I am trying to join two tables based on EquipWorkOrderID. Tables(EquipWorkOrder and EquipWorkOrderHrs)
With the query I have below it duplicates the row based on ID if there is two UserNm's for the Same ID. I want the two UserNm's and the Hrs if the ID match's in the same role if possible.
example of what my results give me now
1 / ForkLift / Bad /Fixed/John Doe / 2
1 /Forklift / Bad /Fixed/Jane Doe /2
What I would Like to see
1 / ForkLift / Bad /Fixed/John Doe / 2 / Jane Doe / 2
Select * From
EquipWorkOrder a
Left Join EquipWorkOrderHrs b
On a.EquipWorkOrderID = b.EquipWorkOrderID
Left Join AppUser c
On c.UserID = b.UserID
) t
Pivot (
For UserNm IN (
) AS pivot_table
I have placed the result of your query in a table (selection) and retrieved the data from it in a common table expression (cte). Replace the content of the CTE with your query and add the two new columns I created (UsrNum and HrsNum).
My solution uses a double pivot (one for the UserNm column and one for the Hrs column) followed by a grouping. This may not be ideal, but it gets the job done.
Here is a fiddle to show how I built up the solution.
Sample data
This just recreates the results of your current query.
create table selection
EquipWorkOrderID int,
Equip nvarchar(10),
Description nvarchar(10),
Resolution nvarchar(10),
UserNm nvarchar(10),
Hrs int
insert into selection (EquipWorkOrderID,Equip,Description,Resolution,UserNm,Hrs) values
(1, 'ForkLift', 'Bad', 'Fixed', 'John Doe', 2),
(1, 'Forklift', 'Bad', 'Fixed', 'Jane Doe', 2);
Replace the first part of the CTE with your query and add the two new columns.
with cte as
select EquipWorkOrderID,Equip,Description,Resolution,UserNm,Hrs,
'Usr' + convert(nvarchar(10),row_number() over(partition by Equip order by UserNm)) as 'UsrNum',
'Hrs' + convert(nvarchar(10),row_number() over(partition by Equip order by UserNm)) as 'HrsNum'
from selection
select ph.EquipWorkOrderId, ph.Equip, ph.Description, ph.Resolution,
max(ph.Usr1) as 'UserNm1',
max(ph.Hrs1) as 'Hrs1',
max(ph.Usr2) as 'UserNm2',
max(ph.Hrs2) as 'Hrs2'
from cte c
pivot (max(c.UserNm) for c.UsrNum in ([Usr1], [Usr2])) pu
pivot (max(pu.Hrs) for pu.HrsNum in ([Hrs1], [Hrs2])) ph
group by ph.EquipWorkOrderId, ph.Equip, ph.Description, ph.Resolution;
Outcome looks like this. Jane Doe is UserNm1 because that is how the new UserNum column was constructed (order by UserNm). Adjust the order by if you need John Doe to remain first.
