AS3 Accessing elements in an array once only - arrays

I have an array like so...
var pointsArray:Array = [100, 200, 250, 1000, 1500];
a for loop ...
for(var i:int = 0; i<27; i+=1)
ach.scrollp.content["ach"+i].text = "Locked";
ach.scrollp.content["ach"+i].textColor = 0x666699;
and an achievements function ...
if (TotalScore >= pointscollectedArray[0])
ach.scrollp.content.ach0.text = "Unlocked";
ach.scrollp.content.ach0.textColor = 0xFF9900;
etc etc
No issues at all with the data displaying in an achievements interface. But what I am trying to do is display a movie clip during the actual game that tells the player when they have unlocked an achievement. The problem is I don't know how to display the movieclip once only per unlocked achievement ie the movieclip doesn't display again until the next achievement is unlocked.
I have no idea how to access the elements in an array only once.
I'm a noob at AS3 so I hope I've explained everything properly.

It would be best if you redesigned your achievement architecture. But for a simple fix, something like this:
if (TotalScore >= pointscollectedArray[0] &&
ach.scrollp.content.ach0.text != "Unlocked")
ach.scrollp.content.ach0.text = "Unlocked";
ach.scrollp.content.ach0.textColor = 0xFF9900;
// play movie

It is better to redesign your code. I can suggest you something like this:
var iLevel: int = 0; // This is the achievement that is reached. Player starts from 0 but if your game support save, iLevel can be different;
var nTotalLevels: int = 27; // This is total amount of achievements you have
for ( var i:int = 0; i < iLevel; ++i )
//This code show unlocked achievements
ach.scrollp.content["ach"+i].text = "Unlocked";
ach.scrollp.content["ach"+i].textColor = 0xFF9900;
for ( var k:int = iLevel; k < nTotalLevels; ++k )
// This code show locked achievements;
ach.scrollp.content["ach"+k].text = "Locked";
ach.scrollp.content["ach"+k].textColor = 0x666699;
so in this case when the player receive new achievement, you can show it like this
if ( TotalScore >= pointscollectedArray[0] )
ach.scrollp.content["ach"+iLevel].text = "Unlocked";
ach.scrollp.content["ach"+iLevel].textColor = 0xFF9900;
// play movie
I hope that I understand right what you need;


how to search for a specific word in a huge array?

In AS3 :
I've got a long text in an array.
var myHugeArray:Array = ["I love Apple
I have an Iphone
I eat a Banana
I'm John
I sell a computer
I sell an Apple
I love rock
I sell a car"];
How can I do to search a specifics words ? (like : show me sentences with the word "apple") --> output : "I love Apple" and "I sell an Apple"
Here's what I did so far :
function completeHandler2(event:Event):void{
trace("Données envoyées");
feedbackText.text = "Données envoyées";
loader5.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete);
function complete(e:Event):void {
products = JSON.parse( as Array;
feedbackText.text = "complete";
for(var i:int = 0; i < products.length; i++){
createListItem(i, products[i]);
function createListItem(index:int, item:Object):void {
var listItem:TextField = new TextField();
listItem.text = item.title;
listItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {
str = item.title;
function bar(){
var arr: Array ;
searchBar.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
var suggested:Array = new Array();
var textfields:Array = new Array();
searchBar.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, suggest);
arr = str.split(",");
function suggest(e:Event):void
suggested = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < textfields.length; i++)
textfields = [];
for (var j:int = 0; j < arr.length; j++)
if (arr[j].indexOf(searchBar.text.toLowerCase()) != -1)
var term:TextField = new TextField();
term.width = 360;
term.height = 24;
term.x = 18;
term.y = (24 * suggested.length) + 135;
term.border = true;
term.borderColor = 0x353535;
term.background = true;
term.backgroundColor = 0xFF9900;
term.textColor = 0x4C311D;
term.defaultTextFormat = format;
term.text = arr[j];
function showList():void {
list.visible = true;
function showDetails(item:Object):void {
titleTxt.htmlText = item.title;
detailsTxt.htmlText = "<U>prix:</U> " + item.prix + " xpf"+ "\n\n<U>Description:</U> " + "\n"+item.theDescription + "\n"+"\n\n<U>Contact:</U> " + item.mail+ "\n";
So, my AS3 code go search for PHP variable with loader5.
All the items found by the php are put in an Array (products).
And a list of all the products is created. (createListItem).
If I click on an item, it show me some details (price, description..etc). It's the function showDetails();
Know I've created a searchBar (autocomplete).
An array is created (arr) that split the string (str).
Then it does what it does to search through the array.
Problems :
1/ Weirdly, not all the words are displayed in my searchBar. Some words are working, other not.
2/ How can I do to call the function showDetails() when the user click on the suggest term ? (term.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDetails)); doesn't work as the terms is not item.title. ShowDetails is showing details of item.title. (so how can I say that term = item.title ?)
3/ Do you see a way simpler than that ?
Your myHugeArray is just string, so split() it with \n', you got the
ret array for example, then find the one contains the word you search, like "apple", using indexof() in each string
You need to split the string into an array then search each item
check this out

