Manually moving transcluded content - angularjs

I have a directive foo whose template includes a list via ng-repeat:
<h5>I want to insert transcluded template into body of the li:</h5>
<li ng-repeat='item in items'>
<!-- need item template here -->
I want the template for each item to (optionally) to be specifiable at the point of usage of the directive:
<foo items='people'>
<foo items='people'>
{{}} is {{item.age}} years old.
So I need the innerHTML of the directive (e.g. <h5>{{}}</h5>) to be copied to the marked location in the directive template.
<ng-transclude> does this, but it gives the transcluded items the scope of the directive rather than the item. I also need to be able to optionally pull the item template from somewhere else. So I need to do the transclusion manually.
I have access to the transcluded content during link:, but at that point the list item in question is gone!
<h5>I need to insert transcluded template into body of the li:</h5>
<!-- ngRepeat: item in items -->
I think I need to do it during compile, but the transclusion function passed to the compile function is deprecated.
Found a way to do it with a second directive, but that seems unnecessary...

You can achieve that using $interpolate service and changing a bit your approach please see demo here
set your dynamic template as attribute in directive.
<foo template="'<h1>{{}}</h1>'" items="people"></foo>
and change your directive to :
app.directive('foo', function($interpolate) {
return {
scope: {
items: '=',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
templateUrl: 'foo-template.html',
link: function(scope, element, attributes, controller, transclude) {
//interpolate your template like below
scope.getValue= function(item) {
var exp = $interpolate(scope.template);
var result =exp({item:item})
return result;
and in your template use ng-bind-html
<li ng-repeat='item in items'>
<div ng-bind-html="getValue(item)"></div>
don't forget to add ngSanitize module to your app


AngularJS control over precise DOM rendered by directive

I want to "directivize" search results. Each result will be rendered as a li within a ul HTML tag.
This means that I want to avoid the default AngularJS behavior of rendering to the DOM the containing directive element.
I have tried using replace: true, but this results in a TypeError:
definition.match is not a function
Can someone point me in the right direction here? Perhaps I should use an attribute directive, but then I am unsure how to bind the isolate scope items?
My directive looks like this:
var template = require('text!./template.html');
return function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
select: '&',
result: '=',
template: template,
I am using an ng-repeat to render the results:
ng-repeat="result in results"
I am using Angular 1.4.
The replace option is deprecated. (since 1.3 I think?)
It would look better if your directive template included the <ul> element. In which case you wouldn't have the problem of seing the directive element between <ul> and <li>.
If you have no other option, as you said you can still use the directive as an attribute of the <li> like so:
<li my-result
ng-repeat="result in results"
result and select should still be available to your directive's scope.

