I want to break a loop in a situation like this:
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, Maybe(Just))
tryCombination :: Int -> Int -> Maybe String
tryCombination x y
| x * y == 20 = Just "Okay"
| otherwise = Nothing
result :: [String]
result = map (fromJust) $
filter (isJust) [tryCombination x y | x <- [1..5], y <- [1..5]]
main = putStrLn $ unlines $result
Imagine, that "tryCombination" is a lot more complicated like in this example. And it's consuming a lot of cpu power. And it's not a evalutation of 25 possibilities, but 26^3.
So when "tryCombination" finds a solution for a given combination, it returns a Just, otherwise a Nothing. How can I break the loop instantly on the first found solution?
Simple solution: find and join
It looks like you're looking for Data.List.find. find has the type signature
find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
So you'd do something like
result :: Maybe (Maybe String)
result = find isJust [tryCombination x y | x <- [1..5], y <- [1..5]]
Or, if you don't want a Maybe (Maybe String) (why would you?), you can fold them together with Control.Monad.join, which has the signature
join :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
so that you have
result :: Maybe String
result = join $ find isJust [tryCombination x y | x <- [1..5], y <- [1..5]]
More advanced solution: asum
If you wanted a slightly more advanced solution, you could use Data.Foldable.asum, which has the signature
asum :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
What it does is pick out the first Just value from a list of many. It does this by using the Alternative instance of Maybe. The Alternative instance of Maybe works like this: (import Control.Applicative to get access to the <|> operator)
λ> Nothing <|> Nothing
λ> Nothing <|> Just "world"
Just "world"
λ> Just "hello" <|> Just "world"
Just "hello"
In other words, it picks the first Just value from two alternatives. Imagine putting <|> between every element of your list, so that
[Nothing, Nothing, Just "okay", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just "okay"]
gets turned to
Nothing <|> Nothing <|> Just "okay" <|> Nothing <|> Nothing <|> Nothing <|> Just "okay"
This is exactly what the asum function does! Since <|> is short-circuiting, it will only evaluate up to the first Just value. With that, your function would be as simple as
result :: Maybe String
result = asum [tryCombination x y | x <- [1..5], y <- [1..5]]
Why would you want this more advanced solution? Not only is it shorter; once you know the idiom (i.e. when you are familiar with Alternative and asum) it is much more clear what the function does, just by reading the first few characters of the code.
To answer your question, find function is what you need. After you get Maybe (Maybe String) you can transform it into Maybe String with join
While find is nicer, more readable and surely does only what's needed, I wouldn't be so sure about inefficiency of the code that you have in a question. The lazy evaluation would probably take care of that and compute only what's needed, (extra memory can still be consumed). If you are interested, try to benchmark.
Laziness can actually take care of that in this situation.
By calling unlines you are requesting all of the output of your "loop"1, so obviously it can't stop after the first successful tryCombination. But if you only need one match, just use listToMaybe (from Data.Maybe); it will convert your list to Nothing if there are no matches at all, or Just the first match found.
Laziness means that the results in the list will only be evaluated on demand; if you never demand any more elements of the list, the computations necessary to produce them (or even see whether there are any more elements in the list) will never be run!
This means you often don't have to "break loops" the way you do in imperative languages. You can write the full "loop" as a list generator, and the consumer(s) can decide independently how much of the they want. The extreme case of this idea is that Haskell is perfectly happy to generate and even filter infinite lists; it will only run the generation code just enough to produce exactly as many elements as you later end up examining.
1 Actually even unlines produces a lazy string, so if you e.g. only read the first line of the resulting joined string you could still "break the loop" early! But you print the whole thing here.
The evaluation strategy you are looking for is exactly the purpose of the Maybe instance of MonadPlus. In particular, there is the function msum whose type specializes in this case to
msum :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
Intuitively, this version of msum takes a list of potentially failing computations, executes them one after another until the first computations succeeds and returns the according result. So, result would become
result :: Maybe String
result = msum [tryCombination x y | x <- [1..5], y <- [1..5]]
On top of that, you could make your code in some sense agnostic to the exact evaluation strategy by generalizing from Maybe to any instance of MonadPlus:
tryCombination :: MonadPlus m => Int -> Int -> m (Int,Int)
-- For the sake of illustration I changed to a more verbose result than "Okay".
tryCombination x y
| x * y == 20 = return (x,y) -- `return` specializes to `Just`.
| otherwise = mzero -- `mzero` specializes to `Nothing`.
result :: MonadPlus m => m (Int,Int)
result = msum [tryCombination x y | x <- [1..5], y <- [1..5]]
To get your desired behavior, just run the following:
*Main> result :: Maybe (Int,Int)
Just (4,5)
However, if you decide you need not only the first combination but all of them, just use the [] instance of MonadPlus:
*Main> result :: [(Int,Int)]
I hope this helps more on a conceptual level than just providing a solution.
