How to set up windows client to web-based dll - c

I have an application that began its life as a C#-based Windows GUI that used marshalling to talk to a C DLL.
I now need to separate the Windows client and DLL so that the client is installed on a remote PC and communicates with the C DLL over the internet.
A further complication is that I want to have multiple Windows clients connecting to the C DLL.
This whole world is new to me, so excuse me if the following are naive questions.
My questions:
0) What is the best method for having the client communicate with the DLL over the internet? TCP/IP Sockets?
1) I need to make modifications to my DLL to have it service multiple clients. But I need some piece of middleware that collects the queries from the different clients, feeds them to the DLL, and then sends the results back to the appropriate client. Is there any code (such as node.js) that would facilitate this?

Regarding: What is the best method for having the client communicate with the DLL over the internet?
Your suggestion of using TCP/IP could certainly (and likely will) be part of the solution, but there will be other components of the solution as well. The direction you choose will in part be made by answering whether you are using standard marshaling (COM), or custom? At the very least, your problem description suggests a scenario requiring interprocess communications.
There are many ways to implement. This diagram maps out a general approach, that based on your description might apply:
Components of Interprocess Communications
Read more here
Regarding: make modifications to my DLL to have it service multiple clients...
The dll is simply a file like any other. Several processes can read, and subsequently own content from, a file as long as the processes doing the reading adhere to common file access rules. I do not think you will have to modify your dll, at least for that reason. Just make sure the processes accessing the dll comply with safe file access protocols. (Safe file access).


Cloud-based IPC between C DLL and new data serving process

I have a Windows UI, written in C#, that calls a DLL, written in C.
Data is exchanged between the C# UI and C DLL using the marshaling techniques available through pInvoke. Both the UI and the the DLL are legacy code.
All of the software runs on the cloud; specifically, on Amazon Web Services (AWS). But it is portable to any cloud service provider (Azure, Google, etc).
I need to write a new piece of C code ("NewCode"), that runs on a separate AWS (or other) instance, that does nothing except read data from a proprietary database and service data requests from the existing DLL.
For lots of reasons, this NewCode needs to run on its own instance, so that it has its own, exclusive access to memory, cpu, and disk. Newcode needs to service a variety of data requests: a single number, a char string, an array of numbers, array of strings, etc. NewCode will be portable C, so it can run under Linux, Unix, etc.
My question:
What are my options for having the existing C DLL communicate with NewCode? I know it is too broad a topic to ask for a list of options and their relative merits, so all I'm asking for here is to what should be on the list so I can begin my research. I am a complete newbie in this area, but so far I have determined that on the list should be sockets and pipes. What else should be on the list?
Since NewCode will be communicating over the network, I would look into protocol buffers. Protocol buffers would likely be the most efficient for communicating between to processes on separate machines who may be running different operating systems. There are protocol buffer implementations for many different languages, all of which use the same predefined structure definitions.
Of course, there are other options, like XML, JSON, or your own binary protocol.

Best Labview IPC

I need to make labview communicate with a C/C++ application. Both the applications run on the same machine. What is the IPC mechanism with lower overhead and highest speed available in LabView?
TCP, UDP, ActiveX, DDE, file transactions, or perhaps just directly calling a dll are the solutions that come to mind.
First I'd just call a dll if you can manage with that. Assuming you're tied in to using two separate applications then:
I'd use TCP or UDP. File transactions are clunky but easy to implement, DDE is older but might be viable (I'd recommend against it).
Basic TCP/IP in Labview
TCP/IP and UDP in Labview
Calling a dll from Labview
Have you investigated straight up TCP or UDP?
It'll make it easy if you ever need to separate the applications onto different machines later on down the road. Implementation is pretty straight forward too, although it may not be the fastest throughput.
What speeds are we talking about here?
NI has provided a thorough document explaining that: Using External Code in LabVIEW [pdf]. In brief, you can use:
Shared Libraries (on windows they are called DLLs). According to the above document, any
language can be used to write DLLs as long as the DLLs can be called
using one of the calling conventions LabVIEW supports, either
stdcall or C."
Code Interface Node (CIN), which is a block diagram node that links C/C++ source
code to LabVIEW.
.NET technology.
Note that "Shared Libraries" and "Code Interface Node" are supported on Windows, Max OS X, Linux and Solaris.

What's the fastest way to IPC between C and C# application?

