Expanding tiles layout using Angular in responsive layout - angularjs

I'm developing an Angular single-page app with a responsive layout. The current page I'm working on uses a tile-based layout that auto wraps extra tiles to the next row. The HTML is below and, in the responsive layout, it can show 1, 2, or 3 tiles per row depending on the width of the row (it positions them using floats).
<div class="tiled_panel">
<div class="tile_1">...</div>
<div class="tile_2">...</div>
<div class="tile_3">...</div>
<div class="tile_4">...</div>
<div class="tile_5">...</div>
Now each tile will be given a "Learn More" button. The design calls for a block to expand between the row of the selected tile and the row below. This block will be the full width of the row and will be closed when the user closes it or clicks on a different Learn More button.
My first thought was to arrange the HTML as below using ng-if to hide or display the expander divs but I can't figure out the CSS needed to have it display between the rows.
<div class="tiled_panel">
<div class="tile_1">...</div>
<div class="expander_1">...</div>
<div class="tile_2">...</div>
<div class="expander_2">...</div>
<div class="tile_3">...</div>
<div class="expander_3">...</div>
<div class="tile_4">...</div>
<div class="expander_4">...</div>
<div class="tile_5">...</div>
<div class="expander_5">...</div>
My second thought, since I'm using Angular, was to somehow use transcluding or including to insert the relevant HTML into the appropriate spot. Again, I can't figure out how to identify where I need to insert the HTML?
I've tried searching around for other people's solutions to similar problems since I figured its not that unusual a requirement but I haven't yet been able to find anyone else who is doing this.
Can anyone else suggest what I need to do to identify the where to insert the HTML or how to generate the CSS? Or even suggest another solution that I haven't considered yet?

Although I have 70% understand of what you mean, I think ng-class can simply solve what you've faced. The solution code is like below. And I setup jsfiddle.
Html looks like this.
<div ng-app="" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div class="tiled_panel">
<div>Tile 1 <a href ng-click="change_tile(1)">More</a></div>
<div class="expander" ng-class="{'close': opentile===1}">Expander 1<a href ng-click="change_tile(-1)">Close</a></div>
<div>Tile 2 <a href ng-click="change_tile(2)">More</a></div>
<div class="expander" ng-class="{'close': opentile===2}">Expander 2<a href ng-click="change_tile(-2)">Close</a></div>
Your controller code looks like this.
$scope.change_tile = function(value){
$scope.opentile = value;
Css looks like this.
visibility: hidden
visibility: visible


Display full width Div after selected item's flexbox row

I am using Angular ui-router to navigate pages and flexbox as a grid type solution. I am attempting to reproduce Google Image Search Result look where the black expanding div opens under the selected image. I also need the route to change when the image is selected which I have working. However the div opens after all the divs in the row. Now after the row which the selected item is located. Any help on a ng-if, directive or script that could help me do this would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: After thinking about it more I think I would need a script/directive that detected divs in selected's row and then inserted the ui-view div after the row.
Here what I have so far:
<div id="container">
<a ng-repeat="item in professionals | filter:{cat: cat} | filter:query"
ui-sref="bids.item({item: item.link})"
<div ui-view></div>
CSS makes div a flex element and wraps the square `a` divs contained.
Partial that opens when clicked includes:
<div class="expand" data-ng-if=" need something to the extent of open only below selected items row">

