Make list image bigger in Dynamics Nav 2013 - dynamics-nav

I would like to make image bigger on an item list in Dynamics Nav 2013. What I could do so far is fetch the image and display it on the list.
To achieve this I call SearchImage function on OnAfterGetRecord :
SearchImage function :
// C/AL Code
IF xRec."No."<>"No." THEN BEGIN
i := 1;
TmpImg_gInit.SETCURRENTKEY("Table ID","Document Type","No.","Line No.","Version No.","Picture No.");
TmpImg_gInit.SETRANGE("Table ID",27);
TmpImg_gInit.SETRANGE("Document Type",0);
i:= i+1;
UNTIL TmpImg_gInit.NEXT = 0;
// CUDiv.SendKey('{F5}');
Then in my list I can add a new field that point to TmpImg_gInit.Picture and this will display the item's image.
The thing is the displayed image is tiny (whereas the source image is big). The image is automatically resized to fit in the list height.
I would like to know how I could display this image bigger. Is there a way to do that easily (without add-ins) ? If not can you give me directions on how to do that ?

You can use a FactBox which will display a larger image on the right hand side of the screen.
However, it will only show the picture of the item that you've selected. For things like product images, this is optimal. E.g. loading lots of hi-res product images can put strain on the users PC.
The image size when inline on a page cannot be changed and are better suited to things like Status icons, e.g. traffic lights.
Custom Control Add-ins
NAV does support modification of the page UI through Control Add-ins. You'll need to create a test project/control that is an image and see whether it will let you expand the height above the set row height.
You can get more information on sizing of Control Add-ins on MSDN.


Google Data Studio: Can I display the current date range a user is running a report at on screen in a text box?

I want to clarify very clearly in a Data Studio report what the date range is that the report is currently running over.
So I want to add a text box up at the top of the screen to display this.
Is this possible?
From what I understand text labels can't display anything dynamically. Is it possible to do this with a function using the 'scorecard' data chart type or something similar ?
No, you can't make a label dynamic. However, you can make a table look like a label.
If you remove everything from a table (row numbers, title, border, colors, etc) it will look like a label with the ability to update dynamically. You can also use this trick to display dynamic images.
After this, just add any date field you already have as a metric, using functions MIN or MAX accordingly.
Step-by-step to turn a table into a dynamic label:
Disable Show header
Cell table color: Transparent
Odd/Even row color: Transparent
Disable Row numbers
Disable Show pagination
Background color: Transparent
Border color: Transparent
Chart header: Do not show
I made a public dashboard to illustrate the results:
Data Studio Report
Data Source

material ui, layout component for desktop to mobile responsive transition

I am writing a Single Web App with material ui, that needs to be responsive, but I do not know which is the control where I must allocate the mains component, if it is a grid or a box.
The next image show the main components arrangement in md,lg,xl
The next image show the main components arrangement in sm,xs when width < 960
In the web I found many complex and very difficult to understand layouts, but not find a basic example. Some like "material ui responsive for dummies".
The mobile version, will have a breakpage between the Appbar and Sidenav, both will occupy the full height, and the Map in the second page will fill the screen.
I did it for you with MU Grids and media queries, if you have questions, ask. I am always ready to help. This is codesandbox link. Let me know if it help you.
Show my codesandbox answering your problem :
It display your layout for md lg xl correctly. For xs and sm screens, sidenav & map take full height with a break page between sidenav and appBar
Thanks to both, it solved the main part o what i need.
Also need to implement a change of page.
I forget to mention that the map will be React-Leaflet,
so need to implement a flap button over the map for the mobile version.
The button is for scroll to up, because any finger movement in the map area only will affect the map content.
Do not will have effect in the scroll.
Another thing to implement is the break page concept:
The behaviour of the break page is like when you see a pdf in presentation mode and press
the keyboard button Repag - Avpag, it change all the content and never see the half top and the half down.

React: Select body part from image

I want to build a website with React on which you can select different parts of a body. I would like to ask for your opinion what would be the best possibility for that? How can I highlight different parts of the body and make them clickable?
I would image a screen like this where I can press e.g. an arm, leg, head etc.:
Thank you for your help!
You will need two images.
Original colour body shape ( let's call this passive state ).
Active colour body shape.
Create a grid of rectangles on top of passive state image according to body parts, slice the active body shape image and put in rectangles as background images and set the image size to 0. On hover just set the size of the image to the original value.

Codename One: How to increase height of dialog

I have developed app using Codename one.I want to set specific height of dialog because my text overidden while displaying message in dialog body .what should I do for that?
Thanks in Advance?
I have added image in which first image is original image and second one is cut image which is displaying on screen while using infinite progress bar. my code is "Dialog ipDialog = new InfiniteProgress().showInifiniteBlocking(); ipDialog.Dispose()" I want whole image on screen like original image.
can you help me to solved this ?
You can use the Dialog show method that accepts int values to determine the distance from the edges. But normally this is a matter of the text sizing and dialog construction.
Also make sure you are showing the Dialog from the EDT thread.

Polymer grid in different views

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask because I dont have any code to show. I'm actually looking for ideas on possible ways to solve my problem.
I have an app that displays the grid on the screen when the media query has a min width of a tablet.
But when the view is in mobile mode I don't want to show the grid. Instead I have a drop down menu which has a grid option. When selected will be show in a paper-dialog (pop up)
The problem is I have to create two grids (vaadin-grid) and show the appropriate one based on the view. Is there a way to have only one grid? Can I put it in a paper-dialog but not pop-out when in tablet and desktop view?
Thanks in advance
If your grid element has every custom property then that is an element in the DOM, so you can move it into the dialog if thats needed using javascript:
let myGrid = this.$$('#myGrid');
let myDialogContent = this.$$('#myDialogContent');
Also if you think it a different way, then you can hide the grid outside of the screen and you can slide that in when it's needed like a drawer panel and you dont need to move the element at all in the DOM.
By the way for programming question stackoverflow has the site, but I think it is Ok to send it here.
