I'm trying to use uint64_t as if it was 8 lanes of uint8_ts; my goal is to implement a lane-by-lane less-than. This operation, given x and y, should produce a result with 0xFF in a lane if the value for the corresponding lane in x is less than the value for that lane in y, and 0x00 otherwise. A lane-by-lane less-than-or-equal would also work.
Based on what I've seen, I'm guessing I would need a lanewise difference-or-zero operation (defined as doz(x, y) = if (x < y) then 0 else (x - y)), and then to use that to construct a selection mask. However, all the lane-wise subtraction approaches I've seen are signed, and I'm not sure how I would use them to do this kind of task.
Is there a way I could do this, using difference-or-zero or some other way?
Turns out basing it on DOZ is the wrong way to go after all. All of this is pointless, don't use it.
However, all the lane-wise subtraction approaches I've seen are signed
This is surprising, because subtraction is neither signed nor unsigned, there is only one subtraction and it can be interpreted both ways. At least, that's how it works in the 2's complement world.
For reference, SWAR subtraction looks like this: (source: SIMD and SWAR Techniques)
SWAR sub z = x - y
z = ((x | H) - (y &~H)) ^ ((x ^~y) & H)
And DOZ could be based on that. A full DOZ is overkill though, if it was a primitive that would make sense. But SWAR DOZ would work by computing the difference, and then zeroing it out if x < y, which is the condition that we wanted all along. So let's just compute that and not the whole DOZ. That condition is based on this: when is there a borrow out of the high bit?
If the high bit of x is zero and the high bit of y is one.
If the high bits of x and y are the same, and the high bit of their difference is one. Equivalently: if the high bits of x and y are the same, and there is a borrow out of the second highest bit.
The first part of SWAR sub, ((x | H) - (y &~H)), computes (among other things) the borrow out of the second highest bit. The high bit of the SWAR difference is the inverse of the borrow out of the second highest bit (that bit from H either gets "eaten" by the borrow, or not).
Putting it together, SWAR unsigned-less-than could work like this:
tmp = ((~x ^ y) & ~((x | H) - (y &~H)) | (~x & y)) & H
less_than_mask = (tmp << 1) - (tmp >> 7)
(~x ^ y) = mask of "bits are the same", used for "high bits are the same"
~((x | H) - (y &~H)) = difference of the low parts of elements, used for "borrow out of second highest bit"
(~x & y) = mask of "x is zero and y is one", used for "high bit of x is zero and high bit of y is one"
& H near the end, used to grab only the bits that correspond to the borrow out of the high bit
(tmp << 1) - (tmp >> 7) spreads out the bits grabbed by the previous step into lane-masks. Alternative: (tmp >> 7) * 255. This is the only step where the SWAR logic explicitly depends on the lane size, and it needs to be the same for every lane, even though for SWAR sub you could mix lane sizes.
One operation can be removed at the expression level by applying De Morgan's Rule:
tmp = (~(x ^ y | (x | H) - (y & ~H)) | ~x & y) & H
But ~x needs to be computed anyway, so at the assembly level that may not help, depending on how it gets compiled.
Perhaps some simplification is possible.
Which approach will work the fastest will depend on what kind of instructions are available in the processor architecture of the target platform, such as shift-plus, add, three-input adds, three-input logical instructions. It also depends on whether one desired a throughput- or latency-optimized version, and the superscalarity of the processor architecture.
The following ISO C 99 code provides two alternatives. One uses an unsigned byte-wise comparison taken directly from the literature (LTU_VARIANT = 1), the other (LTU_VARIANT = 0) I devised myself on the basis of a halving add (i.e. the sum of two integers divided by two, rounded down). This is based on the fact that for twos-complement integers a, b each in [0,255], a < u b ⇔ ~a + b >= 256.
However, this would require nine bits for the sum, so we can use a < u b ⇔ ((~a + b) >> 1) >= 128 instead, where the average can be computed within 8 bits by a well-known bit twiddling technique. The only processor architecture I know that offers a SIMD halving addition as a hardware instruction vhadd is Arm NEON.
I have included a test framework for a functional test, but benchmarking will be needed to establish which version performs better on a given platform.
Partial overlap of this answer with other answers is probable; there are only so many different ways to skin a kumquat.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#define LTU_VARIANT (1) // 0 or 1
#define UINT64_H8 (0x8080808080808080U) // byte-wise sign bits (MSBs)
uint64_t sign_to_mask8 (uint64_t a)
a = a & UINT64_H8; // isolate sign bits
a = a + a - (a >> 7); // extend them to full byte to create mask
return a;
uint64_t vhaddu8 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
/* Peter L. Montgomery's observation (newsgroup comp.arch, 2000/02/11,
(A+B)/2 = (A AND B) + (A XOR B)/2.
return (a & b) + (((a ^ b) >> 1) & ~UINT64_H8);
uint64_t ltu8_core (uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
/* Sebastiano Vigna, "Broadword implementation of rank/select queries."
In: International Workshop on Experimental and Efficient Algorithms,
pp. 154-168, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
return (((a | UINT64_H8) - (b & ~UINT64_H8)) | (a ^ b)) ^ (a | ~b);
uint64_t vcmpltu8 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
return sign_to_mask8 (ltu8_core (a, b));
#else // LTU_VARIANT
return sign_to_mask8 (vhaddu8 (~a, b));
#endif // LTU_VARIANT
uint64_t ref_func (uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
uint8_t a0 = (uint8_t)((a >> 0) & 0xff);
uint8_t a1 = (uint8_t)((a >> 8) & 0xff);
uint8_t a2 = (uint8_t)((a >> 16) & 0xff);
uint8_t a3 = (uint8_t)((a >> 24) & 0xff);
uint8_t a4 = (uint8_t)((a >> 32) & 0xff);
uint8_t a5 = (uint8_t)((a >> 40) & 0xff);
uint8_t a6 = (uint8_t)((a >> 48) & 0xff);
uint8_t a7 = (uint8_t)((a >> 56) & 0xff);
uint8_t b0 = (uint8_t)((b >> 0) & 0xff);
uint8_t b1 = (uint8_t)((b >> 8) & 0xff);
uint8_t b2 = (uint8_t)((b >> 16) & 0xff);
uint8_t b3 = (uint8_t)((b >> 24) & 0xff);
uint8_t b4 = (uint8_t)((b >> 32) & 0xff);
uint8_t b5 = (uint8_t)((b >> 40) & 0xff);
uint8_t b6 = (uint8_t)((b >> 48) & 0xff);
uint8_t b7 = (uint8_t)((b >> 56) & 0xff);
uint8_t r0 = (a0 < b0) ? 0xff : 0x00;
uint8_t r1 = (a1 < b1) ? 0xff : 0x00;
uint8_t r2 = (a2 < b2) ? 0xff : 0x00;
uint8_t r3 = (a3 < b3) ? 0xff : 0x00;
uint8_t r4 = (a4 < b4) ? 0xff : 0x00;
uint8_t r5 = (a5 < b5) ? 0xff : 0x00;
uint8_t r6 = (a6 < b6) ? 0xff : 0x00;
uint8_t r7 = (a7 < b7) ? 0xff : 0x00;
return ( ((uint64_t)r0 << 0) +
((uint64_t)r1 << 8) +
((uint64_t)r2 << 16) +
((uint64_t)r3 << 24) +
((uint64_t)r4 << 32) +
((uint64_t)r5 << 40) +
((uint64_t)r6 << 48) +
((uint64_t)r7 << 56) );
From: geo <>
Newsgroups: sci.math,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.fortran
Subject: 64-bit KISS RNGs
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 04:30:48 -0800 (PST)
This 64-bit KISS RNG has three components, each nearly
good enough to serve alone. The components are:
Multiply-With-Carry (MWC), period (2^121+2^63-1)
Xorshift (XSH), period 2^64-1
Congruential (CNG), period 2^64
static uint64_t kiss64_x = 1234567890987654321ULL;
static uint64_t kiss64_c = 123456123456123456ULL;
static uint64_t kiss64_y = 362436362436362436ULL;
static uint64_t kiss64_z = 1066149217761810ULL;
static uint64_t kiss64_t;
#define MWC64 (kiss64_t = (kiss64_x << 58) + kiss64_c, \
kiss64_c = (kiss64_x >> 6), kiss64_x += kiss64_t, \
kiss64_c += (kiss64_x < kiss64_t), kiss64_x)
#define XSH64 (kiss64_y ^= (kiss64_y << 13), kiss64_y ^= (kiss64_y >> 17), \
kiss64_y ^= (kiss64_y << 43))
#define CNG64 (kiss64_z = 6906969069ULL * kiss64_z + 1234567ULL)
#define KISS64 (MWC64 + XSH64 + CNG64)
int main (void)
uint64_t a, b, res, ref, n = 0;
printf ("Testing vcmpltu8: byte-wise unsigned comparison with mask result\n");
printf ("using LTU variant %d\n", LTU_VARIANT);
do {
a = KISS64;
b = KISS64;
res = vcmpltu8 (a, b);
ref = ref_func (a, b);
if (res != ref) {
printf ("\nerr # a=%016" PRIx64 " b=%016" PRIx64 " : res=%016" PRIx64 " ref=%016" PRIx64 "\n",
a, b, res, ref);
if (!(n & 0xffffff)) printf ("\r%016" PRIx64, n);
} while (a);
printf ("\ntest passed\n");
Here's an architecture-independent approach. I'm sure it could use refinement, but it seems to be working fine. With x86 gcc/clang, it compiles to 20/19 instructions.
