How to view JSON logs of a managed VM in the Log Viewer? - google-app-engine

I'm trying to get JSON formatted logs on a Compute Engine VM instance to appear in the Log Viewer of the Google Developer Console. According to this documentation it should be possible to do so:
Applications using App Engine Managed VMs should write custom log
files to the VM's log directory at /var/log/app_engine/custom_logs.
These files are automatically collected and made available in the Logs
Custom log files must have the suffix .log or .log.json. If the suffix
is .log.json, the logs must be in JSON format with one JSON object per
line. If the suffix is .log, log entries are treated as plain text.
This doesn't seem to be working for me: logs ending with .log are visible in the Log Viewer, but displayed as plain text. Logs ending with .log.json aren't visible at all.
It also contradicts another recent article that states that file names must end in .log and its contents are treated as plain text.
As far as I can tell Google uses fluentd to index the log files into the Log Viewer. In the GitHub repository I cannot find any evidence that .log.json files are being indexed.
Does anyone know how to get this working? Or is the documentation out-of-date and has this feature been removed for some reason?

Here is one way to generate JSON logs for the Managed VMs logviewer:
The desired JSON format
The goal is to create a single line JSON object for each log line containing:
"message": "Error occurred!.",
"severity": "ERROR",
"timestamp": {
"seconds": 1437712034000,
"nanos": 905
(information sourced from Google:
Using python-json-logger
def get_timestamp_dict(when=None):
"""Converts a datetime.datetime to integer milliseconds since the epoch.
Requires special handling to preserve microseconds.
A datetime.datetime instance. If None, the timestamp for 'now'
will be used.
Integer time since the epoch in milliseconds. If the supplied 'when' is
None, the return value will be None.
if when is None:
when = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
ms_since_epoch = float(time.mktime(when.utctimetuple()) * 1000.0)
return {
'seconds': int(ms_since_epoch),
'nanos': int(when.microsecond / 1000.0),
def setup_json_logger(suffix=''):
from pythonjsonlogger import jsonlogger
class GoogleJsonFormatter(jsonlogger.JsonFormatter):
FORMAT_STRING = "{message}"
def add_fields(self, log_record, record, message_dict):
super(GoogleJsonFormatter, self).add_fields(log_record,
log_record['severity'] = record.levelname
log_record['timestamp'] = get_timestamp_dict()
log_record['message'] = self.FORMAT_STRING.format(
formatter = GoogleJsonFormatter()
log_path = '/var/log/app_engine/custom_logs/worker'+suffix+'.log.json'
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path)
except OSError:
logging.warn("Custom log path not found for production logging")
except ImportError:
logging.warn("JSON Formatting not available")
To use, simply call setup_json_logger - you may also want to change the name of worker for your log.

I am currently working on a NodeJS app running on a managed VM and I am also trying to get my logs to be printed on the Google Developper Console. I created my log files in the ‘/var/log/app_engine’ directory as described in the documentation. Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to be working for me, even for the ‘.log’ files.
Could you describe where your logs are created ? Also, is your managed VM configured as "Managed by Google" or "Managed by User" ? Thanks!


Where is a list of browserstack_executor actions?

I've found uses of the following, but no documentation for other possible actions using the browserstack_executor:
I'm looking for a removeFile or unlinkFile or deleteFile to remove a file that was downloaded by the browser and is now in the way when the next file downloads and gets a (1) added to the filename.
In my selenium test I'm doing something like this:
if driver._is_remote:
action = {"action": "fileExists", "arguments": {"fileName": os.path.basename(self.filepath)}}
if driver.execute_script(f'browserstack_executor:{json.dumps(action)}'):
action = {"action": "getFileContent", "arguments": {"fileName": os.path.basename(self.filepath)}}
content = driver.execute_script(f'browserstack_executor:{json.dumps(action)}')
with open(self.filepath, "wb") as f:
action = {"action": "deleteFile", "arguments": {"fileName": os.path.basename(self.filepath)}}
delete_status = driver.execute_script(f'browserstack_executor:{json.dumps(action)}')
I keep getting invalid action with all of the 3 I've tried so there must be something else to get rid of a file on the machine at browserstack.
I believe 'browserstack_executor' is a custom executor specific to BrowserStack and has a limited set of operations that it can perform.
The supported operations are available in their documentation:
Hence, operations like removeFile or unlinkFile or deleteFile, cannot be performed, as they are not supported currently and are also not mentioned in the links shared above.
Per the companies support staff, there is no list and unlink is not supported. In order to work around it I've modified the FileExists ExpectedCondition I was using to auto increment the filename after one is pulled from the test system and to use the "next available" name so that my tests can be the same running locally or on browser stack.

