How to make a microsecond-precise timer on the STM32L-Discovery ARM board? - timer

I'm trying to implement the Dallas OneWire protocol, but I'm having trouble generating a microsecond delay on the STM32l-Discovery.
How do I implement a timer accurate enough to delay the program for x microseconds?

For start I must tell you that there is no way to accomplish a precise usec delay using software. Even if you use an interrupt based system you will have latencies. Off course you can achieve a better accuracy with a larger CPU frequencies.
In order to connect with a 1-Wire device you can use:
A external interface like DS2482-100
A software 1-wire implementation using pin polling.
For the second solution you have to call a software based delay. You can make a flag polling delay or an interrupt based flag polling delay. In both cases you will be sure that a certain amount of time has passed but you can not be sure how match more time has passed. This is because of the CPU latency, the CPU clock etc...
For example consider the following implementation. We program a HW TIMER to continuously count up and we check TIMER's value. We name "jiffy" the time between each TIMER's ticks and jiffies the TIMERS max value:
Low level driver part (ex: driver.h)
// ...
#define JF_TIM_VALUE (TIM7->CNT)
int JF_setfreq (uint32_t jf_freq, uint32_t jiffies);
// ...
Low level driver part (ex: driver.c)
// ...
#include <stm32l1xx.h>
#include <misc.h>
#include <stm32l1xx_rcc.h>
#include <stm32l1xx_tim.h>
* Time base configuration using the TIM7
* \param jf_freq The TIMER's frequency
* \param jiffies The TIMER's max count value
int JF_setfreq (uint32_t jf_freq, uint32_t jiffies) {
uint32_t psc=0;
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM7, ENABLE);
SystemCoreClockUpdate ();
if (jf_freq)
psc = (SystemCoreClock / jf_freq) - 1;
if (psc < 0xFFFF) TIM7->PSC = psc;
else return 1;
if (jiffies < 0xFFFF) TIM7->ARR = jiffies;
else return 1;
return 0;
// ...
Middleware jiffy system with some delay implementations
#include "string.h"
typedef int32_t jiffy_t; // Jiffy type 4 byte integer
typedef int (*jf_setfreq_pt) (uint32_t, uint32_t); //Pointer to setfreq function
typedef volatile struct {
jf_setfreq_pt setfreq; // Pointer to driver's timer set freq function
jiffy_t *value; // Pointer to timers current value
uint32_t freq; // timer's frequency
uint32_t jiffies; // jiffies max value (timer's max value)
jiffy_t jpus; // Variable for the delay function
* ============= PUBLIC jiffy API =============
* Link functions
void jf_link_setfreq (jf_setfreq_pt pfun);
void jf_link_value (jiffy_t* v);
* User Functions
void jf_deinit (void);
int jf_init (uint32_t jf_freq, uint32_t jiffies);
jiffy_t jf_per_usec (void);
void jf_delay_us (int32_t usec);
int jf_check_usec (int32_t usec);
#include "jiffy.h"
static jf_t _jf;
#define JF_MAX_TIM_VALUE (0xFFFF) // 16bit counters
//Connect the Driver's Set frequency function
void jf_link_setfreq (jf_setfreq_pt pfun) {
_jf.setfreq = pfun;
// Connect the timer's value to jiffy struct
void jf_link_value (jiffy_t* v) {
_jf.value = v;
// De-Initialize the jf data and un-connect the functions
// from the driver
void jf_deinit (void) {
memset ((void*)&_jf, 0, sizeof (jf_t));
// Initialise the jf to a desired jiffy frequency f
int jf_init (uint32_t jf_freq, uint32_t jiffies) {
if (_jf.setfreq) {
if ( _jf.setfreq (jf_freq, jiffies) )
return 1;
_jf.jiffies = jiffies;
_jf.freq = jf_freq;
_jf.jpus = jf_per_usec ();
return 0;
return 1;
// Return the systems best approximation for jiffies per usec
jiffy_t jf_per_usec (void) {
jiffy_t jf = _jf.freq / 1000000;
if (jf <= _jf.jiffies)
return jf;
// We can not count beyond timer's reload
return 0;
* \brief
* A code based delay implementation, using jiffies for timing.
* This is NOT accurate but it ensures that the time passed is always
* more than the requested value.
* The delay values are multiplications of 1 usec.
* \param
* usec Time in usec for delay
void jf_delay_us (int32_t usec) {
jiffy_t m, m2, m1 = *_jf.value;
usec *= _jf.jpus;
if (*_jf.value - m1 > usec) // Very small delays will return here.
// Delay loop: Eat the time difference from usec value.
while (usec>0) {
m2 = *_jf.value;
m = m2 - m1;
usec -= (m>0) ? m : _jf.jiffies + m;
m1 = m2;
* \brief
* A code based polling version delay implementation, using jiffies for timing.
* This is NOT accurate but it ensures that the time passed is always
* more than the requested value.
* The delay values are multiplications of 1 usec.
