Fetch Multiple Rows From Sybase Cursor - cursor

(Sybase ASE) I'm trying to fetch multiple rows from a cursor into something usable. So far I've managed to successfully fetch in batches of 1000:
DECLARE indexBlockCursor CURSOR
FROM #HighestPriorityIdTypeCode
SET CURSOR ROWS 1000 for indexBlockCursor
open indexBlockCursor
fetch from indexBlockCursor
This prints the first 1000, when I run it, however I want to be able to manipulate these rows. When I try:
fetch from indexBlockCursor into #sometable
I get a syntax error and when i fetch into a variable I only get one row.
fetch from indexBlockCursor into #somevariable
Please tell me how I can get the rows out of the cursor into something I can manipulate. E.g
fetch from indexBlockCursor into [something]
select * from [something]

Is not possible fetch with SET CURSOR ROWS 1000 will just act as proc that selects something inside.
Solution here would be:
create #sometable,
fetch 1000 times row by row in while loop and insert to #sometable,
do whatever you want with #sometable.


Cursor is repeating first record forever

can someone tell me what is wrong with my code please. I'm simply trying to loop through a table with 2 records and get it to return 2 records. But as you may see in the image below, it keeps just repeating the first record (forever, until I hit cancel). Thank you
SET NOCOUNT ON -- Improves performance by not returning number of rows affected
--General Variables
DECLARE #ImportGUID uniqueidentifier =NEWID() -- Declares and sets a new Unique number. Can be used to remove records at a later stage
--Cursor Variables
DECLARE #FirstNameVariable varchar(50)
DECLARE #SurnameVariable varchar(50)
PRINT 'Starting import ' + CONVERT(varchar(255), #ImportGUID); --just display this on the screen
--Declare the first cursor which will loop through a table collecting data
DECLARE NewPersonTableImportCursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT Firstname, Surname
from dbo.A_NewPersonTable
--Open NewPersonTableImportCursor
OPEN NewPersonTableImportCursor
--Start looping through the data and updating the cursor variables with data from this cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM NewPersonTableImportCursor INTO #FirstNameVariable, #SurnameVariable
WHILE ##FETCH_STATUS=0 --Fetch Status 0 means successfull so only proceed on those rows from source table that were successfull
PRINT #FirstNameVariable;
CLOSE NewPersonTableImportCursor
Add FETCH NEXT FROM NewPersonTableImportCursor INTO #FirstNameVariable, #SurnameVariable before the end of the loop to get the next record

