Change state when properties change and first mount on React - Missing function? - reactjs

I have come across a problem about states based on properties.
The scenario
I have a Component parent which creates passes a property to a child component.
The Child component reacts according to the property received.
In React the "only" proper way to change the state of a component is using the functions componentWillMount or componentDidMount and componentWillReceiveProps as far as I've seen (among others, but let's focus on these ones, because getInitialState is just executed once).
My problem/Question
If I receive a new property from the parent and I want to change the state, only the function componentWillReceiveProps will be executed and will allowed me to execute setState. Render does not allow to setStatus.
What if I want to set the state on the beginning and the time it receives a new property?
So I have to set it on getInitialState or componentWillMount/componentDidMount. Then you have to change the state depending on the properties using componentWillReceiveProps.
This is a problem when your state highly depends from your properties, which is almost always. Which can become silly because you have to repeat the states you want to update according to the new property.
My solution
I have created a new method that it's called on componentWillMount and on componentWillReceiveProps. I have not found any method been called after a property has been updated before render and also the first time the Component is mounted. Then there would not be a need to do this silly workaround.
Anyway, here the question: is not there any better option to update the state when a new property is received or changed?
* To be called before mounted and before updating props
* #param props
prepareComponentState: function (props) {
var usedProps = props || this.props;
//set data on state/template
var currentResponses = this.state.candidatesResponses.filter(function (elem) {
return elem.questionId ===;
currentResponses: currentResponses,
activeAnswer: null
componentWillMount: function () {
componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) {
I feel a bit stupid, I guess I'm loosing something...
I guess there is another solution to solve this.
And yeah, I already know about this:

I've found that this pattern is usually not very necessary. In the general case (not always), I've found that setting state based on changed properties is a bit of an anti-pattern; instead, simply derive the necessary local state at render time.
render: function() {
var currentResponses = this.state.candidatesResponses.filter(function (elem) {
return elem.questionId ===;
return ...; // use currentResponses instead of this.state.currentResponses
However, in some cases, it can make sense to cache this data (e.g. maybe calculating it is prohibitively expensive), or you just need to know when the props are set/changed for some other reason. In that case, I would use basically the pattern you've written in your question.
If you really don't like typing it out, you could formalize this new method as a mixin. For example:
var PropsSetOrChangeMixin = {
componentWillMount: function() {
componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
mixins: [PropsSetOrChangeMixin],
onPropsSetOrChange: function(props) {
var currentResponses = this.state.candidatesResponses.filter(function (elem) {
return elem.questionId ===;
currentResponses: currentResponses,
activeAnswer: null
// ...
Of course, if you're using class-based React components, you'd need to find some alternative solution (e.g. inheritance, or custom JS mixins) since they don't get React-style mixins right now.
(For what it's worth, I think the code is much clearer using the explicit methods; I'd probably write it like this:)
componentWillMount: function () {
componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) {
prepareComponentState: function (props) {
//set data on state/template
var currentResponses = this.state.candidatesResponses.filter(function (elem) {
return elem.questionId ===;
currentResponses: currentResponses,
activeAnswer: null


Migrating away from componentWillReceiveProps

The componentWillReceiveProps is becoming deprecated, however, I am unclear as to how to migrate away from it. For example, a simplified version of my current looks something like this:
import Reorder, {reorder, reorderImmutale, reorderFromTo, reorderFromToImmutable} from 'react-reorder'
class ObjectsArea extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
items: this.props.objects ? this.props.objects.items : []
//May have to do a deep compare between nextProps.items and current items?
if (nextProps.objects){
this.setState({items: this.nextProps.objects.items})
onReorder (event, previousIndex, nextIndex, fromId, toId) {
let new_items = reorder(this.state.items, previousIndex, nextIndex)
items: new_items
//call to parent function
orderable_items = <Reorder reorderId="objects" onReorder={this.onReorder.bind(this)}>
{ => (
<div key={}>
return (
My requirements:
Sometimes there will be no objects property (there isn't one on initial load)
When there is an objects property a sortable/draggable list is created using the react-reorder component
When items in the list are dragged to be rearranged the onReorder function is called.
The onReorder function should do two things: update the list on the screen, call a parent function passed in from props.
Currently all of this will work with componentWillReceiveProps, however, what is the proper way to migrate away from componentWillReceiveProps based on the above requirements?
While Tolsee's answer is perfectly correct it is also worth mentioning that the react docs suggest removing derived state (state that is calculated based on props) altogether. There is a great article here that is a great read in my opinion.
Your example fits the Anti-pattern: Unconditionally copying props to state example perfectly.
Without knowing your environment I cannot recommend a solution certainly, but to me it looks like you will be able to use the Fully controlled component example.
In that case, you'd need to lift your state up, simply use objects.items to render your Reorder child, and during the onReorder event simply call a function that you received as a prop.
In your problem you can do.
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState){
if (nextProps.objects){){
return {items: this.nextProps.objects.items};
else return null;
Please follow this post for better understanding

Can I force a rerender with setState even if the data hasn't changed? My GUI won't update?

