Order Coredata Sub-entity - arrays

My entities called Score contains entites called Messages. It's a one-to-many relationship, we can have many Messages for a single Score.
When I'm fetching my Score, i can access my Messages objects in an NSOrderedSet, because I ticked Ordered in the .xcdatamodel file.
They're just not ordered properly and I'd like to know if that can be fixed.
I'm displaying them in a tableview from an array built like this
//_score exists and is set properly.
someArray = array-alloc-init;
for (Message *msg in _score.messages)
//Do my stuff because objects need remodeling in that view
[someArray addObject:msg];
[tableview reloadData]; //the tableview uses someArray
everything works like a charm except it's just not in the right order.
Where (if possible) can I tell the model to order by "CreationDate" for example. The "Ordered" tickbox seems to order it in a way that doesn't work.

The ordered set is in whatever order you originally populated the relationship (either in one go or as items were added to the end of the relationship).
So, if you can guarantee that you can add them in order or you write some code to insert into the relationship in the correct place then you can continue with your current code.
Alternatively, you can create a fetch request that uses the relationship 'backwards' to find Messages for a specified Score and sorts them appropriately. The main benefit here is that you can decide to change the sort order if you want to on-the-fly, you can specify multiple sort orderings (allowing the user to change if they want) and you can explicitly set the fetch batch size (which can help if you have lots of messages).


Laravel skip and delete records from Database

I'm developing an app which needs to record a list of a users recent video uploads. Importantly it needs to only remember the last two videos associated with the user so I'm trying to find a way to just keep the last two records in a database.
What I've got so far is the below, which creates a new record correctly, however I then want to delete all records that are older than the previous 2, so I've got the below.
The problem is that this seems to delete ALL records even though, by my understanding, the skip should miss out the two most recent records,
private function saveVideoToUserProfile($userId, $thumb ...)
RecentVideos::select('id')->where('user_id', $userId)->orderBy('created_at')->skip(2)->delete();
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Limit and offset do not work with delete, so you can do something like this:
$ids = RecentVideos::select('id')->where('user_id', $userId)->orderByDesc('created_at')->skip(2)->take(10000)->pluck('id');
RecentVideos::whereIn('id', $ids)->delete();
First off, skip() does not skip the x number of recent records, but rather the x number of records from the beginning of the result set. So in order to get your desired result, you need to sort the data in the correct order. orderBy() defaults to ordering ascending, but it accepts a second direction argument. Try orderBy('created_at', 'DESC'). (See the docs on orderBy().)
This is how I would recommend writing the query.
RecentVideos::where('user_id', $userId)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->skip(2)->delete();

How to find a MoveTo destination filled by database?

