AngularJS SEO Page 404 Header Status Code - angularjs

We are working in a project which uses Symfony2 + AngularJS.
Each one in a different domain (api.domain for Symfony2 and www.domain for the Angular project).
Now we are focusing on the SEO part. We use to create static snapshots to serve a good HTML Raw page to crawlers.
But the problem is when serving the "404 Page" on Angular:
The thing is, what we do is redirecting a nonexistent page to our "404 Page" with a 200 Header Status Code, which is very bad for SEO purposes...
Since AngularJS is not capable of generating, we have already tried 2 things:
1. Use a redirection with htaccess / Apache:
RedirectMatch 404 "/404"
2. Call to a web service which return us a 404 error:
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /do-not-access was not found on this server.</p>
And for the AngularJS side we tried to throw the header status code without success:
return $http.get(ENV.apiEndpoint + '/do-not-access');
None of this worked for us...
We also though about using a second "404 Page". The idea was redirecting our first 404 page to this second 404 page via htaccess with a 404 status code, but we think that will not work due to AngularJS internal redirection:
200 -> 301 -> 404
PS: I found: AngularJS html5mode and hard 404 which says "we have to configure our server to make a routing exception for your custom 404 page" but we really have no clue how to do it...
Are we focusing in a bad way?
There is other option?
How we can handle it?
Any ideas?

It seems that offers a way to handle http header status.
For example, for a 404 page we just need to add this meta tag into our head tag:
<meta name="prerender-status-code" content="404">


How can i make Gatsby's custom 404 page to return 404 status code

I have a custom 404 page and its working fine. When the user has a non existed url, lets say, they are redirected to the 404 custom page. But the 404 custom page has 200 status code, that is not good for SEO. And as I read some information, this is normal behaviour because the 404 page exists.
But is there any chance to make this page to return 404 status code?
Gatsby version is 2.17.11.

How do you make a 404 page?

I thought of making a 404 Page. but it seems hard.. how do i do it?
Here's what I did:
Made .htaccess File
Put: ErrorDocument 404 /page-not-found.html inside of the .htaccess file..
Added css design
Why doesn't it work?
I use glitch as my coding website. Is that the problem?
Is there an alternative way to do this.?
If you want a custom 404 page for an app on Glitch, you'll need to be building a Node/full-stack app and configuring the page in your server-side code.
For example, I've got this simple Express app that sends any non-index route request to a 404 page:!/tranquil-hurricane-friction?path=server.js%3A25%3A0

firebase 404 page configuration in angularjs

I try to add a 404 page into my angularjs project which is hosted on firebase servers. I created a custom 404 page and added following code:
function routeConfig($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider)
Now it works but I am missing something because when I check in the browser's network panel the status code is "200" but it should be "404".
What should I do for that?
$urlRouterProvider.otherwise just guides AngularJS that which URL it should navigate to when no URL matches the provider's rules.
This doesn't signify that a resource is not found on the server (which essentially returns 404). To do that, you need to do a lot more including serving this 404 page from the server with 404 as the status code.
Here is a resource to point you in the right direction:
AngularJS UI router handling 404s

seo with AngularJS in html5mode

I am trying to get my AngularJS with html5mode enabled indexed by google.
In my app.js I have the following snippet:
In my index.html head I have the following:
<base href="/"/>
<meta name="fragment" content="!"/>
I expected to get requests on urls of the format /?_escaped_fragment_=support. Instead I'm getting requests on /support?_escaped_fragment_=.
Is there something wrong with my config or did I expect something weird?
according to the yearofmoo SEO article you should get this:
YearofMoo - SEO

What is the permalink or URL for a 404 page in WordPress?

I am trying to validate the HTML on my 404 page for a WordPress theme, but obviously, the validator cannot find the page, because it doesn't exist.
Or any false link will generate the 404 page, but what's the actual url for this page?
Most systems don't expose a 404 error page with a 200 status code. Tick the Validate error pages option at instead.
There isn't one, really. Your best bet is:
find the bit in Wordpress which sets the 404 header and comment it out. (I gave it a quick go, but failed)
If you're using firefox, install this addon: which will validate the page inside the browser. (This seems to be the same kind of thing for Chrome, but I haven't tried it: )
download the pure HTML for the page and upload it.
