Integration Testing of WPF GUI: How do I identify that current work was finished - wpf

I want to run integration UI tests on my WPF application, and I'm not sure how to detect when the current test has finished so that I can proceed to the next one.
Simplifying, suppose I have a button on my window. When the button is clicked I disable it, I modify the model, and I re-enable the button. Once it detects that the model has changed, WPF changes the view on the screen.
Now I want to run a test that simulates clicking the button again and again. To click the button I’ll use automation, as described in this SO question. But how do I know when the work is finished and the display updated, so as to "click" the button again? Do I hook the botton’s IsEnabledChanged, or is there some global indication that the current cycle of processing has finished?
Edit: What was missing in my description is that I want the user to see the interim results on the screen. For example, if the test has 10 phases I want the user to see something like a Step Counter label with values 1 .. 10 appearing on the screen, and not just the number changing immediately from 1 to 10. See my answer below.

how do I know when the work is finished and the display updated, so as to "click" the button again?
According to your description, you said When the button is clicked I disable it, I modify the model, and I re-enable the button.
Therefore, I can only assume that when the model has changed, the Button will be re-enabled. So you could either attach a handler to the model's NotifyPropertyChanged event, or as you suggested, add a handler for the IsEnabledChanged event.

Here is how I managed to get it working. This might be trivial - I'm a novice with GUI. I'm just posting it here in the hope it'll help other novices like me :)
Anyhow, what I used is a two button solutions: Test and Step. Test starts the testing sequence, Step runs each step of the tests. The Step buttons interact with an Integration Tester By Steps helper.
The helper receives an Init with the Number Of Commands as parameter, (currently the helper generates random commands by itself, so it just needs to know how many commands to generate). The helpe provides a Step method to execute the next command, and a Needs More Steps property to indicate whether testing should continue.
The helper derives form INotifyPropertyChanged and has a Counter dependency property that is displayed on the main window.
The states of the Test and Step buttons are controlled by three helper methods: SetButtonsFor_OutsideTesting, SetButtonsFor_InsideTestingOutsideAnyStep and SetButtonsFor_InsideTestingInsideAStep.
First, I verified that everything is working manually, and then I added a timer and automated the process using the Stack Overflow suggestions on how to programmatically click a button in WPF and how to make a WPF Timer Like C# Timer.
Now, here's the Main Window's code:
private void Test_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
public readonly IntegrationTesterBySteps _integrationTesterBySteps =
new IntegrationTesterBySteps();
void RunTheTestBySteps()
private void StartTheTimer()
DispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
DispatcherTimer.Tick += DispatcherTimer_Tick;
DispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
private void StopTheTimer()
DispatcherTimer.Tick -= DispatcherTimer_Tick;
private DispatcherTimer DispatcherTimer { get; set; }
private void DispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!BtnStep.IsEnabled) return;
private void BtnStep_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (this.IntegrationTesterBySteps.NeedsMoreSteps)
private void ClickTheStepButton()
var peer = new ButtonAutomationPeer(BtnStep);
var invokeProv = peer.GetPattern(PatternInterface.Invoke)
as IInvokeProvider;
if (invokeProv != null)
void SetButtonsFor_InsideTestingInsideAStep()
BtnTest.IsEnabled = false;
BtnStep.IsEnabled = false;
void SetButtonsFor_InsideTestingOutsideAnyStep()
BtnTest.IsEnabled = false;
BtnStep.IsEnabled = true;
void SetButtonsFor_OutsideTesting()
BtnTest.IsEnabled = true;
BtnStep.IsEnabled = false;


Mouse freezing/lagging when hit breakpoint

Goal: To be able to find point(X,Y) of element on windows desktop application which been clicked without performing click itself.
Not working solution
I've added mousekeyhook Nuget package to my .net core WPF application, it working fine ( when click and event raising with correct position), but each time that program hit breakpoint( for specific below example - at M_Events_MouseDown method) the mouse starts to lag for about 20 seconds.
Also i have found that in WinForms application it works smoothly
MouseKeyHook implementation:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private IKeyboardMouseEvents m_Events;
public MainWindow()
private void SubscribeGlobal()
private void Subscribe(IKeyboardMouseEvents events)
m_Events = events;
m_Events.MouseDown += M_Events_MouseDown;
private void M_Events_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine($"Mouse down :{e}");
private void Unsubscribe()
if (m_Events == null)
m_Events.MouseDown -= M_Events_MouseDown;
This is a known issue and low-level hook behavior by design.
When you hook into the mouse event processing chain, your code is one of many other processors. Every hooked piece of code has a possibility to suppress or modify further processing. Nevertheless, there is a time limit to do so. If you set a breakpoint, windows call your code, your code does not respond, a timeout occurs and it starts over.
See a similar question for details. The second answer with more upvotes is the better one.: Low level mouse hook - mouse freeze on breakpoint

