Storing arrays in cache - c

I was reviewing an interview question and comparing notes with a friend, and we have different ideas on one with respect to CPU caching.
Consider a large set of data, such as a large array of double, ie:
double data[1024];
Consider using a dynamically allocated on-the-fly linked list to store the same number of elements. The question asked for a description of a number of trade-offs:
Which allows for quicker random access: we both agreed the array was quicker, since you didn't have to traverse the list in a linear fashion (O(n)), just provide an index (O(1)).
Which is quicker for comparing two lists of the same length: we both decided that if it was just primitive data types, the array would allow for a memcmp(), while the linked list required element-wise comparison plus dereferencing overhead.
Which allowed for more efficient caching if you were accessing the same element several times?
In point 3, this is where our opinions differed. I contended that that the CPU is going to try and cache the entire array, and if the array is obscenely large, it can't be stored in cache, and therefore there will be no caching benefit. With the linked list, individual elements can be cached. Therefore, linked lists lend themselves to cache "hits" more than static arrays do when dealing with a very large number of elements.
To the question: Which of the two is better for cache "hits", and can modern systems cache part of an array, or do they need the whole array or it won't try? Any sort of references to technical documents or standards I could also use to provide a definitive answer would help a lot.

The CPU doesn't know about your data structures. It caches more-or-less raw blocks of memory. Therefore, if you suppose you can access the same one element multiple times without traversing the list each time, then neither linked list nor array has a caching advantage over the other.
HOWEVER, arrays have a big advantage over dynamically-allocated linked lists for accessing multiple elements in sequence. Because CPU caches operate on blocks of memory rather larger than one double, when one array element is in the cache, it is likely that several others that reside at adjacent addresses are in the cache, too. Thus one (slow) read from main memory gives access to (fast) cached access to multiple adjacent array elements. The same is not true of linked lists, as nodes may be allocated anywhere in memory, and even a single node has at minimum the overhead of a next pointer to dilute the number of data elements that may be cached at the same time.

Caches don't know about arrays, they just see memory accesses and store a little bit of the memory near that address. Once you've accessed something at an address it should stick around in the cache a while, regardless of whether that address belongs to an array or a linked list. But the cache controllers don't really know what's being accessed.
When you traverse an array, the cache system may pre-fetch the next bit of an array. This is usually heuristically driven (maybe with some compiler hints).
Some hardware and toolchains offer intrinsics that let you control cache residency (through pre-fetches, explicit flushes and so forth). Normally you don't need this kind of control, but for things like DSP code, resource-constrained game consoles and OS-level stuff that needs to worry about cache coherency it's pretty common to see people use this functionality.


Linked List vs. Array Traversal Efficiency

I know that an array is allocated as a contiguous block of memory and we can therefore access its elements by calculating the byte/word offset from the beginning of the array very easily.
I'm aware that linked list traversal is less efficient than array traversal due to cache inefficiency, where branch prediction won't work well in the way it would for an array. However, I've also heard that its quicker to iterate from one element of an array to the next than it is to access the pointer of the next element in a linked list due to the way we access the array using an offset.
How is the pointer access in the linked list slower than the offset access in the array?
cache inefficiency, where branch prediction won't work well
These are different things. Linked lists suffer from cache inefficiency:
Nodes are usually not necessarily allocated contiguously and in order, which is bad for spatial locality. You can sometimes avoid this, for example with custom allocators. With generational garbage collection, allocating nodes closely together in time also tends to put them close together in space, but that's probably not a very common thing to actually happen when using a linked list.
Having a pointer (and potentially other junk, like an object header and padding) in the node wastes space. Wasting a bunch of space is not inherently super bad, but it is bad when the wasted space is touched, which loads it into the cache. That actually happens here: that pointer to the next node is definitely needed, and the other junk is likely in the same cache line so it gets pulled in as well. This wastes both cache space and bandwidth (both to higher level caches and maybe to memory), which is pretty bad.
Linked lists don't really suffer from branch misprediction inherently. Yes, if you iterate over one, the last branch (the one that exits the loop) has a decent chance of being mispredicted, but that is not specific to linked lists.
How is the pointer access in the linked list slower than the offset access in the array?
Loading a pointer at all is slower than calculating the next address of an element in an array, both in terms of latency and in terms of throughput. For a quick comparison, typical on a modern machine is that loading that point takes around 4 cycles (at best! if there is a cache miss, it takes much longer) and could be done twice per cycle. Adding the size of an array element to the current address takes 1 cycle and can be done 4 times per cycle, and you (or the compiler) may be able to re-use the increment of the loop counter for this with some clever coding. For example, maybe you can use indexed addressing with the loop counter (which is incremented anyway) as index, or you can "steal" the loop counter entirely and increment it by the size of an element (scaling the loop-end correspondingly), or have no loop counter and directly compare the current address to the address just beyond the end of the array. Compilers like to use tricks like these automatically.
It's actually much worse than that makes it sound, because loading those pointers in a linked list is completely serial. Yes, the CPU can load two things per cycle, but it takes 4 cycles until it knows where the next node is so that it can start loading the next pointer, so realistically it can find the address of a node only once every 4th cycle. Computing the addresses of array elements has no such problem, maybe there will be a latency of 1 between the computation of successive addresses but (because actual loops cannot be faster than that anyway) that only hurts when the loop is unrolled, and if necessary the address of the element k steps ahead can be computed just by adding k*sizeof(element) (so several addresses can be computed independently, and compilers do this too when they unroll loops).
Doing a sufficient amount of work per "step" through a linked list can hide the latency problem.
Accessing the pointer requires an additional memory read (which is slow compared to calculations): To read the value of the next element, first the pointer needs to be read from memory, then the contents of the referenced address need to be read. For an array, there is only one memory read access for the value (assuming the base address is kept in a register during the iteration).