I want to send lot of strings (~250000) for <1sec from C application to a C# application. When I do it with WM_COPYDATA and SendMessage, my C# application hangs. What else can I do? Named pipes are included only in .NET 4, and I'm using .NET 2.
I'm gonna stick to WM_COPYDATA and appending to a list (which is a fast operation). Then post processing this list.
The fastest option is probably to use named pipes via P/Invoke. This is still much higher performance than most other IPC options.
Shared memory or MMF is the fastest method. It's as fast as kernel objects, used for signalling about data availability are. And, more importantly, you can first open the shared memory, then put your data directly there (saves you one copy operation) and signal to other application. That other application can consume the data directly from shared memory (again, no need to copy).
Not the fastest on win32 currently, but worth investigating: 0mq
Uses TCP sockets on Windows, but very efficiently.
For a closed source solution I don't think 29 West's Ultra Messaging can easily be trumped, includes a rare feature of zero-copy messaging in .net

Sending calls to libraries remotely across linux

I am developing some experimental setup in C.
I am exploring a scenario as follows and I need help to understand it.
I have a system A which has a lot of Applications using cryptographic algorithms.
But these crypto calls(openssl calls) should be sent to another System B which takes care of cryptography.
Therefore, I have to send any calls to cryptographic (openssl) engines via socket to a remote system(B) which has openssl support.
My plan is to have a small socket prog on System A which forwards these calls to system B.
What I'm still unclear at this moment is how I handle the received commands at System B.
Do I actually get these commands and translate them into corresponding calls to openssl locally in my system? This means I have to program whatever is done on System A right?
Or is there a way to tunnel/send these raw lines of code to the openssl libs directly and just received the result and then resend to System A
How do you think I should go about the problem?
PS: Oh by the way, the calls to cryptography(like EngineUpdate, VerifyFinal etc or Digest on System A can be either on Java or C.. I already wrote a Java/C program to send these commands to System B via sockets...
The problem is only on System B and how I have to handle..
You could use sockets on B, but that means you need to define a protocol for that. Or you use RPC (remote procedure calls).
Examples for socket programming can be found here.
RPC is explained here.
The easiest (not to say "the easy", but still) way I can imagine would be to:
Write wrapper (proxy) versions of the libraries you want to make remote.
Write a server program that listens to calls, performs them using the real local libraries, and sends the result back.
Preload the proxy library before running any application where you want to do this.
Of course, there are many many problems with this approach:
It's not exactly trivial to define a serializing protocol for generic C function calls.
It's not exactly trivial to write the server, either.
Applications will slow a lot, since the proxy call needs to be synchronous.
What about security of the data on the network?
As requested in a comment, I'll try to expand a bit. By "wrapper" I mean a new library, that has the same API as another one, but does not in fact contain the same code. Instead, the wrapper library will contain code to serialize the arguments, call the server, wait for a response, de-serialize the result(s), and present them to the calling program as if nothing happened.
Since this involves a lot of tedious, repetitive and error-prone code, it's probably best to abstract it by making it code-driven. The best would be to use the original library's header file to define the serialization needed, but that (of course) requires quite heavy C parsing. Failing that, you might start bottom-up and make a custom language to describe the calls, and then use that to generate the serialization, de-serialization, and proxy code.
On Linux systems, you can control the dynamic linker so that it loads your proxy library instead of the "real" library. You could of course also replace (on disk) the real library with the proxy, but that will break all applications that use it if the server is not working, which seems very risky.
So you basically have two choices, each outlined by unwind and ammoQ respectively:
(1) Write a server and do the socket/protocol work etc., yourself. You can minimize some of the pain by using solutions like Google's protocol buffers.
(2) use an existing middleware solution like (a) message queues or (b) an RPC mechanism like CORBA and its many alternatives
Either is probably more work than you anticipated. So really you have to answer this yourself. How serious is your project? How varied is your hardware? How likely is the hardware and software configuration to change in the future?
If this is more than a learning or pet project you are going to be bored with in a month or two then an existing middleware solution is probably the way to go. The downside is there is a somewhat intimidating learning curve.
You can go the RPC route with CORBA, ICE, or whatever the Java solutions are these days (RMI? EJB?), and a bunch of others. This is an elegant solution since your calls to the remote encryption machine appear to your SystemA as simple function calls and the middleware handles the data issues and sockets. But you aren't going to learn them in a weekend.
Personally I would look to see if a message queue solution like AMQP would work for you first. There is less of a learning curve than RPC.

What are some ways to control a device through an IP address?

I want to get some ideas on how I might control a video camera through an IP address. I have an API to control pan and tilt from a local machine. The code is going to be in C/C++ on Windows. I am still designing if I want multiple cameras controlled from one application or have a one camera to one application. Would SOA be a useful architecture to structure my messaging?
I think you could be well served by something like REST for a task like this. Executing a command towards a REST server is really intuitive and simple, which sounds just like what you need. I'd probably make some kind of application that would be running inside a web-server, since this would handle most of the infrastructure, including authentication if needed. I'm sure both apache and IIS could do this for you quite easily. Even though your API is coded in C you could also consider using some higher-level scripting language as a client to the API (inside the web server).
SOA sounds a little overkill for a task like this.
I did something similar for aproject in my university. What we had was the cameras connected to a LAN and with message passing was very easy to communicate with them, is the same that communicate with any PC. We had the same application to communicate them. You can use SOA or any architecture you consider convinient, that depens on your application.
For our case was just an ad hoc architecture, it was not a complex thing.
Hessian is nice. It is basically REST, but has a binary protocol which is more efficient than XML and it also lets you make calls from other languages quite easily. So, you could develop the client GUI applciation in C# and the server in C. There are free libraries for a few different languages available.