So the problem I'm having right now is on first click, my GUI re-renders. But on second click, it does not re-render. I believe it's because I am not updating the state of "graphicLayers" which my render is binding through the "". That's my theory anyway (even though it works on first click? but not the 2nd click or anything after).
I tried forcing an setState update of graphicLayers, but it doesn't seem to be working. Like this:
let graphicLayersCopy = Object.assign([], this.state.graphicLayers);
this.setState({graphicLayers: graphicLayersCopy});
but that's not working. I know through the debugger that it's setting the data correctly, and if I refresh (it saves state and reloads the state), the GUI is then rendered correctly.
Is there anyway I can force a re-render of a variable some how even if it doesn't change value?
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
graphicLayers: [id1, id2, id3],
graphicLayersById: {
id1: { ... },
id2: { ... },
id3: { ... }
this.addLayerClick = this.addLayerClick.bind(this);
render() {
return (
{ =>
<GraphicLayer addLayerClick={this.addLayerClick.bind(this)} />
addLayerClick() {
... change some property in graphicLayersById dictionary ...
self.setState({ graphicLayersById: newDataHere });
EDIT: I found the problem on my end, and it's not exactly shown here.
So my addLayerClick() actually calls another functions that is listening to a call and it sets the state inside. it's weird because the setState gets called in the callback function, but i got it to work by putting the setState in the addLayerClick() itself.. still dont know why this doens't work but i will upvote all of you at least
listenFunction() {
let self = this;'graphicLayersById', function (save) {
if (save) {
self.setState({ graphicLayersById: save }); // FOR SOME REASON THIS DOESN'T UPDATE THE GUI THE 2nd CLICK. The data is correct though and I see it going here on a breakpoint, but GUI won't update unless I setState in the actual button
else {
self.setState({ graphicLayersById: undefined });
In addLayerClick() you're only updating graphicLayersById, but rendering depends on graphicLayers. You should be updating the graphicLayers state in addLayerClick() as well.
addLayerClick() {
graphicLayers: ...
graphicLayersById: ....
On a side note, you shouldn't bind methods inside render() since that creates a brand new function on every render (and could impact performance). Instead of
<GraphicLayer addLayerClick={this.addLayerClick.bind(this)} />
<GraphicLayer addLayerClick={this.addLayerClick} />
and leave the binding in your constructor (the way you already have).
Actually, you have bound the addLayerClick() function to the component, so you can use this instead of self
You should revise your code like this: (there are about 2 changes)
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
graphicLayers: [id1, id2, id3],
graphicLayersById: {
id1: { ... },
id2: { ... },
id3: { ... }
// don't need to bind here anymore, since you bind it in the click
//this.addLayerClick = this.addLayerClick.bind(this);
addLayerClick() {
//... change some property in graphicLayersById dictionary ...
// just use 'this' here
this.setState({ graphicLayersById: newDataHere });
// the below line is NOT recommended, which is force the component to update
// this.forceUpdate(); // this line will update the component even though there's no change
If this doesn't work yet, please post here how you handle onCLick function in the child component, and also post some errors if any, thanks
Hope these two possible way will reder your view
this.setState({graphicLayersById: newDataHere} , ()=>{
var update = require('react-addons-update');
var graphicLayers = update(this.state, {
graphicLayersById: {$set: newDataHere}

React JS Component "wait for props"