Angular Carousel around div with functionality

I'm looking for a Angular Carousel there is working with Bootstrap divs
I want it to shift between Divs, and I get the next div in center when clicking next or previous.
Bootstrap exsampel til wrap with carousel:
<div class="row">
<!-- Carousel start -->
<div class="col-md-1 col-sm-6">
<div class="box box-lg br-black animated">
<div class="box-content box-default">
Functionality 1
<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-6">
<div class="box box-lg br-black animated">
<div class="box-content box-default">
Functionality 2
<div class="col-md-1 col-sm-6">
<div class="box box-lg br-black animated">
<div class="box-content box-default">
Functionality 3
<!-- Carousel end --></div>
What possibilities do I have?
your question is a little confused to me. I understood your question but the code show something different. I will try to answer you the question with several alternatives. If you could be more specific with your problem I will help you quickly.
First, there are several carousel for AngularJS. There are single libraries that creates carousel, and others like ui-bootstrap(angular-ui) and AngularStrap that fit much better with Twitter Bootstrap. If you want to use AngularJS with TB, I recommend you ui-bootstrap. I have worked several times with the library and never let me down.
So, creating the carousel with ui-bootstrap we have several alternatives. First, to place the content of your divs in the center you have not use the grid system obligatory. You can use a single row and center the elements with text-align, margin:0 auto, flex model or others techniques. In this case check the next plunk:
If you want to create each div with columns of the grid system, like your code shown, you have to shift the columns with .col-md-offset-x, leaving the same space at the sides. Check the plunk.
I hope that my answer help you at least a little, If your question is another please, let me know.

Replace ui-view with the loaded content

I have multiple views like here : http://www.funnyant.com/angularjs-ui-router/
And I load them in my page like this
<div data-ui-view="content"></div> --- 75% width
<div data-ui-view="sidebar"></div> --- 25% width
Now, when the content is loaded, I want the loaded content not load inside these ui-view divs, but to replace them. Is it possible ? because if they don't replace then in my situation the float won't work and the sidebar shows bellow the content.
Help please
Using Bootstrap rows would this achieve your aim?
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-9" ui-view="content"></div>
<div class="col-md-3" ui-view="sidebar"></div>
This is not possible and would be undesirable as it would leave you unable to change states. A simple workaround would be to add the width/float styles directly to the ui-view divs.
If you are determined to make it work you could create a custom directive wrapper like the solution provided here.
Try adding your desired sizes to the style of the containers.
<div data-ui-view="content" style="width: 75%;"></div>
<div data-ui-view="sidebar" style="width: 25%;"></div>

Using Masonry in AngularJS / Bootstrap app

I have been trying (unsuccessfully) for the past two days to use Masonry in an app. My app uses AngularJS and Bootstrap. I need to display images in Bootstrap panels. The images will be dynamically loaded. Each panel will be 200px in size. I want the panels to get added left-to-right with a maximum of four columns. There is a demo on the official angular-masonry site that is similar to what I'm trying to do. They do not use panels though.
When my app runs, my panels always load vertically. There are no columns. Just one single column basically. I can't figure out why. I've created a JSFiddle here. The setup for the masonry stuff is pretty simple. It looks like this:
<div class="masonry-brick panel panel-default" ng-repeat="item in items">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">{{item.title}}</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<img ng-src="{{ item.imageUrl }}" alt="A masonry brick">
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I worked all weekend on this. Thank you!

angularjs - toggle ng-class from multiple ng-clicks

I've just started working on a project that requires me to learn AngularJS. What I'm trying to do is create two menus that slide into the screen, one from the left, one from the right. When they do this they push the content over.
Currently I can get one or the other to work, but not both. I realize this is because of the way that I'm defining the ng-class. I just can't quite conceptualize how to do it correctly.
<div ng-class="{true:'slide-left', false:''}[toggleSlide]" class="container">
<div class="content">
<button ng-click="toggleSlide = !toggleSlide" class="btn-left">From Left</button>
<button ng-click="toggleSlide = !toggleSlide" class="btn-right">From Right</button>
<div class="slide-from-left">
<p>Here is information that slides from off screen left.</p>
<div class="slide-from-right">
<p>Here is information that slides from off screen right.</p>
Set up the ng-class syntax like this for what you want:
<div ng-class="{'slide-left':toggleSlide, 'slide-right':!toggleSlide}" class="container">
Also, I'm guessing you were trying to adapt your code to something else you saw, so I'll offer something on that also. Here's an ng-class using ng-repeat's $index to dole out classes for even and odd:
ng-class="['even', 'odd'][$index % 2]"