Splice array within array

How can I splice an array within another array?
I'm trying to create a game for kids in my class. Some kind of a trivia history question creator. How to splice the MasterArray so that I would get rid of sub-arrays (Hard-England and Medium-England) within the allEnglandArray. Because the "MasterArray.splice()" seem to be affecting - splicing only the allEngland array, or the allFrance array. But I need to get rid of those sub-arrays...
My code:
var Easy-England:Array = ["item1","item2","item3","item4","item5"];
var Medium-England:Array = ["item6","item7","item8"];
var Hard-England:Array = ["item9","item10"];
var allEngland:Array = [Easy-England,Medium-England,Hard-England];
var Easy-France:Array = ["item11","item12","item13","item14","item15"];
var Medium-France:Array = ["item16","item17","item18"];
var Hard-France:Array = ["item19","item20"];
var allFrance:Array = [Easy-France,Medium-France,Hard-France];
// the list of countries goes on and on and on... (Italy, Hungary, etc.)
var allStuff:Array = [allEngland, allFrance, etc.];
var MasterArray:Array;
// clear MasterArray - first I clear out completely the MasterArray
function clearMasterArray():void
// update MasterArray - than I fill the MasterArray with data according to checkBoxes
function updateMasterArray():void
for (var i:int = 0; i<checkBoxBlock.myCheckBoxes.length; i++)
if (checkBoxBlock.myCheckBoxes[i].selected)
// splice MasterArray - last thing I do is splice the items according to student's proficiency level, referred to as "studentPL".
function spliceMasterArray():void
if (studentPL == 1)
for (var i:int = 0; i<allStuff.length; i++)
if (studentPL == 2)
for (var i:int = 0; i<allStuff.length; i++)
if (studentPL == 3)
for (var i:int = 0; i<allStuff.length; i++)
trace("no need to splice");
And after this I call those functions in another function in this order...
function creatorFunction():void
Instead of:
var allEngland:Array = [Easy-England,Medium-England,Hard-England];
try this:
var allEngland:Array = Easy-England.concat(Medium-England, Hard-England);
This way you will have a 'flat' array (no sub-arrays), so it will be easier to deal with.

How to make an Array visible while also making the other arrays hidden once clicked AS3

I have a set of movieclips setup as arrays in As3. I got the code to work were once a button is clicked a movieclip show on stage; but once the user clicks on another thumbnail the previous movieclip is still on stage. What I am trying to accomplish is I want the other arrays or movieclips to become hidden once the main array or clip that the user clicks becomes visible. I know I probably need a if loop for the arrays heres my code:
var soles:Array = [sle1,sle2,sle3,sle4];
var Slbtn_arr:Array = [sole,sole2,sole3,sole4];
for (var i= 0; i < Slbtn_arr.length; i++)
var temp_Slbtn = Slbtn_arr[i];
temp_Slbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnCl);
temp_Slbtn.count = i;
soles[i].visible = false;
soles[0].visible = true;
function btnCl(e)
var num =;
trace(,, soles[]);
soles[num].visible = true;
function hideAll()
for (var i= 0; i < soles.length; i++)
soles[i].visible = false;

