Array saving entire input file to one index? C - c

this might look familiar, but am having different problems come up, so I'm trying to ask a different question. My assignment is to read in a file like so:
The first line is the original line I will testing the following ones against, with the second line giving the number of remaining lines. When I run the following code, it prints out my entire input file, but to the first index. So while I need each line to be a separate index to be able to call them, it isn't working out.
I assume I'm going wrong by having the defined LENGTH and ROW so big, but am unsure of any other way to save it line by line, especially since it is mixed (chars with a line of int in between). My problem here is also that I have no prior knowledge given of how long either the rows of "DNA" will be nor how many lines total.
For what it's worth: I was advised a few things but am still unsure how to literally implement them.
One of these was to first use fscanf with %s for the first line, then fscanf with %d for the second, and a loop of fscanf %s for the remaining lines. I've tried doing that, but couldn't get that to work properly either.
The second way I was given was "fgets() for the first line, fscanf() + fgetc() for the second line, and then a loop of fgets() for everything that remains." Again, I am unsure of how to implement this exactly.
Please and thank you!
Here's my code so far:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define LENGTH 125
#define ROW 125
struct dna{
char code [LENGTH];
int main(){
char filename[] = "input1.txt";
FILE *input = fopen("input1.txt","r");
char firstDna[LENGTH][ROW]={""};
int n=0,i=0,j;
//closing file
return 0;
void makeArray(FILE *input,char firstDna[LENGTH][ROW]){
int i,j;
for(i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++){
for(j =0; j < ROW; j++){
printf("%c", firstDna[i][j]);

I implemented the first "advise" that you mentioned, fscanf with %s for the first line and fscnanf with %d for the second ...
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define LENGTH 125
#define ROW 125
struct dna{
char code [LENGTH];
void makeArray(FILE *input,char firstDna[LENGTH][ROW])
int i;
int remaining_lines;
printf("%s\n", firstDna[0]);
//scanning the number of remaing_lines
for(i = 1; i < LENGTH && i <= remaining_lines; i++)
printf("%s\n", firstDna[i]);
int main(){
char filename[] = "input1.txt";
FILE *input = fopen(filename,"r");
char firstDna[LENGTH][ROW];
//closing file
return 0;
hope this helps


C fgets giving unexpected result

I'm doing Advent of Code 2022, and I'm hitting a strange bug for day 1 ( which I need help with please.
Currently, I'm trying to parse a text file which has groups of numbers ( and output the results to the screen. Code as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define IN_FILE "input.txt"
#define MAX_LINE_LEN 20480
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Variable declaration
char line[MAX_LINE_LEN];
int counter = 0;
int elfno = 0;
FILE *fd;
// Create "Key Value pair" struct. Use ints for both vars as we need to perform arithmetic on the values.
struct kv_store
int key;
int value;
struct kv_store kv[counter];
//struct kv_store kv_total;
// Open file
fd = fopen(IN_FILE, "r");
if (fd == NULL)
// File does not exist. Exit
fprintf(stdout, "\n[*]%s not found in current working directory.", IN_FILE);
return -1;
// Iterate through file line by line. Place lines into kv[n].value with kv[n].key as the elf number (elfno). Increment elfno once a blank line is found.
while(fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fd) != NULL)
if(strlen(line) == 1)
elfno ++;
kv[counter].key = elfno;
sscanf(line, "%d", &kv[counter].value);
//kv[counter].value = strtol(line, NULL, 0);
counter ++;
for(int i=0;i < counter;i++)
fprintf(stdout, "Iteration: %d - Elf: %d holds: %d \n", i, kv[i].key, kv[i].value);
// TODO: Upon EOF, we can iterate through kv. If elfno for next value in kv hasn't changed, add value to kv_total[elfno].value. If it does change, move on to the next efls values.
// TODO: Once complete, iterate through kv_total and find the largest number, print to screen.
return 0;
Everything seems to be working ok, however on the 4th iteration of the while loop which reads the value 6086 from the input, I get a garbage result. I should be seeing Elf: 1 holds: 6086. The remaining iterations give the correct output (sample screenshot below).
Using my very limited knowledge of gdb and debugging, I've looked at the line variable during runtime and can see that the variable is being modified only when line contains the value 6086 partway through the iteration (screenshot below).
Checks carried out so far:
Used a hex editor to confirm there is no rogue encoding within the input file
Tried using strtol instead of of sscanf
Tried to use malloc() and free() to clear the line variable at the end of each iteration
Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Read lines from FILE