EquipWorkOrderId Equip Description Resolution UserNm1 Hrs1 UserNm2 Hrs2
----------------- --------- ------------ ----------- --------- ----- -------- -----
1 ForkLift Bad Fixed Jane Doe 2 John Doe 2
Edit: solution merged with original query (untested)
with cte as
--Start original selection field list
--Added two new fields
'Usr' + convert(nvarchar(10),row_number() over(partition by Equip order by UserNm)) as 'UsrNum',
'Hrs' + convert(nvarchar(10),row_number() over(partition by Equip order by UserNm)) as 'HrsNum'
FROM EquipWorkOrder ewo
JOIN EquipWorkOrderHrs ewoh
ON ewo.EquipWorkOrderID = ewoh.EquipWorkOrderID
JOIN AppUser au
ON au.UserID = ewoh.UserID
JOIN Category cat
ON cat.CategoryID = ewo.CategoryID
JOIN Crew cre
ON cre.CrewID = ewo.CrewID
JOIN Equipment equ
ON equ.EquipmentID = ewo.EquipmentID
JOIN Status sta
ON sta.StatusID = ewo.StatusID
JOIN PlantLoc pll
ON pll.PlantLocID = ewo.PlantLocID
JOIN MaintLocation ml
ON ml.MaintLocationID = ewo.MaintLocationID
JOIN EquipType equt
ON equt.EquipTypeID = ewo.EquipTypeID
JOIN Type typ
ON typ.TypeID = equ.TypeID
select ph.EquipWorkOrderId, ph.Equip, ph.Description, ph.Resolution,
max(ph.Usr1) as 'UserNm1',
max(ph.Hrs1) as 'Hrs1',
max(ph.Usr2) as 'UserNm2',
max(ph.Hrs2) as 'Hrs2'
from cte c
pivot (max(c.UserNm) for c.UsrNum in ([Usr1], [Usr2])) pu
pivot (max(pu.Hrs) for pu.HrsNum in ([Hrs1], [Hrs2])) ph
group by ph.EquipWorkOrderId, ph.Equip, ph.Description, ph.Resolution;
Edit2: how to use pivot...
Select pivot_table.*
Select a.EquipWorkOrderID,
'Tech' + convert(nvarchar(10), row_number() over(order by c.UserNm)) -- construct _generic_ names
From EquipWorkOrder a
Left Join EquipWorkOrderHrs b
On a.EquipWorkOrderID = b.EquipWorkOrderID
Left Join AppUser c
On c.UserID = b.UserID
) t
Pivot (Count(Hrs) For UserNm IN ([Tech1], [Tech2], [Tech3], [Tech4], [Tech5])) AS pivot_table -- UserNm does not contain values like "Tech1" or "Tech2"
Pivot (Count(Hrs) For GenUserNm IN ([Tech1], [Tech2], [Tech3], [Tech4], [Tech5])) AS pivot_table -- pivot over the _generic_ names
I have 3 tables in SQL Server:
map_table: (workflow map path)
stepId step_name
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
stepId timestamp author
1 9:00am John
2 9:20am Mary
Id currentStageId waitingFor
12345 3 Kat
I would like to write a query to show the map with the workflow status. Like this result here:
step name time author
1 A 9:00am John
2 B 9:20am Mary
3 C waiting Kat
4 D
5 E
I tried left join
m.stepId, m.step_name, h.timestamp,
map_table m
left join
history_table h on m.stepId = h.stepId
I thought it will list all the records from the map table, since I am using left join, but somehow it only shows 3 records which is from history table..
So I changed to
m.stepId, m.step_name, h.timestamp,
map_table m
left join
history_table h on m.stepId = h.stepId
m.stepId, m.step_name, '' as timestamp, '' as author
map_table m
m.stageId not in (select stageId from history_table)
order by
Then it list the result almost as I expected, but how do I add the 3rd table in to show the current active stage?
Thank you very much for all your help!! Much appreciated.
Looks like it's what you asked:
with map_table as (
select * from (values (1,'A')
,(5,'E')) t(stepId, step_name)
, history_table as (
select * from (values
,(2,'9:20am','Mary')) t(stepId, timestamp, author)
, current_stapeTable as (
select * from (values (2345, 3, 'Kat')) t(Id, currentStageId, waitingFor)
m.stepId, m.step_name
, time = coalesce(h.timestamp, case when c.waitingFor is not null then 'waiting' end)
, author = coalesce(, c.waitingFor)
map_table m
left join history_table h on m.stepId = h.stepId
left join current_stapeTable c on m.stepId = c.currentStageId
I think a union fits well with the data and avoids the coalescing the values on multiple joins.
with timeline as (
select stepId, "timestamp" as ts, author from history_table
union all
select currentStageId, 'waiting', waitingFor from current_stageTable
select step_id, step_name, "timestamp", author
map_table as m left outer join timeline as t
on t.stepId = m.stepId
This is a follow-up to my question here: in which I got an excellent answer for that question provided by uzi. I however noticed that a new Company, Company3 also used single data Points, such as account 6000 which does not follow the manner of the previous companies which makes uzi's recursive cte not applicable.
