Which library to use for line chart in codenameone ? - codenameone

I have seen few libraries in codenameone for rendering charts and I don't know the pros and cons of these library. I want to draw line chart with capabilities of pinch zooming, showing values on touching any points. I have seen 2 cn1lib that needs to be attached externally __ CN1-Charts, CN1aChartEngine
and one that is provided with the codenameone com.codename1.charts.ChartComponent. Which one should I use ?

You should migrate your code to the builtin charts API http://www.codenameone.com/blog/codename-one-charts


Vector tiles support on keppler.gl

I am trying to use kepler as a viewer for my new application.
I’ve been scanning your redux app structure, so, I eventually realised there’s no easy way to create a custom reducer to load PBF vector tile layers, I’ve seen few commits working with pbf load on your git repositories so I’d wonder to know if there will be a future version supporting this functionality on kepler (deck already works with vector tiles), so in that case, if there is any release date for that.
Kind regards and thank you all.
One solution to your problem could be to add the vector tile layers to your Kepler.gl viz as a map style from your custom tileset created using Mapbox Studio. Once you create a style with a Mapbox GL Layer based on your custom tileset, you could use the custom Style URL as the map in your Kepler.gl viz.

Leafletjs: Dynamically changing map feature colors

It's been a few days now that I have been looking for a way to be able to dynamically change the colors of different map features such as Roads, Water, Buildings, Background etc using leaflet.js. I know we had this option in Mapbox using the Mapbox GL. But I am wondering if this can be achieved using the leaflet.js library.
Any help/workaround would be highly appreciated.
By default Leaflet can render only raster tiles (i.e. plain images, which you cannot easily modify) and vector shapes (typically from GeoJSON data).
If you want to modify the tiles rendering, you have mainly 3 options:
Download OSM data and re-render the tiles (i.e. create your own tile server) using your own styling. OSM wiki should have some pages that explain how to do so.
Use an online service that offers tiles rendering with custom style (e.g. Mapbox).
Use Leaflet.VectorGrid plugin with downloaded vector data from OSM and providing your own styling.
If you want to be able to modify the rendering at runtime, then only the 3rd option would be appropriate.

DynamicDataDisplay and other charting libraries for WPF apps

I am looking for a feature rich charting library, I've seen infragistics but it is not performant enough when there are many data points rendered, on the other hand I see DynamicDataDisplay is a pretty awesome library, but the project is not maintained anymore. Could you list other charting libraries that I should be aware of. I am looking from performance and customizability criteria.
You can try to download a trial version of LightningChart, the fastest and fully configurable Charting and Data visualization components for .Net. Examples are included in download package.
You also can read about benchmark and see for yourself.
I have plotted line charts with around a million data points using ChartDirector, and it can plot it well within 1 second. However, ChartDirector is a Windows Forms control, so it needs to be hosted in a WindowsFormsHost control when used in WPF. You can also just display the chart as an image in a WPF image control, but then you lose the user interaction features (track cursors, drag to zoom/scroll, ...).

Implementing true Pinch and Zoom in the OxyPlot 2D library with MonoTouch

For plotting graphs I used the coreplot library for a while in my MonoTouch based iPhone app, but with iOS 6.0 the already annoying binding problems become so many that I decided to drop it for a library natively written in C#.
Searching around I found the excellent OxyPlot 2D library, and more specifically the MonoTouch port made by dvkwong.
The library works fine and has tons of useful features, but its output is just a rendered bitmap UIImage.
This means that I need to add myself the pinch and zoom features to the library.
The current implementation, based on the dvkwong preliminary example, uses the UIScrollView to zoom and unzoom the resulting bitmap image added to a simple subview.
This is not a good solution because when zooming the aliasing of the bitmap is made visible , and if the resolution is increased the text fonts becomes unreadable because are not optimized for the current zoom resolution.
I need to render the image each time at the correct resolution, without using UIScrollView but just overriding the DrawRect() call in a custom UIView.
But how to reproduce the the pinch-zoom gesture of Apple UIScrollView and draw the correct subrect of the OxyPlot plot model?
I tried to implement this method suggested here:
position the pinched view between the two fingers
But it doesn't work because I need to know the sub rect to draw, not applying a transformation matrix. Also there is no "draw sub rect" method in the OxyPlot library, so I need to set a cliprect in the image context and drawing a bigger image first and then clipping it. This is clearly too slow, because at some zoom levels the image can become huge (and I need the user to be able to zoom indefinitely on any part of the graph).
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I solved the problem myself.
I've created another MonoTouch port of the OxyPlot 2D library, this time supporting both Pan & Pinch-Zoom gestures. I've also added iPad support.
Now we have a native C# plot library for MonoTouch.
You can download it under the MIT Licence here:

Three Line Break chart using Silverlight

I need to create interactive "Three Line Break chart". It is a type of chart that mainly used in financial/stock analysis.
I downloaded ASP.NET chart control samples from msdn and played around with the "Three line break chart" type that included in the package. It looks great but it is not interactive (chart gennerated is an image ) so I can not just use it.
So, I think I need to use Silverlight, I am wondering anyone knows if there is any free Silverlight chart control package that provides this type of chart out of box?
Thanks a lot.
The Silverlight Toolkit provides some charting controls. Samples can be watch here. An other good library that provides chart ist visifire. But you need a licence if you want to use it commercial.