I would like to know what is the best way to read a lines from files, given I have
a file, that I'm promised that it would be as followed:
string table
string brown
int 120
double 129.90
each time, one word then I would have 2 words.
I know that fscanf returns the value of the numbers of var it scans, and that's
why I have problem here, because one time the line has 1 argument and the next line it would have 2.
always the first line is only a char*, not longer then 10, and then the next is has 3 options..
if it is written an int then the number followed would be an int, as well as if it a double or a string.
thank you.
From the structure of file i think it can be grouped into a struct. And fscanf can be used like:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 100
typedef struct Node {
char name[SIZE];
char type[SIZE], value[SIZE];
} Node;
int main() {
FILE *pFile = fopen("sample-test.txt", "r");
if(pFile == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error in reading file\n");
Node nodes[SIZE];
int nRet, nIndex = 0;
// Just to make sure it reads 3 tokens each time
while((nRet = fscanf(pFile, "%s%s%s", nodes[nIndex].name,
nodes[nIndex].type, nodes[nIndex].value) == 3))
for(int i = 0; i < nIndex; i++)
printf("%s %s %s\n", nodes[i].name, nodes[i].type, nodes[i].value);
After reading the file, you can check in your structure array to find your desired int, double depending upon the value of name using sscanf as pointed by Some Programmer Dude.

Reading from a file into 2D array returns wrong values in C?

so I have this simple program which reads values from a file and then I just want to print them to the screen. The problem occurs when array is printed to the screen. It adds some random numbers in the middle of the array. Does anybody have an idea what's the problem?
Here is the output:
Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXROW 10
#define MAXCOL 12
int main(void) {
int i,j;
char numbers[MAXROW][MAXCOL];
FILE *file; /* FILE pointer */
file = fopen("data.txt", "r"); /* open a text file for reading */
fscanf(file, "%d\t", &numbers[i][j]);
if(numbers[i][j] == '\n')
for (i=0; i<MAXROW; i++) {
for (j=0; j<MAXCOL; j++) {
printf("%d ", numbers[i][j]);
return 0;
Here is my data.txt file:
Change your loop to
fscanf(file, "%d%*c", &numbers[i][j]);
numbers[i][j] will never get the value of '\n' since it only matches integers when you use %d
Instead use fgets() to get one line at a time,
and then use sscanf() to get every integer on that line.
In your code I doubt if you are hitting this condition if(numbers[i][j] == '\n').
So, you are looping to max values & storing junk values.
read line by line & parse it for individual numbers.

Using fscanf to store words from file in an array

I am trying to write a program for some classwork that reads in a file using fscanf, and then stores each word into an array with one word in each element. Then I need to print each element of the array out on to a new line on the console.
The getty.txt file has the Gettysburg address in it with appropriate spacing, punctuation, and is multiline.
What I think is happening is that the entire text is being stored in the first element of the array, but I am not 100% sure as I am still learning to debug and write in C.
Any advice as to what I am doing wrong would be great! I currently only seem to be getting the last word and some extra characters.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void readFile();
void writeFile(char* buffer, int bufferlen);
FILE *fpread;
FILE *fpwrite;
char filebuffer[1000];
int filebufferlen = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
fpwrite = fopen("csis.txt", "w");
writeFile(filebuffer, filebufferlen);
return 0;
void readFile() {
char c;
filebufferlen = 0;
if(!(fpread = fopen("getty.txt", "r"))){
printf("File %s could not be opened. \n", "getty.txt");
fprintf(fpwrite,"File %s could not be opened. \n", "getty.txt");
while (!feof(fpread)) {
fscanf(fpread, "%s", filebuffer);
void writeFile(char* filebuffer, int filebufferlen) {
for (int i = 0; i < filebufferlen; ++i){
printf("%c\n", filebuffer[i]);
After fixing the compile problems:
the code does not contain any code nor data declarations to contain an array of 'words.' So naturally, nothing but the last word is actually saved so it can be printed out.

Reading data from a text file in C?

