MATLAB Merging Arrays - arrays

I am unable to figure out how to merge two arrays. My data is like this with arrays A and B.
A = [ 0 0; 0 0; 2 2; 2 2;]
B = [ 1 1; 1 1; 3 3; 3 3; 4 4; 4 4; 5 5; 5 5;]
and I need the final array "C" to look like this after merging:
C = [ 0 0; 0 0; 1 1; 1 1; 2 2; 2 2; 3 3; 3 3; 4 4; 4 4; 5 5; 5 5;]
I've tried using different ways with reshaping each array and trying to use a double loop but haven't got it to work yet.
In my actual data it is inserting 9 rows of array B following 3 rows of array A and then repeated 100 times. So, there are 12 new merged rows (3 rows from array A and 9 rows from array B) repeated 100 times with a final row number == 1200. Array A actual data has 300 rows and actual Array B data has 900 rows

Here's a solution using only reshape:
A = [ 6 6; 3 3; 5 5; 4 4;]
B = [ 0 0; 21 21; 17 17; 33 33; 29 29; 82 82;]
A_count = 2;
B_count = 3;
w = size(A,2); %// width = number of columns
Ar = reshape(A,A_count,w,[]);
Br = reshape(B,B_count,w,[]);
Cr = [Ar;Br];
C = reshape(Cr,[],w)
The [] in reshape means "how ever many you need to get to the total number of elements". So if we have 12 elements in B and do:
Br = reshape(B,3,2,[]);
We're reshaping B into a 3x2xP 3-dimensional matrix. Since the total number of elements is 12, P = 2 because 12 = 3x2x2.
A =
6 6
3 3
5 5
4 4
B =
0 0
21 21
17 17
33 33
29 29
82 82
C =
6 6
3 3
0 0
21 21
17 17
5 5
4 4
33 33
29 29
82 82

Approach #1
This could be one approach assuming I got the requirements of the problem right -
%// Inputs
A = [ 6 6; 3 3; 5 5; 4 4;];
B = [ 0 0; 21 21; 17 17; 33 33; 29 29; 82 82;];
%// Parameters that decide at what intervals to "cut" A and B along the rows
A_cutlen = 2; %// Edit this to 3 for the actual data
B_cutlen = 3; %// Edit this to 9 for the actual data
%// Cut A and B along the rows at specified intervals into 3D arrays
A3d = permute(reshape(A,A_cutlen,size(A,1)/A_cutlen,[]),[1 3 2])
B3d = permute(reshape(B,B_cutlen,size(B,1)/B_cutlen,[]),[1 3 2])
%// Vertically concatenate those 3D arrays to get a 3D array
%// version of expected output, C
C3d = [A3d;B3d]
%// Convert the 3D array to a 2D array which is the final output
C_out = reshape(permute(C3d,[1 3 2]),size(C3d,1)*size(C3d,3),[])
Sample run -
A =
6 6
3 3
5 5
4 4
B =
0 0
21 21
17 17
33 33
29 29
82 82
A_cutlen =
B_cutlen =
C_out =
6 6
3 3
0 0
21 21
17 17
5 5
4 4
33 33
29 29
82 82
Approach #2
Just for the love of bsxfun, here's one approach with it and ones (no reshape or permute) -
%// Assuming A_cutlen and B_cutlen decide cutting intervals for A and B
%// Concatenate A and B along rows
AB = [A;B]
%// Find the row indices corresponding to rows from A and B to be placed
%// according to the problem requirements
idx1 = [1:A_cutlen size(A,1)+[1:B_cutlen]]
idx2 = [A_cutlen*ones(1,A_cutlen) B_cutlen*ones(1,B_cutlen)]
idx = bsxfun(#plus,idx1(:),idx2(:)*[0:size(A,1)/A_cutlen-1])
%// Re-arrange AB based on "idx" for the desired output
C = AB(idx,:)

