Data upload from Visual Studio to SQL Server Timeout - sql-server

I have a big Problem sending an SQL-Dump made with SQL-Server Management Studio via to another SQL-Server.
I made the SQL-Files like this: Database / Tasks / scripts ...
After deleting every "GO" command in the Dump I managed to upload to my local SQL-Server 2012. But this worked only if I made different scripts for any table.
If I use one big File, I get a timeout.
Now I want to transfer the Data (50 MB) to another SQL Server via Internet connection.
Only 3 of 5 Tables are generated on this server :-(
I get the following timeout error (german version, sorry):
"Eine Ausnahme (erste Chance) des Typs "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException" ist in System.Data.dll aufgetreten.
Timeout abgelaufen. Das Zeitlimit wurde vor dem Beenden des Vorgangs überschritten oder der Server reagiert nicht."
Any Idea which side makes the timeout (SQL-Server oder
Is there a safer method uploading lots of data to a SQL-Server?
This is the code I use (The SQL-Skript is in My.Resources.SQLDump):
'####SQLDump #######
Dim SQLscript As String = My.Resources.SQLDump
SQLscript = "USE [" + TextBoxDB.Text + "] " + vbCrLf + SQLscript
Using connection As New SqlConnection(Verbind.ConStr)
Using command As New SqlCommand()
' Set the connection
command.Connection = connection
' Not necessary, but good practice
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text
' Example query using parameters
command.CommandText = SQLscript
rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using ' Dispose Command
End Using ' Dispose (and hence Close) Connection
MsgBox("DB-Upload 1/5 fertig!")

Is there a safer method uploading lots of data to a SQL-Server?
Yes, there are couple of ways to load data into SQL Server
bcp Utility
BULK INSERT statement
SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
Important note: On a 64-bit computer, Integration Services installs
the 64-bit version of the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
(DTSWizard.exe). However, some data sources, such as Access or Excel,
only have a 32-bit provider available. To work with these data
sources, you might have to install and run the 32-bit version of the
wizard. To install the 32-bit version of the wizard, select either
Client Tools or SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) during setup.
Tutorial to create a SSIS package
Being a SSIS developer I can go in deep and demostrate possible ways to import data by using SSIS like
Bulk import
Script task
Flat file source/ Excel source
Etc Etc.. but that would be different from the question which you have asked.
Regarding, resolving your error you can set the command timeout property in your code to make it run for any specific time limit or limitless.
command.CommandTimeout = 1;
Note: The CommandTimeout property will be ignored during asynchronous
method calls such as BeginExecuteReader.
Here is the sample code
Using command As New SqlCommand()
command.Connection = connection
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text
command.CommandText = SQLscript
command.CommandTimeout = 1
rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using
Other way is to extend connection timeout in your connection string. It accept integer which indicates seconds (in below example connection timeout is set to 30 seconds; 0 means unlimited)
Connection Timeout=30;

Import / Export Wizard for one time move
Since you were able to generate scripts, you have access to the source. Since you're able to execute them, you have access to the destination, and you have Management Studio installed. Your fastest option, IMO, is the Import Export utility provided by Sql Server.
In Sql Server Management Studio, right click on the source database name, click on "Tasks" and then click on "Export Data". This opens up a wizard that will let you put in Source, Destination, and pick the objects you want to export.
While 50 MB of scripts is large, 50MB of data move should finish within a matter of minutes.
Moving data over and over again
You have several options, I would go with OpenRowset, especially for the size of data you're moving. Here's a reference
If you go into moving Gigabytes worth of data regularly, then SSIS packages are your best option. Here's a tutorial