The idea is to first solve the problem when both bytes are either less than 128 or not, setting bit 7 in each byte with that result. Then patch up the other cases. Finally smear the bit 7's downward.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
uint64_t bwlt(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
uint64_t lo7 = ~0ull / 255 * 127, // low 7 bits set in each byte
alo7 = a & lo7, // mask low 7 bits in a
blo7 = b & lo7, // mask low 7 bits in b
r = (lo7 - alo7 + blo7) & ~lo7, // set 8th bits with a < b
diff = (a ^ b) & ~lo7; // 8th bits that differ
r &= ~(a & diff); // unset if a[i]_7=1,b[i]_7=0
r |= b & diff; // set if a[i]_7=0,b[i]_7=1
return (r << 1) - (r >> 7);
int main(void) {
uint64_t a = 0x11E1634052A6B7CB;
uint64_t b = 0x1EAEF1E85F26734E;
printf("r=%016llx\n", bwlt(a, b));
return 0;
One test case:
$ gcc foo.c -o foo
$ ./foo
I enjoyed figuring out how to create the SWAR x LT (Less Than) y function with 64bit unsigned int and using only logical operators and arithmetic + and -.
I looked at some information on the web ( and from there I got the idea that the function can be done starting from the subtraction (x - y).
Looking at the meaning of the highest bit of: x, y and (x - y) when unsigned int are used, I created the following truth table where:
R (result) is 1 when the LT condition occurs.
D is the highest bit of the subtracion (x-y),
X is the highest bit of the X value to be tested,
Y is the highest bit of the Y value to be tested.
D X Y | R
0 0 0 | 0
0 0 1 | 1
0 1 0 | 0
0 1 1 | 0
1 0 0 | 1
1 0 1 | 1
1 1 0 | 0
1 1 1 | 1
Applying the Karnaugh's map ( to the table above we obtain the following formula:
(~ X & Y) | (D & ~ X) | (D & Y)
from which the macro SWARLTU(x, y) arose (see file swar.h below).
Since I was not satisfied, I observed how the compiler generated the assembler code of the macro SWARLTU and then following that code I wrote the macro SWARLTU2(x, y) (see file swar.h below). This last macro should be logically optimized.
The limit of this code is that the value for the LT result is 0x80 and not 0xFF as requested in the question.
The program can be launched in three different ways:
Without parameters, in this case it will perform 10 tests on random numbers.
With only one parameter, the parameter will indicate the number of random tests to be performed.
With two parameters, two numbers in the form 0xnnnnn, in this case only the control of the entered values will be shown.
Here the code:
The file swar.h (this file contains also other SWAR macros E.G.: SHL, SHR)
#ifndef SWAR_H
#define SWAR_H
SWAR add z = x + y
z = ((x &~H) + (y &~H)) ^ ((x ^ y) & H)
SWAR sub z = x - y
z = ((x | H) - (y &~H)) ^ ((x ^~y) & H)
SWAR average z = (x+y)/2 based on x + y = (x^y) + 2*(x&y)
z = (x & y) + (((x ^ y) & ~L) >> 1)
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#define SWARH 0x8080808080808080LL
#define SWARL 0x0101010101010101LL
#define SWARADD(x,y) \
((( (x) &~SWARH) + ( (y) &~SWARH)) ^ (( (x) ^ (y) ) & SWARH))
#define SWARSUB(x,y) \
((( (x) | SWARH) - ( (y) &~SWARH)) ^ (( (x) ^~(y) ) & SWARH))
#define SWARAVE(x,y) \
(( (x) & (y) ) + ((( (x) ^ (y)) & ~SWARL) >> 1))
#define SWARLTI(x,y) \
( SWARSUB(x,y) & SWARH )
#define SWARSHL(x) \
#define SWARSHR(x) \
/*** Computing unsigned less than
Truth table considering the HIGH bit setting of
Differece, X Value, Y Value
D X Y | R
0 0 0 | 0
0 0 1 | 1
0 1 0 | 0
0 1 1 | 0
1 0 0 | 1
1 0 1 | 1
1 1 0 | 0
1 1 1 | 1
#define _SWARDH (SWARSUB(x,y) & SWARH)
#define _SWARXH ((x)&SWARH)
#define _SWARYH ((y)&SWARH)
#define SWARLTU(x,y) \
// Elaborated from the generated ASM of the previous.
#define SWARLTU2(X,Y) \
((((~(X & SWARH)) & ((((~(X ^ Y)) & SWARH) ^ ((X | SWARH) - Y)) | Y)) | \
((((~(X ^ Y)) & SWARH) ^ ((X | SWARH) - Y)) & Y)) & SWARH)
#endif // SWAR_H
The file main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "swar.h"
char * verifyltu(char * rs,uint64_t x, uint64_t y, uint64_t v);
void printvalues(uint64_t x,uint64_t y,uint64_t r,uint64_t r1);
uint64_t rand64();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int rnd=1;
size_t i,n=10;
uint64_t x=0,y=0,r,r1;
if (argc>1) {
if (argc==2) {
} else {
if (rnd) {
for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
} else {
return 0;
char * verifyltu(char * rs,uint64_t x, uint64_t y, uint64_t v)
size_t i;
uint8_t *xs, *ys, *vs;
xs=(uint8_t *)&x; ys=(uint8_t *)&y;
vs=(uint8_t *)&v;
for(i=0;i<sizeof(uint64_t);i++) {
if ( ( xs[i]<ys[i] && vs[i]&0x80) ||
( !(xs[i]<ys[i]) && !(vs[i]&0x80) ) )
rs[i*2]='*';rs[i*2+1]=' ';
} else {
rs[i*2]='-';rs[i*2+1]=' ';
return rs;
void printvalues(uint64_t x,uint64_t y,uint64_t r,uint64_t r1)
char rs[17],rs1[17];
"X %016" PRIX64 " <\n"
"Y %016" PRIX64 "\n"
" ----------------\n"
"LTU %016" PRIX64 "\n"
"*=Ok %s\n"
"LTU2 %016" PRIX64 "\n"
"*=Ok %s\n\n",
uint64_t rand64()
uint64_t x;
x=rand(); x=(x<<32)+rand();
return x;
I came up with
uint64_t magic(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
auto H = 0x8080808080808080ull;
auto c = (a|H) - (b&(~H));
auto d = a^b;
auto e = ((a & d) | (c & (~d))) & H;
return e ^ H;
The logic goes pretty much the same path as in Harold's; the difference is in interpreting the top bits as
c = 1aaaaaaa -> the carry to the H bit is 0 only IFF a<b
a = 80, b = 00 different sign -> select b, i.e. ~a
a = 00, b = 80 different sign -> select b, i.e. ~a
a = 80, b = 80 same sign -> select ~c
a = 00, b = 00 same sign -> select ~c
If one could work with inverted mask (i.e. b >= a), then the last ^H can be omitted as well.