I could need some help with a Anylogic Model.
Model (short): Manufacturing scenario with orders move in a individual route. The workplaces (WP) are dynamical created by simulation start. Their names, quantity and other parameters are stored in a database (excel Import). Also the orders are created according to an import. The Agent population "order" has a collection routing which contains the Workplaces it has to stop in the specific order.
Target: I want a moveTo block in main which finds the next destination of the agent order.
Problem and solution paths:
I set the destination Type to agent and in the Agent field I typed a function agent.getDestination(). This function is in order which returns the next entry of the collection WP destinationName = routing.get(i). With this I get a Datatype error (while run not compiling). I quess it's because the database does not save the entrys as WP Type but only String.
Is there a possiblity to create a collection with agents from an Excel?
After this I tried to use the same getDestination as String an so find via findFirst the WP matching the returned name and return it as WP. WP targetWP = findFirst(wps, w->w.name == destinationName);
Of corse wps (the population of Workplaces) couldn't be found.
How can I search the population?
Maybe with an Agentlink?
I think it is not that difficult but can't find an answer or a solution. As you can tell I'm a beginner... Hope the description is good an someone can help me or give me a hint :)
Is there a possiblity to create a collection with agents from an Excel?
Not directly using the collection's properties and, as you've seen, you can't have database (DB) column types which are agent types.1
But this is relatively simple to do directly via Java code (and you can use the Insert Database Query wizard to construct the skeleton code for you).
After this I tried to use the same getDestination as String an so find via findFirst the WP matching the returned name and return it as WP
Yes, this is one approach. If your order details are in Excel/the database, they are presumably referring to workplaces via some String ID (which will be a parameter of the workplace agents you've created from a separate Excel worksheet/database table). You need to use the Java equals method to compare strings though, not == (which is for comparing numbers or whether two objects are the same object).
I want a moveTo block in main which finds the next destination of the agent order
So the general overall solution is
Create a population of Workplace agents (let's say called workplaces in Main) from the DB, each with a String parameter id or similar mapped from a DB column.
Create a population of Order agents (let's say called orders in Main) from the DB and then, in their on-startup action, set up their collection of workplace IDs (type ArrayList, element class String; let's say called workplaceIDsList) using data from another DB table.
Order probably also needs a working variable storing the next index in the list that it needs to go to (so let's say an int variable nextWorkplaceIndex which starts at 0).
Write a function in Main called getWorkplaceByID that has a single String argument id and returns a Workplace. This gets the workplace from the population that matches the ID; a one-line way similar to yours is findFirst(workplaces, w -> w.id.equals(id)).
The MoveTo block (which I presume is in Main) needs to move the Order to an agent defined by getWorkplaceByID(agent.workplaceIDsList.get(nextWorkplaceIndex++)). (The ++ bit increments the index after evaluating the expression so it is ready for the next workplace to go to.)
For populating the collection, you'd have two tables, something like the below (assuming using strings as IDs for workplaces and orders):
orders table: columns for parameters of your orders (including some String id column) other than the workplace-list. (Create one Order agent per row.)
order_workplaces table: columns order_id, sequence_num and workplace_id (so with multiple rows specifying the sequence of workplace IDs for an order ID).
In the On startup action of Order, set up the skeleton query code via the Insert Database Query wizard as below (where we want to loop through all rows for this order's ID and do something --- we'll change the skeleton code to add entries to the collection instead of just printing stuff via traceln like the skeleton code does).
Then we edit the skeleton code to look like the below. (Note we add an orderBy clause to the initial query so we ensure we get the rows in ascending sequence number order.)
List<Tuple> rows = selectFrom(order_workplaces)
for (Tuple row : rows) {
1 The AnyLogic database is a normal relational database --- HSQLDB in fact --- and databases only understand their own specific data types like VARCHAR, with AnyLogic and the libraries it uses translating these to Java types like String. In the user interface, AnyLogic makes it look like you set the column types as int, String, etc. but these are really the Java types that the columns' contents will ultimately be translated into.
AnyLogic does support columns which have option list types (and the special Code type column for columns containing executable Java code) but these are special cases using special logic under the covers to translate the column data (which is ultimately still a string of characters) into the appropriate option list instance or (for Code columns) into compiled-on-the-fly-and-then-executed Java).
Welcome to Stack Overflow :) To create a Population via Excel Import you have to create a method and call Code like this. You also need an empty Population.
int n = excelFile.getLastRowNum(YOUR_SHEET_NAME);
for(int i = FIRST_ROW; i <= n; i++){
String name = excelFile.getCellStringValue(YOUR_SHEET_NAME, i, 1);
double SEC_PARAMETER_TO_READ= excelFile.getCellNumericValue(YOUR_SHEET_NAME, i, 2);
WP workplace = add_wps(name, SEC_PARAMETER_TO_READ);
Now if you want to get a workplace by name, you have to create a method similar to your try.
WP workplaceToFind = wps.findFirst(w -> w.name.equals(destinationName));
if(workplaceToFind != null){
//do what ever you want

Two-way synchronization between View Objects

I have two view objects in Oracle ADF.
LineVO represents order lines -- with one line per product.
Products are differentiated by several attributes... say "model" and "color". So, VO #1 contains a row for each model/color combination.
ModelVO represents a model-level summary of the lines.
Both VOs have a "quantity" field (an Integer).
There is a ViewLink between them and each has a row accessor to the other.
I want to achieve two-way coordination between these two view objects, such that:
When a user queries data, ModelVO.Quantity equals the sum of LineVO.Quantity, for the associated rows
When a user updates any LineVO.Quantity, the ModelVO.Quantity is immediately updated to reflect the new total
When a user updates a ModelVO.Quantity, the quantity is spread among the associated LineVO rows (according to complex business logic which I hope is not relevant here).
I have tried many different ways to do this and cannot get it perfect.
Right now, I am working on variations where ModelVO.Quantity is set to a Groovy expression "LineVO.sum('Quantity')". Unfortunately, everything I try either has the summing from LineVO->ModelVO working or the spreading from ModelVO->LineVO working, but never both at the same time.
Can someone suggest a way to do this? I want to do it in the model layer (either a EO or VO or combination).
Nevermind.. it turns out to be simple:
ModelVO.Quantity must be set to a Groovy "LineVO.sum('Quantity')" and it must have a recalcExpression set to a method where I can control things so it only recalculates when I am changing a LineVO.Quantity value.
The reason my approach didn't work initially was because, when the user updated a LineVO.Quantity value and I wanted to recalculate, I was getting the ModelVO row by lineVORow.getModelVO()... i.e., via a view accessor.
Apparently, that returns some sort of internal copy of the row and not the actual row.
When I got the parent row via the applicationModule.getModelVO().getCurrentRow(), the whole thing works perfectly.
I've posted another question about why accessing the row via the view accessor did not work. That part is still a mystery to me.

Firebase + AngularFire -> States?