PS: I just noticed that MonadPlus and msum are indeed a bit too restrictive for this purpose, Alternative and asum would have been enough.
I need your help guys.
Im trying to learn and do a simple task in haskell, but it's still hard for me.
What im trying to do is: Read a line of numbers separated with whitespace, iterate over that list, check values, and if values are not zero add 1 otherwise -1. I was trying to do it watching some tutorials and other project code, but it just outputs a bunch of errors.
My code:
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
import Data.List
import System.IO
solve :: IO ()
solve = do
nums <- map read . words <$> getLine
print (calculate nums)
calculate (x:xs) = x + check xs
check num
| num == 0 =
| otherwise =
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- readLn
if n /= 0
then do
printf "Case: "
else main
C:\Users\Donatas\Documents\haskell\la3.hs:9:21: error:
* Ambiguous type variable `b0' arising from a use of `read'
prevents the constraint `(Read b0)' from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `b0' should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance Read BufferMode -- Defined in `GHC.IO.Handle.Types'
instance Read Newline -- Defined in `GHC.IO.Handle.Types'
instance Read NewlineMode -- Defined in `GHC.IO.Handle.Types'
...plus 25 others
...plus six instances involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
* In the first argument of `map', namely `read'
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `map read'
In the first argument of `(<$>)', namely `map read . words'
9 | nums <- map read . words <$> getLine
| ^^^^
C:\Users\Donatas\Documents\haskell\la3.hs:10:9: error:
* Ambiguous type variable `a0' arising from a use of `print'
prevents the constraint `(Show a0)' from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `a0' should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance Show HandlePosn -- Defined in `GHC.IO.Handle'
instance Show BufferMode -- Defined in `GHC.IO.Handle.Types'
instance Show Handle -- Defined in `GHC.IO.Handle.Types'
...plus 27 others
...plus 13 instances involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
* In a stmt of a 'do' block: print (calculate nums)
In the expression:
do nums <- map read . words <$> getLine
print (calculate nums)
In an equation for `solve':
= do nums <- map read . words <$> getLine
print (calculate nums)
10 | print (calculate nums)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
C:\Users\Donatas\Documents\haskell\la3.hs:12:1: error:
* Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Num [a]
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
* When checking the inferred type
calculate :: forall a. (Eq a, Num [a], Num a) => [a] -> a
12 | calculate (x:xs) = x + check xs
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
To start with, I suggest you default to always writing type annotations. And before you start implementing anything, sketch out what the types of your program look like. For this program I suggest you start from:
main :: IO ()
solve :: String -> String
calculate :: [Int] -> Int
check :: Int -> Int
The names could also probably be improved to better convey what it is they're doing.
Note that there is only one function with type IO _. This serves to isolate the impure part of your program, which will make your life easier (e.g. testing, code reasoning, etc).
You're not far off. Just try reworking your code to fit into the above types. And be aware that you're missing a pattern in your calculate implementation ;)
If you inspect your code and follow the types, it is crystal-clear where the error is. Yes, you can add type annotations -- that is highly recommended -- but I find your code is so simple you could get away with just a bit of equational reasoning.
It starts with solve, it is easy to see that nums is of type Read a => [a], given that you split a string by words (i.e. [String]) and map read over it. So a list of as is what you give to calculate. As you know, a list is the disjoint sum between (1) the empty list ([]) and (2) a cons cell made of a head, an element of type a, and a tail, the rest of the list ((x:xs)).
