Foreign key constraint unavailable in DDL Script generated by enterprise architect - database

Modeled numerous tables for a database. Each table has got its primary key and Foreign Key(s). But when i'm generating DDL scripts for the tables, foreign key constraints are unavailable even if model diagram shows constraints it has.
As its solution i've already tried out all those check marks available we could use while generating DDL.
What i believe i must have left any other configuration or followed incorrect sequence of steps for the same.
Possibles solutions will be welcomed. Else i will have to add constraints manually which shouldn't be the standard if you're using a dedicated tool.
See the images for more clarification


SQL delete and dependency

Anyone know of a tool or script to delete data from a table and have it also deleted foreign key related rows?
This database is massive with lots of relationships. We are looking for an automated approach.
Cascade delete is not enabled. Many tables have multiple foreign key constraints.
p.s. I have seen many SO posts that all suggest enabling cascade delete or how to do this with very simple one or two table related entities. We have a very complex large table with many relationships.
Tried these and they did not work as expected. We still saw referential constraint errors.
I was also looking for the same solution. I think this might work for you.
check out the Deleting Specific SQL Server Records with Foreign Keys portion on this page there you will get a script which can be use to print all the delete query which you need to fire to remove all the depended record from your database. And to execute that query's replace print with exec and your all depend rows will be removed from your complex database :)

How to turn off foreign key constraints permanently on SQL database?

Running EXEC sp_msforeachtable #command1="ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL" will disable Foreign keys on existing tables.
What if the tables and insert data queries that enforce foreign key constraints run after this query,?
I am encountering this issue during build automation and What I am ideally look for is a permanent switch to disable all constraints on the database (i can do that since the database is created as a part of build process).
NOTE: See the 5 steps mentioned towards the last to get an idea of the issue faced during build automation
I have created a build step before processing the scripts to disable all existing foreign key constraints. The next step would be package and run all release sql scripts that may contain tables created, data inserted. The earlier build step to disable constraints have no clue about forth coming database tables and insert scripts which will enforce foreign key constraints after running the data insert, failing my build process.
Is there a way i am set a flag in the database to stop checking for foreign keys?
Adding some more context to what i am doing specifically.Automating build using bamboo and following steps are performed on a high level
locate last available deployed db schema
build a database using the schema generated script (no master data copied).
disable all foreign keys (unable to disable FK for tables yet to be created in next step)
merge all release specific db scripts(may contain new db and insert scripts)
apply other transformations like running codegeneration, script compare, delta finding etc.
Step 3 is the challenge.
Note: This is automating a legacy system with 300ish master datables and data, since Codesmith tools are used, schema changes has to be detected and auto generated code has to be checked against last deployed schema. Since the master data is so huge, keeping a reference db with data for build purposes is out of the question hence the referential integrity constraint issue will be more prominent.
The only thing I can think of is to create a DDL trigger which listens for constraints' creation and, if any are detected, drops them. However, I'm not sure this approach is viable if a constraint is created as a part of the create table statement. You should test it thoroughly before using.
Personally, however, I usually solve this by properly ordering the sequence in which the data is inserted. It's much safer, not prohibitively difficult and, last but not least, always possible to do.
Your basic problem is that your database migrations that are creating your database are running in the wrong order. Adjust the order of tables and data insertion so that only data that references already existing data, is inserted at any one time
Turning all the constraints off, loading data, and turning them all back on at the start and end of each script that does DB data alterations, is also an option, but you should separate your scripts that do schema changes from your scripts that do data loading and run all the schema changes first

Vs2010 Data Generation Plan fails with "Data generation failed because of the following exception: Column "xyz" does not allow DBNull.Value"

I'm fairly new to Vs Data capabilities, and this is my first data generation plan. I have implemented a database using a Vs2010 database project, and used it to deploy to a sql server express 2008 database. All the tables use identity columns as their primary keys, and they're related to one another with foreign keys.
I set up a data generation plan, but when I try to generate data with it, the tables are simply populated in alphabetical order, which is of course going to fail. The only tables that populate correctly are the lookup tables and other sorts of independent entities with no FK constraints. The rest are skipped after the first table fails.
Supposedly the generation plan determines the population order based on FK dependencies. What happened?
edit: someone with the rep for it should make a visual-studio-data-tools tag, since DBPro is no longer (nor really ever was) a product name.
So apparently according to this thread the data generation plan blows up when you have a table containing only a primary key and no other columns. It turns out that one of my independent entities, whose only purpose is to serve as a joinder to one of my other tables, fit this description. After adding a harmless Description column, I was able to proceed fixing other problems until the generation plan completed successfully.

updating a table with the data from another

i have two sites that sell the same products (same database structure and everything). One of them has recently had all its products updated and we need to take the data from three tables on the updated site and override those same three tables on the out of date site. is there a way to do this is Sql Server MS? ive tried truncating the tables in sql to then do a "insert into db1table select * from db2table" but i just get errors from the foreign keys. Someone showed me a trick a while in visual studio enterprise for comparing data where vs spits out a .sql file you can run to update your table but i only have vs professional 2010 and this doesnt seem to be part of the package.
Assuming you have the same foreign key constraints in both the databases and if foreign key constraints are the only issue -
why don't you just
1) Disable all the foreign keys
2) Load the data
3) Enable all the foreign keys
I come from Oracle background, it should not be very hard to disable/enable all foreign key constraints using a script at one go in SQL Server too.

Transactional replication with no primary key (unique index)

I've just come across something disturbing, I was trying to implement transactional replication from a database whose design is not under our control . This replication was in order to perform reporting without taxing the system too much. Upon trying the replication only some of the tables went across.
On investigation tables were not selected to be replicated because they don't have a primary key, I thought this cannot be it is even shown as a primary key if I use ODBC and ms access but not in management studio. Also the queries are not ridiculously slow.
I tried inserting a duplicate record and it failed saying about a unique index(not a primary key). Seems to be the tables have been implemented using a unique index as oppose to a primary key. Why I do not know I could scream.
Is there anyway to perform transactional replication or an alternative, it needs to be live (last minute or two). The main db server is currently sql 2000 sp3a and the reporting server 2005.
The only thing I have currently thought of trying is setting the replication up as if it is another type of database. I believe replication to say oracle is possible would this force the use of say an ODBC driver like I assume access is using hence showing a primary key. I don't know if that is accurate out of my depth on this.
As MSDN states, it is not possible to create a transactional replication on tables without primary keys. You could use Merge replication (one way), that doesn't require a primary key, and it automatically creates a rowguid column if it doesn't exist:
Merge replication uses a globally
unique identifier (GUID) column to
identify each row during the merge
replication process. If a published
table does not have a uniqueidentifier
column with the ROWGUIDCOL property
and a unique index, replication adds
one. Ensure that any SELECT and INSERT
statements that reference published
tables use column lists. If a table is
no longer published and replication
added the column, the column is
removed; if the column already
existed, it is not removed.
Unfortunately, you will have a performance penalty if using merge replication.
If you need to use replication for reporting only, and you don't need the data to be exactly the same as on the publisher, then you could consider snapshot replication also
