Onsen UI Back button not working when using tabbar - onsen-ui

I have modified my app to use the tabbar control and it's working as expected. However, the back buttons that worked before modification no longer work. Any ideas on what the issue might be?


ReactJS changing hover to onclick

I'm currently facing some difficulty with the hover and active for mobile. Here is a link to my code: https://codesandbox.io/s/inspiring-wozniak-33l61?file=/src/Portfolio.scss
I'm trying to change the background color of the containers when I click for mobile, it currently works for web as it is hover. I've tried adding the :active effect, but it only works on mobile if the user currently holds down the container which is not very ideal. I'm trying to change the background color when the user clicks/touches on the container once instead of holding down.
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
You an try detecting browser platform and handle onClick if it is mobile.

AngularJS page hopping around with semanticUI Tabs

I have built an app that utilizes semantic UI tabs and ui-router. Every time I switch tabs, the page 'snaps' to the div where the tabs are being held, instead of maintaining its position. I do not have any idea where to even begin looking.
Note I faced another similar issue earlier on in the build, where angularUI grid was causing the page to hop around and snap to the view. For the sake of trying to fix the current issue, I have commented out any angularUI grid line that could have caused the issue, leading me to believe it has something to do with semantic.
Has anyone faced an issue like this? Where do I even begin troubleshooting?
*please note, I am scrolling back up in the gif, then clicking a tab, where it snaps back down

Angular & ionic - scrolling issue

I am developing an app with angular and ionic, and I am facing a strange issue with scrolling.
What I currently have, is a directive to display some temperatures on a page.
Everything works, but if I try to scroll using the mouse wheel (when the mouse cursor hover some text) the page won't scroll. If, however, I have the mouse cursor somewhere else, the page scrolls.
To better explain and show this issue, I've created a codepen which you can find here: http://codepen.io/NickHG/pen/beBGdx
I have no idea why this happens.
Any suggestion?
I've found a workaround.
Set overflow-scroll="true" in the ion-content.

Angular UI Bootstrap Carousel Pager stops working after I visit other tabs and return back

I have angular UI bootstrap's carousel directive implemented on my site. Everything is working fine and suddenly I noticed that whenever I browse to other sites, leaving my site open in one tab and come back to my site again, the pager and carousel controls stop working. It's strange but I have set my carousel to auto rotate and it also stops.
The carousel won't work until I refresh. First, I thought I had some bugs in my code, but when I tried their own slider from the https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/carousel website, also shows the same behavior.
Any thoughts or fixes on this?
For the code, please visit this link :
And scroll down to the Carousel section and click Edit in Plunker.
This is a known issue and is under investigation.

AngularJS - Carousel mouse click and phone touch

I am using Angular-UI-Bootstrap. in they github they have allot of examples, one is about carousel and it's really cool on they site. All over the internet i have tried like 50+ examples an none of them worked out. What i need it's simple clicking and moving items inside carousel, without click on sides. I have seen things about animation, i am not using that, maybe angular-ui-bootstrap using it, i am not sure. Any one have found solution for this problem?
