre-2014 times which is quite a change... I think that if the code works for you, just disable -Wclobbered (with a descriptive comment).
But I did want to be sure that its was not a bigger issue which can cause unexpected behavior of my code or bugs.
Glibc code looks really suspicious. I'd wait for comments from GCC devs and if there is none, report this to Glibc developers.

how to write a makefile in linux for a c program

i have written a c program for doubly-linked-list in linux. the program is named as program2.c.
i have compiled it using "cc program2.c -o out2".
it compiled and also executed fine.
even also tried writing a makefiel includes
gcc -Wall -Werror -O2 -o $# $<
clean :
\rm -fr doublelinkedlist
when i did make it gives me the errors.
can any one please help me writing a makefile.
When using a makefile, you also started using the -Wall -Werror flags. This is a very good thing.
Now the compiler looks for more suspicious things in your program, and refuses to compile if it finds anything. This can be a great help in catching bugs.
However, these warnings mean your program doesn't compile, and you'll need to fix them, by changing the code so that the compiler will be sure all is OK (as far as the compiler can check - of course the code can still contain bugs).
Common issues are mixing different types and not paying attention to the const keyword. But for help with specific warnings, you'll need to show the warnings and the code. Or better - search for each of them in StackOverflow, and I'm sure you'll find good answers.

How does GCC behave if passed conflicting compiler flags?

I know that if you execute GCC as such:
gcc -O3 -O2 foo.c
GCC will use the last optimization flag passed (in this case O2). However, is this true for all flags? For example, if I execute GCC like so:
gcc -mno-sse -msse bar.c
Will it support SSE since that was the last flag passed, or would this result in undefined behavior? My initial experimentation seems to indicate that it will support SSE, but I'm not sure if this is true for all cases.
Normally later options on the line override ones passed previously, as you mention in your first example. I haven't personally come across any different behaviour for -m or -f flags, but I don't know of a specific reference in the documentation.
Note that some options don't behave this way:
$ gcc example.c -DABC -DABC=12
<command-line>: warning: "ABC" redefined
<command-line>: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
So there would need to be a -UABC in between there to shut that warning up.
As an aside, clang is particularly good at solving this problem - it will produce a warning if it ignores a command line option, which can help you out.

C program links to wrong version of function

I'm trying to debug an issue where the wrong version of a function gets called causing a segfault. The code that I'm compiling is machine generated and includes a function called 'times' that does a complex multiply of it's two arguments. This code is compiled to a .o before being linked into a higher level object file.
When run this code segfaults and gdb indicates that it's in glibc's version of 'times' which doesn't even take the same number of arguments. The are no instances of '#include anywhere in this code.
Changing the name of times to times1 resolves the problem. This isn't a long term solution though due to the machine generated nature of the code and manually editing the name of this function all the time is unappealing.
The whole mess compiles cleaning with -Wall so I'm not sure where to look. Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Compile chain:
gcc -Wall -I. -g --shared -o dpd.o -fPIC *.c (mahine generated code here)
gcc -g --std=c99 -c -fpic getData.c -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lmatio -I/usr/local/include/iverilog -I$(MATLAB)
gcc -g -shared -o getData.vpi getData.o $(MATLAB)/dpd.o -lvpi -lmatio -L/usr/local/lib
C only uses the name of a function as an identifier, so any two (exported) functions with the same name will conflict. The normal approch is to prefix all exported names in a library with a unique prefix. The other alternative is to use C++ as "a better C" and simply build your C code using a C++ compiler, making use of C++ name mangling.
So the real answer to this one is to throw -fno-builtin-times to gcc. That avoids the problem neatly with no fuss.
This of course assumes that you can't changes the name of times to something that doesn't conflict with a glibc provided function.

C gcc compilation question and makefiles

Not even quite sure what my question is. The short of it is, for a class I'm supposed to add some functionality to this c file, and it came with a handy makefile.
CFLAGS=-DUNIX -lreadline -lcurses -ansi -pedantic-errors
all: shell
shell: shell.c parse.c parse.h
gcc $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUG) shell.c parse.c -o shell
rm -f shell *~
I have to add features to shell.c. I'm very new to C (usually use c++ or c#) so I'm testing out little things in a separate little tests.c file. Things like, see what exactly certain system calls return, how to printf them right, etc. Anyway, tests.c seems to be conforming to different c compiler standards or I'm compiling it wrong. If I accidentally use // to comment something out or declare a variable somewhere other than at the start in shell.c, the compiler yells at me. It doesn't care in tests.c.
I compile tests.c with "gcc tests.c -o tests"
If I compile the shell using "gcc shell.c parse.c -o shell" it compiles fine, but running it simply gives me a segmentation fault. I would love to ask my TA about this, but every time I as him something he answers a completely different question...
Any thoughts on what's going on here? Perhaps a point in the right direction at least?
The problem is that your makefile includes -ansi -pedantic-errors flags for the compiler. This forces it to use a very old version of C. Perhaps this Makefile was provided by your instructor and he wants like that? It is not uncommon.
To use these new features (// comments, automatic variables anywhere in a block) just drop these two flags. If you have the freedom, I recommend also using -std=c99 -Wall.
To get GCC to accept C99 conventions, tell it to do so:
gcc -std=c99 ...
gcc -std=gnu99 ...
So, add -std=gnu99 to your CFLAGS value, and remove -ansi which is equivalent to -std=c89. If you must code to C89 standards, do not use // comments.
We can't tell what causes the core dump - but it could be that you're trying to modify a string literal somewhere, or any of a large number of other problems.
The -ansi -pedantic-errors prevents the impurities like // and variable definitions in the middle of the function. Remove that and you should be able to sin away.
As for the segmentation fault, your best bet is to run your program through gdb to see where it crashes.
Why are you compiling by calling gcc directly instead of using the makefile? The makefile adds a number of additional command-line gcc options which are most likely important. Do you see the same behavior if you compile using make all?
Since you are new to C, I would recommend adding -Wall to the CFLAGS line. This will enable all compiler warnings, which may alert you to a subtle error that you might have otherwise missed.