Error when opening ADODB recordset using odbc dsn in MS Access

I have a MS Access application that has been in use for at least 10 years. Recently I moved my work to a new development machine with Office 365 and SQL Server Express 2019 installed. The machine OS is Windows 10 Pro. In my old machine my application would run just fine. There is a query using a stored procedure that retrieves a piece of data from a table in the SQL Server backend. I call this procedure using a ADODB recordset based on the stored procedure output. All my calls use a connection string based on an ODBC DNS. This connection string works fine on the new machine when relinking tables to the SQL Server backend, but when I use it in the ADODB connection I get an error "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified". On the old Windows 7 development machine this ran fine. It also runs on the client's machines which are Windows 10 and Office 365. The code that raises the error follows. The error occurs at the open connection line. The connection string is: ODBC;DSN=VROM;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=2019 Microsoft Office system;DATABASE=VROM1.
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.ConnectionString = DLookup("Link", "tblLinkData", "Use = True")
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
My question "Is there a setting in SQL Server that could be causing this error?". As far as I can tell both systems are set up the same, but there is obviously something different between the two. Is there another reason this could be working on one system and not another?
Hum, where to start?
Ok, first up, if you using the ODBC panel to create a ODBC connection, then you NEVER were actually using a ADO connection in that DSN config = ODBC!!!!
That means you been feeing ADO a ODBC connection string. you can do this, but at least lets be aware of what is going on.
Next up:
Are you running the SQL browser service? You MUST do that now!. Don't know if you installed a later version of SQL SERVER, but a few versions ago you will find now that you MUST run the browser service.
This one:
The reason of course is that you can (may) have multiple instances of sql server running, and the default instance (SQLEXPRESS) now MUST BE specified. As noted older instances did NOT have this requirement. And to "resolve" the multiple instances, you now must run the SQL browser service. As noted, this was NOT a requirement in the past - it is now. That browser service is what connects the IP/server name to the instance, and you now in most cases have to run this.
There are exceptions, but you don't want much pain.
Next up:
For a VERY long time, it is recommended for Access linked tables you use a DSN-less connection. that way then at deployment time to all workstations, you don't need to setup a DSN on each workstation.
And if you link Access tables using a FILE dsn (not system or user), then upon the table link process, access BY DEFAULT converts all table links to DSN-less. That means once you linked, then you could even delete the DSN - you do NOT need it anymore.
Again: this ONLY holds true if and when you create a FILE dsn, and use that to link the tables. So, that takes care of the DSN-less linked tables.
Note that if you were to modify the DSN, you would have to link, since I just told you by default access creates + uses dsn-less links (assuming you used a FILE dsn to link).
now, you CAN of course use that SAME dsn for ADO, but that means you are feeding ADO a ODBC driver connection!!!
If you want to create a real ADO connection, then you would/could/should say use this:
Dim strCon As String
strCon = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;;Initial Catalog=TEST4; " & _
"Data Source =.\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted_Connection=yes"
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
conn.ConnectionString = strCon
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "SELECT * from tblHotels", conn
Do While rst.EOF = False
Debug.Print rst!HotelName
Now now how I used a "." for localhost. That could be replaced with (local), or in fact the computer (server) name say like this:
strCon = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;;Initial Catalog=TEST4; " & _
"Data Source =ALBERTKALLAL-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted_Connection=yes"
Next up, make sure you enabled the TC/IP connections.
However, since your case all along you actually been using ODBC driver with ADO, then I would not rock the boat.
But, check your settings as per above.
Since linked tables, and quite much everything else is DAO + odbc?
then I would probably not introduce ADO into that application for JUST calling + using sql server store procedures.
I as a general rule would say use this;
with currentdb.tabledefs("qryPT")
.sql = "exec MyProcName"
end with
Or, if it is to return data, then I would use this:
dim rst as DAO.RecordSet
with currentdb.tabledefs("qryPT")
.sql = "exec MyProcName"
set rst = .OpenRecordSet()
end with
So, I am hard pressed to find a reason to use ADO. Now of course since you been using ADO, then I guess I would continue to do so.
but, check the browser settings. And if the tables were linked using a FILE dsn, then they are dsn-less.
You could try feeding the ADO connection a existing connection from a existing linked table.
strCon = CurrentDb.TableDefs("dbo_tblHotels").Connect
strCon = Mid(strCon, 6)
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
conn.ConnectionString = strCon
Skipping the first 6 chars skips this part:
UID=AlbertKallal;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft Office 2010;
So once again we are feeding ADO ODBC connection string.
(of course above connection string is one line).

