Angular client side validation special case - angularjs

<input id="declarationAcknowledgement" name="declarationAcknowledgement" ng-false-value="false" ng-model="formData.declarationAcknowledgement" ng-true-value="true" type="checkbox" />
<label data-localize="I Agree" for="declarationAcknowledgement" >I Agree</label>
<div class="pw-form-inline-error" data-localize="Accept to proceed" ng-show="(peopleworksForm.declarationAcknowledgement.$dirty || peopleworksForm.submited) && formData.declarationAcknowledgement != 'true'">Accept to proceed</div>
this is my view side inside my controller I set "Form.submited = true"
what I want is if the user check the check box if value is not equals to 'true' set the form.$valid false from view side not in controller how can I do this. Can any one help me?

try this.. add required="required" and make ng-false-value=""
<input required="required" name="declarationAcknowledgement" ng-false-value="" ng-model="formData.declarationAcknowledgement" ng-true-value="true" type="checkbox" />


Angular, when toggling between two inputs clean request

I have a method that is toggling between two inputs.
toggleModToLod(configurableOption) {
configurableOption.isModField= !configurableOption.isModField;
<a ng-click="$ctrl.toggleModToLod(configurableOption)" ng-init="">MOD or LOD</a>
<input ng-if="configurableOption.isModField" type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="value.mod" placeholder="MOD">
<input ng-if="!configurableOption.isModField" type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="value.lod" placeholder="LOD">
It works fine, but if i had before filled the MOD field and after that i changed to LOD field the request contain both values, is there any way to have in my request only the selected value from the selected input ?
You can make the switch a toggle or checkbox or other form element
<label><input type='radio' ng-model="value.which" value='MOD' /> MOD</label>
<label><input type='radio' ng-model="value.which" value='LOD' /> LOD</label>
<input ng-if="value.which=='MOD'" type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="value.mod" placeholder="MOD">
<input ng-if="value.which=='LOD'" type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="value.lod" placeholder="LOD">
Then when you send your request, you'll have the which variable which will tell you which value to use. Additionally, you'll have a built in switcher that will automatically work by setting value.which
just clear both values from model everytime you toggle:
toggleModToLod(configurableOption) {
configurableOption.isModField= !configurableOption.isModField;
$scope.value.mod = undefined; // however you're setting these on the controller / directive
$scope.value.lod = undefined;

ng-disabled not working for radio buttons and checkboxes

I am working on an AngularJS application. I am trying to create a page that allows the user to select one of three radio buttons. Two of the three also have checkboxes underneath them to allow the user to select additional options if they've selected the appropriate radio button. To try to prevent improper checkbox selections, I'm trying to set the ng-disabled attribute on the checkboxes. So far, it's not working, and I've tried several different iterations.
This is my HTML:
<div class="panel-body">
<input type="radio" id="notFraudulent" name="actionSelector" ng-model="cleared" /><label for="notFraudulentRadio"> Not Fraudulent</label><br />
<input type="checkbox" id="highVolumeCustomer" ng-model="highVolumeCustomer" ng-disabled="(fraudulent||cleared)" /><label for="highVolumeCustomer"> High Volume Customer</label><br />
<input type="radio" id="appearsFraudulent" name="actionSelector" ng-model="fraudulent" /><label for="isFraudulentRadio"> Appears Fraudulent</label><br />
<input type="checkbox" id="reportAccount" ng-model="reportAccount" ng-disabled="(cleared||reviewed)" /><label for="reportAccount"> Report Account</label><br />
<input type="radio" id="markReviewed" name="actionSelector" ng-model="reviewed" /><label for="markReviewed"> Mark As Reviewed For Later</label>
I have tried changing the operator on the ng-disabled expressions to &&, as I've seen some articles where it's suggested that the operators don't mean what one thinks they mean. But that doesn't work, and neither does it work if I put just a single condition in the expression. There isn't anything in the controller (yet) that tries to use or manipulate any of the ng-models in the HTML. I've come to the conclusion that there's something I'm missing with regard to the radio buttons, but I can't for the life of me figure out what.
Can anyone see what my mistake is?
you should use value property to bind special value for radio button, and when radiobutton's status is changed, the value will be kept at ng-model.
refer the code snippet below:
angular.module("app", [])
.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.selectedValue = 'cleared';
$scope.cleared = false;
$scope.fraudulent = false;
$scope.reviewed = false;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="panel-body" ng-app='app' ng-controller="myCtrl">
<input type="radio" id="notFraudulentRadio" name="actionSelector" value="cleared" ng-model="selectedValue" /><label for="notFraudulentRadio"> Not Fraudulent</label><br />
<input type="checkbox" id="highVolumeCustomer" ng-model="highVolumeCustomer" ng-disabled="selectedValue === 'fraudulent' || selectedValue === 'cleared'" /><label for="highVolumeCustomer"> High Volume Customer</label><br />
<input type="radio" id="isFraudulentRadio" name="actionSelector" value="fraudulent" ng-model="selectedValue"/><label for="isFraudulentRadio"> Appears Fraudulent</label><br />
<input type="checkbox" id="reportAccount" ng-model="reportAccount" ng-disabled="selectedValue === 'cleared' || selectedValue === 'reviewed'" /><label for="reportAccount"> Report Account</label><br />
<input type="radio" id="markReviewed" name="actionSelector" value="reviewed" ng-model="selectedValue"/><label for="markReviewed"> Mark As Reviewed For Later</label>
selectedValue: {{selectedValue}}