The instruction count of the results using clang / godbolt for arm64 and x64 would be with and (without) sign_to_mask.
instructions arm64 x64
vhaddu8 | 5 (8) | 8 (13)
ltu8_core | 7 (10)| 11 (15)
magic | 9 (10)| 12 (15)
harold | 9 (11)| 14 (17)
bwlt | 10 (12)| 15 (18)
SirJoBlack | 11 (13)| 16 (19)
Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I am writing a program that converts a binary value's hexadecimal representation to a regular string. So each character in the hex representation would convert to two hexadecimal characters in the string. This means the result will be twice the size; a hexadecimal representation of 1 byte would need two bytes in a string.
Hexadecimal Characters
0123456789 ;0x30 - 0x39
ABCDEF ;0x41 - 0x46
0xF05C1E3A ;hex
4032568890 ;dec
would become
0x4630354331453341 ;hex
5057600944242766657 ;dec
Are there any elegant/alternative(/interesting) methods for converting between these states, other than a lookup table, (bitwise operations, shifts, modulo, etc)?
I'm not looking for a function in a library, but rather how one would/should be implemented. Any ideas?
Here's a solution with nothing but shifts, and/or, and add/subtract. No loops either.
uint64_t x, m;
x = 0xF05C1E3A;
x = ((x & 0x00000000ffff0000LL) << 16) | (x & 0x000000000000ffffLL);
x = ((x & 0x0000ff000000ff00LL) << 8) | (x & 0x000000ff000000ffLL);
x = ((x & 0x00f000f000f000f0LL) << 4) | (x & 0x000f000f000f000fLL);
x += 0x0606060606060606LL;
m = ((x & 0x1010101010101010LL) >> 4) + 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fLL;
x += (m & 0x2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2aLL) | (~m & 0x3131313131313131LL);
Above is the simplified version I came up with after a little time to reflect. Below is the original answer.
uint64_t x, m;
x = 0xF05C1E3A;
x = ((x & 0x00000000ffff0000LL) << 16) | (x & 0x000000000000ffffLL);
x = ((x & 0x0000ff000000ff00LL) << 8) | (x & 0x000000ff000000ffLL);
x = ((x & 0x00f000f000f000f0LL) << 4) | (x & 0x000f000f000f000fLL);
x += 0x3636363636363636LL;
m = (x & 0x4040404040404040LL) >> 6;
x += m;
m = m ^ 0x0101010101010101LL;
x -= (m << 2) | (m << 1);
See it in action:
Spreading out the nibbles to bytes is easy with pdep:
spread = _pdep_u64(raw, 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F);
Now we'd have to add 0x30 to bytes in the range 0-9 and 0x41 to higher bytes. This could be done by SWAR-subtracting 10 from every byte and then using the sign to select which number to add, such as (not tested)
H = 0x8080808080808080;
ten = 0x0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A
cmp = ((spread | H) - (ten &~H)) ^ ((spread ^~ten) & H); // SWAR subtract
masks = ((cmp & H) >> 7) * 255;
// if x-10 is negative, take 0x30, else 0x41
add = (masks & 0x3030303030303030) | (~masks & 0x3737373737373737);
asString = spread + add;
That SWAR compare can probably be optimized since you shouldn't need a full subtract to implement it.
There are some different suggestions here, including SIMD:
A slightly simpler version based on Mark Ransom's:
uint64_t x = 0xF05C1E3A;
x = ((x & 0x00000000ffff0000LL) << 16) | (x & 0x000000000000ffffLL);
x = ((x & 0x0000ff000000ff00LL) << 8) | (x & 0x000000ff000000ffLL);
x = ((x & 0x00f000f000f000f0LL) << 4) | (x & 0x000f000f000f000fLL);
x = (x + 0x3030303030303030LL) +
(((x + 0x0606060606060606LL) & 0x1010101010101010LL) >> 4) * 7;
And if you want to avoid the multiplication:
uint64_t m, x = 0xF05C1E3A;
x = ((x & 0x00000000ffff0000LL) << 16) | (x & 0x000000000000ffffLL);
x = ((x & 0x0000ff000000ff00LL) << 8) | (x & 0x000000ff000000ffLL);
x = ((x & 0x00f000f000f000f0LL) << 4) | (x & 0x000f000f000f000fLL);
m = (x + 0x0606060606060606LL) & 0x1010101010101010LL;
x = (x + 0x3030303030303030LL) + (m >> 1) - (m >> 4);
A bit more decent conversion from the the integer to the string any base from 2 to length of the digits
char *reverse(char *);
const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
char *convert(long long number, char *buff, int base)
char *result = (buff == NULL || base > strlen(digits) || base < 2) ? NULL : buff;
char sign = 0;
if (number < 0)
sign = '-';
number = -number;
if (result != NULL)
*buff++ = digits[number % base];
number /= base;
} while (number);
if(sign) *buff++ = sign;
*buff = 0;
return result;
char *reverse(char *str)
char tmp;
int len;
if (str != NULL)
len = strlen(str);
for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++)
tmp = *(str + i);
*(str + i) = *(str + len - i - 1);
*(str + len - i - 1) = tmp;
return str;
example - counting from -50 to 50 decimal in base 23
-24 -23 -22 -21 -20 -1M -1L -1K -1J -1I -1H -1G -1F -1E -1D
-1C -1B -1A -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -M -L
-K -J -I -H -G -F -E -D -C -B -A -9 -8 -7 -6
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A B C D E F G H I J K L M 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G
1H 1I 1J 1K 1L 1M 20 21 22 23 24
A LUT (lookup table) C++ variant. I didn't check the actual machine code produced, but I believe any modern C++ compiler can catch the idea and compile it well.
static const char nibble2hexChar[] { "0123456789ABCDEF" };
// 17B in total, because I'm lazy to init it per char
void byteToHex(std::ostream & out, const uint8_t value) {
out << nibble2hexChar[value>>4] << nibble2hexChar[value&0xF];
// this one is actually written more toward short+simple source, than performance
void dwordToHex(std::ostream & out, uint32_t value) {
int i = 8;
while (i--) {
out << nibble2hexChar[value>>28];
value <<= 4;
EDIT: For C code you have just to switch from std::ostream to some other output means, unfortunately your question lacks any details, what you are actually trying to achieve and why you don't use the built-in printf family of C functions.
For example C like this can write to some char* output buffer, converting arbitrary amount of bytes:
* Writes hexadecimally formatted "n" bytes array "values" into "outputBuffer".
* Make sure there's enough space in output buffer allocated, and add zero
* terminator yourself, if you plan to use it as C-string.
