I need help on the below requirement. I have 3 fields -
Action Owner - Lookup to User.
Task Executioner - Lookup to User.
End Date - Date Field
If Action Owner & Task Executioner are equal then End Date can be editable.
If Action Owner & Task Executioner are not equal then only Action Owner can edit the End Date field.
You can create a Validation rule on the end date field to make sure the Action owner is the one editing, or (according to your requirements) if the action owner and task executioner are the same before updating or saving the record.
you should go: setup-> Object_where_the_fields_are -> custom fields -> End Date -> validation rules...
and the code would be something like this:
OR( Action_Owner__r.Id <> Task_Executioner__r.Id , $User.Id <> Action_Owner__r.Id )
This is: If the action owner and the task executioner are not the same then show an error message OR if the logged in user is not the same as the action owner then show the error as well.
This makes sure that the end date is only editable by the action owner or when owner and executioner are the same
I have created a trigger in Salesforce :
Trigger myTestDelete_D on Account (before delete)
set<ID> ids = Trigger.oldMap.keyset();
So the steps are I create an account Acct1.
I then delete the account , but in the call to myClass.Details I perform a select to the account with the id of the Acct1.
The issue is that the row has already been deleted and hence I get 0 rows.
Is there some sort of setting that is required in Salesforce to wait until the trigger has completed before the entity is deleted ?
I can't give you more details because we don't have the code of your "myClass" class but the query should retrieve the Accounts in the before delete trigger execution. I've created myself a trigger and set up some logs. Here are the results after deleting one Account record.
Trigger Code:
trigger Account on Account(before delete) {
List<Account> deletedAccounts = [
FROM Account
WHERE Id IN :Trigger.oldMap.keySet()
{0013O00000kVO2PQAW=Account:{Id=0013O00000kVO2PQAW, IsDeleted=false, MasterRecordId=null, Name=My Account, Type=null, ParentId=null, BillingStreet=null, BillingCity=null, BillingState=null, BillingPostalCode=null, BillingCountry=null, BillingLatitude=null, BillingLongitude=null, BillingGeocodeAccuracy=null, ShippingStreet=null, ShippingCity=null, ShippingState=null, ShippingPostalCode=null, ShippingCountry=null, ShippingLatitude=null, ShippingLongitude=null, ShippingGeocodeAccuracy=null, Phone=null, Fax=null, AccountNumber=null, Website=null, PhotoUrl=null, Sic=null, Industry=null, AnnualRevenue=null, NumberOfEmployees=null, Ownership=null, TickerSymbol=null, Description=null, Rating=null, Site=null, OwnerId=0053O0000044sSdQAI, CreatedDate=2021-10-05 16:47:55, CreatedById=0053O0000044sSdQAI, LastModifiedDate=2021-10-05 16:47:55, LastModifiedById=0053O0000044sSdQAI, SystemModstamp=2021-10-05 16:47:55, LastActivityDate=null, LastViewedDate=null, LastReferencedDate=null, Jigsaw=null, JigsawCompanyId=null, CleanStatus=Pending, AccountSource=null, DunsNumber=null, Tradestyle=null, NaicsCode=null, NaicsDesc=null, YearStarted=null, SicDesc=null, DandbCompanyId=null, OperatingHoursId=null}}
So, I would suggest that the problem is probably in the class that is doing the Query as the records are still available for querying in the before delete trigger.
I'm creating a new report (*.rdl), and there I want to add username who runs the script (insert).
I've tried on VS2008 through "built-in-fields" function which is "User ID", but it didn't work:
Plan_date date null,
Plan_customer int null,
creator_id nvarchar(55) null
[Plan_date] ,
#creator_id ="user id" --from built-in-fields
Expected result is: Column creator_id is filling with value of username from active directory who made insert through my report.
To reiterate my comment, as it's is incredibly important:
"You need to use a different account to access your data #whitefang. The sa account should never be used for something as mundane as a report. In truth it should never be used unless you really need sysadmin privileges, or you're doing something like recovering the server. You should have a service account that can do the respective tasks it needs to. If you can suffer injection through those reports, you're service is like an open book to whomever has access."
Now, onto your problem. I would add a further internal parameter on your report. Change the value of the parameter to have the default value of =User!UserID; this will be the ID of the user running the report (perhaps something like StackOverflow\Larnu).
Then map that report parameter to your dataset parameter #creator_id and change your INSERT statement to:
INSERT INTO Some_Table ([Plan_date],
VALUES (#p_plan_monthly, #p_plan_clients, #creator_id);
Q: "and there I want to add username who runs the script (insert)"
You can use these functions.