Closing the New Window on a new Thread (WPF)

Hi I had posted a question along these lines recently but this is now a little more specific to my requirements. So, I have an Application where the user needs to log in. The log in process can take some time so I decided to put up a little animated GIF to show it is doing something. Sounds simple...!!??
I noticed soon that the login process was freezing the animation so I thought, I will put the login process on its own thread. I had countless instances of it referencing objects on the UI Thread so thought I would try the other way round and have the Image display on a new thread. Same issue - so I decided to create a new window containing the image, format it accordingly and display this as a new thread! Simple! That (bit) worked... I click to login, animation appears and disappears onces login is complete. So the Thread variable is set as global one:
Friend g_thLoading As Thread
And when the Login button is clicked I have the following:
g_thLoading = New Thread(AddressOf LoginSplashScreen)
g_thLoading.IsBackground = True
g_thLoading.Name = "LoginThread"
VerifyLogin() 'Process that takes a while...
Then the method that is called in the new thread:
Sub LoginSplashScreen()
Dim SplashScreenWin As New SplashScreen()
Catch ex As Exception
SplashScreenWin = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
This works - but not if I have to click the button more than once. However If (for example) the user enters the wrong credentials, clicks login (the above processes and completes) they are prompted to re-enter - click the login button again... but this time, the window doesnt display (but oddly does appear in the Task Bar)... Then the application is forced to close (nothing in debug on why that is).
I am confident that the Dialogue Window is closing correctly after the first instance as i) it is no longer in the Task Bar and secondly I have put some checks on the Windows Close event. I am fairly confident that the created Thread is closed after the first instance as I can see it drop off from the Thread Window in Visual Studio... So - I am at a total loss. I have also tried the Join function on the thread but this just hangs the process before it gets to g_thLoading.Abort()
I am open to any advice on how I can go about achieving my end goal... whether it is expanding on what I have done here or another suggestion altogether. I have messed around with the Background Worker but not had much more luck there.
Use the BackgroundWorker class to implement your long running processes. The class allows you to specify code that will run on a background thread (in the DoWork event handler), code that will run during "updates" on the thread that created the BackgroundWorker in the ProgressChanged event handler, and code that will run when the process completes, again on the thread that created the BackgroundWorker in the RunWorkerCompleted event handler.
Using it goes something like this:
private class LoginParameters {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
// Any other properties needed
// Make this a property of your form.
BackgroundWorker LoginWorker { get; set; }
// Somewhere in your UI code after the user clicks the "login button"
LoginWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
LoginWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
LoginWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; // Can set to false if you don't allow the operation to be cancelled.
LoginWorker.DoWorker += DoLogin;
LoginWorker.ProgressChanged += ReportProgress;
LoginWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += LoginFinished;
LoginParameters login = new LoginParameters {
// Code to initialize everything here
// Put this in the click event handler for the Cancel button, if you have one
if ( LoginWorker != null )
private void DoLogin(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {
BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker) sender;
LoginParameters login = (LoginParameters) e.Argument;
// Your logic to process the login goes here. It should periodically do the following to check to see if the user clicked the cancel button:
if ( worker.CancellationPending ) {
e.Cancel = true;
// When you want to update the UI, do this:
worker.ReportProgress( percentComplete, objectWithOtherDataToWriteToTheUI );
// When you're done, just return.
private void ReportProgress(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) {
// Your code to extract the data you need to update the display from the arguments & to then update the display goes here. Remember, this runs on the UI thread
private void LoginFinished( object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e ) {
if (e.Cancelled == true)
// Your code to inform the user of the cancellation here
else if (e.Error != null)
// All unhadgled exceptions throws by the DoWork event handler end up here
// Your code to inform the user of the error here
else {
// Your code to inform the user of the success goes here.
// Remember, this runs on the UI thread.
// I recommend you set the form BackgroundWorker property to null after its finished, as you can't reuse it after its finished.
LoginWorker = null;
Sorry this is in C# if you're looking for VB.NET, but it shouldn't be hard to translate.