based on your new criteria this is what you want. My solution isn't the nicest looking (maye someone can think of a nice vectorized approach), but it works
a_step = 2;
b_step = 3;
C = zeros(size([A;B]));
%we use two iterators, one for each matrix, they must be initialized to 1
a_idx = 1;
b_idx = 1;
%this goes through the entire c array doing a_step+b_step rows at a
for c_idx=1:a_step+b_step :size(C,1)-1
%this takes the specified number of rows from a
a_part = A(a_idx:a_idx+a_step-1,:);
%tkaes the specified number of rows from b
b_part = B(b_idx:b_idx+b_step-1,:);
%combines the parts together in the appropriate spot in c
C(c_idx:c_idx + a_step + b_step -1,:) = [a_part;b_part];
%advances the "iterator" on the a and b matricies
a_idx = a_idx + a_step;
b_idx = b_idx + b_step;
A = [ 6 6; 3 3; 5 5; 4 4;]
B = [ 0 0; 21 21; 17 17; 33 33; 29 29; 82 82;]
C =[6 6; 3 3; 0 0; 21 21; 17 17; 5 5; 4 4; 33 33; 29 29; 82 82;]


Vectorize 2d convolution on matlab

I got this Code for computing two dimensional convolution for two given arrays.
[r,c] = size(x);
[m,n] = size(y);
h = rot90(y, 2);
center = floor((size(h)+1)/2);
Rep = zeros(r + m*2-2, c + n*2-2);
for x1 = m : m+r-1
for y1 = n : n+r-1
Rep(x1,y1) = x(x1-m+1, y1-n+1);
B = zeros(r+m-1,n+c-1);
for x1 = 1 : r+m-1
for y1 = 1 : n+c-1
for i = 1 : m
for j = 1 : n
B(x1, y1) = B(x1, y1) + (Rep(x1+i-1, y1+j-1) * h(i, j));
How can i vectorize it , so no for loops exist ?
Thanks in advance.
Here's what I came up with:
%// generate test matrices
x = randi(12, 4, 5)
y = [2 2 2;
2 0 2;
2 2 2]
[r,c] = size(x);
%[m,n] = size(y); %// didn't use this
h = rot90(y, 2);
center = floor((size(h)+1)/2);
Rep = zeros(size(x)+size(h)-1); %// create image of zeros big enough to pad x
Rep(center(1):center(1)+r-1, center(2):center(2)+c-1) = x; %// and copy x into the middle
%// all of this can be compressed onto one line, if desired
%// I'm just breaking it out into steps for clarity
CRep = im2col(Rep, size(h), 'sliding'); %// 'sliding' is the default, but just to be explicit
k = h(:); %// turn h into a column vector
BRow = bsxfun(#times, CRep, k); %// multiply k times each column of CRep
B = reshape(sum(BRow), r, c) %// take the sum of each column and reshape to match x
T = conv2(Rep, h, 'valid') %// take the convolution using conv2 to check
assert(isequal(B, T), 'Result did not match conv2.');
Here are the results of a sample run:
x =
11 12 11 2 8
5 9 2 3 2
7 9 3 4 8
7 10 8 5 4
y =
2 2 2
2 0 2
2 2 2
B =
52 76 56 52 14
96 120 106 80 50
80 102 100 70 36
52 68 62 54 34
T =
52 76 56 52 14
96 120 106 80 50
80 102 100 70 36
52 68 62 54 34