file share error if Sql Compact 4 in windows application

I am sorry but I want a final answer about that.
First I used SQL compact 3.5 for long time and it take from me long time to make tables and it is work good per one user application but now I have customer who want to run my soft on 8 computer by local network so I said ok then I try to share data file .sdf on server and use it but I get an error I don't remember it so I am searched on the internet and I saw that I must update to SQL compact 4 so update it and after that I get this Stupid error
I can’t Believe that this data don't support this type of use and it take too long time to make tables and other things on SQL compact database and the my customer will not wait me so what is the Reason
My SQL statement is this:
dt = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=" & dpaa & "\MoveData.sdf;Encrypt Database=True;Password=123cdswdaas;File Mode=Read Write;Persist Security Info=False")
I think that previous answer is slightly misleading - you are definitely able use SQL Server CE 4.0 with database file located on network share. In fact, I am using this functionality in one of my active projects right now. "File Mode=Exclusive" parameter is not necessary - exclusive mode is the only available mode in such case.
The major drawback of this approach is that only one client is able to read from or write to database file at a given time, due to exclusive locking of entire SDF file. But there a circumstances when it is not possible to have full-featured SQL server in your environment (domain policy etc.). In such case shared database file is the only solution available.
Accessing SQL Compact database .sdf file on a network share by multiple users is not supported. You should use SQL Server Express edition for this. There are also multiple posts on stackoverflow on this subject. The version 3.5 supports opening .sdf file exclusively from a network share but 4.0 does not. But no SQL CE version supports shared access of multiple network users to 1 .sdf file.
But upgrading your application to support both SQL Express and SQL Compact databases could be relatively easy task. It depends on how your application access data. For example using Entity Framework your queries could be generated depending on your actual database connection.
You can also use generic classes DbConnection, DbCommand etc. instead of SqlCeConnection, SqlCeCommand etc. - thus you can change used database type without having to maintain two separate versions of your project.
Download SQL Express 2014 with Tools SQLEXPRWT (You can eventually use also older versions e.g. 2008) SQL Server has a lot more SQL features and data types than SQL CE, so watch that you use only stuff that is compatible with SQL CE.
In your app.config have you can have two connection strings:
<add name="CompactDBConnection" connectionString="data source=|DataDirectory|\CE.sdf; password=xxxxxx; SSCE:Max Buffer Size=16384; temp file max size=256; ssce:autoshrink threshold=100; ssce:max database size=4091" providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" />
<add name="ExpressDBConnection" connectionString="Server=myServerName\myInstanceName;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername; Password=myPassword;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
You can chose then which one to use at the app startup
For creating DbConnection check this C# Retrieving correct DbConnection object by connection string.
Here is a small example of calling stored procedure using DbCommand instead of SqlCeCommand:
DbConnection dbConn = GetConnection(connStr);
DbProviderFactory sqlF = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(dbConn);
using (DbCommand b2bcmd = sqlF.CreateCommand())
DbParameter msg = sqlF.CreateParameter();
msg.ParameterName = "#errorMessage";
msg.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
msg.DbType = DbType.String;
msg.Value = string.Empty;
msg.Size = 2048;
b2bcmd.Connection = dbConn;
b2bcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
b2bcmd.CommandText = "PB2BImport";
result = Convert.IsDBNull(msg.Value) ? "N/A" : (string)msg.Value;
I presume you do not use Entity framework - but it would be much easier with it.

Script to replicate SQL Server data dynamicaly

I have an access 2010 application with a SQL Server database.
But I need to do an offline version. So I thought I would create a local SQL Server database on their computers then they can run a script to update their data before they go on the road.
NOTE: There won't be any sync. The data in offline mode is only for read-only and any changes will be lost.
I tried with Management Studio like this:
But I realized that the data is hard coded instead of doing inserts from selects.
Is there any easy way to create the script?
What I have so far is my pass through query in access to create the backup of my online database.
Then I have my pass through query to restore the backup to the local server.
The only problem is how can I build the connection string for the second query. It's currently set to this one
ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=010-068\SQLEXPRESS;UID=marcAndreL;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=SMD
but because it's a different database for everyone, it won't work.
How can we build a custom connection string?
I am using SQL Server Express 2012 and Windows Authentication, so using the answer provided here, I find this works for me:
Sub TestCon()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open ServerConLocal
End Sub
Function ServerConLocal()
''OleDB Connection
ServerConLocal = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;" _
& "Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
End Function
For an ODBC connection string in a Pass-through query, this works for me:
ODBC;Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=test;
Take a look at download-only articles for merge replication. MSDN.

