Is there any way I can find out the required length of an input field using AngularJS? - angularjs

Given this:
<input id="modalContentTitle"
ng-required="true" />
I know that I can access information on that field like this:
title="{{ ahs.vr5(ahs.forms.modal.modalContentTitle) }}"></i>
vr5 = function (field) {
if (angular.isDefined(field)) {
if (field.$error.required) return "Required";
if (field.$error.minlength) return "Minimum 5 characters";
if (field.$ return "Email Invalid";
return "OK";
Is there a way that I can get the ng-minlength directly from the field information with AngularJS or do I need to create a different vr6 function if I want to verify lengths for fields with a minlength of 6.

unfortunately minlength is a private variable within Angular. You can however, do a workaround for this
<input id="modalContentTitle"
ng-minlength="modalContentTitle.minlength = 5"
ng-required="true" />
And now you can access this by


Parsley - Error message being used over Required Message when field is empty

I have added a custom validator to parsley which is working as expected but the only problem I have is that the data-parsley-error-message is being used over the data-parsley-required-message when the field has been left empty.
How can this be prevented so that the error message is used when validation fails and the required message is shown when the field is blank.
Current Code:
<input class="form-control" id="FirstName" name="FirstName" maxlength="20" data-parsley-required-message="Your first name was missing." data-parsley-validate-non-ascii="" data-parsley-error-message="Invalid Character Entered" data-parsley-trigger="blur" required="" data-parsley-id="3137" type="text">
window.ParsleyValidator.addValidator('validateNonAscii', function (value) {
return Validate(value);
data-parsley-error-message will always have priority. Use data-parsley-validate-non-ascii-message instead.
Using the suggestion from Marc-André Lafortune, I managed to find my own answer by implementing a custom Validation Error Message:
I updated my HTML input to the following:
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="FirstName" name="FirstName" maxlength="20" data-parsley-required-message="Your first name was missing." data-parsley-validate-non-ascii="" data-parsley-validate-non-ascii-message="Invalid Character Entered" data-parsley-trigger="blur" required="" data-parsley-id="5021">
Then using an event listener, I was able to add the error message from the input to Parsley; which now shows the validation error when a invalid character is entered and the required message when the field is blank.
$.listen('parsley:field:error', function (fieldInstance) {
var validateNonAsciiMessage = fieldInstance.$'parsley-validate-non-ascii-message');
if (validateNonAsciiMessage !== undefined) {
window.ParsleyValidator.addMessage('en', 'validateNonAscii', validateNonAsciiMessage);
window.ParsleyValidator.addValidator('validateNonAscii', function (value) {
return Validate(value);

AngularJS doesnt show the value of object's property

this should be straight forward, just cant figure out why it's not working.
I receive data in this format from Web API 2 (captured from Chrome's debugger):
AngularJS code to render the results
(vm.reportParameters contains that structure on the screenshot with 2 nodes):
<div ng-repeat="param in vm.reportParameters" class="form-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" value="{{param.Name}}" />
The output (missing value of Name property, should display "Country"):
Any idea what I am missing here? Why the value is not shown?
// GET api/reports/5
// This action retrieves parameters of selected report by reportId
public IHttpActionResult Get(string reportId)
var manager = new ReportsManager();
var model = manager.GetReportParameters(reportId);
if (model == null || model.Parameters == null || model.Parameters.Count == 0)
return NotFound();
return Ok<ParametersModel>(model);
catch (Exception ex)
return InternalServerError(ex);
This garbage-alike data has this weird format with all these k__XXXXX
things because I had various attributes applied to the model for XML
Deserialization (in C# code). After I removed all these Serialization
attributes, the model became normal and clean as expected. Go guess :)
Use without expression, ng-model
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="param.Name" />