This is not a question as much "how to make this work" as much as it is a "was this the best way." Here's my code:
* React Static Boilerplate
* Copyright (c) Konstantin Tarkus (#koistya) | MIT license
import React, { Component } from 'react';
// import './InputWidgetText.scss';
import ContentBlock from '../ContentBlock';
var i = 0;
var contentBlocks = [];
var ContentContainer = React.createClass({
addNewBlock: function(){
contentBlocks.push(<ContentBlock key={i} index={i}/>)
render: function(){
if (this.props.inputs) {
contentBlocks =, index){
return(<ContentBlock key={index} index={index} content={item} />)
return (
<button onClick={this.addNewBlock}>+</button>
export {ContentContainer as default};
The problem is that every so often on a refresh the props.inputs are not getting passed down to this component and throwing an error when I try to map undefined. So the simple solution is to put the map process in an if check for whether or not the props are there yet - is that actually the right way to handle this? My data is passed in via a reflux mixin on the parent. I just feel like there might be a more proper way to handle this. Thanks for the feedback!
May I strongly suggest you refactor your code to do away with the file variables i and contentBlocks.
The contentBlocks variable seems completely unnecessary, whilst your i variable should be part of the state. Whilst you're at it, give i a more meaningful name, e.g. blockCount.
getInitialState: function () {
return {
blockCount: 0
Then define your click event handler to modify the state:
addNewBlock: function () {
blockCount: this.state.blockCount + 1
Every time you call setState(), React will trigger a re-render. You should never need to call forceUpdate().
Finally, your render() function should return its content based SOLELY on this.props and this.state. That is, for any given props and state, the output will be predictable. Think of this.props and this.state as input parameters to the render() function. That is all render() can, or needs to, know about.
I won't try to write the render() function as I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve with this component. But for a given this.props.input and this.state.blockCount (or whatever you choose to use as props and state) you should know exactly what you're outputting.
I know I haven't directly answered the question you put, but I hope this clarifies some React concepts.

How to avoid complex initial state declaration in React

If I'm, using complex object Structure in React render, how can I avoid redefining that structure in getInitialState method
var UserGist = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
section: {
country: 'Iran'
lastGistUrl: ''
render: function() {
return (
{}'s Amex Initial
<a href={this.state.lastGistUrl}>here</a>.
Now the problem is the actual structure of the object used is pretty huge
section: {
25 levels of nesting
country: 'Iran'
and that object is coming from backend , so how can I avoid defining the entire object structure in getInitialState()
First of all, state should be shallow. You shouldn't have deep objects as props or state.
Next, why do you even want to do this? Is it so that you don't get a bunch of "xx is not defined" errors on the initial render? If so, why don't you just declare user: {} in getInitialState, and wrap an if (!_.isEmpty(this.state.user)) condition around your render code?
Or, since the data is coming from the server, maybe it's a good thing to re-declare this structure. You can use getInitialState to create placeholder data until the real object shows up.
Also, be aware that setState only does a shallow replacement. If you change any property or sub-property of the user object, you'll need to clone it, change the property, and then call setState({user: clonedAndUpdatedUser}). Or, just call forceUpdate.
You should really just try to get your props and state to be shallow.
Good luck!

Stores' change listeners not getting removed on componentWillUnmount?

