Position label text on conditional basis - jfreechart

In the above bar chart, for the grey bar I want the label text (Threshold 50%) to be displayed inside the grey bar. Currently its showing outside because of the below code
renderer.setBasePositiveItemLabelPosition(new ItemLabelPosition(
ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE3, TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT,
TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0));
How to I apply the above condition only to the 2nd red bar & not to other bars
Here is my dataset
cat Category Value
0 0.000000
1 You 10% 0.100000
2 Threshold 50% 0.500000

This could be achieved by overriding getPositiveItemLabelPosition method of AbstractCategoryItemRenderer java class.
public ItemLabelPosition getPositiveItemLabelPosition(int row,
int column) {
CategoryDataset dataset = getPlot().getDataset();
double value = dataset.getValue(row, column).doubleValue();
if (value < 0.15) {
return new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE3,
TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0);
} else {
return new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.INSIDE3,
TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0);


JFreeChart: crosshair label custom position

Is it possible to place crosshair label in the custom position? I have x and y crosshair. I want that y crosshair label was positioned near the data point (change label offset X coordinate).
The problem is that RectangleAnchor has no such option
Crosshair yCrosshair = new Crosshair(Double.NaN, Color.DARK_GRAY, new BasicStroke(0f));
And it seems that JFreeChart completely ignores label offset settings:
Crosshair yCrosshair = new Crosshair(Double.NaN, Color.DARK_GRAY, new BasicStroke(0f));
I have the desired plot coordinates for the label in the mouse listener but I can't find how to apply it to the label position.
Ok I've solved my problem by using XYPointerAnnotation.
XYPointerAnnotation pointer = new XYPointerAnnotation( "", 0, 0, 7.0 * Math.PI / 4.0 );
pointer.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(180, 180, 180, 180));
And on mouse move event I've position the annotation to the desired point
if ( !sY.isNaN() ) {
pointer.setText("POWER: "+ sY);

xy plot of renderer label points(data points) are overlapping with line chart of TimeSeriesChart of jfreechart

I am using Jfreechart API 1.0.8 to generate the TimeSeriesChart(line chart).
when I am generating the chart, i am facing the problem of overlapping.
Here I am trying to display the rendered points(graph rendered points), by using XYLineAndShapeRenderer with StandardXYItemLabelGenerator.
When the points are displayed, the data-point is overlapping with the generated line chart (graph).
I am taking X-Axis as time, and y-Axis as revenue of organization, and i am using line chart here.
I'm displaying the points as discussed below.
By using "renderer.setBasePositiveItemLabelPosition" method, globally i am setting the position of graph points(data points) inside the xyplot rendered chart while considering the rendered "ItemLabelAnchor".
I am sending my sample code here:
chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("", "", "", newxyseries, false, true, false);
renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer();
renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) chart.getXYPlot().getRenderer();
renderer.setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new StandardXYItemLabelGenerator("{2}", monthDate, formatSymbol));
renderer.setBasePositiveItemLabelPosition(new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE3, TextAnchor.TOP_RIGHT));
But when I am generating the graph chart using Ms-office of Excel tools, there is no problem of overlapping of labels, the points are displayed in an effective manner without any overlapping.
JFreeChart doesn't do any overlap detection for item labels. It would be a great feature to have, but nobody has written the code to do it.
you have to refrain the labels to get overlap by define your own algo or logic because as the graph keep growing sooner the labels will start to get overlap.
the key is to make some or alternative labels transparent so that no overlapping occur
For example in the following P.O.C, only 35 labels will be drawn but the tick of graphs will remai same just the labels will reduce
CategoryAxis domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis();
CategoryLabelPositions pos = domainAxis.getCategoryLabelPositions();
double size = plot.getCategories().size();
double occurence = Math.ceil(plot.getCategories().size() / 20);
double interval = Math.ceil(plot.getCategories().size() / 20);
for (int i = 1; i <= plot.getCategories().size(); i++) {
if (plot.getCategories().size() > 35) {
if(plot.getCategories().size()>35 && plot.getCategories().size()<250) {
String cat_Name = (String) plot.getCategories().get(i-1);
} else{
String cat_Names = (String) plot.getCategories().get(i-1);
domainAxis.setTickLabelPaint(cat_Names, new Color(0,0,0,0));
}else if(plot.getCategories().size()>250){
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
if (i == occurence) {
String cat_Name = (String) plot.getCategories().get(i - 1);
if (occurence + interval >= size) {
// occurence=size;
} else {
occurence = occurence + interval;
} else {
String cat_Names = (String) plot.getCategories().get(i - 1);
domainAxis.setTickLabelPaint(cat_Names, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
Below line will make label transparent
domainAxis.setTickLabelPaint(cat_Names, new Color(0,0,0,0));

how to display customized values on a bar in bar chart using jfree chart?

