Creating a directory in "/var/log/" using C in Linux - c

I need to create a directory in /var/log using a C program which does NOT run with superuser rights.
This linked question didn't help me!
I understand that the file permissions of /var/log does not allow us to write in it nor do I want to change it.
I use mkdir() to create the directory which fails for obvious reasons.
So, is it possible for a normal (with no root rights) C program to create a directory in /var/log?
My goal: To create a directory using a C program in /var/log without changing the parent's file permission. Should I run my program as root? But I would prefer not to.
Kindly help.

You cannot programmatically overturn the filesystem's access control.
What you could try to do instead is to use an existing logging mechanism that is provided by the system. For example, journald that comes with systemd allows for per-user logging.
If your program runs as a user, it should only use the user's home directory to store files, wether it being configuration or logging. Think about it this way: What happens if several users want to use your program at the same time?
If your program really is a system daemon, have a look at other software that runs under their own user. They could either have their own logging directory be prepared by the init script that calles them (running the daemon itself as a different user), or they purge their priviledges during startup. An example is httpd, which needs root priviledges to listen on port 80.


Given a path to an executable, how can I determine when the program is launched without root privilege, and without polling /proc/

I'm trying to create a program that determines when a program would run on a Linux system given the path to it's executable without needing root privileges, or scanning /proc/. The reason I don't want to use root privilege is because my program should only look for processes launched by the user that ran it, so I don't see why it should require escalated privilege.
I'm currently periodically scanning /proc/ as I've failed to find any other solution that satisfies my requirements, but it's a very slow way to go about things. The only other solutions that I've come up with are to use the proc connector which I really don't want to do since that requires root, or to use X11's CreateNotify which I also don't want to do since I want this program to run on Wayland as well.

Can we change permissions from user to root?

I have a written a C program that creates a file "abcd.txt" and write some data into it. I was executing my code by logging with a username"bobby" and so the file abcd.txt was created with owner as bobby.
But my task is, even though I execute my code with some username "bobby", the file should always be created with owner as root. Can someone help me by saying how this could possible?
As a general principle you need your effective uid (euid to be root) either when you are are writing the file or when you perform a chown(2) on the file.
If you are doing this under Linux then there are linux specific methods that you can use.
Generic Solution
Without availability of sudo
This is the old UNIX DAC approach, it's fraught with peril. It assumes that you do not have something like sudo installed or cannot install it.
Your executable should be owned by root and have the executables setuid bit set.
You should use seteuid () to drop your privileges from root to bobby for most of the operation, including writing. When you are done, bring your privilege level back up to root using seteuid(0) and perform a chown() (or fchown on the fd) on the file to change its ownership to root.
some basic safety
For safety set it up so that your executable is owned by root:safegrp where 'safegrp' is name of a group unique to users who are allowed to execute this file (add bobby to safegrp) ; and ensure that the setuid executable's mode is 4510 ;
With availability of sudo
If sudo is available on your system then follow the same process as above for dealing with privileges within the executable but DO NOT set the file mode to setuid, have safegrp added to sudoers for this executable and now bobby can run it with sudo /your/bin/prog
Linux specific solution
It is possible to have tighter control over the file use POSIX.1e capabilities support. In your case you wish to grant SYS_CHOWN to your program;
For security reasons, I would probably set that up as a COMPLETELY separate binary or a sub process and still use sudo and perform appropriate dropping of privileges.
linuxacl[ACL Using Access Control Lists on Linux] has excellent tutorial on this topic
You can use Mandatory Access Control to limit the access to such a dangerous binary but SE linux is a pain to configure :^) although a possibly a good approach
You probably don't want to run your program as root, unless you really have to. Perhaps run "chown" from a shell script after running your program? Or, you can use chown(2) from a program running as root (or with equivalent capabilities, on linux).
Use the chown() method. There are probably more authoritative links, but this one is nice since it includes the calls to getpwnam(). I've done all of this in the past, but unfortunately I don't still have the code (it's owned by IBM).