-- database user name
-- login identification name
Im trying to create automation to copy Zipcode__c text field in connection sObject to Zip_code__c text field on Prem sObject. I can't use formula references since i need to be able to search copied field. One connection can have many Prems.
trigger updatePremFromConnection on Prem__c (before insert,after insert, after update,before update) {
List<Connection__c> connection = new List<Connection__c>();
for (Prem__c p: [SELECT Connection_id__c,id, Name
FROM Prem__c
WHERE Connection_id__c
NOT IN (SELECT id FROM Connection__c)
AND id IN : Trigger.new ]){
connection.add(new Connection__c(
ZipCode__c = p.Zip_Code__c));
if (connection.size() > 0) {
insert connection;
i need ZIp code field on the prem__c to be auto updated when i edit connection.
There are several issues with this code.
Trigger Object
Your trigger is on the wrong object and is doing exactly the opposite of your stated intent.
i need ZIp code field on the prem__c to be auto updated when i edit connection.
Your trigger on the Prem__c object attempts to copy data to the Connection__c object, while your objective is to copy from Prem__c to Connection__c. You'll definitely need an after update trigger on Connection__c and a before insert trigger on Prem__c; however, if the relationship between the two objects is Lookup or a Master-Detail relationship configured to be reparentable, you'll also need an update trigger on the child object Prem__c to handle situations where the child record is reparented, by updating from the new parent Connection.
This logic:
for (Prem__c p: [SELECT Connection_id__c,id, Name
FROM Prem__c
WHERE Connection_id__c
NOT IN (SELECT id FROM Connection__c)
AND id IN : Trigger.new ]){
connection.add(new Connection__c(
ZipCode__c = p.Zip_Code__c));
really doesn't make sense. It only finds Prem__c records in the trigger set that don't have an associated Connection, makes a new Connection, and then doesn't establish a relationship between the two records. The way that it does this is needlessly inefficient; that NOT IN subquery doesn't need to be there because it can simply by Connection_Id__c = null.
Instead, you probably want your Connection__c trigger to have a query like this:
SELECT ZipCode__c, (SELECT Zip_Code__c FROM Prems__r)
FROM Connection__c
WHERE Id IN :Trigger.new
Then, you can iterate over those Connection__c records with an inner for loop over their associated Prem__c records. Note that above you'll need to use the actual relationship name where I have Prems__r. The logic would look something like this:
for (Connection__c conn : queriedConnections) {
for (Prem__c prem : conn.Prems__r) {
if (prem.Zip_Code__c != conn.ZipCode__c) {
prem.Zip_Code__c = conn.ZipCode__c
update premsToUpdate;
Before running the query, you should also gather a Set<Id> of only those records for which the ZipCode__c field has actually changed, i.e., where thisConn.ZipCode__c != Trigger.oldMap.get(thisConn.Id).ZipCode__c. You'd use that Set<Id> in place of Trigger.new in your query, so that you only obtain those records with relevant changes.
I have created Product entity in MDS.
It's having the following values:
Bike 1 ABC
Car 2 XYZ
Cycle 3 RRR
owner XYZ can change the record of RRR. But if owner XYZ or any other owner in this entity tried to update the ABC's record, access should be denied. That means, no one should have the permission to change the records which are entered by ABC.
for this I have executed following :
CREATE TRIGGER mdm.product_readonly
ON mdm.tbl_1034_1215_en
If exists (system_user!='ABC')
and EXISTS (SELECT * FROM deleted a, inserted b, mdm.vw_product c
WHERE a.code=c.code
or b.code=c.code
And c.owner = 'ABC')
RAISERROR ('Attempt to change a read-only row', 16, 1)
After executing this, If I trying to update the record as ABC owner I can update all the records. If I try to update as other than ABC owner I couldnt update the ABC record. But from MDS I couldnt update any of the record. It showing like Database error.
How can we achieve this. Please help me out in this regard.
Please have a look on how to set permissions for MDS.
You can set permissions for users and/or groups.
I would recommend to assign permissions using AD groups as this is much easier to mantain on the long run.
If you need a more complex permission concept which is row based you can set permissions using derived hierarchies.
Permission settings are also stored in tables of MDSDB database. If you need to set permissions for many users I would recommend using code to copy permissiond. I can provide some snippets if needed.
this is my sample access database:
1---- A123 --1234 --User
2-----B123 --1345 --Admin
I am using VS2012. In my VB.net Project I have username textbox, a password textbox,
and login button.
I add my database using a wizard. I can add, modify, delete, and query, but how to check if the entered username in username text box exists in UserName column?
I filled up my dataset using:
and if I want to get the user type I am using:
but the main problem if user not exists I get the error below:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in user login.exe Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
How can I check if the username exists or not?
Try doing this.
Dim user = Me.WSDataSet.users.FindByUserName(IDtxt.Text)
If not user is nothing Then
'Do what you want with the user object
'Message User does not exist.
End If
you just check if the user exists then do what you want with it.