I'm able to get browserSync.reload({stream:true}) to css inject into a wordpress theme. When I try the same gulpfile.js in a Drupal 7 theme a hard reset works, browserSync.reload(), but css injection does nothing, browserSync.reload({stream:true}).
Any ideas? Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot? Thank you in advance!
I did experience a segmentation fault issue when I moved this workflow into drupal 7, but was able to solve it with this post.
You have to use link_css module https://www.drupal.org/project/link_css because browser-sync currently doesn't handle css #imports
I'am working with React in a project and we need to use a className={styles["my-class"]} in SCSS, I looked on google to know more about styles, but I didn't found anything.
Can someone help me?
This is the css modules method
You can read about it here
Pretty simple yet frustrating question. I've started working on an React app using Tailwind CSS but the Tailwind CSS autocompletion/suggestions isn't appearing.
The JetBrains demo shows the wanted result. Tailwind CSS | WebStorm
But, in my WebStorm I can't get the autocompletion and suggestions on classes to appear. Tailwind CSS is functioning fine, it's just the autocompletion that doesn't want to show up.
Since there's no error of any kind I am kinda lost here, so any help into the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
Turned out to be a problem with the current Tailwindcss version..
switching back to npm:#tailwindcss/postcss7-compat#^2.1.4 did the trick.
Hope this helps someone else who's stuck aswell!
Just install the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension in vsCode itself. No need to downgrade.
I'm having an issue when deploying a React/Redux site to Azure App Service.
It builds and deploys fine, but when visiting the site I get JS errors for babel-polyfill - Uncaught TypeError: define is not a function.
We're using webpack with a few loaders and there is one in particular that I have a feeling could be the problem - imports-loader. We had it set as use: 'imports-loader?define=>false' which I believe overrides the define method. I tried this as true also but with no affect. I tried removing the define=>false altogether and the whole build broke...
See webpack config here.
Advice much welcome!
I want to make angularjs project name A and B,
But i want B will be inside A,
I ask my developer and he said just build those 2 and put it together,
But when i do that, it keep have this error
So basically it looks like this:
I grunt build project A and B and make this structure:
Project A
And when i try to go to www.a.com/b/index.html, it making that error,
Anyone know what is wrong?
Do i need to change the app.js for both routing?
I'm using html5 mode for those 2 project.
I found a way, this article help me to setting my project.
I just need to add <base href="/bproject/"></base>
and set my nginx configuration :)
Link :
Hope it can help you guys too :)
I'm currently in the process of migrating a project (ng 1.5.8) from gulp pipeline to webpack.
I'm facing an issue where textAngular gives me the following error message Module 'ngSanitize' is not available.
if I add a require('angular-sanitize') before the require('textangular') then I get the following error message The textAngular-sanitize provider has been replaced by another -- have you included angular-sanitize by mistake?
I've tried playing with the externals of my webpack config with no luck so far. I've also tried using angular-module-sanitize, didn't work either.
So here is my question: how can I configure properly webpack + my requires so textAngular has the proper dependencies provisionned?
finnaly got it to work.
The solution is to:
- not require angular-sanitize
- not do anything special to the webpack config
- use these lines to require text angular instead (the generic one was including to much stuff)