* \param
* usec Time in usec for delay
int jf_check_usec (int32_t usec) {
static jiffy_t m1=-1, cnt;
jiffy_t m, m2;
if (m1 == -1) {
m1 = *_jf.value;
cnt = _jf.jpus * usec;
if (cnt>0) {
m2 = *_jf.value;
m = m2-m1;
cnt-= (m>0) ? m : _jf.jiffies + m;
m1 = m2;
return 1; // wait
else {
m1 = -1;
return 0; // do not wait any more
Hmmm you made it till here. Nice
So now you can use it in your application like this:
#include "driver.h"
#include "jiffy.h"
void do_some_job1 (void) {
// job 1
void do_some_job2 (void) {
// job 2
int main (void) {
jf_link_setfreq ((jf_setfreq_pt)JF_setfreq); // link with driver
jf_link_value ((jiffy_t*)&JF_TIM_VALUE);
jf_init (1000000, 1000); // 1MHz timer, 1000 counts, 1 usec per count
// use delay version
do_some_job1 ();
jf_delay_us (300); // wait for at least 300 usec
do_some_job1 ();
// use polling version
do_some_job1 ();
while (jf_check_usec (300)) {
do_some_job2 (); // keep calling for at least 300 usec


Is there a way to calculate -time interval- using Esp32 timers?

I want to calculate time interval with timers. I'm using arduino ide. Also i can not decide which library to useful.
I just tried something following code.
I'm using this library
#include <ESP32Time.h>
int a;
int b;
int ldrValue;
#define LDR 0
/* create a hardware timer */
hw_timer_t * timer = NULL;
int timeThatPast;
/* motor pin */
int motor = 14;
/* motor state */
volatile byte state = LOW;
void IRAM_ATTR onTimer(){
state = !state;
digitalWrite(motor, state);
void setup() {
pinMode(motor, OUTPUT);
/* Use 1st timer of 4 */
/* 1 tick take 1/(80MHZ/80) = 1us so we set divider 80 and count up */
timer = timerBegin(0, 80, false);
/* Attach onTimer function to our timer */
timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &onTimer, true);
/* Set alarm to call onTimer function every second 1 tick is 1us
=> 1 second is 1000000us */
/* Repeat the alarm (third parameter) */
timerAlarmWrite(timer, 7000000, false);
/* Start an alarm */
Serial.println("start timer");
void loop() {
int ldrValue = analogRead(LDR);
ldrValue = map(ldrValue, 0, 4095, 0, 10000);
if(ldrValue > 8500){
a = timerRead(timer);
int ldrValue = analogRead(LDR);
ldrValue = map(ldrValue, 0, 4095, 0, 10000);
if(ldrValue < 8500){
b = timerRead(timer);
Serial.print("Entering Loop");
Serial.print("Exiting loop");
int difference = b - a;
Use millis or micros if you need more precise timing.
Here is an example sketch:
long lastDoTime = 0;
void setup(){
Serial.println("Hello! We will do something at every ms");
void doThisAtEvery(int ms){
if( millis() - lastDoTime >= ms ){
// Must save the lastDoTime
lastDoTime = millis();
// Do some stuff at every ms
void loop(){
// It will do the thing in every 100 ms.
If you want to toggle a pin let's say every 100 microsec
long lastToggleTime = 0;
int motorPin = 14;
boolean lastPinState = LOW;
void setup(){
void togglePinEvery(int micros){
if( micros() - lastToggleTime >= micros ){
lastToggleTime = micros();
lastPinState = !lastPinState;
void loop(){
EDIT Since you wanted timers only.
Here is a detailed explanation about timers:
Code example:
volatile int interruptCounter;
int totalInterruptCounter;
hw_timer_t * timer = NULL;
void IRAM_ATTR onTimer() {
void setup() {
timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true);
timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &onTimer, true);
timerAlarmWrite(timer, 1000000, true);
void loop() {
if (interruptCounter > 0) {
Serial.print("An interrupt as occurred. Total number: ");

Shortest Remaining Time Scheduling Timing Issue

I am working on finishing an Operating Systems Process Scheduling Algorithms project, and I am running into a timing issue related to the Shortest Time Remaining First algorithm. My teammates and I hand calculated the results of the waiting time, turnaround time, etc., and compared them to an online source, so we think the problem is in our code, specifically for the waiting time.