I'd like to know how I would deal with object states in a FireBase environment.
What do I mean by states? Well, let's say you have an app with which you organize order lists. Each list consists of a bunch of orders, so it can be considered a hierarchical data structure. Furthermore each list has a state which might be one of the following:
ware completely received
ware partially received
something else
On the visual (HTML) side the lists shall be distinguished by their state. Each state shall be presented to the client in its own, say, div-element, listing all the related orders beneath.
So the question is, how do I deal with this state in FireBase (or any other document based database)?
Do I...
... (option 1) use a state-field for each orderlist and filter on the clientside by using if or something similar:
orderlist1.state = open
orderlist2.state = open
orderlist3.state = closed
orderlist4.state = deferred
... (option 2) use the hierarchy of FireBase to classify the orderlists like so:
... (option 3) take a totally different approach?
So, what's the royal road here?
retrieval, processing & visual output of option 2
Since for option 1 the answer to this question is apparantly pretty straight forward (if state == ...) I continue with option 2: how do I retrieve the data in option 2? Do I use a Firebase-object for each state, like so:
var closedRef = new Firebase("https://xxx.firebaseio.com/closed");
var openRef = new Firebase("https://xxx.firebaseio.com/open");
var deferredRef = new Firebase("https://xxx.firebaseio.com/deferred");
var somethingRef = new Firebase("https://xxx.firebaseio.com/something");
Or what's considered the best approach to deal with that sort of data/structure?
There is no universal answer to this question. The "best approach" is going to depend on the particulars of your use case, which you haven't provided here. Specifically, how you will be reading and manipulating the data.
Data architecture in NoSQL is all about working hard on writes to make reads easy. It's all about how you plan to use the data. (It's also enough material for a chapter in a book.)
The advantage to "option 1" is that you can easily iterate all the entire list. Great if your list is measured in hundreds. This is a great approach if you want to fetch the list and manipulate it on the fly on the client side.
The advantage to "option 2" is that you can easily grab a subset of the list. Great if your list is measured in thousands and you will typically be fetching open issues only rather than closed ones. This is great for archiving/new/old lists like yours.
There are other options as well.
Sorted Data using Priorities
Perhaps the most universal approach is to use ordered data. This allows you to query a subset of your records using something like:
new Firebase(URL).startAt('open').endAt('open').limit(10);
This is sufficient in most cases where you have only one criteria, or when you can create a unique identifier from multiple criteria (e.g. 'open:marketing') without difficulty. Examples are scoreboards, state lists like yours, data ordered by timestamps.
Using an index
You can also create custom subsets of your data by creating an index of keys and using that to fetch the others.
This is most useful when there is no identifiable characteristic of your subsets. For example, if I pick them from a list and store my favorites.
I think my this plnkr can help you for this.
Here, click on edit/add and just check the country(order in your case) - State(state in your case) dependent dropdown may be the same as you want.just one single thing you may need to add is filter it.
They both are different tables in db.
You can also get it from git.

Projection query with new fields/properites ignores entries that haven't set those properties yet

I have an Article type structured like this:
type Article struct {
Title string
Content string `datastore:",noindex"`
In an administrative portion of my site, I list all of my Articles. The only property I need in order to display this list is Title; grabbing the content of the article seems wasteful. So I use a projection query:
q := datastore.NewQuery("Article").Project("Title")
Everything works as expected so far. Now I decide I'd like to add two fields to Article so that some articles can be unlisted in the public article list and/or unviewable when access is attempted. Understanding the datastore to be schema-less, I think this might be very simple. I add the two new fields to Article:
type Article struct {
Title string
Content string `datastore:",noindex"`
Unlisted bool
Unviewable bool
I also add them to the projection query, since I want to indicate in the administrative article list when an article is publicly unlisted and/or unviewable:
q := datastore.NewQuery("Article").Project("Title", "Unlisted", "Unviewable")
Unfortunately, this only returns entries that have explicitly included Unlisted and Unviewable when Put into the datastore.
My workaround for now is to simply stop using a projection query:
q := datastore.NewQuery("Article")
All entries are returned, and the entries that never set Unlisted or Unviewable have them set to their zero value as expected. The downside is that the article content is being passed around needlessly.
In this case, that compromise isn't terrible, but I expect similar situations to arise in the future, and it could be a big deal not being able to use projection queries. Projections queries and adding new properties to datastore entries seem like they're not fitting together well. I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding something or missing the correct way to do things.
It's not clear to me from the documentation that projection queries should behave this way (ignoring entries that don't have the projected properties rather than including them with zero values). Is this the intended behavior?
Are the only options in scenarios like this (adding new fields to structs / properties to entries) to either forgo projection queries or run some kind of "schema migration", Getting all entries and then Puting them back, so they now have zero-valued properties and can be projected?
Projection queries source the data for fields from the indexes not the entity, when you have added new properties pre-existing records do not appear in those indexes you are performing the project query on. They will need to be re-indexed.
You are asking for those specific properties and they don't exist hence the current behaviour.
You should probably think of a projection query as a request for entities with a value in a requested index in addition to any filter you place on a query.