First thing you notice is that the case of the empty list is missing; let's add it:
calculate [] = 0 -- I assume this is correct
On to the body of calculate and check. The latter clearly expects a number, you can be a bit more concise by the way:
check 0 = -1
check _ = 1
Now if you look at calculate, you see that you are calling check and passing it xs. What is xs? It is bound in the pattern (x:xs) which is how you uncons a cons cell. Clearly, xs is the tail of the cell and so a list itself. But check expects a number! The only number you can expect here is x, not xs. So let's change you code to
calculate (x:xs) = check x + ...
Your specifications state that you want to iterate over the list. That can only happen if you do something with xs. What can you do with it? The only answer to that is to call calculate recursively:
calculate (x:xs) = check x + calculate xs
... and with these changes, your code is fine.
I want to know how deeply Haskell evaluates data structures at compile time.
Consider the following list:
simpleTableMultsList :: [Int]
simpleTableMultsList = [n*m | n <- [1 ..9],m <- [1 ..9]]
This list gives a representation of the multiplication table for 1 through 9. Now, suppose we want to change it so that we represent the product of two one digit numbers as a pair of numbers (first digit, second digit). Then we may consider
simpleTableMultsList :: [(Int,Int)]
simpleTableMultsList = [(k `div` 10, k `rem` 10) | n <- [1 ..9],m <- [1 ..9],let k = n*m]
Now we can implement multiplication on one digit numbers as a table lookup. YAY!! However, we want to be more efficient than this! So we want to make this structure an unboxed array. Haskell gives a really great way to do this using
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A
Then we can do:
simpleTableMults :: A.Array (Int,Int) (Int,Int)
simpleTableMults = A.listArray ((1,1),(9,9)) simpleTableMultsList
Now if I want a constant time multiplication of two one digit numbers n and m, I can do:
simpleTableMults ! (n,m)
This is great! Now suppose I compile this module we've been working on. Does the simpleTableMults get fully evaluated so that when I run the computation simpleTableMults ! (n,m), the program literally makes a lookup in memory ... or does it have to build the data structure in memory first. Since it is an unboxed array, my understanding is that the Array must be created at once and is completely strict in its elements -- so that all the elements of the array are fully evaluated.
So really my question is: when does this evaluation occur, and can I force it to occur at compile time?
------- Edit ---------------
I tried to dig further on this! I tried compiling and examining information about the core. It seems GHC is performing a lot of reductions on the code at compile time. I wish I knew more about core to be able to tell. If we compile with
ghc -O2 -ddump-simpl-stats Main.hs
We can see that 98 beta reductions are performed, an unpack-list operation is carried out, many things are unfolded, and a bunch of inlines are performed (around 150). It even tells you where the beta reductions occur, ... since the word IxArray is coming, I am more curious if some sort of simplification is occuring. Now the interesting thing from my point of view is that adding
simpleTableMults = D.deepseq t t
where t = A.listArray ((1,1),(9,9)) simpleTableMultsList
increases the number of beta reductions, inlines, and simplifications quite substantially at compile time. It would be really great if I could load the compiled into a debugger of some sort and "view" the data structure! I am, as it stands, more mistified than before.
------ Edit 2 -------------
I still don't know what beta reductions are being performed. However, I did find out some interesting things based on sassa-nf's repsonse response. For the following experiment, I used the ghc-heap-view package. I changed the way Array was represented in the source according to the Sassa-NF answer. I loaded the program into GHCi, and immediately called
:printHeap simpleTableMults
And as expected got a index too large exception. But under the suggested unpacked datatype, I got a let expression with a toArray and a bunch of _thunks, and some _funs. Not really sure yet what these mean ... The other interesting thing is that by using seq, or some other strictness forcing in the source code, I ended up with all _thunks inside of the let. I can upload the exact emission if that helps.
Also, if I perform a single indexing, the array gets completely evaluated in all cases.
Also, there is no way to call ghci with optimizations, so I might not be getting the same results as when compiled with GHC -O2.
Let's exaggerate:
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A
simpleTableMults :: A.Array (Int,Int) (Int,Int)
simpleTableMults = A.listArray ((1,1),(10000,2000))
[(k `div` 10, k `rem` 10) | n <- [1 ..10000],m <- [1 ..2000],let k = n*m]
main = print $ simpleTableMults A.! (10000,1000)
ghc -O2 -prof b.hs
b +RTS -hy
......Out of memory
hp2hs b.exe.hp
What happened?! You can see the heap consumption graph to go above 1GB, and then it died.
