Cant make Angular-Gridster example work - angularjs

I'm trying to implement Angular-Gridster, but I can't get the example to work for me.
It seems the gridster module doesn't get injected anywhere or something
<div gridster="gridsterOpts">
This is the fiddle
Github source
Angular-Gridster site
The example I'm trying to implement

Where you declare the app you forget to specify the gridster dependency. So it should be like this:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['gridster']);
Also note that JSFIDDE does not load your gridster source in head: Refused to execute script from, so add to your code direct to see the result.


angular intro.js not available

I have been trying to use angular intro js in my mockup angular js project the modal that asks whether the user needs to go through the tutorial is visible, However when I click the ok button that invokes the callMe method , an error is printed in the console stating,
message:"Intro.js is not available. Make sure it is properly loaded."
name:"Introjs not available."
Could anyone suggest where I am going wrong?
Make sure you have refered the angular-intro library and also injected as a dependency.
<script src="intro.min.js"></script>
<script src="angular-intro.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['angular-intro']);
Just to add to Sajeetharan's comment: It turns out that the order of dependency MATTERS. You must include the intro.js first, then angular-intro.js, then the main app.js.
Otherwise, you might get
Intro.js is not available. Make sure it is properly loaded." name:"Introjs not available.

ChartistJS : Converting jQuery solution to AngularJS

I am using Chartist JS for my charts in my Angular JS app. The issue is I am seeing this here. There is a JS bin that highlights the issue. The author gives a solution for it. The solution is doing DOM manipulations in Jquery which is easy to do. However with AngularJS the way you manipulate the DOM is via Directives. I have created a plunker here which highlights the same issue in Angular JS but I am confused as to how to put the solution provided by author into my Angular code.
Here is the solution
$('[data-tab]').on('toggled', function (event, tab) {
tab.find('.ct-chart').each(function(i, e) {
Edit: As requested the JSFiddle is updated, so what I am trying to do is. I have three different tabs and three different graphs, whenever I click on them I should see the respective graph. To make the tab behavior possible I have written a basic code using scope and model. which facilitates the changing of tabs. The issue is that the chart is getting created for first or default tab but not for the second and third tab. There is a solution given by the author but I don't know how to implement that in AngualrJS
the jQuery solution that you post is basically finding all the chart references and then doing DOM manipulation and call the update() function.
The key is how to find the chart to update in Angular.
In this case, you can assign a variable when you create a chart. For example:
var chart4 = new Chartist.Bar('#chart4', data1);
var chart5 = new Chartist.Bar('#chart5', data2);
Now you have the reference of the chart. All you have to do is to call update() function to render the chart again.
if (value === "allDrivers") {
$ = "All";
Here is the working plunker
One thing I like to point out is: right now you need to double click the tab in order to see the chart is being rendered or you resize the browser window. I am still trying to find a way to fix this. But at least this approach gives you an idea how to convert the jQuery solution to Angular solution.
I was able to solve this using angular.element() method. So if you wish you use jquery in your angular code. You have to do this via angular.element method. But make sure to include jquery before angular in your index.html
If jQuery is available, angular.element is an alias for the jQuery
function. If jQuery is not available, angular.element delegates to
Angular's built-in subset of jQuery, called "jQuery lite" or jqLite.
I did not know this. From here it was learning for me. Following advice of #pieterjandesmedt from this post. I was able to do this. For other people who want to learn how this works. I have created a GitHub repo which gives a solution to this issue. The link for problem is given in the question. Hope that helps

Using ngAnimate on a Array of data

I have made a basic carousel and and would like to use ng-animate to animate when entering and leaving each index in an array. The templates in Carousel.Data will soon contain html data. I would like to also know what would be the best way of passing html in an array so the user can click next and be presented with the next html template.
I have ng-animate loaded in the DOM with angular version 1.21 but I get an error when I try to inject the dependancy
var App = angular.module('App', ['ngAnimate']);
Here is what I have so far:-
any help would be much appreciated
It's difficult to tell in CodePen but be sure that angular.min.js is loaded before angular-animate.js. Make sure the order is as follows:
You can rearrange the resources in code pen by clicking the hamburger icon near each resources and clicking/dragging to the top. If i got to for example and open the plunker for anchoring. If you move angular-animate cdn script tag above angular.min.js, it will give an injection error.
Let me know if that works.

How to using Snap.svg and Snap.js via angular-snap together?

I try to use two dependencies:
"snap.svg": "~0.2.0", #
"angular-snap": "~1.4.1", #
How I guess, it seems angular-snap uses a global Snap object as snap.svg and overrides the Snap object of Snap.svg.
In this order the Snap.svg functionalty goes away. If I revert the order of import, some Snap.js functionalty is missed.
Watch this plunkr and swap the includes.
How can I use both libs?
Thx ahead!
I think your best bet is going to be using a module loader like RequireJS to pull both Snap.js and Snap.svg into you application in a controlled way, it looks like both support AMD module loaders.
Unfortunately this will mean you won't be able to rely on the snap-content directive from Angular Snap anymore. You'll need to create a new Snap.js snapper instance yourself and make use of snapRemote#register.
Here's some pseudo code:
require(['jakiestfu/Snap.js/snap'], function(SnapJS) {
snapRemote.register(new SnapJS(snapOptions));
require(['adobe-webplatform/Snap.svg/snap.svg'], function(SnapSVG) {
// Do stuff with SnapSVG...
Also, you'll want to assign a "snap-content" class name to the element you initialize your snapper with (this is also usually handled by the snap-content directive).
I'm not recommending this approach but it should work as well if you don't mind some hacks:
In your head:
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"</script>
// Save Snap.svg before it gets clobbered!
window.SnapSVG = Snap;
<script src="snap.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
After that you could go on using the svg Snap as SnapSVG or whatever you want to call it. The module loader approach is arguably better in almost any way you want to look at it... unless you need to ship tomorrow :).
Edit 2:
I just released v1.5.0 of Angular Snap which makes the Snap.js constructor an injected dependency rather than something we just look for on the window. You could now provide your own constructor, maybe saving it before it gets clobbered:
myApp.config(function(SnapConstructorProvider) {
Using this you'll still be able to take advantage of the snap-content directive even if you pull in the Snap.js script with a module loader.

Sanitize string to using angularjs

I basically want to use tel tag to make a phone call.
<a class="callButton" href="tel: {{phoneno}}"></a>
I am using $compileProvider to remove unsafe tag which comes by default, It works perfectly fine post 1.0.4v of angularjs. However below this version it doesnt work. Can anyone suggest how to implement this feature using angular version 1.0.4 or below?
Here is the sanitizing code which I am using in js file
app.config(['$compileProvider', function ($compileProvider) {
Assume I have already defined app variable.
P.S. This is an enhancement for particular app which basically works below 1.0.4v
Add this to your scripts after angular is loaded.
I asume your on 1.1.5, but change to whatever you need the version to be.
sanitizeSomething = function(string) {
return $sanitize(string);
sanitizedString = sanitizeSomething(string);