Conversion from 3D cell array to a set of 2D matrices

I have a 3D-cell array designated as A{s,i,h}, serving as a store for large amounts of numerical data during a nested-loop portion of my script. Some of the cell entries will be blank [ ], whilst the rest consist of numbers - either singular or in arrays (1 x 10 double etc.):
I want to convert this cell array to a set of 2D matrices.
Specifically, one separate matrix for each value of h (h is always equal 1:3) and one column in each matrix for every value of s. Each column will contain all the numerical data combined - it does not need to be separated by i.
How can I go about this? I ordinarily deal with 3D-cell arrays in this form to produce separate matrices (one for each value of h) using something like this:
lens = sum(cellfun('length',reshape(A,[],size(A,3))),1);
max_length = max(lens);
mat = zeros(max_length,numel(lens));
mask = bsxfun(#le,[1:max_length]',lens);
mat(mask) = [A{:}];
mat(mat==0) = NaN;
mat = sort(mat*100);
Matrix1 = mat(~isnan(mat(:,1)),1);
Matrix2 = mat(~isnan(mat(:,2)),2);
Matrix3 = mat(~isnan(mat(:,3)),3);
However in this instance, each matrix had only a single column. I'm have trouble adding multiple columns to each output matrix.
1. Result in the form of a cell array of matrices (as requested)
Here's one possible approach. I had to use one for loop. However, the loop can be easily avoided if you accept a 3D-array result instead of a cell array of 2D-arrays. See second part of the answer.
If you follow the comments in the code and inspect the result of each step, it's straightforward to see how it works.
%// Example data
A(:,:,1) = { 1:2, 3:5, 6:9; 10 11:12 13:15 };
A(:,:,2) = { 16:18, 19:22, 23; 24:28, [], 29:30 };
%// Let's go
[S, I, H] = size(A);
B = permute(A, [2 1 3]); %// permute rows and columns
B = squeeze(mat2cell(B, I, ones(1, S), ones(1, H))); %// group each col of B into a cell...
B = cellfun(#(x) [x{:}], B, 'uniformoutput', false); %// ...containing a single vector
t = cellfun(#numel, B); %// lengths of all columns of result
result = cell(1,H); %// preallocate
for h = 1:H
mask = bsxfun(#le, (1:max(t(:,h))), t(:,h)).'; %'// values of result{h} to be used
result{h} = NaN(size(mask)); %// unused values will be NaN
result{h}(mask) = [B{:,h}]; %// fill values for matrix result{h}
Result in this example:
A{1,1,1} =
1 2
A{2,1,1} =
A{1,2,1} =
3 4 5
A{2,2,1} =
11 12
A{1,3,1} =
6 7 8 9
A{2,3,1} =
13 14 15
A{1,1,2} =
16 17 18
A{2,1,2} =
24 25 26 27 28
A{1,2,2} =
19 20 21 22
A{2,2,2} =
A{1,3,2} =
A{2,3,2} =
29 30
result{1} =
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
5 14
6 15
7 NaN
8 NaN
9 NaN
result{2} =
16 24
17 25
18 26
19 27
20 28
21 29
22 30
23 NaN
2. Result in the form of 3D array
As indicated above, using a 3D array to store the result permits avoiding loops. In the code below, the last three lines replace the loop used in the first part of the answer. The rest of the code is the same.
%// Example data
A(:,:,1) = { 1:2, 3:5, 6:9; 10 11:12 13:15 };
A(:,:,2) = { 16:18, 19:22, 23; 24:28, [], 29:30 };
%// Let's go
[S, I, H] = size(A);
B = permute(A, [2 1 3]); %// permute rows and columns
B = squeeze(mat2cell(B, I, ones(1, S), ones(1, H))); %// group each col of B into a cell...
B = cellfun(#(x) [x{:}], B, 'uniformoutput', false); %// ...containing a single vector
t = cellfun(#numel, B); %// lengths of all columns of result
mask = bsxfun(#le, (1:max(t(:))).', permute(t, [3 1 2])); %'// values of result to be used
result = NaN(size(mask)); %// unused values will be NaN
result(mask) = [B{:}]; %// fill values
This gives (compare with result of the first part):
>> result
result(:,:,1) =
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
5 14
6 15
7 NaN
8 NaN
9 NaN
result(:,:,2) =
16 24
17 25
18 26
19 27
20 28
21 29
22 30
23 NaN
Brute force approach:
[num_s, num_i, num_h] = size(A);
cellofmat = cell(num_h,1);
for matrix = 1:num_h
sizemat = max(cellfun(#numel, A(:,1,matrix)));
cellofmat{matrix} = nan(sizemat, num_s);
for column = 1:num_s
lengthcol = length(A{column, 1, matrix});
cellofmat{matrix}(1:lengthcol, column) = A{column, 1,matrix};
Matrix1 = cellofmat{1};
Matrix2 = cellofmat{2};
Matrix3 = cellofmat{3};
I don't know what your actual structure looks like but this works for A that is setup using the following steps.
A = cell(20,1,3);
for x = 1:3
for y = 1:20
len = ceil(rand(1,1) * 10);
A{y,1,x} = rand(len, 1);