MSAccess 2007 changing connection properties in form

I would like some help in creating a form with-in an MS Access front end to select a database/database server for the access backend.
A little history first;
I created a MSAccess 2007 acccdp database, it was designed as a single user to be run locally. (For a university research project with little or no funds for this).
Eventually there was a need to expand the database to be used by several people at once in the same office so what i did;
Install SQLExpress 2008r2 on a desktop.
Used Database Tools > Move Data > Sql Sever to migrate the tables to the new SQL server.
Now I want to create a second test database for development/training etc... Also, I need to adjust the properties for a different database sever (at home).
So I figure I need a form to auto exec (rather than the switchboard) which will allow you to select the database server and Database to join the linked tables to, then if successfully connects to open the switchboard.
I can create the form, but i need help with the vba to adjust the database connection properties.
I am just trying to help this project and am not a programmer in any way.
Thanks in advance
If your choice is between two connections, you can check if the existing connection is working and if not, switch to the second. However, a button may still be the best bet. This snippet works for me, but it sets the connection timeout to just a second, so the server may be available if you had only waited a little longer, and even with this time out, there is enough of a delay for an impatient person to start clicking.
Function IsSQLServer() As String
''Reference Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects x.x Library
Dim cn As New adodb.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = ServerCon & "Connect Timeout=1;"
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
IsSQLServer = "No;" & Err.Description
If cn.State = adStateOpen Then
IsSQLServer = "Yes"
IsSQLServer = "Maybe"
End If
End If
Set cn = Nothing
End Function

Help with MS Access and SQL Server 2008

I need somebody to point me to the right direction, I have a MS Access DB that is updated by HP devices, and I have to sync it with the SQL Server 2008.
I have a few Ideas, and I would like to know what do you think about this:
Is there anything like triggers on access? if so can I comunicate with a SQL Server?
Is there any way to use VBA so access tell my VBA macro or whatever to make an update on SQL Server?
Is there a simple way to connect from VB 6 to SQL Server 2008?
Using a script that run at background and check DB at X minutes or seconds.
Any other ideas or suggestions are very welcome.
Thanks and like always sorry for the english.
Just to add a few points to adopilot’s answer
1) Access 2010 does have triggers and stored procedures but they are more about native access/jet tables as opposed to linked SQL tables I believe.
2 & 3) If you want to connect VB6 or VBA to an SQL server then the technology to do that is called ADO for example here is some code to open a connection and run a SQL statement
Dim dbCon as NEW ADODB.Connection
dbCon.ConnectionString = strSQL_con_string
dbCon.Provider = "sqloledb"
dbCon.Execute “UPDATE tblFoo SET bar=5 WHERE Foo=1”
4) You can either do this client side with a timer/wait event in VB6/Access or do it server side with a SQL job, not sure which is best for your situation given the limited information provided
You can refer to either the SQL Server database or the MS Access database inline in your SQL:
UPDATE SQLTable (ID, Stuff)
FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'c:\External\MyAccess.mdb';'admin';'', Table1)
-- From databasejournal
You can execute this query using ADO with a connection to SQL Server
-- Connection strings
You can also do the same from the Access end with ODBC
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
scn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=" _
& DBFullName
cn.Open scn
s = "INSERT INTO [ODBC;Description=TEST;DRIVER=SQL Server;" _
& "SERVER=Server\Instance;Trusted_Connection=Yes;" _
& "DATABASE=test].Table2 (ID, Stuff) SELECT ID, Stuff FROM Table1"
cn.Execute s
You can run ADO with VBScript, or other suitable script and use Windows Task Scheduler to kick the script off at suitable intervals. This is not without pain.
You can try to link MS Access database to SQL server,
Now you can querying data from SQL server which is in MS Access.
I do not know about trigers on MS ACCESS but you can implement some loops in
MS SQL to periodicity count or select data for cheking new one.
To make linked server in SQL MGM Studio on Object Explorer -> Server Object -> Linked server -> right click -> New linked server
After then in new query simple call any table like
Select * from [linked server].dbo.mytable
In MS SQL there is WAITFOR command which You can implement