* #Returns: pointer after the last character written.
char* dataToHex(char* outputBuffer, const size_t n, const unsigned char* values) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
*outputBuffer++ = nibble2hexChar[values[i]>>4];
*outputBuffer++ = nibble2hexChar[values[i]&0xF];
return outputBuffer;
And finally, I did help once somebody on code review, as he had performance bottleneck exactly with hexadecimal formatting, but I did there the code variant conversion, without LUT, also the whole process and other answer + performance measuring may be instructional for you, as you may see that the fastest solution doesn't just blindly convert result, but actually mix up with the main operation, to achieve better performance overall. So that's why I'm wonder what you are trying to solve, as the whole problem may often allow for more optimal solution, if you just ask about conversion, printf("%x",..) is safe bet.
Here is that another approach for "to hex" conversion:
fast C++ XOR Function
Decimal -> Hex
Just iterate throught string and every character convert to int, then you can do
printf("%02x", c);
or use sprintf for saving to another variable
Hex -> Decimal
printf("%c",16 * hexToInt('F') + hexToInt('0'));
int hexToInt(char c)
if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
c = c - ('a' - 'A');
int sum;
sum = c / 16 - 3;
sum *= 10;
sum += c % 16;
return (sum > 9) ? sum - 1 : sum;
The articles below compare different methods of converting digits to string, hex numbers are not covered but it seems not a big problem to switch from dec to hex
Fixed and floating point
Thank you for pointing that the answer above is not relevant.
Common way with no LUT is to split integer into nibbles and map them to ASCII
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#define HI_NIBBLE(b) (((b) >> 4) & 0x0F)
#define LO_NIBBLE(b) ((b) & 0x0F)
void int64_to_char(char carr[], int64_t val){
memcpy(carr, &val, 8);
uint64_t inp = 0xF05C1E3A;
char tmp_st[8];
int main()
printf("Sample: %x\n", inp);
printf("Result: 0x");
for (unsigned int k = 8; k; k--){
char tmp_ch = *(tmp_st+k-1);
char hi_nib = HI_NIBBLE(tmp_ch);
char lo_nib = LO_NIBBLE(tmp_ch);
if (hi_nib || lo_nib){
return 0;
Another way is to use Allison's Algorithm. I am total noob in ASM, so I post the code in the form I googled it.
Variant 1:
ADD AL,90h
ADC AL,40h
Variant 2:
SBB AL, 69h
Suppose I have two 4-bit values, ABCD and abcd. How to interleave it, so it becomes AaBbCcDd, using bitwise operators? Example in pseudo-C:
nibble a = 0b1001;
nibble b = 0b1100;
char c = foo(a,b);
// output: 0b11010010
Note: 4 bits is just for illustration, I want to do this with two 32bit ints.
This is called the perfect shuffle operation, and it's discussed at length in the Bible Of Bit Bashing, Hacker's Delight by Henry Warren, section 7-2 "Shuffling Bits."
Assuming x is a 32-bit integer with a in its high-order 16 bits and b in its low-order 16 bits:
unsigned int x = (a << 16) | b; /* put a and b in place */
the following straightforward C-like code accomplishes the perfect shuffle:
x = (x & 0x0000FF00) << 8 | (x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00 | x & 0xFF0000FF;
x = (x & 0x00F000F0) << 4 | (x >> 4) & 0x00F000F0 | x & 0xF00FF00F;
x = (x & 0x0C0C0C0C) << 2 | (x >> 2) & 0x0C0C0C0C | x & 0xC3C3C3C3;
x = (x & 0x22222222) << 1 | (x >> 1) & 0x22222222 | x & 0x99999999;
He also gives an alternative form which is faster on some CPUs, and (I think) a little more clear and extensible:
unsigned int t; /* an intermediate, temporary variable */
t = (x ^ (x >> 8)) & 0x0000FF00; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 8);
t = (x ^ (x >> 4)) & 0x00F000F0; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 4);
t = (x ^ (x >> 2)) & 0x0C0C0C0C; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 2);
t = (x ^ (x >> 1)) & 0x22222222; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 1);
I see you have edited your question to ask for a 64-bit result from two 32-bit inputs. I'd have to think about how to extend Warren's technique. I think it wouldn't be too hard, but I'd have to give it some thought. If someone else wanted to start here and give a 64-bit version, I'd be happy to upvote them.
I extended the second solution to 64 bits in a straightforward way. First I doubled the length of each of the constants. Then I added a line at the beginning to swap adjacent double-bytes and intermix them. In the following 4 lines, which are pretty much the same as the 32-bit version, the first line swaps adjacent bytes and intermixes, the second line drops down to nibbles, the third line to double-bits, and the last line to single bits.
unsigned long long int t; /* an intermediate, temporary variable */
t = (x ^ (x >> 16)) & 0x00000000FFFF0000ull; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 16);
t = (x ^ (x >> 8)) & 0x0000FF000000FF00ull; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 8);
t = (x ^ (x >> 4)) & 0x00F000F000F000F0ull; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 4);
t = (x ^ (x >> 2)) & 0x0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0Cull; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 2);
t = (x ^ (x >> 1)) & 0x2222222222222222ull; x = x ^ t ^ (t << 1);
From Stanford "Bit Twiddling Hacks" page:
uint32_t x = /*...*/, y = /*...*/;
uint64_t z = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(x) * CHAR_BIT; i++) // unroll for more speed...
z |= (x & 1U << i) << i | (y & 1U << i) << (i + 1);
Look at the page they propose different and faster algorithms to achieve the same.
Like so:
#include <limits.h>
typedef unsigned int half;
typedef unsigned long long full;
full mix_bits(half a,half b)
full result = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(half)*CHAR_BIT; i++)
result |= (((a>>i)&1)<<(2*i+1))|(((b>>i)&1)<<(2*i+0));
return result;
Here is a loop-based solution that is hopefully more readable than some of the others already here.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
uint64_t interleave(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
uint64_t result = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
result |= (a >> (31 - i)) & 1;
result <<= 1;
result |= (b >> (31 - i)) & 1;
result <<= 1;
// Skip the last left shift.
result |= (a >> (31 - i)) & 1;
result <<= 1;
result |= (b >> (31 - i)) & 1;
return result;
void printBits(uint64_t a) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
printf("%lu", (a >> (63 - i)) & 1);
int main(){
uint32_t a = 0x9;
uint32_t b = 0x6;
uint64_t c = interleave(a,b);
I have used the 2 tricks/operations used in this post How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit? of setting a bit at particular index and checking the bit at particular index.
The following code is implemented using these 2 operations only.
int a = 0b1001;
int b = 0b1100;
long int c=0;
int index; //To specify index of c
int bit,i;
//Set bits in c from right to left.
index=2*i+1; //We have to add the bit in c at this index
//Check a
bit=a&(1<<i); //Checking whether the i-th bit is set in a
c|=1<<index; //Setting bit in c at index
//Check b
bit=b&(1<<i); //Checking whether the i-th bit is set in b
c|=1<<index; //Setting bit in c at index
Output: 210 which is 0b11010010
I am working on a function that will essentially see which of two ints is larger. The parameters that are passed are 2 32-bit ints. The trick is the only operators allowed are ! ~ | & << >> ^ (no casting, other data types besides signed int, *, /, -, etc..).
My idea so far is to ^ the two binaries together to see all the positions of the 1 values that they don't share. What I want to do is then take that value and isolate the 1 farthest to the left. Then see of which of them has that value in it. That value then will be the larger.
(Say we use 8-bit ints instead of 32-bit).
If the two values passed were 01011011 and 01101001
I used ^ on them to get 00100010.
I then want to make it 00100000 in other words 01xxxxxx -> 01000000
Then & it with the first number
!! the result and return it.