Generating matlab array from two arrays

I have two large arrays which I will illustrate using the following examples.
The first array A is:
[ 1 21;
3 4;
4 12;
5 65 ];
The second array B is:
[ 1 26;
31 56;
4 121;
5 54 ];
I want to obtain the final array C as following:
[ 1 21 26;
4 12 121;
5 65 54];
i.e. use the common elements of first column from A and B to sieve out the rows I want to extract from arrays A and B and generate C.
Use the two-output vesion of ismember:
[ii jj] = ismember(A(:,1), B(:,1));
C = [ A(ii,:) B(jj(ii),2) ];
Note that in the second line ii is a logical index, whereas jj(ii) is a standard (integer) index.
bsxfun approach -
%// Slightly bigger and not-so-straightforward example to avoid any confusion
A =[ 1 21;
3 4;
4 12;
8 10
5 65]
B = [ 1 26;
31 56;
4 121;
5 54
9 99
8 88]
binmat = bsxfun(#eq,A(:,1),B(:,1).');%//'
[v1,v2] = max(binmat,[],2);
C = [A(any(binmat,2),:) B(nonzeros(v1.*v2),2:end)]
Output -
A =
1 21
3 4
4 12
8 10
5 65
B =
1 26
31 56
4 121
5 54
9 99
8 88
C =
1 21 26
4 12 121
8 10 88
5 65 54