As such I feel like it is required to alter the question, but I Believe that this complication would issue a new question rather than an edit on my previous one due to having a great impact of the solution.
I need to read data from an Excel workbook, where data is stored in this manner:
Company Accounts
Company1 (#3000...#3999)
Company2 (#4000..#4019)+(#4021..#4024)
Company3 (#5000..#5001)+#6000+(#6005..#6010)
I believe that due to some companies, such as Company3 having single values of accounts such as #6000 that I need to, in this step, create a result set of the following appearence:
Company FirstAcc LastAcc
Company1 3000 3999
Company2 4000 4019
Company2 4021 4024
Company3 5000 5001
Company3 6000 NULL
Company3 6005 6010
I will then use this table and JOIN it with a table of only integers to get the appearance of the final table such as the one in my linked question.
Does anyone have any ideas?
A good t-sql splitter function makes this quite simple; I suggest delimitedSplit8k. This will perform significantly better than a recursive CTE too. First the sample data:
-- your sample data
if object_id('tempdb..#yourtable') is not null drop table #yourtable;
create table #yourtable (company varchar(100), accounts varchar(8000));
insert #yourtable values ('Company1','(#3000...#3999)'),
and the solution:
firstAcc = max(case when split2.item not like '%)' then clean.Item end),
lastAcc = max(case when split2.item like '%)' then clean.Item end)
from #yourtable t
cross apply dbo.delimitedSplit8K(accounts, '+') split1
cross apply dbo.delimitedSplit8K(split1.Item, '.') split2
cross apply (values (replace(replace(split2.Item,')',''),'(',''))) clean(item)
where split2.item > ''
group by split1.Item, company;
company firstAcc lastAcc
--------- ---------- --------------
Company1 #3000 #3999
Company2 #4000 #4019
Company2 #4021 #4024
Company3 #6000 NULL
Company3 #5000 #5001
Company3 #6005 #6010
I believe that list (#6005..#6010) is represented like #6005#6006#6007#6008#6009#6010 in your Excel file. Try this query if that is true and there are no gaps
with cte as (
company, replace(replace(replace(accounts,'(',''),')',''),'+','')+'#' accounts
(values ('company 1','#3000#3001#3002#3003'),('company 2','(#4000#4001)+(#4021#4022)'),('company 3','(#5000#5001)+#6000+(#6005#6006)')) data(company, accounts)
, rcte as (
company, stuff(accounts, ind1, ind2 - ind1, '') acc, substring(accounts, ind1 + 1, ind2 - ind1 - 1) accounts
cross apply (select charindex('#', accounts) ind1) ca
cross apply (select charindex('#', accounts, ind1 + 1) ind2) cb
union all
company, stuff(acc, ind1, ind2 - ind1, ''), substring(acc, ind1 + 1, ind2 - ind1 - 1)
cross apply (select charindex('#', acc) ind1) ca
cross apply (select charindex('#', acc, ind1 + 1) ind2) cb
company, min(accounts) FirstAcc, case when max(accounts) =min(accounts) then null else max(accounts) end LastAcc
from (
company, accounts, accounts - row_number() over (partition by company order by accounts) group_
) t
group by company, group_
option (maxrecursion 0)
I made a little editing to #uzi solution from the other question, in which i added three other CTE's and used windows function like LEAD() and ROW_NUMBER() to solve the problem. I don't know if there is a simpler solution, but i think this is working good.