Well, the pair is computed eagerly, but the projections of the pair are lazy, so we end up with tons of thunks to compute k ``div`` 10 and k ``rem`` 10.
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A
data P = P {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int deriving (Show)
simpleTableMults :: A.Array (Int,Int) P
simpleTableMults = A.listArray ((1,1),(10000,2000))
[P (k `div` 10) (k `rem` 10) |
n <- [1 ..10000],m <- [1 ..2000],let k = n*m]
main = print $ simpleTableMults A.! (10000,1000)
This one is fine, because we eagerly computed the pair.
I have a function that creates recursively a flattened list of matrices from a tree that have to be mutable as their elements are updated often during their creation. So far I have come up with a recursive solution that has the signature:
doAll :: .. -> [ST s (STArray s (Int, Int) Int)]
The reason I do not return the [UArray (Int,Int) Int] directly is because doAll is called recursively, modifies elements of the matrices in the list and appends new matrices. I don't want to freeze and thaw the matrices unnecessarily.
So far so good. I can inspect the n-th matrix (of type Array (Int, Int) Int) in ghci
runSTArray (matrices !! 0)
runSTArray (matrices !! 1)
and indeed I get the correct results for my algorithm. However, I didn't find a way to map runSTUArray over the list that is returned by doAll:
map (runSTArray) matrices
Couldn't match expected type `forall s. ST s (STArray s i0 e0)'
with actual type `ST s0 (STArray s0 (Int, Int) Int)'
The same problem happens if I try to evaluate recursively over the list or try to evaluate single elements wrapped in a function
Could someone please explain what is going on (I didn't really understand the implications of the forall keyword) and how I could evaluate the arrays in the list?
This is an unfortunate consequence of the type trick that makes ST safe. First, you need to know how ST works. The only way to get from the ST monad to pure code is with the runST function, or other functions built upon it like runSTArray. These are all of the form forall s.. This means that, in order to construct an Array from an STArray, the compiler must be able to determine that it can substitute any type it likes in for the s type variable inside runST.
Now consider the function map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]. This shows that every element in the list must have exactly the same type (a), and therefore also the same s. But this extra constraint violates the type of runSTArray, which declares that the compiler must be able to freely substitute other values for s.
You can work around this by defining a new function to first freeze the arrays inside the ST monad, then run the resulting ST action:
runSTArrays :: Ix ix => (forall s. [ST s (STArray s ix a)]) -> [Array ix a]
runSTArrays arrayList = runST $ (sequence arrayList >>= mapM freeze)
Note the forall requires the RankNTypes extension.
You just bounced against the limitations of the type system.
The runSTArray has a higher ranked type. You must pass it a ST-action whose state type variable is unique. Yet, in Haskell it is normally not possible to have such values in lists.
The whole thing is a clever scheme to make sure that values you produce in an ST action can't escape from there. Which means, it looks like your design is somehow broken.
One suggestion: can't you process the values in another ST action, like
sequence [ ... your ST s (STArray s x) ...] >>= processing
processing :: [STArray s x] -> ST s (your results)
I have the following (imperative) algorithm that I want to implement in Haskell:
Given a sequence of pairs [(e0,s0), (e1,s1), (e2,s2),...,(en,sn)], where both "e" and "s" parts are natural numbers not necessarily different, at each time step one element of this sequence is randomly selected, let's say (ei,si), and based in the values of (ei,si), a new element is built and added to the sequence.
How can I implement this efficiently in Haskell? The need for random access would make it bad for lists, while the need for appending one element at a time would make it bad for arrays, as far as I know.
Thanks in advance.
I suggest using either Data.Set or Data.Sequence, depending on what you're needing it for. The latter in particular provides you with logarithmic index lookup (as opposed to linear for lists) and O(1) appending on either end.
"while the need for appending one element at a time would make it bad for arrays" Algorithmically, it seems like you want a dynamic array (aka vector, array list, etc.), which has amortized O(1) time to append an element. I don't know of a Haskell implementation of it off-hand, and it is not a very "functional" data structure, but it is definitely possible to implement it in Haskell in some kind of state monad.
If you know approx how much total elements you will need then you can create an array of such size which is "sparse" at first and then as need you can put elements in it.