Hide/show an element in Angularjs using custom directive, ng-show and $scope

When a link is clicked in the app navigation a dropdown with ui-view content shows below each respective link.
<div class="sc-dash-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" show-nav-popup href="">download</a>
<div id="nav-download-progress" class="dash-hdr-popup" ng-show="showPopup">
<div ui-view="hdr-download-progress"></div>
<a class="navbar-brand" show-nav-popup href="">add</a>
<div id="nav-add" class="dash-hdr-popup" ng-show="showPopup">
<div ui-view="hdr-add-content"></div>
<a class="navbar-brand" show-nav-popup href="">enter pin</a>
<div id="nav-unlock" class="dash-hdr-popup" ng-show="showPopup">
<div ui-view="hdr-unlock"></div>
I've included an ng-show attribute to open the dropdown when $scope.showPopup is set to true.
To achieve this I've created a custom directive with an on click called show-nav-popup.
The JS:
.directive('showNavPopup', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
// scope: {},
link: function(scope, el, attrs) {
el.on('click', function(){
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.showPopup = true;
The above works, but the dropdown opens on each element.
Question: I need to isolate the scope, so on each click, only the respective dropdown appears. I uncomment the line // scope: {} - but this doesn't work..
Angularjs n00b here - any help would be much appreciated
Having an isolate scope in this situation wouldn't fix the problem. There are a ton of ways to achieve what you want though. One of which is to assign each show-popup-nav an id, turn $scope.showPopup into an array, and keep an individual true/false for each id. Then for each ng-show, you look at the index corresponding to each id for the true/false value.
I coded it up on that guy's Plunker, working as you expect:
EDIT: I should say, you COULD use an isolate scope to fix this, but that would require a lot of changes to your DOM, as the ng-show directive is a sibling to your show-popup-nav, and not a child.
When you create the isolate scope, the scope applies to the element that your directive is applied to, and it's child elements. In this case that's just the anchor tag:
<a class="navbar-brand" show-nav-popup href="">download</a>
You are using an ng-show on a tag that is a sibling to the anchor tag:
<div id="nav-download-progress" class="dash-hdr-popup" ng-show="showPopup">
The sibling is not part of the isolate scope, and so it never notices that the value of showPopup has changed.
The ng-show would work if it were applied to a DOM element that was a child of the anchor tag.
One way to make this work would be to wrap your two siblings in a parent tag, and use the directive on the parent:
<div show-nav-popup>
<div ng-show="showPopup"></div>
Then you'd need to modify your directive's code to find the anchor tag and apply the click handler.
You might instead try a completely different approach as suggest in the other answer by #Bill Bergquist

ng-repeat inside compiled html for directive

I have two directives:'placeholder', function ($compile, $route, $rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'AC',
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
// Store the placeholder element for later use
$rootScope["placeholder_" + attr.placeholder] = element[0];
// Clear the placeholder when navigating
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function (e, a, b) {
});'section', function ($compile, $route, $rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'AC',
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
// Locate the placeholder element
var targetElement = $rootScope["placeholder_" + attr.section];
// Compile the template and bind it to the current scope, and inject it into the placeholder
I use them to basically swap out one section with html in another.
If I have the following html:
<div placeholder="footer"></div>
<div section="footer">
<ul ng-model="items">
<li ng-repeat="item in items"> {{item.Description}}</li>
The ng-repeat doesn't seem to be working. If I simply output {{items}} below the , it displays fine. Also, I know binding is working because I can change items and it will update.
Lastly, if I move the ul outside the section it works fine.
So, my question is why does this not work (compile ng-repeat inside directive).
Am I missing something?
What is confusing me, is I can do this:
<div section="footer">
<!-- This Works -->
<!-- This also works -->
<input type="text" ng-model="items[0].Description" />
<!-- This doesn't work -->
<ul ng-model="items">
<li ng-repeat="item in items"> {{item.Description}}</li>
This isn't going to work. It can't evaluate something from another scope without having an exact copy of it in its scope. If you want two directives to communicate use require and setup a way for them to do that if they aren't in a parent child relationship.
A couple of things you should think about. Essentially what you are doing is called transclusion. Section directive would use ng-transclude to capture the client's defined code. Use transclusion and maybe you can evaluate the template into html in the scope of section then using directive communication allow it to pass the HTML block (already evaluated) to the other directive. The only problem is making sure this happens when things change through binding. You're probably going to need some $watches on variables in section in order for placeholder to be notified when things change.
You will probably need a 3rd directive so allow section and placeholder to communicate through. In this example say I have a 3rd directive called broadcaster. Then section and placeholder will require broadcaster (ie require: '^broadcaster'), and it will define some interface for each of the directives to send HTML from section -> placeholder. Something like this:
<div broadcaster>
<div placeholder="footer"></div>
<div section="footer">
<ul>...transcluded content</ul>

How to compile DOM added by third party libraries in angularjs?