with cte as (
company, replace(replace(replace(accounts,'(',''),')',''),'+','')+'#' accounts
(values ('company 1','#3000..#3999'),('company 2','(#4000..#4019)+(#4021..#4024)'),('company 3','(#5000..#5001)+#6000+(#6005..#6010)')) data(company, accounts)
, rcte as (
company, stuff(accounts, ind1, ind2 - ind1, '') acc, substring(accounts, ind1 + 1, ind2 - ind1 - 1) accounts
cross apply (select charindex('#', accounts) ind1) ca
cross apply (select charindex('#', accounts, ind1 + 1) ind2) cb
union all
company, stuff(acc, ind1, ind2 - ind1, ''), substring(acc, ind1 + 1, ind2 - ind1 - 1)
cross apply (select charindex('#', acc) ind1) ca
cross apply (select charindex('#', acc, ind1 + 1) ind2) cb
) ,cte2 as (
select company, accounts as accounts_raw, Replace( accounts,'..','') as accounts,
LEAD(accounts) OVER(Partition by company ORDER BY accounts) ld,
from rcte
) , cte3 as (
Select company,accounts,ld ,rn
from cte2
WHERE ld not like '%..'
) , cte4 as (
select * from cte3 where accounts not in (select ld from cte3 t1 where t1.rn < cte3.rn)
SELECT company,accounts,ld from cte4
SELECT DISTINCT company,ld,NULL from cte3 where accounts not in (select accounts from cte4 t1)
option (maxrecursion 0)
It looks like you tagged SSIS so I will provide a solution for that using a script task. All other examples require loading to a staging table.
Use your normal reader (Excel probably) and load
Add a script transformation component
Edit Component
Input Columns - Check both Company and Accounts
Input and Output - Add a new Output and call it CompFirstLast
Add three columns to it - Company string, First int, and Last int
Open Script and paste the following code
public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
//Create an array for each group to create rows out of by splitting on '+'
string[] SplitForRows = Row.Accounts.Split('+'); //Note single quotes denoting char
//Deal with each group and create the new Output
for (int i = 0; i < SplitForRows.Length; i++) //Loop each split column
CompFirstLastBuffer.Company = Row.Company; //This is static for each incoming row
//Clean up the string getting rid of (). and leaving a delimited list of #
string accts = SplitForRows[i].Replace("(", String.Empty).Replace(")", String.Empty).Replace(".", String.Empty).Substring(1);
//Split into Array
string[] accounts = accts.Split('#');
// Write out first and last and handle null
CompFirstLastBuffer.First = int.Parse(accounts[0]);
if (accounts.Length == 1)
CompFirstLastBuffer.Last_IsNull = true;
CompFirstLastBuffer.Last = int.Parse(accounts[1]);
Make sure you use the right output.
I have the following table PNLReference
PnlId LineTotalisationId Designation TypeTotalisation Totalisation
1 A Gross Fees Formule A01+A02+A03+A04+A05
2 A01 GF1 Comptes imputables 975800|758000|706900|706000|706430|706420|706410|706400|706530|706520|706510|706001|706401|706431|706531|706902
3 A02 GF2 Comptes imputables 706500|709400|706130|706120|706110|706100|706830|706820|706810|706800|706730|706720|706710|706700|706330|706101|706131|706331|706501|706701|706801|706831|709401|706731
I have filled table DimPNL as following
INSERT [dbo].[DimPNL] (
SELECT t.c.value('.', 'nvarchar(255)') AS PNLCode
,Ref.Designation AS PNLName
,split.LineTotalisationId AS PNLParentId
,split.Operator AS Operator
SELECT tbl.Designation
,CAST('<t>' + REPLACE(tbl.Totalisation, tbl.Operator, '</t><t>') + '</t>' AS XML) x
FROM ##TTResults AS tbl
) split
CROSS APPLY x.nodes('/t') t(c)
INNER JOIN [dbo].[PNLReference] Ref
ON Ref.LineTotalisationId = t.c.value('.', 'nvarchar(255)')
) Result
table dimpnl contents a filed sign which have to be filled like that : if all numbers in Totalisation in table PNLReference starts with 7 the sign would be -1 else sign will be 1.How to do it ? any idea ?