Something like below can be used to represent this new array:
data MyArray = MyArray (Array Int Int) Int
(where the last Int represent how many elements are used in the array)
If you really need stop-and-start resizing, you could think about using the simple-rope package along with a StringLike instance for something like Vector. In particular, this might accommodate scenarios where you start out with a large array and are interested in relatively small additions.
That said, adding individual elements into the chunks of the rope may still induce a lot of copying. You will need to try out your specific case, but you should be prepared to use a mutable vector as you may not need pure intermediate results.
If you can build your array in one shot and just need the indexing behavior you describe, something like the following may suffice,
import Data.Array.IArray
test :: Array Int (Int,Int)
test = accumArray (flip const) (0,0) (0,20) [(i, f i) | i <- [0..19]]
where f 0 = (1,0)
f i = let (e,s) = test ! (i `div` 2) in (e*2,s+1)
Taking a note from ivanm, I think Sets are the way to go for this.
import Data.Set as Set
import System.Random (RandomGen, getStdGen)
startSet :: Set (Int, Int)
startSet = Set.fromList [(1,2), (3,4)] -- etc. Whatever the initial set is
-- grow the set by randomly producing "n" elements.
growSet :: (RandomGen g) => g -> Set (Int, Int) -> Int -> (Set (Int, Int), g)
growSet g s n | n <= 0 = (s, g)
| otherwise = growSet g'' s' (n-1)
where s' = Set.insert (x,y) s
((x,_), g') = randElem s g
((_,y), g'') = randElem s g'
randElem :: (RandomGen g) => Set a -> g -> (a, g)
randElem = undefined
main = do
g <- getStdGen
let (grownSet,_) = growSet g startSet 2
print $ grownSet -- or whatever you want to do with it
This assumes that randElem is an efficient, definable method for selecting a random element from a Set. (I asked this SO question regarding efficient implementations of such a method). One thing I realized upon writing up this implementation is that it may not suit your needs, since Sets cannot contain duplicate elements, and my algorithm has no way to give extra weight to pairings that appear multiple times in the list.
I have a file which look like this index : label, index's value contain keys in the range of 0... 100000000 and label can be any String value, I want split this file which has 110 Mo in many slices of 100 lines each an make some computation upon each slice. How can I do this?
123 : "acgbdv"
127 : "ytehdh"
129 : "yhdhgdt"
9898657 : "bdggdggd"
If you're using String IO, you can do the following:
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
-- | Process 100 lines
process100 :: [String] -> MyData
-- whatever this function does
loop :: [String] -> [MyData]
loop lns = go [] lns
go acc [] = reverse acc
go acc lns = let (this, next) = splitAt 100 lns in go (process100 this:acc) next
processFile :: FilePath -> IO [MyData]
processFile f = withFile f ReadMode (fmap (loop . lines) . hGetContents)
Note that this function will silently process the last chunk even if it isn't exactly 100 lines.
Packages like bytestring and text generally provide functions like lines and hGetContents so you should be able to easily adapt this function to any of them.
It's important to know what you're doing with the results of processing each slice, because you don't want to hold on to that data for longer than necessary. Ideally, after each slice is calculated the data would be entirely consumed and could be gc'd. Generally either the separate results get combined into a single data structure (a "fold"), or each one is dealt with separately (maybe outputting a line to a file or something similar). If it's a fold, you should change "loop" to look like this:
loopFold :: [String] -> MyData -- assuming there is a Monoid instance for MyData
loopFold lns = go mzero lns
go !acc [] = acc
go !acc lns = let (this, next) = splitAt 100 lns in go (process100 this `mappend` acc) next
The loopFold function uses bang patterns (enabled with "LANGUAGE BangPatterns" pragma) to force evaluation of the "MyData". Depending on what MyData is, you may need to use deepseq to make sure it's fully evaluated.
If instead you're writing each line to output, leave loop as it is and change processFile:
processFileMapping :: FilePath -> IO ()
processFileMapping f = withFile f ReadMode pf
pf = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) <=< fmap (loop . lines) . hGetContents
If you're interested in enumerator/iteratee style processing, this is a pretty simple problem. I can't give a good example without knowing what sort of work process100 is doing, but it would involve enumLines and take.
Is it necessary to process exactly 100 lines at a time, or do you just want to process in chunks for efficiency? If it's the latter, don't worry about it. You'd most likely be better off processing one line at a time, using either an actual fold function or a function similar to processFileMapping.