Offline HLS Fairplay playback error when the app is closed, code 16227

I'm implementing Offline Playback with HLS Fairplay following the demo in the FairPlay Streaming Server SDK v4.0.1 that uses AVContentSessionKey.
I download three contents, each content is downloaded and persisted correctly, both the .movpkg and its content key on the documents directory, when I turn off the WIFI these three contents downloaded plays correctly without any problems, before playing Im using this code:
let urlAsset = element.urlAsset!
if !urlAsset.resourceLoader.preloadsEligibleContentKeys {
urlAsset.resourceLoader.preloadsEligibleContentKeys = true
self.present(playerViewController, animated: true, completion: {
So far so good. But the problem is when I close the application (Home button to close applications) and then play the downloaded contents, only the last content downloaded plays correctly, the other ones (first and second) send these error on the console.
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed"
UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x1c065d760 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16227 "(null)"},
NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-16227),
NSURL=file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A950D8DB-B711-47E3-AAF5-C95CC9682430/Library/, NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed}
I double check the .movpkg with the keys in the documents directory and appears correctly
Before the error occurs the ContentKeyDelegate is called and the key is loaded and passed to the request correctly.
if persistableContentKeyExistsOnDisk(withContentKeyIdentifier: assetIDString) {
let urlToPersistableKey = urlForPersistableContentKey(withContentKeyIdentifier: assetIDString)
guard let contentKey = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: urlToPersistableKey.path) else {
Create an AVContentKeyResponse from the persistent key data to use for requesting a key for
decrypting content.
let keyResponse = AVContentKeyResponse(fairPlayStreamingKeyResponseData: contentKey)
If I print the contentKeyRecipients the three contents appears correctly
- (lldb) po
ContentKeyManager.shared.contentKeySession.contentKeyRecipients ▿ 3
- 0 : AVURLAsset: 0x1c0234d40, URL = file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E791A4DE-4261-46B7-A84D-D10B27035FAE/Library/
- 1 : AVURLAsset: 0x1c0234fa0, URL = file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E791A4DE-4261-46B7-A84D-D10B27035FAE/Library/
- 2 : AVURLAsset: 0x1c42391c0, URL = file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E791A4DE-4261-46B7-A84D-D10B27035FAE/Library/
My tests are in iOS 11.1.2 and iOS 11.2 beta 2
I'm not sure what is happening, but seems to be a problem with the persisted key, I don't how if each content needs to be associated with one AVContentKeySession at time.
If someone faced a similar problem, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I'm having similar issue.
however, since I need to support iOS 10, I'm not using the new AVContentKeyResponse class. Instead, I'm loading the persistent content key myself, and pass it to the loading request.
Anyway, I'm getting exact the same error as you and same behavior. One thing to note is that if I remove the code that loads persistent content key from disk, and always fetch the key from server, then everything works. But this defeats the purpose of "offline" playback...
So it seems like the system thinks the persistent content key is invalid...
Which TLLV you used on the server side to specify Rental Duration of the downloaded content? Did you use Content key duration TLLV or Offline Key TLLV? If you used Offline Key TLLV you need to double check that "Content ID" field is different for every downloaded movie.
We had encounter this error message, too.
It will happen when content exceed over expiration date which set in server side.
For example :
We give 10 minutes of expiration date for Video A
Download this Video A, and verify CKC delivery correctly (print log)
Play Video A without connection
Take a break (after 11 minutes), close App, and launch App again, select Video A to Play
Show below error message from AVPlayerItem.error.description:
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800
"The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-16227),
NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSUnderlyingError=0x1d4257310
{Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16227 "(null)"}}
You can refresh encrypted data again by
or use AVContentSessionKey
Reference :
Make sure you set correct offline content identifier on a serverside. The identifier you set should be associated with the specific rendition/stream allowed by the license. This helped me.

How do we get the document file url using the Watson Discovery Service?

I don't see a solution to this using the available api documentation.
It is also not available on the web console.
Is it possible to get the file url using the Watson Discovery Service?
If you need to store the original source/file URL, you can include it as a field within your documents in the Discovery service, then you will be able to query that field back out when needed.
I also struggled with this request but ultimately got it working using Python bindings into Watson Discovery. The online documentation and API reference is very poor; here's what I used to get it working:
(Assume you have a Watson Discovery service and have a created collection):
# Programmatic upload and retrieval of documents and metadata with Watson Discovery
from watson_developer_cloud import DiscoveryV1
import os
import json
discovery = DiscoveryV1(
environments = discovery.list_environments().get_result()
print(json.dumps(environments, indent=2))
This gives you your environment ID. Now append to your code:
collections = discovery.list_collections('{environment-id}').get_result()
print(json.dumps(collections, indent=2))
This will show you the collection ID for uploading documents into programmatically. You should have a document to upload (in my case, an MS Word document), and its accompanying URL from your own source document system. I'll use a trivial fictitious example.
NOTE: the documentation DOES NOT tell you to append , 'rb' to the end of the open statement, but it is required when uploading a Word document, as in my example below. Raw text / HTML documents can be uploaded without the 'rb' parameter.
url = {"source_url":"http://mysite/dis030.docx"}
with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '{path to your document folder with trailing / }', 'dis030.docx'), 'rb') as fileinfo:
add_doc = discovery.add_document('{environment-id}', '{collections-id}', metadata=json.dumps(url), file=fileinfo).get_result()
print(json.dumps(add_doc, indent=2))
Note the setting up of the metadata as a JSON dictionary, and then encoding it using json.dumps within the parameters. So far I've only wanted to store the original source URL but you could extend this with other parameters as your own use case requires.
This call to Discovery gives you the document ID.
You can now query the collection and extract the metadata using something like a Discovery query:
my_query = discovery.query('{environment-id}', '{collection-id}', natural_language_query="chlorine safety")
print(json.dumps(my_query.result["results"][0]["metadata"], indent=2))
Note - I'm extracting just the stored metadata here from within the overall returned results - if you instead just had:
print(my_query) you'll get the full response from Discovery ... but ... there's a lot to go through to identify just your own custom metadata.

