CakePHP need advice on creating app - cakephp

I need an advice for my application. I have fleet with Vehicles and every vehicle has its owner. I would like to have possibility to add "Items" to these vehicles such as Insurance etc.
I would like to click on the icon and have a list of items for this vehicle.
Should I create a methods for this within Vehicles Controller or create another one?

The "Items" are different database entities than the Vehicles. You will probably end up doing other actions with those "Items" in the future beyond viewing them (e.g. Create/Edit/Update).
You'll want to manage different database entities separately in an MVC framework.
So yes, create an ItemsController. You can then code a "getItemsByVehicleId" method and build out the View to display them.


Template and model reuse in Wagtail

I am building a fairly basic Wagtail site and have run into an issue regarding the reuse of models and templates.
Say my site has two kinds of entries:
blog posts and
Both pages look the same and share many model fields (e.g., author, category, intro, etc.). However, there are some model fields that only make sense for the event entry type (e.g., event_date, event_venue).
What would be the ideal way of creating templates and models for this use-case without repeating myself in the code?
Right now, both blog and event entries use the same HTML template and the same model. However, when the user creates a blog post in the Wagtail admin, he or she has to "ignore" the event-specific fields (which may become even more in the future).
Do I have to create two separate template files and two separate models despite both blogs and events being 95% the same code? What would be the correct way to solve this in Wagtail?
If you want to maintain it the way it is, contained within one model and template, you could create separate model admins for each pseudo-type (Blogs and Events), and override the queryset function to make each separate modeladmin only show the ones you're looking for, and then edit the panels that are shown on create/edit/delete.
class EventAdmin(ModelAdmin):
panels = [
def get_queryset(self, request):
qs = super().get_queryset(request)
events = qs.filter(your_field__isnull=False)
return events
More information at

symfony3 sonata-admin 3.10 - how to reuse the default list, show, and edit admin features in custom template or in other admin classes

I am currently working in a sales tracking project - where I am constantly getting into situation where I have to duplicate code about listing, showing or editing models.
I have 3 models, Lead, Customer, and Sales Activity. with 1:1 relations between Lead and Customer and 1:M relation between Lead and Sales Activity.
What I want is that when I SHOW a Lead, I should be able to reuse the show function of customer admin class, and I don't have to redo it in the show function of the Lead admin class.
Similarly, I want to be able add the LIST and CREATE function of the Sales Activity class into the Lead SHOW function without having to recode that which is already present. I could use render(controller()) in a custom template - but that includes the base template as well of the target controller, and it just messes the whole layout
I appreciate any input on the matter. thanks for your time.
Basic answer would be Admin class inheritance.
Another one would be to make a trait with your configureShowFields and use this trait in all of your admin classes.
If you are open to trying out a new bundle you can check :
This bundle allows configuration of you admins in Yaml
And one of the features would suit your use case it would look like:
type: text
type: textarea
It will let you configure your mappers for all your admins

Is this the right db design for the most flexible and modular CMS with user management in CakePHP?

I would like to ask you guys if you could review my database design. I think it is quite self-explanatory, but to be absolutely clear:
My goal is to make an application which has a super flexible user management (which is why the groups are in tree-form and the groups and users have a habtm relationship) and a super modular way to build pages (which is why the pages consist of widget-blocks).
The reason I made users and profiles separate is because the users table will not change and is only needed for authentication and authorization. However, the profiles table will change according to the wishes of the client. So it might not have a signature, but an avatar field instead. Or maybe it will be completely empty / not exist at all.
A widget could be anything, it could be a poll, it could be a piece of content, it could be a navigation, it could be a collection of comments, whatever.
The reason I chose to make subdomains, locales and layouts separate tables instead of just putting the names into pages is because I want to limit the options that are available to the client. Just because I have a three-columns.ctp in my layouts folder doesn't necessarily mean I want the client to be able to choose it.
Same goes for the widgets. And besides limiting choice, not every plugin, controller and action in my plugins-folder is a widget, so I need a table to clarify which are.
A block is a widget on a page which sits in a container (e.g. the right column in a 3 column layout) at a particular position which is decided by the index (lower index means higher).
So that's my explanation, what do you guys think? Is this as good as it can be? Or do you have (a) suggestion(s) to make it even more flexible and modular.
[edit] Oh and to be clear, the widgets will of course have their own tables to store the information they need to store.
Well, I think that everything is great except "profiles".
When you try to get data from a logged user:
I don't think that you will get data about "profiles" so you will have to find profile by $this->Auth->user('id') etc. I think that you should merge "profiles" and "users" tables into "users" table.
So when you want to save, let's say, "signature" you should just put it in $this->request->data; and call $this->User->save($this->request->data); and the signature will be updated.
You can leave it the way it is but, to get other data than user, you will have to put:
$id = $this->Auth->user('id');
$current_user = $this->User->findById($id);

How to sync two models representing the same object but with a different cid?

In my app, user can create vehicles. On the "show specific vehicle" page, I have an instance of Vehicle (which extend RelationalModel from Backbone Relational). When I change the avatar of the vehicle, this model is changed.
In another page "show vehicles list" of the application, I have a gallery showing the vehicles of the user. The models (instances of Vehicle too) are in a collection. Unfortunately, they have a different CID and thus are not updated properly when the user changes the avatar of the Vehicle in the show Page.
How to deal with that? I would like the Vehicle #9 to be the same everywhere.
I would define an application-level vehicleCollection (A) where you store all vehicles you get from every single request that returns vehicles (B, C). Since every vehicleId will be the same, you can do a look-up in the main collection (A) if the model already exists when you loop over the resultset from the other collection fetch (B, C).
You will most likely need to work with temporary collections and inject the relevant model from the main collection (A)
If you look through the tests that come with the Backbone package (or just go to their github repo) you can clearly see how it works adding the same model to different collections

cakephp: abstract classes, factory, return objects

I would need an idea or two how I would do this in cakephp (using latest version)
I am building a web based game where you will be able to collect Items
Without a framework I would have an abstract base item class that every item would extend to
And when displaying for example a inventory i would factory all items the user currently have and then return a object for each item.
How would I do this in cakephp? Would I go for a model for each item class ... and how would i factor to get the object? ...
Assuming you're using a database as the data store, presumably you will use a single table for all items the player can collect? If so, you probably want a single Model class.
It's possible to have an inheritance hierarchy for models in CakePHP if you want. But you can often achieve sharing of Model logic using a Behaviour.