How to convert Row by row execution in to SET based approach in SQL

I'm working on a huge SQL code and unfortunately it has a CURSOR which handles another two nested CURSORS within it (totally three cursors inside a stored procedure), which handles millions of data to be DELETE,UPDATE and INSERT. This takes a whole lot of time because of row by row execution and I wish to modify this in to SET based approach
From many articles it shows use of CURSORs is not recommend and the alternate is to use WHILE loops instead, So I tried and replaced the three CUROSRs with three WHILE loops nothing more, though I get the same result but there is no improvement in performance, it took the same time as it took for CUROSRs.
Below is the basic structure of the code I'm working on (i Will try to put as simple as possible) and I will put the comments what they are supposed to do.
declare #projects table (
ProjectID INT,
fieldA int,
fieldB int,
fieldC int,
fieldD int)
INSERT INTO #projects
SELECT ProjectID,fieldA,fieldB,fieldC, fieldD
FROM ProjectTable
DECLARE projects1 CURSOR LOCAL FOR /*First cursor - fetch the cursor from ProjectaTable*/
Select ProjectID FROM #projects
OPEN projects1
FETCH NEXT FROM projects1 INTO #ProjectID
WHERE td.ID = #ProjectID
DECLARE datasets CURSOR FOR /*Second cursor - this will get the 'collectionDate'field from datasetsTable for every project fetched in above cursor*/
Select DataID, GroupID, CollectionDate
FROM datasetsTable
WHERE datasetsTable.projectID = #ProjectID /*lets say this will fetch ten records for a single projectID*/
OPEN datasets
FETCH NEXT FROM datasets INTO #DataID, #GroupID, #CollectionDate
DECLARE period CURSOR FOR /*Third Cursor - this will process the records from another table called period with above fetched #collectionDate*/
SELECT ID, dbo.fn_GetEndOfPeriod(ID)
WHERE DATEDIFF(dd,#CollectionDate,dbo.fn_GetEndOfPeriod(ID)) >= 0 /*lets say this will fetch 20 records for above fetched single #CollectionDate*/
ORDER BY [YEAR],[Quarter]
OPEN period
FETCH NEXT FROM period INTO #PeriodID, #EndDate
IF EXISTS (some conditions No - 1 )
IF EXISTS (some conditions No - 2 )
FETCH NEXT FROM period INTO #PeriodID, #EndDate
/*get the appropirate ID from T_uploads table for the current projectID and periodID fetched*/
SET #UploadID = (SELECT ID FROM T_UPLOADS u WHERE u.project_savix_ID = #ProjectID AND u.PERIOD_ID = #PeriodID AND u.STATUS = 3)
/*Update some fields in T_uploads table for the current projectID and periodID fetched*/
UPDATE T_uploads
SET fieldA = mp.fieldA, fieldB = mp.fieldB
FROM #projects mp
WHERE T_UPLOADS.ID = #UploadID AND mp.ProjectID = #ProjectID
/*Insert some records in T_PROJECTGROUPSDATA table for the current projectID and periodID fetched*/
INSERT INTO T_PROJECTGROUPSDATA tpd ( fieldA,fieldB,fieldC,fieldD,uploadID)
SELECT fieldA,fieldB,fieldC,fieldD,#UploadID
FROM #projects
WHERE tpd.DataID = #DataID
FETCH NEXT FROM period INTO #PeriodID, #EndDate
CLOSE period
FETCH NEXT FROM datasets INTO #DataID, #GroupID, #CollectionDate, #Status, #Createdate
CLOSE datasets
Error handling
FETCH NEXT FROM projects1 INTO #ProjectID, #FAID
CLOSE projects1
DEALLOCATE projects1
SELECT 1 as success
I request you to suggest any methods to rewrite this code to follow the SET based approach.
Until the table structure and expected result sample data is not provided, here are a few quick things I see that can be improved (some of those are already mentioned by others above):
WHILE Loop is also a cursor. So, changing into to while loop is not
going make things any faster.
Use LOCAL FAST_FORWARD cursor unless you have need to back track a record. This would make the execution much faster.
Yes, I agree that having a SET based approach would be the fastest in most cases, however if you must store intermediate resultset somewhere, I would suggest using a temp table instead of a table variable. Temp table is 'lesser evil' between these 2 options. Here are a few reason why you should try to avoid using a table variable:
Since SQL Server would not have any prior statistics on the table variable during building on Execution Plan, it will always consider that only one record would be returned by the table variable during construction of the execution plan. And accordingly Storage Engine would assign only as much RAM memory for execution of the query. But in reality, there could be millions of records that the table variable might hold during execution. If that happens, SQL Server would be forced spill the data to hard disk during execution (and you will see lots of PAGEIOLATCH in sys.dm_os_wait_stats) making the queries way slower.
One way to get rid of the above issue would be by providing statement level hint OPTION (RECOMPILE) at the end of each query where a table value is used. This would force SQL Server to construct the Execution Plan of those queries each time during runtime and the less memory allocation issue can be avoided. However the downside of this is: SQL Server will no longer be able to take advantage of an already cached execution plan for that stored procedure, and would require recompilation every time, which would deteriorate the performance by some extent. So, unless you know that data in the underlying table changes frequently or the stored procedure itself is not frequently executed, this approach is not recommended by Microsoft MVPs.
Replacing Cursor with While blindly, is not a recommended option, hence it would not impact your performance and might even have negative impact on the performance.
When you define the cursor using Declare C Cursor in fact you are going to create a SCROLL cursor which specifies that all fetch options (FIRST, LAST, PRIOR, NEXT, RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE) are available.
When you need just Fetch Next as scroll option, you can declare the cursor as FAST_FORWARD
Here is the quote about FAST_FORWARD cursor in Microsoft docs:
Specifies that the cursor can only move forward and be scrolled from
the first to the last row. FETCH NEXT is the only supported fetch
option. All insert, update, and delete statements made by the current
user (or committed by other users) that affect rows in the result set
are visible as the rows are fetched. Because the cursor cannot be
scrolled backward, however, changes made to rows in the database after
the row was fetched are not visible through the cursor. Forward-only
cursors are dynamic by default, meaning that all changes are detected
as the current row is processed. This provides faster cursor opening
and enables the result set to display updates made to the underlying
tables. While forward-only cursors do not support backward scrolling,
applications can return to the beginning of the result set by closing
and reopening the cursor.
So you can declare your cursors using DECLARE <CURSOR NAME> FAST_FORWARD FOR ... and you will get noticeable improvements
I think all the cursors code above can be simplified to something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT p.ProjectID,p.fieldA,p.fieldB,p.fieldC,p.fieldD,u.ID AS [UploadID]
INTO #Source
FROM ProjectTable p
INNER JOIN DatasetsTable d ON d.ProjectID = p.ProjectID
INNER JOIN T_PERIODS s ON DATEDIFF(DAY,d.CollectionDate,dbo.fn_GetEndOfPeriod(s.ID)) >= 0
INNER JOIN T_UPLOADS u ON u.roject_savix_ID = p.ProjectID AND u.PERIOD_ID = s.ID AND u.STATUS = 3
WHERE NOT EXISTS (some conditions No - 1)
AND NOT EXISTS (some conditions No - 2)
UPDATE u SET u.fieldA = s.fieldA, u.fieldB = s.fieldB
INNER JOIN #Source s ON s.UploadID = u.ID
INSERT INTO T_PROJECTGROUPSDATA (fieldA,fieldB,fieldC,fieldD,uploadID)
SELECT DISTINCT s.fieldA,s.fieldB,s.fieldC,s.fieldD,s.UploadID
FROM #Source s
Also it would be nice to know "some conditions No" details as query can differ depends on that.