Python Google appengine 'Attachment' object does not support indexing

Since sometime after 3pm EST on January 9th I am getting
TypeError: 'Attachment' object does not support indexing errors when trying to access the data portion of an email attachment:
attach = mail_message.attachments.pop()
encodedAttachment = attach[1]
The format of the emails I am processing has not changed in that time, and this code worked flawlessly up until then
The latest version (1.8.9) has introduced an Attachment class that is returned now instead of the (filename content) tuple that was returned previously. The class does implement __iter__, so unpacking works exactly the same:
filename, content = attachment
But it doesn't implement __getitem__, so accessing via index as you're doing will cause the error you're seeing. It's possible that creating an issue will get the code changed to be completely backwards-compatible, but the practical thing would be to change your code.

Using and blobstore GAE

I recently started using bottle and GAE blobstore and while I can upload the files to the blobstore I cannot seem to find a way to download them from the store.
I followed the examples from the documentation but was only successful on the uploading part. I cannot integrate the example in my app since I'm using a different framework from webapp/2.
How would I go about creating an upload handler and download handler so that I can get the key of the uploaded blob and store it in my data model and use it later in the download handler?
I tried using the BlobInfo.all() to create a query the blobstore but I'm not able to get the key name field value of the entity.
This is my first interaction with the blobstore so I wouldn't mind advice on a better approach to the problem.
For serving a blob I would recommend you to look at the source code of the BlobstoreDownloadHandler. It should be easy to port it to bottle, since there's nothing very specific about the framework.
Here is an example on how to use BlobInfo.all():
for info in blobstore.BlobInfo.all():
self.response.out.write('Name:%s Key: %s Size:%s Creation:%s ContentType:%s<br>' % (info.filename, info.key(), info.size, info.creation, info.content_type))
for downloads you only really need to generate a response that includes the header "X-AppEngine-BlobKey:[your blob_key]" along with everything else you need like a Content-Disposition header if desired. or if it's an image you should probably just use the high performance image serving api, generate a url and redirect to it.... done
for uploads, besides writing a handler for appengine to call once the upload is safely in blobstore (that's in the docs)
You need a way to find the blob info in the incoming request. I have no idea what the request looks like in bottle. The Blobstoreuploadhandler has a get_uploads method and there's really no reason it needs to be an instance method as far as I can tell. So here's an example generic implementation of it that expects a webob request. For bottle you would need to write something similar that is compatible with bottles request object.
def get_uploads(request, field_name=None):
"""Get uploads for this request.
field_name: Only select uploads that were sent as a specific field.
populate_post: Add the non blob fields to request.POST
A list of BlobInfo records corresponding to each upload.
Empty list if there are no blob-info records for field_name.
stolen from the SDK since they only provide a way to get to this
crap through their crappy webapp framework
if not getattr(request, "__uploads", None):
request.__uploads = {}
for key, value in request.params.items():
if isinstance(value, cgi.FieldStorage):
if 'blob-key' in value.type_options:
request.__uploads.setdefault(key, []).append(
if field_name:
return list(request.__uploads[field_name])
except KeyError:
return []
results = []
for uploads in request.__uploads.itervalues():
results += uploads
return results
For anyone looking for this answer in future, to do this you need bottle (d'oh!) and defnull's multipart module.
Since creating upload URLs is generally simple enough and as per GAE docs, I'll just cover the upload handler.
from bottle import request
from multipart import parse_options_header
from google.appengine.ext.blobstore import BlobInfo
def get_blob_info(field_name):
field = request.files[field_name]
except KeyError:
# Maybe form isn't multipart or file wasn't uploaded, or some such error
return None
blob_data = parse_options_header(field.content_type)[1]
return BlobInfo.get(blob_data['blob-key'])
except KeyError:
# Malformed request? Wrong field name?
return None
Sorry if there are any errors in the code, it's off the top of my head.