button content and wait cursor problems

I have a WPF application with a page with some code as shown below
public partial class MyPage : Page
public MyPage ()
private void btnClose_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.Cursor = Cursors.Wait;
this.btnClose.Content = "Cancel";
// some long time consuming processing
this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
this.btnClose.Content = "Close";
I am doing two things here on the Close button click hander which are causing problems. Before long processing I change the button context text to Cancel. I also want to change cursor for whole page to wait. Once long processing is done I set the cursor state and button content back to where it was. However I am facing following two issues.
When application is doing long running operation, I don't get to see the button content as Cancel. It just keep showing me original content CLose.
The cursor changes to Arrow only on the button. However on rest of page,I still keep getting same arrow cursor.
Any ideas how can these issue be solved?
Your code runs on the UI thread by default, so nothing else can be executed on the UI thread (such as re-rendering the UI) until the thread finishes executing.
There are many ways of releasing control of the UI thread before the code finishes executing, but I find the simplest is to use a Task from the Task Parallel Library which can be used to run code on a separate thread.
For example,
// this runs on the main UI thread
this.Cursor = Cursors.Wait;
this.btnClose.Content = "Cancel";
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// this code runs on a background thread
// some long time consuming processing
.ContinueWith((e) =>
// this code runs from the UI thread again
this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
this.btnClose.Content = "Close";
It should be noted that UI objects can only be modified on the UI thread, which is why I put the second UI update in the .ContinueWith(...) of the task. An alternative to this would be to use the Dispatcher to ensure code gets executed on the UI thread. If you decide you need this instead and can't find an easy example via Google, let me know and I'll write one here.
This has to be a duplicate some where
public class WaitCursor : IDisposable
private Cursor _previousCursor;
public WaitCursor()
_previousCursor = Mouse.OverrideCursor;
Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait;
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose()
Mouse.OverrideCursor = _previousCursor;
using (new WaitCursor())
// long blocking operation

