How to exit while(1) loop after sometime in C? - c

I am making a program in which I am getting data from a serial device. The problem which I am facing is that the device gives me the wrong data until I run while(1) and then read the data. So I thought of running a for loop for 100000 times and then reading the data but still it was giving wrong data. I can only use while(1). So is there anyway I can stop while(1) after sometime like 7-10sec.?
please help,thanks.!!

I think it will help.
int i=0;
// do your work.
if ( i == 100 ) break; // for an example.
printf("After While\n");

Is it necessary for your while loop to iterate on 1? Perhaps you could loop on time(NULL) instead, for example:
time_t t = time(NULL) + 10;
while (time(NULL) < t) {
/* ... */
This is not exactly precise; The loop could run for anything between 9 seconds and 10 seconds, perhaps even longer depending on how saturated your CPU usage is by other tasks. It doesn't look like you're looking for anything precise, however, and this should give you some idea...
If for whatever silly reason you must use while (1), then you can use this idea together with if and break like so:
time_t t = time(NULL) + 10;
while (1) {
if (time(NULL) >= t) {
/* ... */

To exit the loop you have to use break statement.
//your code...
sleep(7);//to sleep for 7 seconds
break;//jumps out of the loop after 7 seconds of delay

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
time_t end = time(NULL) + 7; //7s
while (1) {
//your code...
if (time(NULL) >= end) {
//your code..
return 0;

while(1) {
delay(10000); //To delay for 10 seconds.
If you can't use delay() then probably use some loop to get significant amount of time delay and thereafter break the loop.


arduino code running on loop

I have used a switch case in my Arduino project and also I have used a for loop on my second case, but the function is not getting out of the for loop. I want to run my second case only for 5sec then wants to break it. Help me with that.
int cmd;
void loop(){ // run over and over again
Serial.println("enter 1 or 2");;
switch (cmd){
case '1':
function1() ;
break ;
case '2':
int i=0;
Your loop will always take more then 5 seconds to complete as your total delay is 5 seconds plus the execution time of function2. If it is not exiting the loop, my bet would be that your function2 is responsible for that.
Anyway, if you need timing, you should use the millis() funcion, the result would be something like this:
long startTime = millis();
long delay = 50000;
while(millis() < startTime + delay){
This implementation would be much more closer to your 5 second time limit.

Simple <Time.h> program takes large amount CPU

I was trying to familiarize myself with the C time.h library by writing something simple in VS. The following code simply prints the value of x added to itself every two seconds:
int main() {
time_t start = time(NULL);
time_t clock = time(NULL);
time_t clockTemp = time(NULL); //temporary clock
int x = 1;
//program will continue for a minute (60 sec)
while (clock <= start + 58) {
clockTemp = time(NULL);
if (clockTemp >= clock + 2) { //if 2 seconds has passed
clock = clockTemp;
x = ADD(x);
printf("%d at %d\n", x, timeDiff(start, clock));
int timeDiff(int start, int at) {
return at - start;
My concern is with the amount of CPU that this program takes, about 22%. I figure this problem stems from the constant updating of the clockTemp (just below the while statement), but I'm not sure how to fix this issue. Is it possible that this is a visual studio problem, or is there a special way to check for time?
the code needed the sleep function so that it wouldn't need to run constantly.
I added sleep with #include <windows.h> and put Sleep (2000) //2 second sleep at the end of the while
while (clock <= start + 58) {
Sleep(2000); }
The problem is not in the way you are checking the current time. The problem is that there is nothing to limit the frequency with which the loop runs. Your program continues to execute statements as quickly as it can, and eats up a ton of processor time. (In the absence of other programs, on a single-threaded CPU, it would use 100% of your processor time.)
You need to add a "sleep" method inside your loop, which will indicate to the processor that it can stop processing your program for a short period of time. There are many ways to do this; this question has some examples.