C Privilege Escalation (With Password)

I need to write a C program that will allow me to read/write files that are owned by root. However, I can only run the code under another user. I have the root password, but there are no "sudo" or "su" commands on the system, so I have no way of accessing the root account (there are practically no shell commands whatsoever, actually). I don't know a whole lot about UNIX permissions, so I don't know whether or not it is actually possible to do this without exploiting the system in some way or running a program owned by root itself (with +s or whatever). Any advice?
P.S. No, this isn't anything malicious, this is on an iPhone.
Under the UNIX permissions system, you need to run a file owned by root itself that's marked setuid-root (+s, as you said) or communicate with some process that is already running as root.
If there is no such file, you are out of luck.
You can do this with setting suid bit to application, but if you want from this c application run a some shell this was be runned on local user if you do it normally this is security system.
However you can read/write/execute files owned by root, but if your user is not in group of file your target file must have setted read/write/execute on last 3 bits or when your user is in file owner group you must check/apply this to 3 bits in middle position. (3 first bits setting permission to owner but this may not by a usable information for you).
If you dont have any access to root account. Then if group and other user permissions dont access functions as you must have, you can't do with this anything except trying get some prilveaged user for access this file. In other cases you can do some fixes in file access permissions but not from this system, you must get hard drive from this device and attach to other to change it or load on this device some live system to change this. However you can do this on privleaged system not on this.
More information about SUID bits you can find at:
The iPhone SDK doesn't allow this. Your application is sandboxed and it is not allowed to go outside of that sandbox except in very specific ways provided by Apple. The only way to do this on an iPhone is to jailbreak it.

How to check login credentials in linux when not running as root?

I have written a cgi-bin application in C that runs in a browser and allows the user to open an interactive shell and view & edit files on a Linux machine. It runs as the standard apache "www-data" user. I just added a login screen to it where the user types in their name and password (in a form) but I cannot authenticate the user using getspnam since this function only works when running as root.
What options do I have to check the login credentials of a user when not running as root?
PS: In my interactive shell I can type "su root" and then type in my password and it does elevate to root fine so it obviously can be done interactively.
I think you want to take a look at Pluggable authentication modules. AFAIK, PAM handles all the messy stuff for you and you just need to do a few function calls to authenticate the user on whatever the backend to authenticate users on the Linux host is (be it shadow passwords, nis, ldap, whatever)
Here's a short guide about integrating your C code with them.
With regard to your PS: Well, when you do a su root you're switching to the root user. So yes, of course, root can read the shadow file, you all ready said that.
With regard to your problem: Can't you have your apache processes temporarily elevate to root (by calling setuid or similar) to perform the authentication?
Good luck!
As suggested, I think PAM is the modern way to do this. But if you want to go old school, you need to create a setuid-root program (not a script) to do your authentication.
There are lots of gotchas with setuid-root programs, which is why PAM is likely better.
Here's a link to some good papers on safely writing setuid-root programs.

Understanding UAC on windows vista / 7

I don't really understand windows UAC...
I need for my program to be able to update and add files to a specific directory belonging to a program. This directory may be a subdirectory of an application in Program Files, for example c:\Program Files\MyApp\Data or it may be installed elsewhere.
I believe that if it's under Program Files then my program will be prevented from writting there unless it is running as an administrator AND has elevated it's access rights. Is that correct?
I need to be able to update files in that directory preferable without invoking elevated privileges and with the main application still "protected", just allow access to that one directory. I can't move the Data folder elsewhere as this as it's a 3rd party application I need to interface with.
How is it determined that UAC is needed for folders in Program Files? Is Program Files special in some way or is just permissions? If I were to adjust the permissions on that Data subdirectory so that the user account running the program had write access would that allow my application to update files in that directory without special privileges?
Or is there a better way to achieve this that I'm not thinking of? My update program needs to be in java so getting elevated privileges is a pain. I imagine I'll need to write a C++ wrapper to run the java VM so that i can give that wrapper an appropriate manifest. Not impossible but I don't really want to have to do this.
Try changing your application's directory security settings on-install to allow "Authenticated Users" write permissions.
Usually, when you need both protected and unprotected UAC modes you do the following.
Create two executable (one should be the main one and not require privileges for any operation, the second one should be able to perform privileges operations).
Start the first (main) one using limited privileges.
When you need to perform an privileged operation, create a new process with administrative rights (will pop the UAC window) and start the second application in it.
When done with the second application close it and you'll be back to limited mode.
This is how VMWare Workstation does when you change global settings.
Edit: Changing the permissions on a folder is not a good approach. Is just a dirty hack because anybody can write to that folder and this will just invalidate the role of UAC - after all this is the role of UAC: to prevent unprivileged changes in special folders.