Why would you use a LIFO stack over an array?

I was recently in an interview that required me to choose over the two data structures for a problem, and now I have the question of:
What is the reasoning for using a Stack over an array if the only operations needed are push and pop? An array provides constant time for appending and popping the last element from it and it takes up generally less memory than implementing a Stack with a LinkedList. It also provides random access should it be required. Is the only reasoning because an array is typically of fixed size, so we need to dynamically resize the array for each element we put in? This still is in constant time though isn't it unless the penalty is disproportionate?
There are several aspects to consider here...
First, a Stack is an abstract data type. It doesn't define how to implement itself.
An array is (generally) a well defined concrete implementation, and might even be fixed size unless explicitly defined to be dynamic.
A dynamic array can be implemented such that it automatically grows by some factor when exhausted and also might shrink when fill rate drops. These operations are not constant time, but are actually amortized to constant time because the array doesn't grow or shrink in each operation. In terms of memory usage it's hard to imagine an array being more expensive then a linked list unless extremely under used.
The main problem with an array is large allocation size. This is both a problem of maximum limitation and memory fragmentation. Using a linked list avoids both issues because every entry has a small memory footprint.
In some languages like C++, the underlying container that the 'stack' class uses can actually be changed between a dynamic array (vector), linked list (list), or even a double ended queue (deque). I only mention this because its typically not fair to compare a stack vs an array (one is an interface, another is a data structure).
Most dynamic array implementations will allocate more space than is needed, and upon filling the array they will again resize to 2x the size and so on. This avoids allocations and keeps the performance of push generally constant time. However the occasional resize does require copying elements O(n), though this is usually said to amortized to constant time. So in general, you are correct in that this is efficient.
Linked lists on the other hand typically require allocations for every push, which can be somewhat expensive, and the node's they create are larger in size than a single element in the array.
One possible advantage of linked lists, however, is that they do not require contiguous memory. If you have many many elements, its possible that you can fail to allocate a large enough block of memory for an array. Having said that, linked lists take up more memory... so its a bit of a wash.
In C++ for example, the stack by default uses the deque container. The deque is typically implemented as a dynamic array of 'pages' of memory. Each page of memory is fixed in size, which allows the container to actually have random access properties. Moreover, since each page is separate, then the entire container does not require contiguous memory meaning that it can store many many elements. Resizing is also cheap for a deque because it simply allocates another page, making it a great choice for a large stack.

What is the most suitable alternative for Linked List?