SQL Server Cursor not returning multiple rows to Excel

I asked a few days ago about the correct ways to return multiple rows of results from a SQL Server stored procedure and it was recommended that I use the following
select #var01, #var02
Which seems to work fine until I use it in a loop intending to return multiple rows of data such as my current stored procedure
if(object_id('sp_looga')) is not null
drop procedure sp_looga
create procedure sp_looga
declare #idno integer
declare #desc char(50)
declare colours_cur cursor for
select co_idno, co_desc from colours
where co_status != 'A'
order by co_idno
open colours_cur
fetch next from colours_cur into #idno, #desc
while ##fetch_status = 0
select #idno, #desc
fetch next from colours_cur into #idno, #desc
close colours_cur deallocate colours_cur
if I execute this inside SQL Server Admin it seems to work perfectly but when I execute it from excel it only returns one row?
I don't see any need to use a cursor in this case. When you select like that within a cursor you return a series of individual results rather than a single table. While programmatically you could capture each of those results and merge them together I am not sure that you can do that in Excel, nor that you would want to. I would just return the encapsulated query.
if(object_id('sp_looga')) is not null
drop procedure sp_looga
create procedure sp_looga
select co_idno, co_desc from colours
where co_status != 'A'
order by co_idno
As a side note - Unless you need to use a stored procedure, you can just run your query from excel as far as I can see by editing your data connection properties definition to be type SQL and entering command text.
I had a look at your other post. You will need to use Dan Guzman's solution using INSERT...EXEC to share the results of this procedure between Excel and another procedure. You were actually on the right track in your original solution but instead of SELECTing variable names you should have done something like INSERT #TEMP EXEC proc_name. The only caveat is that you need to CREATE your temp table first.

Assign result of SELECT * statement to variable SQL SERVER

I have a table with 700 rows. What I want to do is, to execute `select * from table_name' query on it and whatever result I will get want to store it in a variable and after that is done, want to traverse through each record for processing purpose? How do I achieve it? Any help??
Thanks in adv,
you want something which is called cursors
You use a cursor to fetch rows returned by a query. You retrieve the rows into the cursor using a query and then fetch the rows one at a time from the cursor.
Declare variables to store the column values for a row.
Declare the cursor, which contains a query.
Open the cursor.
Fetch the rows from the cursor one at a time and store the column values in the variables declared in Step 1. You would then do something with those variables; such as display them on the screen, use them in a calculation, and so on.
Close the cursor.  
hopefully this might help you cursor
here is an example I use to start with
USE pubs
-- Declare the variables to store the values returned by FETCH.
DECLARE #au_lname varchar(40), #au_fname varchar(20)
DECLARE authors_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors
--WHERE au_lname LIKE 'B%'
ORDER BY au_lname, au_fname
OPEN authors_cursor
-- Perform the first fetch and store the values in variables.
-- Note: The variables are in the same order as the columns
-- in the SELECT statement.
FETCH NEXT FROM authors_cursor
INTO #au_lname, #au_fname
-- Check ##FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
-- Concatenate and display the current values in the variables.
PRINT #au_fname
-- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.
FETCH NEXT FROM authors_cursor
INTO #au_lname, #au_fname
CLOSE authors_cursor
DEALLOCATE authors_cursor

Delete row from cursor source SQL Server

I have a SQL Server 2005 cursor operating over a table variable called #workingSet.
Some times rows can be related and in this case I process the row I have fetched and the related rows at the same time. I then remove the related records from #workingset as I don't need to process then in the loop.
In a #workingSet with 7 rows, the first two are related so when I process 1 I also process 2. I remove row 2 from the cursor source (#workingSet) and then fetch next. The problem is it returns the second row in #workingset (the one I deleted on the previous iteration).
I was of the impression that this could be done i.e. deleting an item from a source that a cursor operates on and it will honour the delete in subsequent fetches.
The answer appears to be that the table variable that is being used as the source of the cursor needs to have a primary key. I've added this and all works correctly.
Not massively familiar with cursors but from a quick test this end you need to avoid declaring the cursor with the STATIC or KEYSET options then the changes to the underlying table are reflected in the cursor.
DECLARE #WorkingTable TABLE(C int)
INSERT INTO #WorkingTable VALUES (1),(2),(3)
DYNAMIC /*Or left blank but not STATIC or KEYSET*/
FROM #WorkingTable
OPEN wt_cursor;
DELETE FROM #WorkingTable
CLOSE wt_cursor;
DEALLOCATE wt_cursor;