Program doesn't work when rrun normally, but with debug step by step the result is right

In the code below, which I wrote on visual studio 2013, I pressed Ctrl+F5 but don't print the right result, I debug it step by step the results is right.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int randfoo(void)
time_t ts;
int a[10];
unsigned int randdata = time(&ts);
return (rand() % 100);
int randNumber(int firstNum, int lastNumber, int result[][6])
int ret_val = -1;
int value1;
if ((firstNum > 0) && (firstNum < 5))
if ((lastNumber>0) && (lastNumber < 7))
for (int i = 0; i < firstNum; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < lastNumber; j++)
value1 = randfoo();
result[i][j] = value1;
printf("a[%d][%d]=%d\n", i, j, result[i][j]);
ret_val = 0;
ret_val = -1;
ret_val = -1;
return ret_val;
void main()
int buff[4][6];
randNumber(4, 6, buff);
the first function randfoo just to generate a rand number.
the second function randNumber in order to put the rand number into the result[4][6],and print the results.
You used srand(randdata); on each call to randfoo(). srand() is used to seed the PRNG for rand(). You don't seed it every time.
Just use srand(randdata) once in main() and rand() % 100 directly in all the assignments.
You can get rid of the whole randfoo() function, IMHO.
Random wont be random enough if you access it again and again repeatedly in the time of CPU cycles. To read more about rand please read this page.
The period of rand is implementation defined, but typically falls
around 2^32-1. Compare this with the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which
is 2^19937-1. You typically want the period of a random number
generator to exceed the amount of numbers expected to be generated,
because that's the point where the sequence repeats.
From another answer in SO (source link):
Don't call srand before every call to rand. Call it once when your
program starts.
You may want to look at this SO question.
It may be useful to explain the reason it "works" when you debug it and "doesn't work" when you run it.
When you run it normally it executes in much less time than 1 second. Thus, the time() function always returns the same time (unless you get very lucky and run it exactly on a second boundary) and thus you call srand() with the same value and so rand() returns the same value for each call to randfoo().
When you debug it, however, it probably takes a few seconds between calls to randfoo() thus you get different time() values, which seeds the pseudo-random generator with different values, and thus different rand() values.
A great example of a Heisenbug, a bug that disappears when you try to find it. The solution, as the other answers say, is to simply call srand() once at the program start.

Informative "if" statement in "for" loop

Normally when I have a big for loop I put messages to inform me in which part of the process my program is, for example:
for(i = 0; i < large_n; i++) {
if( i % (large_n)/1000 == 0) {
printf("We are at %ld \n", i);
// Do some other stuff
I was wondering if this hurts too much the performance (a priori) and if it is the case if there is a smarter alternative.Thanks in advance.
Maybe you can split the large loop in order to check the condition sometimes only, but I don't know if this will really save time, that depends more on your "other stuff".
int T = ...; // times to check the condition, make sure large_n % T == 0
for(int t = 0; t < T; ++t)
for(int i = large_n/T * t; i < large_n/T * (t+1); ++i)
// other stuff
printf("We are at %ld \n", large_n/T * (t+1));
Regardless of what is in your loop, I wouldn't be leaving statements like printf in unless it's essential to the application/user, nor would I use what are effectively redundant if statements, for the same reason.
Both of these are examples of trace level debugging. They're totally valid and in some cases very useful, but generally not ultimately so in the end application. In this respect, a usual thing to do is to only include them in the build when you actually want to use the information they provide. In this case, you might do something like this:
#define DEBUG
for(i = 0; i < large_n; i++)
#ifdef DEBUG
if( i % (large_n)/1000 == 0)
printf("We are at %ld \n", i);
Regarding the performance cost of including these debug outputs all the time, it will totally depend on the system you're running, the efficiency of whatever "printing" statement you're using to output the data, the check/s you're performing and, of course, how often you're trying to perform output.
Your mod test probably doesn't hurt performance but if you want a very quick test and you're prepared for multiples of two then consider a mathematical and test:
if ( ( i & 0xFF ) == 0 ) {
/* this gets printed every 256 iterations */
if ( ( i & 0xFFFF ) == 0 ) {
/* this gets printed every 65536 iterations */
By placing a print statement inside of the for loop, you are sacrificing some performance.
Because the program needs to do a system call to write output to the screen every time the message is printed, it takes CPU time away from the program itself.
You can see the difference in performance between these two loops:
int i;
printf("Start Loop A\n");
for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
printf("%d ", i);
printf("Done with Loop A\n");
printf("Start Loop B\n");
for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
// Do Nothing
printf("Done with Loop B\n");
I would include timing code, but I am in the middle of work and can update it later over lunch.
If the difference isn't noticeable, you can increase 100000 to a larger number (although too large a number would cause the first loop to take WAY too long to complete).
Whoops, forgot to finish my answer.
To cut down on the number of system calls your program needs to make, you could check a condition first, and only print if that condition is true.
For example, if you were counting up as in my example code, you could only print out every 100th number by using %:
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
if(i%100 == 0)
printf("%d", i);
That will reduce the number of syscalls from ~100000 to ~1000, which in turn would increase the performance of the loop.
The problem is IO operation printf takes a much time than processor calculates. you can reduce the time if you can add them all and print finally.
Tp = total time spent executing the progress statements.
Tn = total time spent doing the other normal stuff.
>> = Much greater than
If performance is your main criteria, you want Tn >> Tp. This strongly suggests that the code should be profiled so that you can pick appropriate values. The routine 'printf()' is considered a slow routine (much slower than %) and is a blocking routine (that is, the thread that calls it may pend waiting for a resource used by it).
Personally, I like to abstract away the progress indicator. It can be a logging mechanism,
a printf, a progress box, .... Heck, it may be updating a structure that is read by another thread/task/process.
id = progressRegister (<some predefined type of progress update mechanism>);
for(i = 0; i < large_n; i++) {
progressUpdate (id, <string>, i, large_n);
// Do some other stuff
Yes, there is some overhead in calling the routine 'progressUpdate()' on each iteration, but again, as long as Tn >> Tp, it usually is not that important.
Hope this helps.