Here is the relevant function where we calculate the timing and run the algorithm:
bool shortest_remaining_time_first(dyn_array_t *ready_queue, ScheduleResult_t *result)
if (!ready_queue || !result)
return false;
const int numProcesses = (int)ready_queue->size;
/* should provide array in lowest arrival times */
dyn_array_sort(ready_queue, &compare_arrival_times);
dyn_array_t *run_queue = dyn_array_create(ready_queue->capacity, ready_queue->data_size, NULL);
/* ProcessControlBlock_t looks like:
typedef struct ProcessControlBlock = {
uint32_t arrival,
uint32_t remaining_burst_time,
uint32_t priority
} ProcessControlBlock_t
and dyn_array_t looks like:
typedef struct dyn_array = {
size_t capacity;
size_t size;
const size_t data_size;
void *array; /* this is an array of ProcessControlBlock_t's*/
void (*destructor)(void *);
} dyn_array_t;
ProcessControlBlock_t pcb, pcbRun;
dyn_array_extract_front(ready_queue, &pcb);
/* we need 3 of these to use seperately */
int processCount = numProcesses;
int loopCounter = numProcesses;
int runCounter = 0;
/* timing stuff */
int ticks = 0;
int waitTime = 0;
int timeComplete = 0;
/* used to check if the arrival time/burst time is the same to check for the same process */
int arrivalCheck = 0;
int burstCheck = 0;
/* while there are still processes to run */
while (loopCounter > 0)
/* will wait to push new process onto run_queue */
while((int)pcb.arrival <= ticks && processCount > 0)
/* this will not push a new value until that much time has passed */
dyn_array_push_front(run_queue, &pcb);
if(processCount > 0)
dyn_array_extract_front(ready_queue, &pcb);
if(runCounter > 0)
/* we want to re-sort each time so we can always pull the smallest burst time */
dyn_array_sort(run_queue, &compareBurstTimes);
dyn_array_extract_front(run_queue, &pcbRun);
/* assuming there is still a process to run */
if(pcbRun.remaining_burst_time > 0)
/* if we are on the same process, do nothing */
/* else, change the waitTime */
if((int)pcbRun.arrival == arrivalCheck && (int)pcbRun.remaining_burst_time == burstCheck){}
/* this is where we think the problem is occurring */
waitTime += ticks - pcbRun.arrival;
/* the process has started, then run on "CPU" and increase time passed */
pcbRun.started = true;
/* if still > 0 after being decremented */
if(pcbRun.remaining_burst_time > 0)
dyn_array_push_front(run_queue, &pcbRun);
arrivalCheck = pcbRun.arrival;
burstCheck = pcbRun.remaining_burst_time;
/* if the process has run all the way through, decrease the number of processes */
if(pcbRun.remaining_burst_time <= 0)
timeComplete += ticks - pcbRun.arrival;
/* if there is a gap between arrival times and processes */
/* calculate timing values */
result->average_waiting_time = (float)waitTime / (float)numProcesses;
result->average_turnaround_time = (float)timeComplete / (float)numProcesses;
result->total_run_time = ticks;
/* this frees run_queue AND run_queue->array */
return true;
Our first Process Control Block comes in with a table that looks like this:
From these values, we hand-calculated and verified the waiting time to be 11.75, yet our program produces a calculated waiting time to be 12.25. Any idea why this may be?
Our approach of calculating each value on essentially almost every tick has made it more difficult to find an appropriate solution.

time between two edges pic 18f4550

I would like to calculate the time interval between two rising edges of two different signals using the two CCP modules from pic 18f4550.
The idea of ​​calculation is illustrated in the following figures.
The simulation works fine, but my electrical circuit is not. I don't know if there is something wrong with my code. If anyone has an answer or a clue to fix this, I will be grateful! And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC_EC
#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "LCD_8bit_file.h"
#include <string.h>
unsigned long comtage, capt0, x;
char DEPHASAGE[20];
char pulse[20];
float period, dephTempo, deph, phi;
void main()
IRCF0 = 1; /* set internal clock to 8MHz */
IRCF1 = 1;
IRCF2 = 1;
LCD_String_xy(0, 1, "Dephasage[rad]");
T3CONbits.RD16 = 1;
T3CKPS0 = 0;
T3CKPS1 = 0;
TMR3CS = 0;
TMR3IF = 0;
while (1)
CCP2CON = 0b00000101;
CCP1CON = 0b00000101;
PIR2bits.CCP2IF = 0;
PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0;
TMR3ON = 0;
TMR3 = 0;
if (PIR1bits.CCP1IF == 1) {
TMR3ON = 1;
while (!PIR2bits.CCP2IF);
comtage = TMR3;
dephTempo = (((float)comtage / 30.518) / 65536);
sprintf(pulse,"%.3f ", dephTempo);
LCD_String_xy(0, 0, "Dephasage : ");
LCD_String_xy(2, 9, pulse);
When you test a schematic using a real circuit, other issues will appear, like capacitive and resistive parasitics and that will after the timings. Also, can have jitter noise. If you a have an oscilloscope, try to figure out if there is too much noise. Try do add a pull-down/pull-up on those lines, make sure you have good ground connection. But after looking for your code, you should take an approach similar to CTC: You make fast samples of your input signal and then you check your sampled array, if there is more one than zeros, you caught an edge trigger.
I have a better scenario for your application to implement. But first let's talk about the bad practices in your code.
In your main while loop you setup the CCP modules:
CCP2CON = 0b00000101;
CCP1CON = 0b00000101;
PIR2bits.CCP2IF = 0;
PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0;
TMR3ON = 0;
TMR3 = 0;
You better do this before the program enters to the infinite while loop.
You handle the timer reads directly while the CCP module captures its value in which the edge you configured it to capture.
comtage = TMR3;
I don't see that you configure the CCP pins as inputs. You have to configure them as inputs by setting the corresponding TRIS bits in order to have them working properly.