Using CASE WHEN LEFT(Totalisation,1)='7' then -1 else 1 END [SIGN] will give you a field that you can take the MAX(sign), if it stays -1 then they all started with 7
I need a query to assign teams to a series of users. Data looks like this:
UserId Category Team
1 A null
2 A null
3 B null
4 B null
5 A null
6 B null
8 A null
9 B null
11 B null
Teams should be created by sorting by userid and the first userid becomes the team number and the consecutive A's are part of that team as are the B's that follow. The first A after the Bs starts a new team. There will always be at least one A and one B. So after the update, that data should look like this:
UserId Category Team
1 A 1
2 A 1
3 B 1
4 B 1
5 A 5
6 B 5
8 A 8
9 B 8
11 B 8
Need to add that the user id's will not always increment by 1. I edited the example data to show what I mean. Also, the team ID doesn't strictly have to be the id of the first user, as long as they end up grouped properly. For example, users 1 - 4 could all be on team '1', users 5 and 6 on team '2' and users 8,9 and 11 on team '3'
First you could label each row with an increasing number. Then you can use a left join to find the previous user. If the previous user has category 'B', and the current one category 'A', that means the start of a new team. The team number is then the last UserId that started a new team before the current UserId.
Using SQL Server 2008 syntax:
; with numbered as
select row_number() over (order by UserId) rn
, *
from Table1
, changes as
select cur.UserId
, case
when prev.Category = 'B' and cur.Category = 'A' then cur.UserId
when prev.Category is null then cur.UserId
end as Team
from numbered cur
left join
numbered prev
on cur.rn = prev.rn + 1
update t1
set Team = team.Team
from Table1 t1
outer apply
select top 1 c.Team
from changes c
where c.UserId <= t1.UserId
and c.Team is not null
order by
c.UserId desc
) as team;
Example at SQL Fiddle.
You can do this with a recursive CTE:
with userCTE as
select UserId
, Category
, Team = UserId
from users where UserId = 1
union all
select users.UserId
, users.Category
, Team = case when users.Category = 'A' and userCTE.Category = 'B' then users.UserId else userCTE.Team end
from userCTE
inner join users on users.UserId = userCTE.UserId + 1
update users
set Team = userCTE.Team
from users
inner join userCTE on users.UserId = userCTE.UserId
option (maxrecursion 0)
SQL Fiddle demo.
You can update the CTE to get this to go:
with userOrder as
select *
, userRank = row_number() over (order by userId)
from users
, userCTE as
select UserId
, Category
, Team = UserId
, userRank
from userOrder where UserId = (select min(UserId) from users)
union all
select users.UserId
, users.Category
, Team = case when users.Category = 'A' and userCTE.Category = 'B' then users.UserId else userCTE.Team end
, users.userRank
from userCTE
inner join userOrder users on users.userRank = userCTE.userRank + 1
update users
set Team = userCTE.Team
from users
inner join userCTE on users.UserId = userCTE.UserId
option (maxrecursion 0)
SQL Fiddle demo.
For larger datasets you'll need to add the maxrecursion query hint; I've edited the previous queries to show this. From Books Online:
Specifies the maximum number of recursions allowed for this query.
number is a nonnegative integer between 0 and 32767. When 0 is
specified, no limit is applied.
In this case I've set it to 0, i.e. not limit on recursion.
Query Hints.
I actually ended up going with the following. It finished on all 3 million+ rows in a half an hour.
declare #userid int
declare #team int
declare #category char(1)
declare #lastcategory char(1)
set #userid = 1
set #lastcategory='B'
set #team=0
while #userid is not null
select #category = category from users where userid = #userid
if #category = 'A' and #lastcategory = 'B'
set #team = #userid
update users set team = #team where userid = #userid
set #lastcategory = #category
select #userid = MIN(userid) from users where userid > #userid