If it is 1, then the first # is larger.
Any thoughts on how to 01xxxxxx -> 01000000 or anything else to help?
Forgot to note: no ifs, whiles, fors etc...
Here's a loop-free version which compares unsigned integers in O(lg b) operations where b is the word size of the machine. Note the OP states no other data types than signed int, so it seems likely the top part of this answer does not meet the OP's specifications. (Spoiler version as at the bottom.)
Note that the behavior we want to capture is when the most significant bit mismatch is 1 for a and 0 for b. Another way of thinking about this is any bit in a being larger than the corresponding bit in b means a is greater than b, so long as there wasn't an earlier bit in a that was less than the corresponding bit in b.
To that end, we compute all the bits in a greater than the corresponding bits in b, and likewise compute all the bits in a less than the corresponding bits in b. We now want to mask out all the 'greater than' bits that are below any 'less than' bits, so we take all the 'less than' bits and smear them all to the right making a mask: the most significant bit set all the way down to the least significant bit are now 1.
Now all we have to do is remove the 'greater than' bits set by using simple bit masking logic.
The resulting value is 0 if a <= b and nonzero if a > b. If we want it to be 1 in the latter case we can do a similar smearing trick and just take a look at the least significant bit.
#include <stdio.h>
// Works for unsigned ints.
// Scroll down to the "actual algorithm" to see the interesting code.
// Utility function for displaying binary representation of an unsigned integer
void printBin(unsigned int x) {
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) printf("%i", (x >> i) & 1);
// Utility function to print out a separator
void printSep() {
for (int i = 31; i>= 0; i--) printf("-");
int main()
while (1)
unsigned int a, b;
printf("Enter two unsigned integers separated by spaces: ");
scanf("%u %u", &a, &b);
/************ The actual algorithm starts here ************/
// These are all the bits in a that are less than their corresponding bits in b.
unsigned int ltb = ~a & b;
// These are all the bits in a that are greater than their corresponding bits in b.
unsigned int gtb = a & ~b;
ltb |= ltb >> 1;
ltb |= ltb >> 2;
ltb |= ltb >> 4;
ltb |= ltb >> 8;
ltb |= ltb >> 16;
// Nonzero if a > b
// Zero if a <= b
unsigned int isGt = gtb & ~ltb;
// If you want to make this exactly '1' when nonzero do this part:
isGt |= isGt >> 1;
isGt |= isGt >> 2;
isGt |= isGt >> 4;
isGt |= isGt >> 8;
isGt |= isGt >> 16;
isGt &= 1;
/************ The actual algorithm ends here ************/
// Print out the results.
printBin(ltb); // Debug info
printBin(gtb); // Debug info
printBin(isGt); // The actual result
Note: This should work for signed integers as well if you flip the top bit on both of the inputs, e.g. a ^= 0x80000000.
If you want an answer that meets all of the requirements (including 25 operators or less):
int isGt(int a, int b)
int diff = a ^ b;
diff |= diff >> 1;
diff |= diff >> 2;
diff |= diff >> 4;
diff |= diff >> 8;
diff |= diff >> 16;
diff &= ~(diff >> 1) | 0x80000000;
diff &= (a ^ 0x80000000) & (b ^ 0x7fffffff);
return !!diff;
I'll leave explaining why it works up to you.
To convert 001xxxxx to 00100000, you first execute:
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 1;
(this is for 8 bits; to extend it to 32, add shifts by 8 and 16 at the start of the sequence).
This leaves us with 00111111 (this technique is sometimes called "bit-smearing"). We can then chop off all but the first 1 bit:
x ^= x >> 1;
leaving us with 00100000.
An unsigned variant given that one can use logical (&&, ||) and comparison (!=, ==).
int u_isgt(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
return a != b && ( /* If a == b then a !> b and a !< b. */
b == 0 || /* Else if b == 0 a has to be > b (as a != 0). */
(a / b) /* Else divide; integer division always truncate */
); /* towards zero. Giving 0 if a < b. */
!= and == can easily be eliminated., i.e.:
int u_isgt(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
return a ^ b && (
!(b ^ 0) ||
(a / b)
For signed one could then expand to something like:
int isgt(int a, int b)
(a != b) &&
(!(0x80000000 & a) && 0x80000000 & b) || /* if a >= 0 && b < 0 */
(!(0x80000000 & a) && b == 0) ||
/* Two more lines, can add them if you like, but as it is homework
* I'll leave it up to you to decide.
* Hint: check on "both negative" and "both not negative". */
Can be more compact / eliminate ops. (at least one) but put it like this for clarity.
Instead of 0x80000000 one could say ie:
#include <limits.h>
static const int INT_NEG = (1 << ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT) - 1));
Using this to test:
void test_isgt(int a, int b)
"%11d > %11d = %d : %d %s\n",
a, b,
isgt(a, b), (a > b),
isgt(a, b) != (a>b) ? "BAD!" : "OK!");
33 > 0 = 1 : 1 OK!
-33 > 0 = 0 : 0 OK!
0 > 33 = 0 : 0 OK!
0 > -33 = 1 : 1 OK!
0 > 0 = 0 : 0 OK!
33 > 33 = 0 : 0 OK!
-33 > -33 = 0 : 0 OK!
-5 > -33 = 1 : 1 OK!
-33 > -5 = 0 : 0 OK!
-2147483647 > 2147483647 = 0 : 0 OK!
2147483647 > -2147483647 = 1 : 1 OK!
2147483647 > 2147483647 = 0 : 0 OK!
2147483647 > 0 = 1 : 1 OK!
0 > 2147483647 = 0 : 0 OK!
A fully branchless version of Kaganar's smaller isGt function might look like so:
int isGt(int a, int b)
int diff = a ^ b;
diff |= diff >> 1;
diff |= diff >> 2;
diff |= diff >> 4;
diff |= diff >> 8;
diff |= diff >> 16;
//1+ on GT, 0 otherwise.
diff &= ~(diff >> 1) | 0x80000000;
diff &= (a ^ 0x80000000) & (b ^ 0x7fffffff);
//flatten back to range of 0 or 1.
diff |= diff >> 1;
diff |= diff >> 2;
diff |= diff >> 4;
diff |= diff >> 8;
diff |= diff >> 16;
diff &= 1;
return diff;
This clocks in at around 60 instructions for the actual computation (MSVC 2010 compiler, on an x86 arch), plus an extra 10 stack ops or so for the function's prolog/epilog.
Okay, there were some issues with the code, but I revised it and the following works.
This auxiliary function compares the numbers' n'th significant digit:
int compare ( int a, int b, int n )
int digit = (0x1 << n-1);
if ( (a & digit) && (b & digit) )
return 0; //the digit is the same
if ( (a & digit) && !(b & digit) )
return 1; //a is greater than b
if ( !(a & digit) && (b & digit) )
return -1; //b is greater than a
The following should recursively return the larger number:
int larger ( int a, int b )
for ( int i = 8*sizeof(a) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
if ( int k = compare ( a, b, i ) )
return (k == 1) ? a : b;
return 0; //equal
As much as I don't want to do someone else's homework I couldn't resist this one.. :) I am sure others can think of a more compact one..but here is well, including negative numbers..