Angularjs ng-value sum fields

Hi i have inputs like this
<input type="text" ng-model="tbl.Public">
<input type="text" ng-model="tbl.Private">
<input type="text" ng-value="tbl.Public--tbl.Private" ng-model="tbl.Total">
the above form will working fine it will sum the Public and Private value and put it in tbl.Total field. My problem is in edit form where value of tbl.Total, tbl.Public, tbl.Private are assign from database.
now after assigning a value from js when i change value of tbl.Public or tbl.Private in form it is not affecting a tbl.Total it should sum the two value and put it in tbl.Total field.
Thank you for your any help and suggestion.
ng-value is usually used on radiobuttons and option elements, it's not a good fit for your use case.
A better thing to do would be implementing an updateTotal() function combined with ng-change. I would also recommend changing your input types to number so you're not allowing users to sum text.
<input type="number" ng-model="tbl.Public" ng-change="updateTotal();">
<input type="number" ng-model="tbl.Private" ng-change="updateTotal();">
<input type="number" ng-model="tbl.Total">
In your controller:
$scope.updateTotal = function() {
$scope.tbl.Total = $scope.tbl.Public + $scope.tbl.Private;
It should be like this to prevent from concatenate
$scope.updateTotal = function() {
var Public = Number($scope.tbl.Public || 0);
var Private = Number($scope.tbl.Private || 0);
$scope.tbl.Total = Public + Private;

ng-model - getting name and value of input box

I have an update function and a number of input boxes. Each input has an ng-blur attached to it so that the update function is called whenever the cursor leaves the box.
$scope.update = function(data) {
console.log(data); //outputs value in the textbox
//how can I output/access the key?
The input for name look like this:
<input type="text" ng-model="" ng-blur="update("/>
As I need to be able to post a JSON object in the form {"name" : "bob smith"} what's a good way of generating the "key" of the object bearing in mind that it will differ depending on the input box that's being used at the time?
I have made this jsfiddle to illustrate a way to do it more cleanly & that would scale more easily:
Why not simply pass a second string argument? It's not a fancy way to do it but it would work:
<input type="text" ng-model="" ng-blur="update(, 'name')"/>
$scope.update = function(data, key) {
console.log(key, data);
It might be a little more work but it is much more scalable. You could make use of the ng-form and naming your form inputs. By naming your form and inputs, you are creating a form reference on your scope via $scope[form-name]. Each named input within that form then sets an input reference via $scope[form-name][input-name].
I'm coding this in coffeescript (to preserve my sanity, sorry)
<form name="myForm">
<input name="name" ng-model="" ng-blur="update(user)"/>
<input name="email" ng-model="" ng-blur="update(user)"/>
<input name="other" ng-model="user.other" ng-blur="update(user)"/>
update & save func
# key is what changed in case you need to do something special on the put call to server
$ = (data, key)->
# pseudo-code
$scope.update = (data)->
for name, input of $scope.myForm
if input?.$dirty
$ data, name
docs -
codepen -

ng-list length validation in AngularJS

I need validation for ng-list, means should restrict the user to enter more than three array list like ['121','565','435'] and if user tries to enter like ['121','565','435','787'] should give error like only 3 vin can enter.
Also if the user enter ['**1214**','565','435'] like above it should tell only 3 digits are allowed.
This is my input field:
<input type="text" name="vin" id="vin" class="form-control"
ng-model="" ng-list required max-length="3"/>
I am new in AngularJS.
I don't know the default validate properties for ng-list, but you can customise the validation like
<input type="text" name="vin" id="vin" class="form-control"
ng-model="" ng-list required max="3" ng-change="isBigEnough(" />
<span ng-show=" > 3">array length should below than three</span>
<span ng-show="IsElementLength">element length should below than three</span>
and your controller side code
$scope.isBigEnough = function (values) {
if (values != undefined) {
values.every(function (element, index, array) {
if (element.length > 3) {
$scope.IsElementLength = true;
return false;
$scope.IsElementLength = false;
return true;
['121','565','435'] - No error message
['1211','565','435'] -element length should below than three
['121','565','435','543']- array length should below than three
['1211','565','435','543']- array length should below than three and element length should below than three
i have bring the code on plunker, but i did't test it on plunker.