So the structure of my recommended scenario would be something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "LCD_8bit_file.h"
#include <string.h>
unsigned long comtage, capt0, x;
char DEPHASAGE[20];
char pulse[20];
float period, dephTempo, deph, phi;
/******************** Utility funcs ********************/
void setupSysClock() {
IRCF0 = 1; /* set internal clock to 8MHz */
IRCF1 = 1;
IRCF2 = 1;
void setupCCP1withTMR1() {
CCP1CON = 0b00000101;
PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0;
TRISCbits.TRISC2 = 1; // set CCP1 pin as input
void setupCCP2withTMR3() {
CCP2CON = 0b00000101;
PIR2bits.CCP2IF = 0;
// T3 goes for CCP2 and CCP1, PS 1:1, internal CS
T3CON = (1 << T3CCP2) | (0 << T3CKPS1) | (0 << T3CKPS0) | (1 << T3CCP1) | (0 << TMR3CS);
TMR3 = 0;
// In config bits you must choose RC1 pin for the CCP2 if necessary although it so by default
TRISCbits.TRISC1 = 1 // set CCP2 pin as input
void rearm() {
CCP1CON = 0x5
CCP2CON = 0x5
PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0;
PIR2bits.CCP2IF = 0;
TMR3 = 0;
TMR3ON = 1;
void suspend() {
CCP1CON = 0;
CCP2CON = 0;
void main()
setupSysClock(); // setu internal clock
setupCCP1withTMR1(); // setup CCP1 for capture mode
setupCCP2withTMR3(); // setup CCP1 for capture mode with TMR3
LCD_String_xy(0, 1, "Dephasage[rad]");
while (1)
while(!CCP2IF); // Wait for the second rising edge
// Event has occured process, first make sure that the CCP1 rised first
if(!CCP1F) {
// An invalid sequence occured ignore and rearm. Note that the sequence of signals is important.
/* The sequence is correct let's process the event. Here you will have
two captured value in CCPR1 and CCPR2 registers. First one is the captured value of the T3 when the first rising event occured. Second one is the captured value of the T3 when the second rising event occured. You have to get the delta of the two captured values first. This delta value is the elapsed ticks between the two discrete rising input signals. This is what the capture hardware is made for ;)
Now first we shuld suspend the CCP modules to avoid unwanted captures
while we process the previous value. Because if another capture occures
before we process the previous value, the new capture value will be
overwritten over the old value that we need for computation.
suspend(); // suspend the CCP modules while processing
uint16_t timeDelta = CCPR2 - CCPR1; // Calculate the difference
dephTempo = (((float)timeDelta / 30.518) / 65536);
sprintf(pulse,"%.3f ", dephTempo);
LCD_String_xy(0, 0, "Dephasage : ");
LCD_String_xy(2, 9, pulse);
// Now that we finished processing we can rearm the CCP for new captures
I wrote this code in an editor and haven't compiled in MPLAB. So you must compile and test the code. You can give me a feedback for me to help further.
One important thing to note: If the amount of time between two signals is large, you must either increment the prescaler of Timer3 or you must use a complementary variable for TMR3 register in case it overflows.

Visual Studio missing header file "sys/time.h" [duplicate]

I would like to measure time in C, and I am having a tough time figuring it out, all I want is something like this:
start a timer
run a method
stop the timer
report the time taken (at least to micro accuracy)
Any help would be appreciated.
(I am compiling in windows using mingw)
High resolution timers that provide a resolution of 1 microsecond are system-specific, so you will have to use different methods to achieve this on different OS platforms. You may be interested in checking out the following article, which implements a cross-platform C++ timer class based on the functions described below:
[Song Ho Ahn - High Resolution Timer][1]
The Windows API provides extremely high resolution timer functions: QueryPerformanceCounter(), which returns the current elapsed ticks, and QueryPerformanceFrequency(), which returns the number of ticks per second.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h> // for Windows APIs
int main(void)
LARGE_INTEGER frequency; // ticks per second
LARGE_INTEGER t1, t2; // ticks
double elapsedTime;
// get ticks per second
// start timer
// do something
// ...
// stop timer
// compute and print the elapsed time in millisec
elapsedTime = (t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / frequency.QuadPart;
printf("%f ms.\n", elapsedTime);
Linux, Unix, and Mac
For Unix or Linux based system, you can use gettimeofday(). This function is declared in "sys/time.h".
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h> // for gettimeofday()
int main(void)
struct timeval t1, t2;
double elapsedTime;
// start timer
gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
// do something
// ...
// stop timer
gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
// compute and print the elapsed time in millisec
elapsedTime = (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) * 1000.0; // sec to ms
elapsedTime += (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec) / 1000.0; // us to ms
printf("%f ms.\n", elapsedTime);
On Linux you can use clock_gettime():
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); // get initial time-stamp
// ... do stuff ... //
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end); // get final time-stamp
double t_ns = (double)(end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1.0e9 +
(double)(end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec);
// subtract time-stamps and
// multiply to get elapsed
// time in ns
Here's a header file I wrote to do some simple performance profiling (using manual timers):
#ifndef __ZENTIMER_H__
#define __ZENTIMER_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma }
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#define ZTIME_USEC_PER_SEC 1000000
/* ztime_t represents usec */
typedef uint64_t ztime_t;
#ifdef WIN32
static uint64_t ztimer_freq = 0;
static void
ztime (ztime_t *ztimep)
#ifdef WIN32
QueryPerformanceCounter ((LARGE_INTEGER *) ztimep);
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
*ztimep = ((uint64_t) tv.tv_sec * ZTIME_USEC_PER_SEC) + tv.tv_usec;
enum {
ZTIMER_ACTIVE = (1 << 0),
ZTIMER_PAUSED = (1 << 1),
typedef struct {
ztime_t start;
ztime_t stop;
int state;
} ztimer_t;
#define ZTIMER_INITIALIZER { 0, 0, 0 }
/* default timer */
static ztimer_t __ztimer = ZTIMER_INITIALIZER;
static void
ZenTimerStart (ztimer_t *ztimer)
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
ztimer->state = ZTIMER_ACTIVE;
ztime (&ztimer->start);
static void
ZenTimerStop (ztimer_t *ztimer)
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
ztime (&ztimer->stop);
ztimer->state = ZTIMER_INACTIVE;
static void
ZenTimerPause (ztimer_t *ztimer)
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
ztime (&ztimer->stop);
ztimer->state |= ZTIMER_PAUSED;
static void
ZenTimerResume (ztimer_t *ztimer)
ztime_t now, delta;
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
/* unpause */
ztimer->state &= ~ZTIMER_PAUSED;
ztime (&now);
/* calculate time since paused */
delta = now - ztimer->stop;
/* adjust start time to account for time elapsed since paused */
ztimer->start += delta;
static double
ZenTimerElapsed (ztimer_t *ztimer, uint64_t *usec)
#ifdef WIN32
static uint64_t freq = 0;
ztime_t delta, stop;
if (freq == 0)
QueryPerformanceFrequency ((LARGE_INTEGER *) &freq);
#define freq ZTIME_USEC_PER_SEC
ztime_t delta, stop;
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
if (ztimer->state != ZTIMER_ACTIVE)
stop = ztimer->stop;
ztime (&stop);
delta = stop - ztimer->start;
if (usec != NULL)
*usec = (uint64_t) (delta * ((double) ZTIME_USEC_PER_SEC / (double) freq));
return (double) delta / (double) freq;
static void
ZenTimerReport (ztimer_t *ztimer, const char *oper)
fprintf (stderr, "ZenTimer: %s took %.6f seconds\n", oper, ZenTimerElapsed (ztimer, NULL));
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#else /* ! ENABLE_ZENTIMER */
#define ZenTimerStart(ztimerp)
#define ZenTimerStop(ztimerp)
#define ZenTimerPause(ztimerp)
#define ZenTimerResume(ztimerp)
#define ZenTimerElapsed(ztimerp, usec)
#define ZenTimerReport(ztimerp, oper)
#endif /* ENABLE_ZENTIMER */
#endif /* __ZENTIMER_H__ */
The ztime() function is the main logic you need — it gets the current time and stores it in a 64bit uint measured in microseconds. You can then later do simple math to find out the elapsed time.
The ZenTimer*() functions are just helper functions to take a pointer to a simple timer struct, ztimer_t, which records the start time and the end time. The ZenTimerPause()/ZenTimerResume() functions allow you to, well, pause and resume the timer in case you want to print out some debugging information that you don't want timed, for example.
You can find a copy of the original header file at in the off chance that I messed up the html escaping of <'s or something. It's licensed under MIT/X11 so feel free to copy it into any project you do.
The following is a group of versatile C functions for timer management based on the gettimeofday() system call. All the timer properties are contained in a single ticktimer struct - the interval you want, the total running time since the timer initialization, a pointer to the desired callback you want to call, the number of times the callback was called. A callback function would look like this:
void your_timer_cb (struct ticktimer *t) {
/* do your stuff here */
To initialize and start a timer, call ticktimer_init(your_timer, interval, TICKTIMER_RUN, your_timer_cb, 0).
In the main loop of your program call ticktimer_tick(your_timer) and it will decide whether the appropriate amount of time has passed to invoke the callback.
To stop a timer, just call ticktimer_ctl(your_timer, TICKTIMER_STOP).
#ifndef __TICKTIMER_H
#define __TICKTIMER_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define TICKTIMER_STOP 0x00
#define TICKTIMER_RUN 0x01
struct ticktimer {
u_int64_t tm_tick_interval;
u_int64_t tm_last_ticked;
u_int64_t tm_total;
unsigned ticks_total;
void (*tick)(struct ticktimer *);
unsigned char flags;
int id;
void ticktimer_init (struct ticktimer *, u_int64_t, unsigned char, void (*)(struct ticktimer *), int);
unsigned ticktimer_tick (struct ticktimer *);
void ticktimer_ctl (struct ticktimer *, unsigned char);
struct ticktimer *ticktimer_alloc (void);
void ticktimer_free (struct ticktimer *);
void ticktimer_tick_all (void);
#include "ticktimer.h"
#define TIMER_COUNT 100
static struct ticktimer timers[TIMER_COUNT];
static struct timeval tm;
Initializes/sets the ticktimer struct.
#param timer
Pointer to ticktimer struct.
#param interval
Ticking interval in microseconds.
#param flags
to start a compensating timer; TICKTIMER_RUN to start
a normal uncompensating timer.
#param tick
Ticking callback function.
#param id
Timer ID. Useful if you want to distinguish different
timers within the same callback function.
void ticktimer_init (struct ticktimer *timer, u_int64_t interval, unsigned char flags, void (*tick)(struct ticktimer *), int id) {
gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
timer->tm_tick_interval = interval;
timer->tm_last_ticked = tm.tv_sec * 1000000 + tm.tv_usec;
timer->tm_total = 0;
timer->ticks_total = 0;
timer->tick = tick;
timer->flags = flags;
timer->id = id;
Checks the status of a ticktimer and performs a tick(s) if
#param timer
Pointer to ticktimer struct.
