Customizing CakePHP Plugins - cakephp

So normally, if you are developing a web application you will have to create your own .css files. In my case, I used bootstrap to design my application and created my own .css files to suit my needs.
Recently, I just found this Report Manager plugin for CakePHP. I put my plugin in the plugin folder and loaded it on my bootstrap.php file. Everything went smoothly and I can create reports.
Now, this is my first time handling plugins. Since this Report Manager plugin is using the default CakePHP design, how can I apply the bootstrap and my own design to this plugin?

Read the documentation!
You can override any plugin views from inside your app using special
paths. If you have a plugin called ‘ContactManager’ you can override
the template files of the plugin with application specific view logic
by creating files using the following template
src/Template/Plugin/[Plugin]/[Controller]/[view].ctp. For the Contacts
controller you could make the following file:


Kylo plugin for UI is not working

I would like to extend Kylo user interface. From documentation, i understood that I can use Plugin mechanism to add new features and I am referring to the examples available here.
I have built this example code and deployed the generated jar files to /opt/kylo/kylo-services/plugin folder and restarted the kylo-services.
But I am dont see any changes in the UI. As per my understanding, there should be a new group in left hand navigation pane but there are no UI level changes in the kylo UI.
I am using dladmin userid and logs (kylo-ui and kylo-services) really did not indicate any error.
Where can I see if the plugin is really picked up by kylo? Which logs tell me what is going on with this plugin? Any suggestions will be of great help.
The mistake i did is copying kylo UI into /opt/kylo/kylo-services/plugin folder.
The generated jar files should go into different plugin folders.
Kylo Services plugin should be copied to /opt/kylo/kylo-services/plugin folder.
Kylo UI plugin should be copied to /opt/kylo/kylo-ui/plugin folder.
service kylo-services restart
service kylo-ui restart
And its my bad that i mistakenly copied kylo-ui plugin into kylo-services folder. After I copied into correct folders and service restart, I am able to find the UI changes.
Thanks for your attention.

IBM Mobile First - Generate HTML for mobileweb

We need to create the index.html for the mobilewebapp on Mobile Frist project dynamically on server side.
It's possible to use javascript or java to create index.html ?
Or the only way it's to load a html fragment calling an Adpter ?
In MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 the index.html file is generate when you create the project in MobileFirst Studio. The feature you want is not available built-in.
You could build this feature yourself to create the file and place it in the in the project programmatically and then invoking the build and deploy steps programmatically as well.
In v8.0 you create the HTML file yourself (there are no projects anymore). Here it is simpler to create this file and handle it as there is no deployment required other than registering the app - once.
I suggest that you will look into v8.0.

How to save object in to files using visual studio cordova

I'm developing hybrid mobile app using visual studio cordova, angular js and ionic framework. I want to save some objects into a file system.
Are there any specific or common file location that can be access via visual studio cordova to store data. I'm trying to get a platform specific local storage( not html 5 localStorage) place to save data.
any supporting articles or API pls? couldn't find a proper way of doing it.
No there's not a common file location or something like that. This basically leaves you with two options. Either you use a database such as WebSQL, IndexedDb or a native database such as SQLite. Or you use the Cordova file plugin which should provide an abstraction layer for the file system.
Please take a look at the Cordova File plugin repo or the Cordova Async IndexedDb plugin repo.

What is the most up-to-date approach to add my own Splash Screen in Sencha Touch

I need my own splash screen when starting up my app.
I use SenCha Touch + Cordova.
Searched and found several ways to do splash screens, however I do not think they are up-to-date.
I saw some code which tried to add a few lines of code into launch function, but the latest Sencha Touch does not do it in the app.js any more instead, it add the Main view to its viewport.
Also, I checked Sencha Touch doc and found
Class currently only works with Cordova and does not have a simulated
HTML counter part. Please see notes on Cordova Docs for proper Native
project code changes that will need to be made to use this plugin.
But it provides some methods after that statement :
newExt.device.Splashscreen( ) : Ext.device.Splashscreen
So I feel confused and don't know which one should I follow.
What is the latest approach to do the splash screen in Sencha Touch?
I currently have the exact same problem as you. Here is information I got from Sencha:
All splashscreen functionality is provided by the Cordova/Phonegap plugin. Our class methods are just convenience methods to the cordova native API and will provide a 'stub' for you if Cordova is not available so that your application does not bomb upon startup (no splashscreen shows, it's just that your app will not crash when trying to access an API that is not there).
In theory, if your application is built with Cordova/Phonegap and your splashscreen images are provided with the application build as specified by Cordova/Phonegap you would initiate a call to after the device is ready (as demonstrated in the example found in
The splashscreen feature is a native API, not one that is provided by Touch. You can, should you wish, provide your own coding in your index.html file of your native application which will manually display an image (much the same way we do the initial CSS flashing load indicator), but ultimately that would be up to you to implement manually.
I would suggest that you follow the Cordova guidelines, place your images in the res/drawable directory of your android project and let Cordova do all the hard work for you by just making a single call to when the device is ready and then calling Ext.device.Splashscreen.hide() in the launch area of your application to hide it when your app has rendered its view.
To include Cordova in your application, we now provide you with sencha cmd switches to enable Cordova. You can find more information here!/guide/cordova
Please note that you will have to download all required components of Cordova, modify the Cordova configuration files as outlined in the Cordova docs, and build the application using either the Cordova command line interface (CLI) or your favourite Android build IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc).
Use this plugin
When you use this plugin and build locallym you have to place the icons and splashscreen in the res/ folder manually.

DNN Module - Create Page for View.ascx

I have create a DNN Module using the Visual Studio DotNetNuke 7 C# Compiled Module template. When my module is installed, I would like to create a page for View.ascx. How can I do this? Can this be done when I upload the module in Host > Extensions?
From the Control Panel you should use the Add new page functionality, then place your Module on that newly created page.
Check out this video for how to Add a page in DNN7.
And this one for how to adda module to a page
To answer the question specifically about having this done automatically with the module, yes, you can, BUT you have to write code to do this and I only recommend it for special circumstances.
I've seen this done using an implementation of the IUpgradable interface in DNN to detect an initial installation and create the page using DNN API calls.
There is some detail in the Wiki about how IUpgradable works