Using WPF Extended Toolkit MessageBox from other threads and curious behavior

I am having trouble using the WPF Extended Toolkit (version MessageBox from other threads. The namespace is: Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox
I replaced my regular MessageBoxs (System.Windows.MessageBox) with the Toolkit MessageBox and get errors when I launch one from another thread. The System.Windows.MessageBox has no such problems. I saw this posting that reports the problem, but there seems to be no follow up:
I'm guessing there is a work around. An example is presented there that shows the problem, but here is my simple example:
First, I wrap the Toolkit.MessageBox. I do this primarily because I'm applying style (although I've commented that out to show that's not the problem)
public class CustomMessageBox
//static DummyUserControl1 _ctrl = new DummyUserControl1();
public static MessageBoxResult Show(string msgText, Style styleArg = null)
Cursor saveCursor = Mouse.OverrideCursor;
Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
//Style style = styleArg != null ? styleArg : _ctrl.FindResource("MessageBoxStyle1") as Style;
// MessageBoxResult result = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show(msgText, "", MessageBoxButton.OK, style);
MessageBoxResult result = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show(msgText, "", MessageBoxButton.OK);
Mouse.OverrideCursor = saveCursor;
return result;
The main window just has two buttons on it, and here's the code behind:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void btnMainThreadMsgBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CustomMessageBox.Show("Hello on main thread");
private void btnAltThreadMsgBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Thread altThread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AltThread1Proc));
altThread1.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
altThread1.IsBackground = true;
public void AltThread1Proc()
MessageBox.Show("Hello on Alt Thread");
CustomMessageBox.Show("Hello on alt thread");
The problems occur in AltThreadProc() with CustomMessageBox.Show(...). The curious behavior I referred to is this: If you hit the main thead button and then the Alt thread button, you get the error:
Cannot access Freezable 'System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush' across threads because it cannot be frozen.
However, if you skip the main thread button and just hit the Alt thread button, you get the error:
The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
I'm curious what the "Freezable" error is all about and why you can get different errors based on what would seem to be an innocuous event: clicking/not clicking button that produces message box on main thread.
Ideally, it would be nice to just replace System.Windows.MessageBox with Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox, but if there is some sort of extra code to write, that might be acceptable. The documentation, and the link I provided hints at using a WindowContainer, but I can't really see any examples of how you do that. I was attracted to the Toolkit MessageBox as it allows one to do some cool stuff with MessageBox (which I don't show here) such as apply styles, change the text of the OK, CANCEL button, etc.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Extra info:
User1341210 suggestion works well if you just have one window. However, if you have a second window in it's own thread it doesn't work so well. Perhaps someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I use the suggestion of the TaskScheduler, but the code throws an exception if the TaskScheduler used is the one of the second window. That is, all works fine if I use the TaskScheduler of the first window, but throws an exception if I use the TaskScheduler of the second window. Here is the code behind for my second window:
public partial class AltThreadWindow : Window
private TaskScheduler _ui;
public AltThreadWindow()
_ui = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
// This constructor is for passing in the TaskScheduler of the mainwindow and works great
public AltThreadWindow(TaskScheduler scheduler)
_ui = scheduler;
private void btnWindowsMsgBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Standard Windows message box");
private void btnCustomMsgBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MessageBoxResult result;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { result = CustomMessageBox.Show("Custom MessageBox on separate window"); }, CancellationToken.None,
Notice the two constructors. The default one assigns the TaskScheduler of the second window. The other constructor allows one to pas in the TaskScheduler of the main Window.
Here's the code I use to launch the second window from the main window. Again, I'm launching the second window on another thread, and I pass in the TaskScheduler of the main window. It would be nice to use the TaskScheduler of the second window instead.
_altWindowThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AltWinThreadProc));
_altWindowThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
_altWindowThread.IsBackground = true;
And the actual threadproc:
[EnvironmentPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public void AltWinThreadProc()
// Create our context, and install it:
new DispatcherSynchronizationContext(
_altWindow = new AltThreadWindow(_ui);
Notice here I pass in the TaskScheduler of the MainWindow.
we had the same issue in our application (I created the work item on codeplex).
The error messages are quite confusing and I cant provide you an answer to that.
We didn't used a separated WindowContainer to solve it. Instead came up with calling the separate task/thread with the UI scheduler:
() => { result = CustomMessageBox.Show(messageText); },
Where _ui is assigned in a method that is executed from UI context (e.g. Constructor of your Window/Control:
_ui = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
Hope this helps for solving the "replace System.Windows.MessageBox with Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox" part of your question.
If you want that the messagebox shows up on another Window you have to set the "Owner" property of the message box to the other window.
Best regards.

Mouse.Capture returns false and fails

To simulate a modal dialog in WPF, I display a Window and call: Mouse.Capture(dialogBoxArea, CaptureMode.SubTree);
The call returns false.
Mouse.Captured is null.
dialogBoxArea.Visibility is Visibility.Visible.
dialogBoxArea.IsEnabled is true.
If the line is called again a second time, it returns true and correctly captures the mouse.
What condition might I be missing that is preventing the capture from working?
Here's what I've tried so far.
if (Mouse.Captured != null)
// Not called, so presumably, nothing has already captured the mouse
MessageBox.Show("already captured");
if (dialogBoxArea.Visibility != Visibility.Visible)
// Not called
MessageBox.Show("not visible");
if (!dialogBoxArea.IsEnabled)
// Not called
MessageBox.Show("not enabled");
// According to documentation, this should release mouse capture from anything that holds it
// Attempt to capture the mouse
if (!Mouse.Capture(dialogBox, CaptureMode.SubTree))
// This is called
Mouse.Capture(dialogBox, CaptureMode.SubTree);
As a first iteration i would talk to your client.
The following opens a dialog option window that is always on top of the original window and blocks calls to it, but does not hinder the overall execution at all. If your customer sees the behaviour he may be happy with that.
namespace StackoverflowExample
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
void NewWindowAsDialog(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Window myOwnedDialog = new Window();
myOwnedDialog.Owner = this;
I will post another option later here that will illustrate how to load a window into a subdivision (grid etc.) of your xaml. You could filter all other calls based on the content that is loaded into that division rather then filtering the mouscall. Your filtering could run into the problem of the logical vs the viewtree - you only ever want to look at the trees if you create your own templates from scratch.