The number of times the timer was ticked.
unsigned ticktimer_tick (struct ticktimer *timer) {
register typeof(timer->tm_tick_interval) now;
register typeof(timer->ticks_total) nticks, i;
if (timer->flags & TICKTIMER_RUN) {
gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
now = tm.tv_sec * 1000000 + tm.tv_usec;
if (now >= timer->tm_last_ticked + timer->tm_tick_interval) {
timer->tm_total += now - timer->tm_last_ticked;
if (timer->flags & TICKTIMER_COMPENSATE) {
nticks = (now - timer->tm_last_ticked) / timer->tm_tick_interval;
timer->tm_last_ticked = now - ((now - timer->tm_last_ticked) % timer->tm_tick_interval);
for (i = 0; i < nticks; i++) {
if (timer->tick == NULL) {
return nticks;
} else {
timer->tm_last_ticked = now;
return 1;
return 0;
Controls the behaviour of a ticktimer.
#param timer
Pointer to ticktimer struct.
#param flags
Flag bitmask.
inline void ticktimer_ctl (struct ticktimer *timer, unsigned char flags) {
timer->flags = flags;
Allocates a ticktimer struct from an internal
statically allocated list.
Pointer to the newly allocated ticktimer struct
or NULL when no more space is available.
struct ticktimer *ticktimer_alloc (void) {
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < TIMER_COUNT; i++) {
if (timers[i].tick == NULL) {
return timers + i;
return NULL;
Marks a previously allocated ticktimer struct as free.
#param timer
Pointer to ticktimer struct, usually returned by
inline void ticktimer_free (struct ticktimer *timer) {
timer->tick = NULL;
Checks the status of all allocated timers from the
internal list and performs ticks where necessary.
Should be called in the main loop.
inline void ticktimer_tick_all (void) {
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < TIMER_COUNT; i++) {
if (timers[i].tick != NULL) {
ticktimer_tick(timers + i);
Using the time.h library, try something like this:
long start_time, end_time, elapsed;
start_time = clock();
// Do something
end_time = clock();
elapsed = (end_time - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000;
If your Linux system supports it, clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) should be a high resolution timer that is unaffected by system date changes (e.g. NTP daemons).
Great answers for GNU environments above and below...
But... what if you're not running on an OS? (or a PC for that matter, or you need to time your timer interrupts themselves?) Here's a solution that uses the x86 CPU timestamp counter directly... Not because this is good practice, or should be done, ever, when running under an OS...
Caveat: Only works on x86, with frequency scaling disabled.
Under Linux, only works on non-tickless kernels
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned long long int64;
static __inline__ int64 getticks(void)
unsigned a, d;
asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d));
return (((int64)a) | (((int64)d) << 32));
int main(){
int64 tick,tick1;
unsigned time=0,mt;
// mt is the divisor to give microseconds
FILE *pf;
int i,r,l,n=0;
char s[100];
// time how long it takes to get the divisors, as a test
tick = getticks();
// get the divisors - todo: for max performance this can
// output a new binary or library with these values hardcoded
// for the relevant CPU - if you use the equivalent assembler for
// that CPU
pf = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo","r");
do {
if (r<0) {
n=5; break;
} else if (n==0) {
if (strcmp("MHz",s)==0) n=1;
} else if (n==1) {
if (strcmp(":",s)==0) n=2;
} else if (n==2) {
} while (n<3);
printf("#define mt %u // (%s Hz) hardcode this for your a CPU-specific binary ;-)\n",mt,s);
tick1 = getticks();
time = (unsigned)((tick1-tick)/mt);
printf("%u ms\n",time);
// time the duration of sleep(1) - plus overheads ;-)
tick = getticks();
tick1 = getticks();
time = (unsigned)((tick1-tick)/mt);
printf("%u ms\n",time);
return 0;
compile and run with
$ gcc rdtsc.c -o rdtsc && ./rdtsc
It reads the divisor for your CPU from /proc/cpuinfo and shows how long it took to read that in microseconds, as well as how long it takes to execute sleep(1) in microseconds... Assuming the Mhz rating in /proc/cpuinfo always contains 3 decimal places :-o

How do I measure a time interval in C?

I would like to measure time in C, and I am having a tough time figuring it out, all I want is something like this:
start a timer
run a method
stop the timer
report the time taken (at least to micro accuracy)
Any help would be appreciated.
(I am compiling in windows using mingw)
High resolution timers that provide a resolution of 1 microsecond are system-specific, so you will have to use different methods to achieve this on different OS platforms. You may be interested in checking out the following article, which implements a cross-platform C++ timer class based on the functions described below:
[Song Ho Ahn - High Resolution Timer][1]
The Windows API provides extremely high resolution timer functions: QueryPerformanceCounter(), which returns the current elapsed ticks, and QueryPerformanceFrequency(), which returns the number of ticks per second.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h> // for Windows APIs
int main(void)
LARGE_INTEGER frequency; // ticks per second
LARGE_INTEGER t1, t2; // ticks
double elapsedTime;
// get ticks per second
// start timer
// do something
// ...
// stop timer
// compute and print the elapsed time in millisec
elapsedTime = (t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / frequency.QuadPart;
printf("%f ms.\n", elapsedTime);
Linux, Unix, and Mac
For Unix or Linux based system, you can use gettimeofday(). This function is declared in "sys/time.h".
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h> // for gettimeofday()
int main(void)
struct timeval t1, t2;
double elapsedTime;
// start timer
gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
// do something
// ...