Output text one letter at a time in C

How would I output text one letter at a time like it's typing without using Sleep() for every character?
Sleep is the best option, since it doesn't waste CPU cycles.
The other option is busy waiting, meaning you spin constantly executing NoOps. You can do that with any loop structure that does absolutely nothing. I'm not sure what this is for, but it seems like you might also want to randomize the time you wait between characters to give it a natural feel.
I would have a Tick() method that would loop through the letters and only progress if a random number was smaller than a threshold I set.
some psuedocode may look like
int escapeIndex = 0;
int escapeMax = 1000000;
boolean exportCharacter = false;
int letterIndex = 0;
float someThresh = 0.000001;
String typedText = "somethingOrOther...";
int letterMax = typedText.length();
while (letterIndex < letterMax){
if(random(1.0) < someThresh){
exportCharacter = true;
if(escapeIndex > escapeMax) {
exportCharacter = true;
if(exportCharacter) {
cout << typedText.charAt(letterIndex);
escapeIndex = 0;
exportCharacter = false;
If I were doing this in a video game lets say to simulate a player typing text into a terminal, this is how I would do it. It's going to be different every time, and it's escape mechanism provides a maximum time limit for the operation.
Sleeping is the best way to do what you're describing, as the alternative, busy waiting, is just going to waste CPU cycles. From the comments, it sounds like you've been trying to manually hard-code every single character you want printed with a sleep call, instead of using loops...
Since there's been no indication that this is homework after ~20 minutes, I thought I'd post this code. It uses usleep from <unistd.h>, which sleeps for X amount of microseconds, if you're using Windows try Sleep().
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void type_text(char *s, unsigned ms_delay)
unsigned usecs = ms_delay * 1000; /* 1000 microseconds per ms */
for (; *s; s++) {
fflush(stdout); /* alternatively, do once: setbuf(stdout, NULL); */
int main(void)
type_text("hello world\n", 100);
return 0;
Since stdout is buffered, you're going to have to either flush it after printing each character (fflush(stdout)), or set it to not buffer the output at all by running setbuf(stdout, NULL) once.
The above code will print "hello world\n" with a delay of 100ms between each character; extremely basic.