Edit: there are couple of bugs though. I will leave it to the OP to find it and fix it.
int a, b, i, ma, mb, a_neg, b_neg, stop;
int flipnum(int *num, int *is_neg) {
*num = ~(*num) + 1;
*is_neg = 1;
return 0;
int print_num1() {
return ((a_neg && printf("bigger number %d\n", mb)) ||
printf("bigger number %d\n", ma));
int print_num2() {
return ((b_neg && printf("bigger number %d\n", ma)) ||
printf("bigger number %d\n", mb));
int check_num1(int j) {
return ((a & j) && print_num1());
int check_num2(int j) {
return ((b & j) && print_num2());
int recursive_check (int j) {
((a & j) ^ (b & j)) && (check_num1(j) || check_num2(j)) && (stop = 1, j = 0);
return(!stop && (j = j >> 1) && recursive_check(j));
int main() {
int j;
scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
ma = a; mb = b;
i = (sizeof (int) * 8) - 1;
j = 1 << i;
((a & j) && flipnum(&a, &a_neg));
((b & j) && flipnum(&b, &b_neg));
j = 1 << (i - 1);
(!stop && printf("numbers are same..\n"));
I think I have a solution with 3 operations:
Add one to the first number, the subtract it from the largest possible number you can represent (all 1's). Add that number to the second number. If it it overflows, then the first number is less than the second.
I'm not 100% sure if this is correct. That is you might not need to add 1, and I don't know if it's possible to check for overflow (if not then just reserve the last bit and test if it's 1 at the end.)
EDIT: The constraints make the simple approach at the bottom invalid. I am adding the binary search function and the final comparison to detect the greater value:
unsigned long greater(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) {
unsigned long x = a;
unsigned long y = b;
unsigned long t = a ^ b;
if (t & 0xFFFF0000) {
x >>= 16;
y >>= 16;
t >>= 16;
if (t & 0xFF00) {
x >>= 8;
y >>= 8;
t >>= 8;
if (t & 0xf0) {
x >>= 4;
y >>= 4;
t >>= 4;
if ( t & 0xc) {
x >>= 2;
y >>= 2;
t >>= 2;
if ( t & 0x2) {
x >>= 1;
y >>= 1;
t >>= 1;
return (x & 1) ? a : b;
The idea is to start off with the most significant half of the word we are interested in and see if there are any set bits in there. If there are, then we don't need the least significant half, so we shift the unwanted bits away. If not, we do nothing (the half is zero anyway, so it won't get in the way). Since we cannot keep track of the shifted amount (it would require addition), we also shift the original values so that we can do the final and to determine the larger number. We repeat this process with half the size of the previous mask until we collapse the interesting bits into bit position 0.
I didn't add the equal case in here on purpose.
Old answer:
The simplest method is probably the best for a homework. Once you've got the mismatching bit value, you start off with another mask at 0x80000000 (or whatever suitable max bit position for your word size), and keep right shifting this until you hit a bit that is set in your mismatch value. If your right shift ends up with 0, then the mismatch value is 0.
I assume you already know the final step required to determine the larger number.
I want to write a function that returns the nearest next power of 2 number. For example if my input is 789, the output should be 1024. Is there any way of achieving this without using any loops but just using some bitwise operators?
Check the Bit Twiddling Hacks. You need to get the base 2 logarithm, then add 1 to that. Example for a 32-bit value:
Round up to the next highest power of 2
unsigned int v; // compute the next highest power of 2 of 32-bit v
v |= v >> 1;
v |= v >> 2;
v |= v >> 4;
v |= v >> 8;
v |= v >> 16;
The extension to other widths should be obvious.
next = pow(2, ceil(log(x)/log(2)));
This works by finding the number you'd have raise 2 by to get x (take the log of the number, and divide by the log of the desired base, see wikipedia for more). Then round that up with ceil to get the nearest whole number power.
This is a more general purpose (i.e. slower!) method than the bitwise methods linked elsewhere, but good to know the maths, eh?
I think this works, too:
int power = 1;
while(power < x)
And the answer is power.
unsigned long upper_power_of_two(unsigned long v)
v |= v >> 1;
v |= v >> 2;
v |= v >> 4;
v |= v >> 8;
v |= v >> 16;
return v;
If you're using GCC, you might want to have a look at Optimizing the next_pow2() function by Lockless Inc.. This page describes a way to use built-in function builtin_clz() (count leading zero) and later use directly x86 (ia32) assembler instruction bsr (bit scan reverse), just like it's described in another answer's link to gamedev site. This code might be faster than those described in previous answer.
By the way, if you're not going to use assembler instruction and 64bit data type, you can use this
* return the smallest power of two value
* greater than x
* Input range: [2..2147483648]
* Output range: [2..2147483648]
__attribute__ ((const))
static inline uint32_t p2(uint32_t x)
#if 0
assert(x > 1);
assert(x <= ((UINT32_MAX/2) + 1));
return 1 << (32 - __builtin_clz (x - 1));
One more, although I use cycle, but thi is much faster than math operands
power of two "floor" option:
int power = 1;
while (x >>= 1) power <<= 1;
power of two "ceil" option:
int power = 2;
x--; // <<-- UPDATED
while (x >>= 1) power <<= 1;
As mentioned in comments there was mistake in ceil where its result was wrong.
Here are full functions:
unsigned power_floor(unsigned x) {
int power = 1;
while (x >>= 1) power <<= 1;
return power;
unsigned power_ceil(unsigned x) {
if (x <= 1) return 1;
int power = 2;
while (x >>= 1) power <<= 1;
return power;
In standard c++20 this is included in <bit>.
The answer is simply
#include <bit>
unsigned long upper_power_of_two(unsigned long v)
return std::bit_ceil(v);
The solution I gave is for c++, not c, I would give an answer this question instead, but it was closed as a duplicate of this one!
For any unsigned type, building on the Bit Twiddling Hacks:
#include <climits>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename UnsignedType>
UnsignedType round_up_to_power_of_2(UnsignedType v) {
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<UnsignedType>::value, "Only works for unsigned types");
for (size_t i = 1; i < sizeof(v) * CHAR_BIT; i *= 2) //Prefer size_t "Warning comparison between signed and unsigned integer"
v |= v >> i;
return ++v;
There isn't really a loop there as the compiler knows at compile time the number of iterations.
Despite the question is tagged as c here my five cents. Lucky us, C++ 20 would include std::ceil2 and std::floor2 (see here). It is consexpr template functions, current GCC implementation uses bitshifting and works with any integral unsigned type.
For IEEE floats you'd be able to do something like this.
int next_power_of_two(float a_F){
int f = *(int*)&a_F;
int b = f << 9 != 0; // If we're a power of two this is 0, otherwise this is 1
f >>= 23; // remove factional part of floating point number
f -= 127; // subtract 127 (the bias) from the exponent
// adds one to the exponent if were not a power of two,
// then raises our new exponent to the power of two again.
return (1 << (f + b));
If you need an integer solution and you're able to use inline assembly, BSR will give you the log2 of an integer on the x86. It counts how many right bits are set, which is exactly equal to the log2 of that number. Other processors have similar instructions (often), such as CLZ and depending on your compiler there might be an intrinsic available to do the work for you.
Here's my solution in C. Hope this helps!
int next_power_of_two(int n) {
int i = 0;
for (--n; n > 0; n >>= 1) {
return 1 << i;
In x86 you can use the sse4 bit manipulation instructions to make it fast.
//assume input is in eax
mov ecx,31
popcnt edx,eax //cycle 1
lzcnt eax,eax //cycle 2
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,1
cmp edx,1 //cycle 3
jle #done //cycle 4 - popcnt says its a power of 2, return input unchanged
shl eax,cl //cycle 5
#done: rep ret //cycle 5
In c you can use the matching intrinsics.
Or jumpless, which speeds up things by avoiding a misprediction due to a jump, but slows things down by lengthening the dependency chain. Time the code to see which works best for you.