// stop timer
gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
// compute and print the elapsed time in millisec
elapsedTime = (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) * 1000.0; // sec to ms
elapsedTime += (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec) / 1000.0; // us to ms
printf("%f ms.\n", elapsedTime);
On Linux you can use clock_gettime():
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start); // get initial time-stamp
// ... do stuff ... //
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end); // get final time-stamp
double t_ns = (double)(end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1.0e9 +
(double)(end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec);
// subtract time-stamps and
// multiply to get elapsed
// time in ns
Here's a header file I wrote to do some simple performance profiling (using manual timers):
#ifndef __ZENTIMER_H__
#define __ZENTIMER_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma }
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#define ZTIME_USEC_PER_SEC 1000000
/* ztime_t represents usec */
typedef uint64_t ztime_t;
#ifdef WIN32
static uint64_t ztimer_freq = 0;
static void
ztime (ztime_t *ztimep)
#ifdef WIN32
QueryPerformanceCounter ((LARGE_INTEGER *) ztimep);
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
*ztimep = ((uint64_t) tv.tv_sec * ZTIME_USEC_PER_SEC) + tv.tv_usec;
enum {
ZTIMER_ACTIVE = (1 << 0),
ZTIMER_PAUSED = (1 << 1),
typedef struct {
ztime_t start;
ztime_t stop;
int state;
} ztimer_t;
#define ZTIMER_INITIALIZER { 0, 0, 0 }
/* default timer */
static ztimer_t __ztimer = ZTIMER_INITIALIZER;
static void
ZenTimerStart (ztimer_t *ztimer)
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
ztimer->state = ZTIMER_ACTIVE;
ztime (&ztimer->start);
static void
ZenTimerStop (ztimer_t *ztimer)
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
ztime (&ztimer->stop);
ztimer->state = ZTIMER_INACTIVE;
static void
ZenTimerPause (ztimer_t *ztimer)
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
ztime (&ztimer->stop);
ztimer->state |= ZTIMER_PAUSED;
static void
ZenTimerResume (ztimer_t *ztimer)
ztime_t now, delta;
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
/* unpause */
ztimer->state &= ~ZTIMER_PAUSED;
ztime (&now);
/* calculate time since paused */
delta = now - ztimer->stop;
/* adjust start time to account for time elapsed since paused */
ztimer->start += delta;
static double
ZenTimerElapsed (ztimer_t *ztimer, uint64_t *usec)
#ifdef WIN32
static uint64_t freq = 0;
ztime_t delta, stop;
if (freq == 0)
QueryPerformanceFrequency ((LARGE_INTEGER *) &freq);
#define freq ZTIME_USEC_PER_SEC
ztime_t delta, stop;
ztimer = ztimer ? ztimer : &__ztimer;
if (ztimer->state != ZTIMER_ACTIVE)
stop = ztimer->stop;
ztime (&stop);
delta = stop - ztimer->start;
if (usec != NULL)
*usec = (uint64_t) (delta * ((double) ZTIME_USEC_PER_SEC / (double) freq));
return (double) delta / (double) freq;
static void
ZenTimerReport (ztimer_t *ztimer, const char *oper)
fprintf (stderr, "ZenTimer: %s took %.6f seconds\n", oper, ZenTimerElapsed (ztimer, NULL));
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#else /* ! ENABLE_ZENTIMER */
#define ZenTimerStart(ztimerp)
#define ZenTimerStop(ztimerp)
#define ZenTimerPause(ztimerp)
#define ZenTimerResume(ztimerp)
#define ZenTimerElapsed(ztimerp, usec)
#define ZenTimerReport(ztimerp, oper)
#endif /* ENABLE_ZENTIMER */
#endif /* __ZENTIMER_H__ */
The ztime() function is the main logic you need — it gets the current time and stores it in a 64bit uint measured in microseconds. You can then later do simple math to find out the elapsed time.
The ZenTimer*() functions are just helper functions to take a pointer to a simple timer struct, ztimer_t, which records the start time and the end time. The ZenTimerPause()/ZenTimerResume() functions allow you to, well, pause and resume the timer in case you want to print out some debugging information that you don't want timed, for example.
You can find a copy of the original header file at in the off chance that I messed up the html escaping of <'s or something. It's licensed under MIT/X11 so feel free to copy it into any project you do.
The following is a group of versatile C functions for timer management based on the gettimeofday() system call. All the timer properties are contained in a single ticktimer struct - the interval you want, the total running time since the timer initialization, a pointer to the desired callback you want to call, the number of times the callback was called. A callback function would look like this:
void your_timer_cb (struct ticktimer *t) {
/* do your stuff here */
To initialize and start a timer, call ticktimer_init(your_timer, interval, TICKTIMER_RUN, your_timer_cb, 0).
In the main loop of your program call ticktimer_tick(your_timer) and it will decide whether the appropriate amount of time has passed to invoke the callback.
To stop a timer, just call ticktimer_ctl(your_timer, TICKTIMER_STOP).
#ifndef __TICKTIMER_H
#define __TICKTIMER_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define TICKTIMER_STOP 0x00
#define TICKTIMER_RUN 0x01
struct ticktimer {
u_int64_t tm_tick_interval;
u_int64_t tm_last_ticked;
u_int64_t tm_total;
unsigned ticks_total;
void (*tick)(struct ticktimer *);
unsigned char flags;
int id;
void ticktimer_init (struct ticktimer *, u_int64_t, unsigned char, void (*)(struct ticktimer *), int);
unsigned ticktimer_tick (struct ticktimer *);
void ticktimer_ctl (struct ticktimer *, unsigned char);
struct ticktimer *ticktimer_alloc (void);
void ticktimer_free (struct ticktimer *);
void ticktimer_tick_all (void);
#include "ticktimer.h"
#define TIMER_COUNT 100
static struct ticktimer timers[TIMER_COUNT];
static struct timeval tm;
Initializes/sets the ticktimer struct.