I am coding a simple app on reactjs-flux and everything works fine except I am receiving a warning from reactjs telling me that I am calling setState on unmounted components.
I have figured out this is because changelisteners to which components are hooked are not being removed from the store on componentWillUnmount. I know it because when I print the list of listeners from Eventemitter I see the listener which was supposed to be destroyed still there, and the list grows larger as I mount/unmount the same component several times.
I paste code from my BaseStore:
import Constants from '../core/Constants';
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
class BaseStore extends EventEmitter {
// Allow Controller-View to register itself with store
addChangeListener(callback) {
this.on(Constants.CHANGE_EVENT, callback);
removeChangeListener(callback) {
this.removeListener(Constants.CHANGE_EVENT, callback);
// triggers change listener above, firing controller-view callback
emitChange() {
export default BaseStore;
I paste the relevant code from a component experiencing this bug (it happens with all components, though):
class ProductsPage extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
accessToken: PropTypes.string
constructor() {
this.state = this._getStateFromStore();
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
_onChange() {
This is driving me pretty nuts at this point. Any ideas?
Thank you!
Short version: expect(f.bind(this)).not.toBe(f.bind(this));
Longer explanation:
The cause of the issue is that EventEmitter.removeListener requires that you pass a function you have previously registered with EventEmitter.addListener. If you pass a reference to any other function, it is a silent no-op.
In your code, you are passing this._onChange.bind(this) to addListener. bind returns a new function that is bound to this. You are then discarding the reference to that bound function. Then you try to remove another new function created by a bind call, and it's a no op, since that was never added.
React.createClass auto-binds methods. In ES6, you need to manually bind in your constructor:
class ProductsPage extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
accessToken: PropTypes.string
constructor() {
this.state = this._getStateFromStore();
// Bind listeners (you can write an autoBind(this);
this._onChange = this._onChange.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
// listener pre-bound into a fixed function reference. Add it
componentWillUnmount() {
// Remove same function reference that was added
_onChange() {
There are various ways of simplifying binding - you could use an ES7 #autobind method decorator (e.g. autobind-decorator on npm), or write an autoBind function that you call in the constructor with autoBind(this);.
In ES7, you will (hopefully) be able to use class properties for a more convenient syntax. You can enable this in Babel if you like as part of the stage-1 proposal . Then, you just declare your event listener methods as class properties rather than methods:
_onChange = () => {
Because the initializer for _onChange is invoked in the context of the constructor, the arrow function auto-binds this to the class instance so you can just pass this._onChange as an event handler without needing to manually bind it.
So I have found the solution, it turns out I only had to assign this._onChange.bind(this) to an internal property before passing it as an argument to removechangelistener and addchangelistener. Here is the solution:
componentDidMount() {
this.changeListener = this._onChange.bind(this);
componentWillUnmount() {
I do not know, however, why this solves the issue. Any ideas?
Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op. Please check the code for the exports component.
I am using the exact same implementation across multiple react components. i.e. this is repeated across several .jsx components.
componentDidMount: function() {
console.log('DidMount- Component 1');
componentWillUnmount: function() {
console.log('DidUnMount- Component 1');
console.log('SetState- Component 1');
Possible Solution
Currently the following is working out for me, but it has been a little temperamental. Wrap the call back in a function/named-function.
ViewStateStore.addChangeListener(function (){this._onChange});
one might also try
ViewStateStore.addChangeListener(function named(){this._onChange});
EventEmitter is for some reason getting confused identifying the callback to remove. Using a named function is perhaps helping with that.
Try removing the .bind(this) from your addChangeListener and removeChangeListener. They are already bound to your component when they get called.
I decided it so
class Tooltip extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
handleOutsideClick: this.handleOutsideClick.bind(this)
componentDidMount () {
window.addEventListener('click', this.state.handleOutsideClick);
componentWillUnmount () {
window.removeEventListener('click', this.state.handleOutsideClick);
This is a es6 problem. React.createClass binds 'this' properly for all function defined inside its scope.
For es6, you have to do something yourself to bind the right 'this'. Calling bind(this) however, creates a new function each time, and passing its return value to removeChangeListener won't match the function passed into addChangeListener created by an earlier bind(this) call.
I see one solution here where bind(this) is called once for each function and the return value is saved and re-used later. That'll work fine. A more popular and slightly cleaner solution is using es6's arrow function.
componentDidMount() {
ProductsStore.addChangeListener(() => { this._onChange() });
componentWillUnmount() {
ProductsStore.removeChangeListener(() => { this._onChange());
Arrow functions capture the 'this' of the enclosing context without creating new functions each time. It's sort of designed for stuff like this.
As you already got to know the solution here, I will try to explain what's happening.
As per ES5 standard, we used to write following code to add and remove listener.
componentWillMount: function() {
BaseStore.addChangeListener("ON_API_SUCCESS", this._updateStore);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
BaseStore.removeChangeListener("ON_API_SUCCESS", this._updateStore);
In above code, memory reference for the callback function (ie: this._updateStore) is same. So, removeChangeListener will look for reference and will remove it.
Since, ES6 standard lacks autobinding this by default you have to bind this explicitly to the function.
Note: Bind method returns new reference for the callback.
Refer here for more info about bind
This is where problem occurs. When we do this._updateStore.bind(this), bind method returns new reference for that function. So, the reference that you have sent as an argument to addChangeListener is not same as the one in removeChangeListener method.
this._updateStore.bind(this) != this._updateStore.bind(this)
There are two ways to solve this problem.
1. Store the event handler (ie: this._updateStore) in constructor as a member variable. (Your solution)
2. Create a custom changeListener function in store that will bind this for you. (Source: here)
Solution 1 explanation:
constructor (props) {
/* Here we are binding "this" to _updateStore and storing
that inside _updateStoreHandler member */
this._updateStoreHandler = this._updateStore.bind(this);
/* Now we gonna user _updateStoreHandler's reference for
adding and removing change listener */
this.state = {
data: []
componentWillMount () {
/* Here we are using member "_updateStoreHandler" to add listener */
BaseStore.addChangeListener("ON_STORE_UPDATE", this._updateStoreHandler);
componentWillUnmount () {
/* Here we are using member "_updateStoreHandler" to remove listener */
BaseStore.removeChangeListener("ON_STORE_UPDATE", this._updateStoreHandler);
In above code, we are binding this to _updateStore function and assigning that to a member inside constructor. Later we are using that member to add and remove change listener.
Solution 2 explanation:
In this method, we modify BaseStore functionalities. Idea is to modify addChangeListener function in BaseStore to receive second argument this and inside that function we are binding this to the callback and storing that reference, so that while removing change listener we can remove with that reference.
You can find complete code gist here and source here.