//assume input is in eax
mov ecx,31
popcnt edx,eax //cycle 1
lzcnt eax,eax
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,1 //cycle 2
cmp edx,1
mov edx,0 //cycle 3
cmovle ecx,edx //cycle 4 - ensure eax does not change
shl eax,cl
#done: rep ret //cycle 5
#define __LOG2A(s) ((s &0xffffffff00000000) ? (32 +__LOG2B(s >>32)): (__LOG2B(s)))
#define __LOG2B(s) ((s &0xffff0000) ? (16 +__LOG2C(s >>16)): (__LOG2C(s)))
#define __LOG2C(s) ((s &0xff00) ? (8 +__LOG2D(s >>8)) : (__LOG2D(s)))
#define __LOG2D(s) ((s &0xf0) ? (4 +__LOG2E(s >>4)) : (__LOG2E(s)))
#define __LOG2E(s) ((s &0xc) ? (2 +__LOG2F(s >>2)) : (__LOG2F(s)))
#define __LOG2F(s) ((s &0x2) ? (1) : (0))
#define LOG2_UINT64 __LOG2A
#define LOG2_UINT32 __LOG2B
#define LOG2_UINT16 __LOG2C
#define LOG2_UINT8 __LOG2D
static inline uint64_t
next_power_of_2(uint64_t i)
#if defined(__GNUC__)
return 1UL <<(1 +(63 -__builtin_clzl(i -1)));
i =i -1;
i =LOG2_UINT64(i);
return 1UL <<(1 +i);
If you do not want to venture into the realm of undefined behaviour the input value must be between 1 and 2^63. The macro is also useful to set constant at compile time.
For completeness here is a floating-point implementation in bog-standard C.
double next_power_of_two(double value) {
int exp;
if(frexp(value, &exp) == 0.5) {
// Omit this case to round precise powers of two up to the *next* power
return value;
return ldexp(1.0, exp);
An efficient Microsoft (e.g., Visual Studio 2017) specific solution in C / C++ for integer input. Handles the case of the input exactly matching a power of two value by decrementing before checking the location of the most significant 1 bit.
inline unsigned int ExpandToPowerOf2(unsigned int Value)
unsigned long Index;
_BitScanReverse(&Index, Value - 1);
return (1U << (Index + 1));
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#if defined(WIN64) // The _BitScanReverse64 intrinsic is only available for 64 bit builds because it depends on x64
inline unsigned long long ExpandToPowerOf2(unsigned long long Value)
unsigned long Index;
_BitScanReverse64(&Index, Value - 1);
return (1ULL << (Index + 1));
This generates 5 or so inlined instructions for an Intel processor similar to the following:
dec eax
bsr rcx, rax
inc ecx
mov eax, 1
shl rax, cl
Apparently the Visual Studio C++ compiler isn't coded to optimize this for compile-time values, but it's not like there are a whole lot of instructions there.
If you want an input value of 1 to yield 1 (2 to the zeroth power), a small modification to the above code still generates straight through instructions with no branch.
inline unsigned int ExpandToPowerOf2(unsigned int Value)
unsigned long Index;
_BitScanReverse(&Index, --Value);
if (Value == 0)
Index = (unsigned long) -1;
return (1U << (Index + 1));
Generates just a few more instructions. The trick is that Index can be replaced by a test followed by a cmove instruction.
Trying to make an "ultimate" solution for this. The following code
is targeted for C language (not C++),
uses compiler built-ins to yield efficient code (CLZ or BSR instruction) if compiler supports any,
is portable (standard C and no assembly) with the exception of built-ins, and
addresses all undefined behaviors.
If you're writing in C++, you may adjust the code appropriately. Note that C++20 introduces std::bit_ceil which does the exact same thing except the behavior may be undefined on certain conditions.
#include <limits.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# if _MSC_VER >= 1400
/* _BitScanReverse is introduced in Visual C++ 2005 and requires
<intrin.h> (also introduced in Visual C++ 2005). */
#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse)
#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse64)
# endif
/* Macro indicating that the compiler supports __builtin_clz().
The name HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZ seems to be the most common, but in some
projects HAVE__BUILTIN_CLZ is used instead. */
#ifdef __has_builtin
# if __has_builtin(__builtin_clz)
# endif
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# if (__GNUC__ > 3)
# elif defined(__GNUC_MINOR__)
# if (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
# endif
# endif
* Returns the smallest power of two that is not smaller than x.
unsigned long int next_power_of_2_long(unsigned long int x)
if (x <= 1) {
return 1;
if (x > (ULONG_MAX >> 1)) {
return 0;
} else {
unsigned long int index;
(void) _BitScanReverse(&index, x);
return (1UL << (index + 1));
#elif defined(HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZ)
if (x > (ULONG_MAX >> 1)) {
return 0;
return (1UL << (sizeof(x) * CHAR_BIT - __builtin_clzl(x)));
/* Solution from "Bit Twiddling Hacks"
but converted to a loop for smaller code size.
("gcc -O3" will unroll this.) */
unsigned int shift;
for (shift = 1; shift < sizeof(x) * CHAR_BIT; shift <<= 1) {
x |= (x >> shift);
return (x + 1);
unsigned int next_power_of_2(unsigned int x)
if (x <= 1) {
return 1;
if (x > (UINT_MAX >> 1)) {
return 0;
} else {
unsigned long int index;
(void) _BitScanReverse(&index, x);
return (1U << (index + 1));
#elif defined(HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZ)
if (x > (UINT_MAX >> 1)) {
return 0;
return (1U << (sizeof(x) * CHAR_BIT - __builtin_clz(x)));
unsigned int shift;
for (shift = 1; shift < sizeof(x) * CHAR_BIT; shift <<= 1) {
x |= (x >> shift);
return (x + 1);
unsigned long long next_power_of_2_long_long(unsigned long long x)
if (x <= 1) {
return 1;
#if (defined(HAVE_BITSCANREVERSE) && \
ULLONG_MAX == 18446744073709551615ULL)
if (x > (ULLONG_MAX >> 1)) {
return 0;
} else {
/* assert(sizeof(__int64) == sizeof(long long)); */
unsigned long int index;
(void) _BitScanReverse64(&index, x);
return (1ULL << (index + 1));
#elif defined(HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZ)
if (x > (ULLONG_MAX >> 1)) {
return 0;
return (1ULL << (sizeof(x) * CHAR_BIT - __builtin_clzll(x)));
unsigned int shift;
for (shift = 1; shift < sizeof(x) * CHAR_BIT; shift <<= 1) {
x |= (x >> shift);
return (x + 1);
Portable solution in C#:
int GetNextPowerOfTwo(int input) {
return 1 << (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log2(input));
Math.Ceiling(Math.Log2(value)) calculates the exponent of the next power of two, the 1 << calculates the real value through bitshifting.
Faster solution if you have .NET Core 3 or above:
uint GetNextPowerOfTwoFaster(uint input) {
return (uint)1 << (sizeof(uint) * 8 - System.Numerics.BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(input - 1));
This uses System.Numerics.BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount() which uses a hardware instruction if available:
RoundUpToPowerOf2() is Coming in .NET 6! The internal implementation is mostly the same as the .NET Core 3 solution above.
Here's the community update.