#param timer
Pointer to ticktimer struct.
#param interval
Ticking interval in microseconds.
#param flags
to start a compensating timer; TICKTIMER_RUN to start
a normal uncompensating timer.
#param tick
Ticking callback function.
#param id
Timer ID. Useful if you want to distinguish different
timers within the same callback function.
void ticktimer_init (struct ticktimer *timer, u_int64_t interval, unsigned char flags, void (*tick)(struct ticktimer *), int id) {
gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
timer->tm_tick_interval = interval;
timer->tm_last_ticked = tm.tv_sec * 1000000 + tm.tv_usec;
timer->tm_total = 0;
timer->ticks_total = 0;
timer->tick = tick;
timer->flags = flags;
timer->id = id;
Checks the status of a ticktimer and performs a tick(s) if
#param timer
Pointer to ticktimer struct.
The number of times the timer was ticked.
unsigned ticktimer_tick (struct ticktimer *timer) {
register typeof(timer->tm_tick_interval) now;
register typeof(timer->ticks_total) nticks, i;
if (timer->flags & TICKTIMER_RUN) {
gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
now = tm.tv_sec * 1000000 + tm.tv_usec;
if (now >= timer->tm_last_ticked + timer->tm_tick_interval) {
timer->tm_total += now - timer->tm_last_ticked;
if (timer->flags & TICKTIMER_COMPENSATE) {
nticks = (now - timer->tm_last_ticked) / timer->tm_tick_interval;
timer->tm_last_ticked = now - ((now - timer->tm_last_ticked) % timer->tm_tick_interval);
for (i = 0; i < nticks; i++) {
if (timer->tick == NULL) {
return nticks;
} else {
timer->tm_last_ticked = now;
return 1;
return 0;
Controls the behaviour of a ticktimer.
#param timer
Pointer to ticktimer struct.
#param flags
Flag bitmask.
inline void ticktimer_ctl (struct ticktimer *timer, unsigned char flags) {
timer->flags = flags;
Allocates a ticktimer struct from an internal
statically allocated list.
Pointer to the newly allocated ticktimer struct
or NULL when no more space is available.
struct ticktimer *ticktimer_alloc (void) {
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < TIMER_COUNT; i++) {
if (timers[i].tick == NULL) {
return timers + i;
return NULL;
Marks a previously allocated ticktimer struct as free.
#param timer
Pointer to ticktimer struct, usually returned by
inline void ticktimer_free (struct ticktimer *timer) {
timer->tick = NULL;
Checks the status of all allocated timers from the
internal list and performs ticks where necessary.
Should be called in the main loop.
inline void ticktimer_tick_all (void) {
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < TIMER_COUNT; i++) {
if (timers[i].tick != NULL) {
ticktimer_tick(timers + i);
Using the time.h library, try something like this:
long start_time, end_time, elapsed;
start_time = clock();
// Do something
end_time = clock();
elapsed = (end_time - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000;
If your Linux system supports it, clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) should be a high resolution timer that is unaffected by system date changes (e.g. NTP daemons).
Great answers for GNU environments above and below...
But... what if you're not running on an OS? (or a PC for that matter, or you need to time your timer interrupts themselves?) Here's a solution that uses the x86 CPU timestamp counter directly... Not because this is good practice, or should be done, ever, when running under an OS...
Caveat: Only works on x86, with frequency scaling disabled.
Under Linux, only works on non-tickless kernels
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned long long int64;
static __inline__ int64 getticks(void)
unsigned a, d;
asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d));
return (((int64)a) | (((int64)d) << 32));
int main(){
int64 tick,tick1;
unsigned time=0,mt;
// mt is the divisor to give microseconds
FILE *pf;
int i,r,l,n=0;
char s[100];
// time how long it takes to get the divisors, as a test
tick = getticks();
// get the divisors - todo: for max performance this can
// output a new binary or library with these values hardcoded
// for the relevant CPU - if you use the equivalent assembler for
// that CPU
pf = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo","r");
do {
if (r<0) {
n=5; break;
} else if (n==0) {
if (strcmp("MHz",s)==0) n=1;
} else if (n==1) {
if (strcmp(":",s)==0) n=2;
} else if (n==2) {
} while (n<3);
printf("#define mt %u // (%s Hz) hardcode this for your a CPU-specific binary ;-)\n",mt,s);
tick1 = getticks();
time = (unsigned)((tick1-tick)/mt);
printf("%u ms\n",time);
// time the duration of sleep(1) - plus overheads ;-)
tick = getticks();
tick1 = getticks();
time = (unsigned)((tick1-tick)/mt);
printf("%u ms\n",time);
return 0;
compile and run with
$ gcc rdtsc.c -o rdtsc && ./rdtsc
It reads the divisor for your CPU from /proc/cpuinfo and shows how long it took to read that in microseconds, as well as how long it takes to execute sleep(1) in microseconds... Assuming the Mhz rating in /proc/cpuinfo always contains 3 decimal places :-o