finding index-positions of a composed-matrix

I need help with my code. The code is used to find the minumin of a square-distance problem. I am providing my code through an example, I believe this will be the easiest way to explain what I need.
clear all
x=10.8; % is a fixed value
y=34; % is a fixed value
z=12; % is a fixed value
A = [11 14 1; 5 8 18; 10 8 19; 13 20 16]; % a (4x3) matrix
B = [2 3 10; 6 15 16; 7 3 15; 14 14 19]; % a (4x3) matrix
I create a new matrix C which is composed in this following way:
C1 = bsxfun(#minus, A(:,1)',B(:,1));
C1=C1(:); % this is the first column of the new matrix C
C2 = bsxfun(#minus, A(:,2)',B(:,2));
C2=C2(:); % this is the second column of the new matrix C
C3 = bsxfun(#minus, A(:,3)',B(:,3));
C3=C3(:); % this is the third column of the new matrix C
C = [C1 C2 C3]; % the new matrix C of size (16x3)
C has to be formed in this way! And this is what I meant when I wrote in my title a composed-matrix
[d,p] = min((C(:,1)-x).^2 + (C(:,2)-y).^2 + (C(:,3)-z).^2);
d = sqrt(d);
d = 18.0289;
p = 13;
Gives me the distance (d) and position (p) which satisfies this min problem.
I need to find which combinations of A and B has given my this p value, in other words I need the index from ´A,B´ which gives me this optimal C1,C2,C3:
C1 = bsxfun(#minus, A(?,1)',B(?,1));
C2 = bsxfun(#minus, A(?,2)',B(?,2));
C3 = bsxfun(#minus, A(?,3)',B(?,3));
The ? is the index position I need, in this case the index position of the matrix A and the index position of B.
Calculated by hand I have the following illustration:
I know that:
C = [9 11 -9
5 -1 -15
4 11 -14
-3 0 -18
3 5 8
-1 -7 2
-2 5 3
-9 -6 -1
8 5 9
4 -7 3
3 5 4
-4 -6 0
11 17 6
7 5 0
6 17 1
-1 6 -3]
And I know that my optimal index is given in the position 13th. This index positions goes back to:
[13-2 20-3 16-10]
Which is A(4,:) - B(1,:)
I need a code which can help me to find this indexes from A and B
Thanks in advance!
PS. I am using the code in parameter estimation problems of ODEs.
First case: vector-matrix case
subvals = bsxfun(#minus,A,[x y z])
[distance,index] = min(sqrt(sum(subvals.^2,2)))
Second case: Two matrices case
subvals = bsxfun(#minus,A,permute(B,[3 2 1]));
[distances,indices] = min(sqrt(sum(subvals.^2,2)),[],3)
Testing for second case:
%%// Get some random data into A and B
A = randi(20,8,3)
B = randi(20,4,3)
%%// Just to test out out code for correctness,
%%// let us make any one one row of B, say 3rd row equal to
%%// any one row of A, say the 6th row -
B(3,:) = A(6,:)
%%// Use the earlier code
subvals = bsxfun(#minus,A,permute(B,[3 2 1]));
[distances,indices] = min(sqrt(sum(subvals.^2,2)),[],3)
%%// Get the minimum row index for A and B
[~,min_rowA] = min(distances)
min_rowB = indices(min_rowA)
min_rowA =
min_rowB =
Edit 1 [Response to simple example posted in question]:
The title says you are interested in finding the difference of two matrices and then find the shortest distance between it to a vector [x y z]. So I am hoping this is what you need -
A = [11 14 1; 5 8 18; 10 8 19; 13 20 16];
B = [2 3 10; 6 15 16; 7 3 15; 14 14 19];
C = A -B; %%// Distance of two vectors as posted in title
subvals = bsxfun(#minus,C,[x y z])
[distance,index] = min(sqrt(sum(subvals.^2,2)))
distance =
index =
Edit 2: After you have done this -
[d,p] = min((C(:,1)-x).^2 + (C(:,2)-y).^2 + (C(:,3)-z).^2);
If you are looking to find the corresponding indices of A and B , you may do this -
[minindex_alongB,minindex_alongA] = ind2sub(size(A),p)

Vectorize the sum of unique columns

There are multiple occurrence of same combination of values in different rows of matlab, for example 1 1 in first and second row. I want to remove all those duplicates but adding the values in third column. In case of 1 1 it will be 7. Finally I want to create a similarity matrix as shown below in Answer. I don't mind 2*values in diagonals because I will not be considering diagonal elements in further work. The code below does this but it is not vectorized. Can this be vectorized somehow. Example is given below.
datain = [ 1 1 3;
1 1 4;
1 2 5;
1 2 4;
1 2 3;
1 3 8;
1 3 7;
1 3 12;
2 2 22;
2 2 77;
2 3 111;
2 3 113;
3 3 456;
3 3 568];
for i=1:size(datain,1)
for j=1:cmp1sz
for k=1:cmp2sz
if datain(i,1)==cmp1(j,1) && datain(i,2)== cmp2(k,1)
The answer is
14 12 27
12 198 224
27 224 2048
This is a poster case for using ACCUMARRAY.
thetotal = accumarray(datain(:,1:2),datain(:,3),[],#sum,0);
%# to make the array symmetric, you simply add its transpose
thetotal = thetotal + thetotal'
thetotal =
14 12 27
12 198 224
27 224 2048
So what if datain does not contain only integer values? In this case, you can still construct a table, but e.g. thetotal(1,1) will not correspond to datain(1,1:2) == [1 1], but to the smallest entry in the first two columns of datain.
[uniqueVals,~,tmp] = unique(reshape(datain(:,1:2),[],1));
correspondingIndices = reshape(tmp,size(datain(:,1:2)));
thetotal = accumarray(correspondingIndices,datain(:,3),[],#sum,0);
The value at [1 1] now corresponds to the row [uniqueVals(1) uniqueVals(1)] in the first two cols of datain.