I am using sidr( ) with angular for my navigation bar. What sidr does is it copies my nav-bar's markup and puts it just before the body wrapped in its custom div.
Now I have defined a directive on my nav-bar which looks some what like this <ul filter>....</ul>. Since sidr is replicating my navigation bar markup I have 2 ul's with filter directive. But my directive's link function is called only once because angular dose not know about another occurrence of that directive.
My markup looks like this
<ul class="side-nav nested-nav" filter>
<li class="has-sub-menu" ng-repeat="filter in filters">
<ul class="sub-menu" options>
<li ng-repeat="option in filter.options">
and I my directive
.directive('filter', function() {
return {
link: function($scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
console.log('hello world!'):
So how do I tell angular to compile the second <ul filter>....</ul> which was added by sidr and when ?
I haven't used this jQuery plugin yet. But looking at the doc, it has this callback feature:
name: 'sidr-callback',
source: function(name) {
return '<h1>' + name + ' menu</h1><p>Yes! You can use a callback too ;)</p>';
So I guess you can put in your own html template into the source callback and $compile it.

When to use transclude 'true' and transclude 'element' in Angular?

When should I use transclude: 'true' and when transclude: 'element' ?
I cant find anything about transclude: 'element' in the angular docs, they are pretty confusing.
I would be happy if someone could explain this in simple language.
What is the benefit of each option? What is the real difference between them?
This is what I have found :
transclude: true
Inside a compile function, you can manipulate the DOM with the help of transclude linking function or you can insert the transcluded DOM into the template using ngTransclude directive on any HTML tag.
transclude: ‘element’
This transcludes the entire element and a transclude linking function is introduced in the compile function. You can not have access to scope here because the scope is not yet created. Compile function creates a link function for the directive which has access to scope and transcludeFn lets you touch the cloned element (which was transcluded) for DOM manipulation or make use of data bound to scope in it. For your information, this is used in ng-repeat and ng-switch.
From AngularJS Documentation on Directives:
transclude - compile the content of the element and make it available to the directive. Typically used with ngTransclude. The advantage of transclusion is that the linking function receives a transclusion function which is pre-bound to the correct scope. In a typical setup the widget creates an isolate scope, but the transclusion is not a child, but a sibling of the isolate scope. This makes it possible for the widget to have private state, and the transclusion to be bound to the parent (pre-isolate) scope.
true - transclude the content of the directive.
'element' - transclude the whole element including any directives defined at lower priority.
transclude: true
So let's say you have a directive called my-transclude-true declared with transclude: true that looks like this:
<span>{{ something }}</span>
{{ otherThing }}
After compiling and before linking this becomes:
<!-- transcluded -->
The content (children) of my-transclude-true which is <span>{{ something }}</span> {{..., is transcluded and available to the directive.
transclude: 'element'
If you have a directive called my-transclude-element declared with transclude: 'element' that looks like this:
<span>{{ something }}</span>
{{ otherThing }}
After compiling and before linking this becomes:
<!-- transcluded -->
Here, the whole element including its children are transcluded and made available to the directive.
What happens after linking?
That's up to your directive to do what it needs to do with the transclude function. ngRepeat uses transclude: 'element' so that it can repeat the whole element and its children when the scope changes. However, if you only need to replace the tag and want to retain it's contents, you can use transclude: true with the ngTransclude directive which does this for you.
When set to true, the
directive will delete the original content, but make it available for reinsertion within
your template through a directive called ng-transclude.
appModule.directive('directiveName', function() {
return {
template: '<div>Hello there <span ng-transclude></span></div>',
transclude: true
<div directive-name>world</div>
browser render: “Hello there world.”
The best way of think about transclusion is a Picture Frame.A picture frame has its own design and a space for adding the picture.We can decide what picture will go inside of it.
When it comes to angular we have some kind of controller with its scope and inside of that we will place a directive that supports transclusion. This directive will have it’s own display and functionality . In non-transluded directive, content inside the directive is decided by the directive itself but with transclusion,just like a picture frame,we can decide what will be inside the directive.
angular.module("app").directive('myFrame', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
Content inside the directive
<div class="well" style="width:350px;" ng-hide="hidden">
<div style="float:right;margin-top:-15px">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" ng-click="close()" style="cursor:pointer"></i>
<div ng-transclude>
/*frame content goes here*/
Call Directive
<body ng-controller="appController">
<span>My Frame content</span>