So I'm pretty new at reading data from a text file in C. I'm used to getting input using scanf or hard coding.
I am trying to learn how to not only read data from a text file but manipulate that data. For example, say a text file called bst.txt had the following information used to perform operations on a binary search tree:
insert 10
insert 13
insert 5
insert 7
insert 20
delete 5
delete 10
With that example, I would have the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
FILE *fptr;
char *charptr;
char temp[50];
fptr = fopen("bst.txt", "r");
while(fgets(temp, 50, fptr) != NULL)
charptr = strtok(temp, " ");
while(charptr != NULL)
charptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
return 0;
I know that within the first while loop strtok() splits each line in the text file and within the second while loop strtok() splits off when the program recognizes a space, which in this case would separate the operations from the integers.
So my main question is, after, for example, the word "insert" is separated from the integer "10", how do I get the program to continue like this:
if(_____ == "insert")
//read integer from input file and call insert function, i.e. insert(10);
I need to fill in the blank.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If I were doing what you're doing, I would be doing it that way :)
I see a lot of people getting upvoted (not here, I mean on SO generally) for recommending that people use functions like scanf() and strtok() despite the fact that these functions are uniformly considered evil, not just because they're not thread-safe, but because they modify their arguments in ways that are hard to predict, and are a giant pain in the ass to debug.
If you're malloc()ing an input buffer for reading from a file, always make it at least 4kB — that's the smallest page the kernel can give you anyway, so unless you're doing a bazillion stupid little 100-byte malloc()s, you might as well — and don't be afraid to allocate 10x or 100x that if that makes life easy.
So, for these kinds of problems where you're dealing with little text files of input data, here's what you do:
malloc() yourself a fine big buffer that's big enough to slurp in the whole file with buckets and buckets of headroom
open the file, slurp the whole damn thing in with read(), and close it
record how many bytes you read in n_chars (or whatever)
do one pass through the buffer and 1) replace all the newlines with NULs and 2) record the start of each line (occurs after a newline!) into successive positions in a lines array (e.g. char **lines; lines=malloc(n_chars*sizeof(char *)): there can't be more lines than bytes!)
(optional) as you go, advance your start-of-line pointers to skip leading whitespace
(optional) as you go, overwrite trailing whitespace with NULs
keep a count of the lines as you go and save it in n_lines
remember to free() that buffer when you're done with it
Now, what do you have? You have an array of strings that are the lines of your file (optionally with each line stripped of leading and trailing whitespace) and you can do what the hell you like with it.
So what do you do?
Go through the array of lines one-by-one, like this:
for(i=0; i<n_lines; i++) {
if( '\0'==*lines[i] || '#' == *lines[i] )
// More code
Already you have ignored empty lines and lines that start with a "#". Your config file now has comments!
long n;
int len;
for(i=0; i<n_lines; i++) {
if( '\0'==*lines[i] || '#' == *lines[i] )
// More code
len = strlen("insert");
if( 0== strncmp(lines[i], "insert", len) ) {
n = strtol(lines[i]+len+1, &endp, 10);
// error checking
tree_insert( (int)n );
len = strlen("delete");
if( 0== strncmp(lines[i], "delete", len) ) {
n = strtol(lines[i]+len+1, &endp, 10);
// error checking
tree_delete( (int)n );
Now, you can probably see 10 ways of making this code better. Me too. How about a struct that contains a keywords and a function pointer to the appropriate tree function?
Other ideas? Knock yourself out!
you can call as follows.For example i have put printf but you can replace your insert/delete function instead that.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
FILE *fptr;
char *charptr;
char temp[50];
fptr = fopen("bst.txt", "r");
while(fgets(temp, 50, fptr) != NULL)
charptr = strtok(temp, " ");
charptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
printf("insert num %d\n",atoi(charptr));
else if(strcmp(charptr,"delete")==0)
charptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
printf("delete num %d\n",atoi(charptr));
return 0;
I think the best way to read formatted strings in file is using fscanf, the following example shows how to parse the file. You could store the charptr and value for further operations:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
FILE *fptr;
char charptr[50];
int value;
fptr = fopen("bst.txt", "r");
while (fscanf(fptr, "%s%d", charptr, &value) > 0)
printf("%s: %d\n", charptr, value);
return 0;
try this code
int main(){
FILE *fp;
char character[50];
int value;
fptr = fopen("input.txt", "r");
while (fscanf(fp, "%s%d", character, &value) > 0)
insert(value);//call you function which you want value is 10 or change according to file
return 0;