Input not binding to model

I have an input box and my model is undefined for somereason when I try to access it in controller.
Below is the input box
<input type="text" ng-if="primaryOperator == 'Age'"
ng-model="primaryValueData" placeholder="enter Value"
class="hideOutlineClass" />
when i try to access $scope.primaryValueData in controller it is undefined. I cannot use ng-show have to use ng-if. Any help is appreciated
Try like this,
<div ng-if="primaryOperator === 'Age'">
<input type="text"
ng-model="primaryValueData" placeholder="enter Value"
class="hideOutlineClass" />

Checkboxes group and only one required, in AngularJs

I have checkbox group:
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="zainteresowany1" ng-model="zainteresowany1">Stażem
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="zainteresowany2" ng-model="zainteresowany2">Pracą
And I would like to validate form if nothing checkbox is selected.
If nothing is selected: form is invaild.
How to make?
Make the ng-model attribute the same for both checkboxes and set the value attribute for what value you want each to have when that checkbox is selected. Then you can validate the form by making sure the variable you use for ng-model is not undefined.
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="zainteresowany1" ng-model="zainteresowany" value="foo" /> Stażem
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="zainteresowany2" ng-model="zainteresowany" value="bar" /> Pracą
Then in your controller:
if (!$scope.zainteresowany) {
// Form is invalid
} else {
// Form is valid
var value = $scope.zainteresowany;
Anyone have other solution ? '
I want to validate form and IF ANY CHECKBOX is selected i want to make form $inval

How to add checked class to a radio button in AngularJS

In AngularJS, I'm trying to add/remove a checked class on a parent element, when its child radio button is checked/unchecked.
<label ng-class="{checked: menuType.isChecked0}">
<input type="radio" name="menuType" ng-model="menuType.isChecked0" />Text 1
<label ng-class="{checked: menuType.isChecked1}">
<input type="radio" name="menuType" ng-model="menuType.isChecked1" />Text 2
Here is a fiddle:
There is no controller or any other relative code. If there is a better way to approach this, please share. This seems simple enough, but I cannot find an answer to this question. What am I doing wrong here?
You need to give the radio input a value.
For more examples see
<div ng-app>
<label ng-class="{checked: isChecked == 1}">
<input type="radio" name="menuType" ng-model="isChecked" value="1" />Text 1
<label ng-class="{checked: isChecked == 2}">
<input type="radio" name="menuType" ng-model="isChecked" value= "2" />Text
This is the correct way to be doing it. Reason being, when your ng-model changes, your ng-class will pick up on that and update the view, the Angular way!
