ExtJS 4.2.1 in Mobile Browsers - extjs

Can the applications developed for desktop browsers using ExtJS 4.2.1 will work fine in the mobile/touch devices with out any resolution issues. Please suggest do we need to do any changes for running the application in mobile browsers.

Extjs 4 and below is not optimised for use on mobile devices, so I doubt this is much you can do to overcome your resolution issues.
Extjs 5 is targeted for both desktop and high end tablet devices such as iPad and Galaxy Tab.
Sencha Touch offers the best support for the most number of mobile devices whilst still working on HTML5 supported desktop browsers.
Note - they have announced they are merging ExtJs and Touch. More details to follow at their upcoming SenchaCon event.

ExtJS 4 can work OK on tablet devices.
For mobile browsers or hybrid mobile apps consider work in Sencha Touch.


What percentage of mobile browsers support CSS media queries?

I'm developing a new website with mobile support, and I want to try using "responsive design"/"adaptive design"/CSS media queries. I'm wondering if there's a recent report of mobile browsers that support media queries. If not, what is a reasonable approximation?
I use this site all the time when I need to check out cross-browser support:
caniuse.com This site says support for media queries (across all browsers) is at 78.37%
Support for mobile browsers is at 100%.
About 80%. You don't need to worry about Android, Opera Mini and iOS, but then there's the other 20% with Bada, old Blackberry phones, Windows Mobile... So you should add a polyfill life respond.js which will be helpfull for desktop browsers than don't support media queries like IE8 and bellow.
About 87.14% support and 0.01% partial support. See more: http://caniuse.com/css-mediaqueries

Best program for making app for mobile (android, iphone and others)

i try for a few time now to make app for mobiles with appmobi XDK phoneGap XDK from appmobi, sencha and appcelerator but except iphone where the app works ok in android mobiles doesn't work well. Any other program except these or any tricks for make it work better in android and in others?
any help it will be very important
Actually i want to avoid that.I want to build for all mobiles together in the same time.That's why i used that programs. I don't known a lot of thinks and i am looking for a simple way to do that. I want a way which i can read about it on internet and i can find thinks because except jquery mobile i can't find for any other library. So did anyone known how i can find the best way that's my question.
thanks for your time and your answer.
Not sure why you're asking for a "program" and then referring to some technologies/tools (Appcelerator, PhoneGap, etc).
Anyways, I've been developing cross-platform mobile applications in the last few months using Appcelerator for almost everything. However, they technology you'll choose also depends on your needs.
There are three kinds of mobile development these days:
Native Mobile Development: Using Objective-C (language) + X-Code for iOS and Java (language) + Android SDK for Android, etc. You can always choose something like Appcelerator if you're targeting multiple platforms, as you mentioned earlier. Good for: Performance, Native capabilities (using the camera, for example). Recommended Tools: Titanium Appcelerator.
Mobile Web Development: If you have only web skills (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) you can always make your web application mobile-compatible, using tools like jQuery Mobile or Sencha Touch. Recommended Tools: jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch.
Hybrid Mobile Development: Using web technologies for your application (you'll be loading a web page), but using a native application (a web wrapper) for making the application Native (and distributable) across the Play Market or AppStore. Recommended Tools: PhoneGap, Trigger.io, or you can even use Titanium Appcelerator and use a Web View Component
How you should take a decision?
Do you need native capabilities (use the camera, accelerometer, etc)? If you, you need to go either native or hybrid.
How many platforms do you plan to support? If it's only Android and iOS, then you can use either Appcelerator or make it native. If you're planning to support more platforms PhoneGap or a Web Application sounds more reliable.
Do you plan to deliver your application through the AppStore/Play Market? Then you need to make it native/hybrid.
Note/Recommendation: By reading your question I noticed that you're really confused on mobile and programming stuff. Before going so far, you should take some time in reading more about overall development.
Perhaps not exactly a program but what can be quite convinient(based on your application needs) is to make it a webapplication. Then you can use libraries such as Jquery mobile to adapt the website to the mobile platform as well as incorporate technologies only available on smartphones, such as swipe, orientationchange etc. Then you can make a simple Webviewer for androind and iphone which can be made seperately.
You can look at Kendo UI
kendo UI mobile have support for : iOS 3.0+, Android 2.0+ and BlackBerry touchscreen devices.
What i really liked about it is native-like UI experiences for end users automatically on same code base for different OS.
You can check demo , change OS using OS SIMULATOR MODE
I am not associated with Kendo.

Icefaces vs Richfaces vs Primefaces for web and mobile applications

I would like to know what is the best technology to use when it comes to application development that works well for both web and mobile? The world is moving towards HTML 5 and CSS 3 and Icefaces , Richfaces and Primefaces all have HTML 5 support. I have to choose the one which would be better for existing applications to be converted as well as new application development.
I did my part of the research and found out that either Richfaces or Primefaces would be better but most of my applications were developed using IceFaces.
Please throw in your suggestions to choose the best technology for web and mobile. Thanks.
You may not be aware that ICEmobile-Faces 1.0 has just been released. It is based on the ICEfaces framework, providing all the benefits of ICEfaces, but includes a suite of light-weight mobile components. It allows you to write mobile applications in JSF that adapt automatically to the client device, so you can build one application that spans Android, iPhone and Blackberry devices. Additionally, ICEmobile offers device containers that provide device-specific integration to native features like the camera. Our focus going forward is to develop capabilities that easy development of web apps that span desktop and mobile environments.

How to preview site on mobile emulators

Hi I am developing a mobile version of my WordPress site using WP Touch Pro, are there any good emulators so I can see the results on different platforms?
will show you ipad and iphone simulations.
If you're on a Mac, you can use the free iOS SDK which includes an iOS Simulator. Android also has one; it takes a few extra steps to setup, but it's also free and cross-platform. Blackberry has one as well, pretty much all platforms do. I develop mobile sites all the time and these are the tools I use, and they're invaluable.
This has a few different emulations available: http://mobiletest.me/
This is a great extension for chrome , User-Agent Switcher for Chrome

Does media queries work for all smart phones

I am trying to develop a mobile application, which should run on all smartphones, tablets and some feature phones. I have used CSS3 media queries before and tested in Android and iOS, where it works like a charm. But what about Nokia and Bada OS, does this work ?
You can take a look at the indispensable Mobile compatibility chart from Peter-Paul Koch. Media Queries are pretty well supported, as long as the browser is Opera, Firefox or uses the Webkit engine (virtually all modern mobile browsers do). You might have some trouble getting it to work on older Blackberries and Windows Mobile 7 and lower though.