You might find the following clarification to be helpful towards your purpose:
constexpr version of clp2 for C++14
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
// Closest least power of 2 minus 1. Returns 0 if n = 0.
template <typename UInt, std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned<UInt>::value,int> = 0>
constexpr UInt clp2m1(UInt n, unsigned i = 1) noexcept
{ return i < sizeof(UInt) * 8 ? clp2m1(UInt(n | (n >> i)),i << 1) : n; }
/// Closest least power of 2 minus 1. Returns 0 if n <= 0.
template <typename Int, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<Int>::value && std::is_signed<Int>::value,int> = 0>
constexpr auto clp2m1(Int n) noexcept
{ return clp2m1(std::make_unsigned_t<Int>(n <= 0 ? 0 : n)); }
/// Closest least power of 2. Returns 2^N: 2^(N-1) < n <= 2^N. Returns 0 if n <= 0.
template <typename Int, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<Int>::value,int> = 0>
constexpr auto clp2(Int n) noexcept
{ return clp2m1(std::make_unsigned_t<Int>(n-1)) + 1; }
/// Next power of 2. Returns 2^N: 2^(N-1) <= n < 2^N. Returns 1 if n = 0. Returns 0 if n < 0.
template <typename Int, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<Int>::value,int> = 0>
constexpr auto np2(Int n) noexcept
{ return clp2m1(std::make_unsigned_t<Int>(n)) + 1; }
template <typename T>
void test(T v) { std::cout << clp2(v) << std::endl; }
int main()
test(-5); // 0
test(0); // 0
test(8); // 8
test(31); // 32
test(33); // 64
test(789); // 1024
test(char(260)); // 4
test(unsigned(-1) - 1); // 0
test<long long>(unsigned(-1) - 1); // 4294967296
return 0;
Many processor architectures support log base 2 or very similar operation – count leading zeros. Many compilers have intrinsics for it. See
Assuming you have a good compiler & it can do the bit twiddling before hand thats above me at this point, but anyway this works!!!
#define SH1(v) ((v-1) | ((v-1) >> 1)) // accidently came up w/ this...
#define SH2(v) ((v) | ((v) >> 2))
#define SH4(v) ((v) | ((v) >> 4))
#define SH8(v) ((v) | ((v) >> 8))
#define SH16(v) ((v) | ((v) >> 16))
#define OP(v) (SH16(SH8(SH4(SH2(SH1(v))))))
#define CB0(v) ((v) - (((v) >> 1) & 0x55555555))
#define CB1(v) (((v) & 0x33333333) + (((v) >> 2) & 0x33333333))
#define CB2(v) ((((v) + ((v) >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24)
#define CBSET(v) (CB2(CB1(CB0((v)))))
#define FLOG2(v) (CBSET(OP(v)))
Test code below:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define SH1(v) ((v-1) | ((v-1) >> 1)) // accidently guess this...
#define SH2(v) ((v) | ((v) >> 2))
#define SH4(v) ((v) | ((v) >> 4))
#define SH8(v) ((v) | ((v) >> 8))
#define SH16(v) ((v) | ((v) >> 16))
#define OP(v) (SH16(SH8(SH4(SH2(SH1(v))))))
#define CB0(v) ((v) - (((v) >> 1) & 0x55555555))
#define CB1(v) (((v) & 0x33333333) + (((v) >> 2) & 0x33333333))
#define CB2(v) ((((v) + ((v) >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24)
#define CBSET(v) (CB2(CB1(CB0((v)))))
#define FLOG2(v) (CBSET(OP(v)))
#define SZ4 FLOG2(4)
#define SZ6 FLOG2(6)
#define SZ7 FLOG2(7)
#define SZ8 FLOG2(8)
#define SZ9 FLOG2(9)
#define SZ16 FLOG2(16)
#define SZ17 FLOG2(17)
#define SZ127 FLOG2(127)
#define SZ1023 FLOG2(1023)
#define SZ1024 FLOG2(1024)
#define SZ2_17 FLOG2((1ul << 17)) //
#define SZ_LOG2 FLOG2(SZ)
#define DBG_PRINT(x) do { std::printf("Line:%-4d" " %10s = %-10d\n", __LINE__, #x, x); } while(0);
uint32_t arrTble[FLOG2(63)];
int main(){
int8_t n;
Line:39 SZ4 = 2
Line:40 SZ6 = 3
Line:41 SZ7 = 3
Line:42 SZ8 = 3
Line:43 SZ9 = 4
Line:44 SZ16 = 4
Line:45 SZ17 = 5
Line:46 SZ127 = 7
Line:47 SZ1023 = 10
Line:48 SZ1024 = 10
Line:49 SZ2_16 = 17
I'm trying to get nearest lower power of 2 and made this function. May it help you.Just multiplied nearest lower number times 2 to get nearest upper power of 2
int nearest_upper_power(int number){
int temp=number;
//Here number is closest lower power
return number;
Adapted Paul Dixon's answer to Excel, this works perfectly.
A variant of #YannDroneaud answer valid for x==1, only for x86 plateforms, compilers, gcc or clang:
__attribute__ ((const))
static inline uint32_t p2(uint32_t x)
#if 0
assert(x > 0);
assert(x <= ((UINT32_MAX/2) + 1));
int clz;
uint32_t xm1 = x-1;
"lzcnt %1,%0"
:"=r" (clz)
:"rm" (xm1)
return 1 << (32 - clz);
Here is what I'm using to have this be a constant expression, if the input is a constant expression.
#define uptopow2_0(v) ((v) - 1)
#define uptopow2_1(v) (uptopow2_0(v) | uptopow2_0(v) >> 1)
#define uptopow2_2(v) (uptopow2_1(v) | uptopow2_1(v) >> 2)
#define uptopow2_3(v) (uptopow2_2(v) | uptopow2_2(v) >> 4)
#define uptopow2_4(v) (uptopow2_3(v) | uptopow2_3(v) >> 8)
#define uptopow2_5(v) (uptopow2_4(v) | uptopow2_4(v) >> 16)
#define uptopow2(v) (uptopow2_5(v) + 1) /* this is the one programmer uses */
So for instance, an expression like:
uptopow2(sizeof (struct foo))
will nicely reduce to a constant.
The g++ compiler provides a builtin function __builtin_clz that counts leading zeros:
So we could do:
int nextPowerOfTwo(unsigned int x) {
return 1 << sizeof(x)*8 - __builtin_clz(x);
int main () {
std::cout << nextPowerOfTwo(7) << std::endl;
std::cout << nextPowerOfTwo(31) << std::endl;
std::cout << nextPowerOfTwo(33) << std::endl;
std::cout << nextPowerOfTwo(8) << std::endl;
std::cout << nextPowerOfTwo(91) << std::endl;
return 0;
But note that, for x == 0, __builtin_clz return is undefined.
If you need it for OpenGL related stuff:
/* Compute the nearest power of 2 number that is
* less than or equal to the value passed in.
static GLuint
nearestPower( GLuint value )
int i = 1;
if (value == 0) return -1; /* Error! */
for (;;) {
if (value == 1) return i;
else if (value == 3) return i*4;
value >>= 1; i *= 2;
Convert it to a float and then use .hex() which shows the normalized IEEE representation.
>>> float(789).hex()
Then just extract the exponent and add 1.
>>> int(float(789).hex().split('p+')[1]) + 1
And raise 2 to this power.
>>> 2 ** (int(float(789).hex().split('p+')[1]) + 1)
from math import ceil, log2
pot_ceil = lambda N: 0x1 << ceil(log2(N))
for i in range(10):
print(i, pot_ceil(i))
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 4
5 8
6 8
7 8
8 8
9 16
10 16
import sys
def is_power2(x):
return x > 0 and ((x & (x - 1)) == 0)
def find_nearest_power2(x):
if x <= 0:
raise ValueError("invalid input")
if is_power2(x):
return x
bits = get_bits(x)
upper = 1 << (bits)
lower = 1 << (bits - 1)
mid = (upper + lower) // 2
if (x - mid) > 0:
return upper
return lower
def get_bits(x):
"""return number of bits in binary representation"""
if x < 0:
raise ValueError("invalid input: input should be positive integer")
count = 0
while (x != 0):
x = x >> 1
except TypeError as error:
print(error, "input should be of type integer")
count += 1
return count