I am working on Embedded C, Task related implementation in OS. I have implemented the Linked List. Now it needs to minimize the use of pointers to satisfy MISRA C, in my present implementation I am searching for the best alternative for the Linked List, in Embedded OS for task operation.
It'd be easy to use a static array of structures to completely avoid pointers (you'd just use array indexes and not pointers). This has both advantages and disadvantages.
The disadvantages are:
you have to implement your own allocator (to allocate and free "array elements" within the static array)
the memory used for the array can't be used for any other purpose when it's not being used for the linked list
you have to determine a "max. number of elements that could possibly be needed"
it has all the same problems as pointers. E.g. you can access an array element that was freed, free the same array element multiple times, use an index that's out of bounds (including the equivalent of NULL if you decide to do something like use -1 to represent NULL_ELEMENT), etc.
The advantages are:
by implementing your own allocator you can avoid the mistakes caused by malloc(), including (e.g.) checking something isn't already free when freeing it and returning an error instead of trashing your own metadata
allocation can typically be simpler/faster, because you're only allocating/freeing one "thing" (array element) at a time and don't need to worry about allocating/freeing a variable number of contiguous "things" (bytes) at a time
entries in your list are more likely to be closer (in memory) to each other (unlike for malloc() where your entries are scattered among everything else you allocate), and this can improve performance (cache locality)
you have a "max. number of elements that could possibly be needed" to make it far easier to track down problems like (e.g.) memory leaks; and (where memory is limited) make it easier to determine things like worst case memory footprint
it satisfies pointless requirements (like "no pointers") despite not avoiding anything these requirements are intended to avoid
Now it needs to minimize the use of pointers to satisfy MISRA C
I used to work with some embedded engineers. They built low-end (and high-end) routers and gateways. Rather than dynamically allocating memory, they used fixed buffers provisioned at boot. They then tracked indexes into the array of provisioned buffers.
Static arrays and indexes begs for a Cursor data structure. Your first search hit is Cursor Implementation of Linked Lists from
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 2nd ed. by Mark Weiss. (I actually used that book in college years ago).

Arrays vs Linked Lists in terms of locality

Say we have an unsorted array and linked list.
The worst case when searching for an element for both data structures would be O( n ), but my question is:
Would the array still be way faster because of the use of spatial locality within the cache, or will the cache make use of branch locality allowing linked lists to be just as fast as any array ?
My understanding for an array is that if an element is accessed, that block of memory and many of the surrounding blocks are then brought into the cache allowing for much faster memory accesses.
My understanding for a linked list is that since the path that will be taken to traverse the list is predictable, then the cache will exploit that and still store the appropriate blocks of memory even though the nodes of the list can be far apart within the heap.
Your understanding of the the array case is mostly correct. If an array is accessed sequentially, many processors will not only fetch the block containing the element, but will also prefetch subsequent blocks to minimize cycles spent waiting on cache misses. If you are using an Intel x86 processor, you can find details about this in the Intel x86 optimization manual. Also, if the array elements are small enough, loading a block containing an element means the next element is likely in the same block.
Unfortunately, for linked lists the pattern of loads is unpredictable from the processor's point of view. It doesn't know that when loading an element at address X that the next address is the contents of (X + 8).
As a concrete example, the sequence of load addresses for a sequential array access is nice and predictable.
For example, 1000, 1016, 1032, 1064, etc.
For a linked list it will look like:
1000, 3048, 5040, 7888, etc. Very hard to predict the next address.

Why stack is implemented as a linked list ? What is the need, why array implementation is not sufficient?

Many times, stack is implemented as a linked list, Is array representation not good enough, in array we can perform push pop easily, and linked list over array complicates the code, and has no advantage over array implementation.
Can you give any example where a linked list implementation is more beneficial, or we cant do without it.
I would say that many practical implementations of stacks are written using arrays. For example, the .NET Stack implementation uses an array as a backing store.
Arrays are typically more efficient because you can keep the stack nodes all nearby in contiguous memory that can fit nicely in your fast cache lines on the processor.
I imagine you see textbook implementations of stacks that use linked lists because they're easier to write and don't force you to write a little bit of extra code to manage the backing array store as well as come up with a growth/copy/reserve space heuristic.
In addition, if you're really pressed to use little memory, a linked list implementation might make sense since you don't "waste" space that's not currently used. However, on modern processors with plenty of memory, it's typically better to use arrays to gain the cache advantages they offer rather than worry about page faults with the linked list approach.
Size of array is limited and predefined. When you dont know how many of them are there then linked list is a perfect option.
More Elaborated comparison:-(+ for dominating linked list and - for array)
Size and type constraint:-
(+) Further members of array are aligned at equal distance and need contiguous memory while on the other side link list can provide non contiguous memory solution, so sometimes it is good for memory as well in case of huge data(avoids cpu polling for resource).
(+) Suppose in a case you are using an array as stack, and the array is of type int.Now how will you accommodate a double in it??
(+) Array can cause exceptions like index out of bound exceptions but you can increase the chain anytime in a linked list.
Speed and performance
(-)If its about performance, then obviously most of the complexity fall around O(1) for arrays.In case of a linked list you will have to select a starting node to start the tracing and this adds to performance penalty.
When the size of the stack can vary greatly you waste space if you have generalized routines which always allocate a huge array.
Obviously a fixed size array has limitation of knowing maximum size before hand.
If you consider dynamic array then Linked List vs. Arrays covers the details including complexities for performing operations.
Stack is implemented using Linked List because Push and Pop operations are of O(1) time complexities, compared to O(n) for arrays. (apart from flexible size advantage in Linked List)