Remove Array and its contents with mouse click AS3 Flash CS5.5

I have been trying to do this for two nights now and haven't had any joy, please help if you can...
Simple throwing game with darts and other weapons, what I am trying to do is
Remove an array and all of its Children when I change weapon,
I feel sure there is a simple snippet of code that will remove all the children and array with no hassle but I haven't yet figured it out, if you know or could suggest anything, I would really appreciate it.
something like "removeArrayAndAllInstances(balls);" if only...
at the moment I have....(balls is the array in question)
for(var inter:int = balls.length - 1; inter > -1; inter--)
balls.splice(1, balls.length);
but this docent work for some reason, the array and all of its children are all still on the stage.
I also tried
No luck...
Please don't judge my code I am a novice as I am sure was evident and I know its a disgusting mess, sorry (Its the only way it makes sense to me).
I have tried numerous things, hope someone can help
Thanks in advance.....
var mouseTarget:MovieClip;
var balls:Array = new Array();
var ball:MovieClip = new dart();
var hammers:MovieClip = new hammer();
ball.x = 150;
ball.y = 50;
hammer_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hammerweapon);
dart_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dartweapon);
function removealldartsfromstage(e:MouseEvent):void
for(var inter:int = balls.length - 1; inter > -1; inter--)
balls.splice(1, balls.length);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, addDart);
function dartweapon(e:MouseEvent):void
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, addHammer);
dart_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, dartweapon);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, addDart);
function hammerweapon(e:MouseEvent):void
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, addDart);
dart_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dartweapon);
//stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, addDart);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, addHammer);
function addHammer(e:MouseEvent):void
var hammers = new hammer();
dart_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, dartweapon);
function addDart(e:MouseEvent):void
str.alpha = 0;
var ball = new dart();
ball.x = 150;
ball.y = 50;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkIfHitTest);
hammer_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, removealldartsfromstage);
function checkIfHitTest(Event)
for (var i:int = 0; i<balls.length; i++)
if (balls[i].dart_point.hitTestObject(eyeleft))
Event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.type, checkIfHitTest);
balls.splice(i, 1);
The balls array is just a storage for ball references. It bears no relation to the stage or the DisplayObjectContainer which they have been added at all. So you have to remove them individually.
This is what I'd do:
while(balls.length > 0)
var ball:MovieClip = balls.pop();
if (ball.parent) // Just to make sure you are referencing the correct container.
I can't follow the logic of your game very well. That said, you'd do well to create conatiners for separate group of clips in order to make managing them easier. For example, in the creation stage:
var ballContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
for (var i:int = 0; i < ballLimit; i++)
var ball:Dart = new Dart();
This way, you can clear them of children all at once:
function removeAllChildren(container:Sprite) // Or just DisplayObjectContainer
while(container.numChildren > 0)

Randomly removing an array

just for the record, i'm using AS3.
I have an issue where I would like to remove a sprite randomly in AS3, I have managed to figure out how to create the sprites so that they fill as a grid, just for the life of me I can't figure out how to remove them!
Here's the code i've used to create them:
function showpixels() : void
for (var i:int = 0; i < 40; i++)
for (var j:int = 0; j < 40; j++)
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();;*10, j*10, 10, 10);;
Basically I need these to be removed randomly until what's underneath can be seen.
Any help would be good, I'm pretty new to this! Thanks!
function removeRandom():void
var rand:uint = Math.random()*pixels.length;
var i:Sprite = Sprite(pixels[rand]);
if(i.parent) i.parent.removeChild(i);
pixels.splice(rand, 1);
UPDATE: To remove at random intervals you could try something like this:
var _timer:int = 100;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _handle);
function _handle(e:Event):void
if(pixels.length > 0) _timer --;
if(_timer < 1)
_timer = 10 + Math.random()*50;
function removeRandom():void
var rand:uint = Math.random()*pixels.length;
var i:Sprite = Sprite(pixels[rand]);
if(i.parent) i.parent.removeChild(i);
pixels.splice(rand, 1);
Marty's idea works. Another option would be to shuffle the array first and then just pop off elements.
To shuffle an Array use pixels.sort(function (...args):int { return int(2*Math.random()-1) }).
And then you can simple remove them like this:
function remove():void {
if (pixels.length) removeChild(pixels.pop());
else clearInterval(;
And add this line at the end of showpixels: = setInterval(remove, 500);