By using StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator() Iam able to display the exact range axis value on a bar, Now my problem is I dont want to display the range axis value instead I want to display some other value of that bar How I can achieve that?
for (String IDS : idMap.keySet()) {
List<String> listValues = idMap.get(IDS);
if(listValues != null && listValues.get(1) != null) {
dataSet.setValue(Double.valueOf(listValues.get(1)), "", IDS);
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("", "", "Time taken ", dataSet,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
chart.setTitle(new org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle("Time Duration",new java.awt.Font("SansSerif", java.awt.Font.BOLD, 10)));
chart.getLegend().setItemFont(new java.awt.Font("SansSerif",0,7));
final CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot();
plot.setNoDataMessage("No data available");
final CategoryItemRenderer renderer = plot.getRenderer();
final BarRenderer r = (BarRenderer) renderer;
r.setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator());
r.setSeriesItemLabelFont(0, new java.awt.Font("Times New Roman",Font.NORMAL,7));
new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE3, TextAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT, TextAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT, -Math.PI/2));
final ValueAxis rangeAxis = plot.getRangeAxis();
rangeAxis.setLabelFont(new java.awt.Font("SansSerif", java.awt.Font.BOLD, 8));
final CategoryAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis();
axis.setLabelFont(new java.awt.Font("SansSerif", java.awt.Font.BOLD, 8));
axis.setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions.createUpRotationLabelPositions(Math.PI / 8.0));
axis.setTickLabelFont(new java.awt.Font("SansSerif", java.awt.Font.BOLD, 6));
By using the above code iam able to display exact range axis value on a bar, but I dont want the range axis value I need some other value listValues.get(2) to be displayed on a bar How I can achieve that?
StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator uses an instance of MessgeFormat for this, defaulting to ArgumentIndex {2}. The other ArgumentIndex values are defined in the abstract parent. For example,
new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator(
"{0} {1} {2} {3}", NumberFormat.getInstance()));
You can also override generateLabel() to return any value you want.
new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator()
public String generateLabel(CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column) {
return "Your Text" +row+","+column;

JFreechart: Displaying X axis with values after specific units

I am using jfreechart for displaying line graph.Now, on X axis it shows value for every (x,y) pair on chart.As a result the X axis has huge amount of values getting overlapped.I want to display few values eg after every 5 units or something like that.How is this possible using Jfreechart.
Before the NumberAxis of the chart's plot is drawn, its tick marks are refreshed. The result is a List that includes a NumberTick object for each tick mark of the axis.
By overriding the function NumberAxis.refreshTicks you can control how and if the marks will be shown.
For example, in the following code I get all tick marks and iterate through them looking for TickType.MAJOR. If the value of a major tick mark is not dividable by 5, it gets replaced by a minor tick mark.
As a result, only values dividable by 5 will be shown with their text label.
XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot();
NumberAxis myAxis = new NumberAxis(plot.getDomainAxis().getLabel()) {
public List refreshTicks(Graphics2D g2, AxisState state,
Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) {
List allTicks = super.refreshTicks(g2, state, dataArea, edge);
List myTicks = new ArrayList();
for (Object tick : allTicks) {
NumberTick numberTick = (NumberTick) tick;
if (TickType.MAJOR.equals(numberTick.getTickType()) &&
(numberTick.getValue() % 5 != 0)) {
myTicks.add(new NumberTick(TickType.MINOR, numberTick.getValue(), "",
numberTick.getTextAnchor(), numberTick.getRotationAnchor(),
return myTicks;

Settings TranslateX or Canvas.SetLeft Property programmatically in Silverlight

So Here is the Problem, I am trying to get that circle to align on the number. When I do that in blend it shows me I have a Left (23), I try to do that programmaticly Canvas.SetLeft(thePanel,23) it overshoots. Better yet, if anyone knows of a control like this in silverlight let me know. What this does is when the user clicks on a number the green circle is suppose to go to that number so it looks like the user has selected it.
On your Circle object you have to set the Radius of the circle and the TranslateTransform attribute. Lets say your Circle has a radius of 15:
private const double Radious = 15.0;
private double _x = Radious;
private double _y = Radious;
private TranslateTransform _translation = new TranslateTransform();
and properties to handle the Circle's X and Y coordinates,
public double X
get { return this._x; }
this._x = value;
_translation.X = this._x - Radious;
public double Y
get { return this._y; }
this._y = value;
_translation.Y = this._y - Radious;
and in Silverlight you can get where the user has clicked on a Canvas, setting this code on the Click Event of the panel, and set the center of the circle to where the user has clicked:
//Get the points where it was clicked
Point clickPoint = e.GetPosition(Canvas);
MyCircle.X = clickPoint.X;
MyCircle.Y = clickPoint.Y;
Now, if you want them to always fall in fixed positions, you can set conditions that, if a user clicks around a number, then set the center of the circle to the center of the number, or just change the X value of your circle to move to the desired position.
