how to get clean version of the html in angularjs - angularjs

I wrote an application that uses angularjs for data-binding.
The application is some sort of visual html builder.
When the user is done, I want to allow him to export the HTML.
Since I did massive usage in angularjs, its attributes are all over the place, and the generated HTML is ugly.
Is there anyway to get clean version of the HTML?
this example will export the ugly html:
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div id="the_html" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
Hello, {{name}}!
<button onclick='exportMe()'>export</button>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$ = 'Superhero';
function exportMe(){

If you can update angular to a version after 1.3 (you really should, there are lots of other benefits, too), then you can disable all of the ng- class spam by disabling debug info in your app:
myApp.config(function ($compileProvider) {
You can see the result in an updated fiddle here.
Note that I changed the structure of things slightly but the functionality is the same.

I don't think it exists a native way to do this. AngularJS is not about such kind of work.
Just write a script that parses your exported code and remove each ng-* attribute

We need to iterate through all the dom nodes and remove the ng related attributes and ng related classes.
function exportMe(){
var targetEl = document.getElementById('the_html');
var nodes = targetEl.querySelectorAll('*');
nodes =; // convert NodeList to array
nodes.unshift(targetEl); // include the root node while iterating.
nodes.forEach(function (node) { (attr) {
var classes =; // conver classList to array
classes = classes.filter(function (cls) {
return !(cls.indexOf('ng-') === 0 || cls.indexOf('data-ng-') === 0);
// remove ng related classes
node.setAttribute('class', classes.join(' '));
// remove ng related attributes
if('ng-') === 0 ||'data-ng-') === 0) {
Here is a solution:


angularjs ng-click "How can I use javascript's setAttribute() to create ng-click attribute with some function"

I would like to be able to select a button using querySelector and set an attribute of "ng-click=doSomething()"
I have tried selecting the button and then setAttribute("ng-click", "doSomething()") but its not working
my DOM:
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<button id="myBtn">click Me</button>
<script src="./js/app2.js"></script>
my javascript:
(function() {
"use strict";
angular.module("myApp", []).controller("mainCtrl", mainCtrl);
/** #ngInject */
function mainCtrl($scope) {
function init() {
$scope.doSomething = () => {
console.log("doing something");
let btn = document.querySelector('#myBtn');
btn.setAttribute("ng-click", "doSomething()");
when I click the button it should console log something.
Generally speaking, if you dynamically add "AngularJS-ified" stuff to a document after it's created - such as dynamically creating <button> elements and then adding ng-click attributes to them - those elements will neither be tracked by watchers, nor be part of the normal digest cycle. So, for example, consider the following simple example:
const myApp = angular.module('stuff', [])
.controller('stuff-cont', function($scope) {
const targ = document.querySelector('#target');
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
let newBtn = document.createElement('button');
newBtn.setAttribute('ng-click', 'sayRandNum()');
newBtn.innerText = `Button ${i}`
$scope.sayRandNum = () =>{
alert('Your random number is '+Math.ceil(Math.random()*100));
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app='stuff' ng-controller='stuff-cont'>
<div id='target'>
The buttons above are clickable, they have an appropriately "structured" ng-click, but they <i>don't trigger</i>!
Here, we're (for some reason...) creating 10 nearly-identical buttons. However, because of when we built these ng-click'ed buttons (namely, after the initial compilation phase), and specifically when we added the ng-click attributes (also after the initial compilation phase), the buttons are effectively not "known" to the AngularJS cycle".
Looked at another way, when AngularJS is first "loaded" on a page, it first walks through the HTML on that page, and looks for any databinds ({{likeThis}}; we'll ignore these for now) or directives. ng-click, ng-repeat, and other Babbys First AngularJS stuff are just standardized directives, so they're part of that "looking for directives" procedure. When AngularJS finds said directives, it says "Okay, you've got an ng-click on this element; I'll keep an eye on that".
To actually add new AngularJS-ified elements - or add AngularJS behavior to existing elements, as I believe is more the case with you - you'll need to use the $compile function, which basically says "hey, AngularJS! I made a new thing and want you to watch it!"
This SO answer -- Working with $compile in angularjs has a pretty decent explanation of how to use the $compile function.
(function() {
"use strict";
var btn = document.querySelector('#myBtn');
btn.setAttribute("ng-click", "doSomething()");
angular.module("myApp", []).controller("mainCtrl", mainCtrl);
function mainCtrl($scope){
$scope.doSomething = function(){
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
Please check the JSFiddle , the difference is you have to modified the html before angular bootstrapped so your modified html and js code can be compiled properly. Here is a AngularJS Developer Guide - Bootstrap with more infomation of angularjs bootstrap

multiple inputs based on array

My angular experience is basically about 3 days part time, so there's probably something simple I'm missing here.
I'm trying to create a dynamic list of multiple inputs based on an array, which I then want to reference from elsewhere in the app. What I've tried is loading a template from a custom directive, then $compile-ing it.
<input data-ng-repeat="term in query" data-ng-model="term">
My controller contains $scope.query = [""] which successfully creates the first empty input box. But the input box doesn't seem to update $scope.query[0] when I modify it. This means that when I try to create another empty input box with $scope.query.push(""); (from a keypress listener looking for the "/" key) I get a "duplicates not allowed" error.
I've tried manually listening to the inputs and updating scope.$query based on their value, but that doesn't feel very "angular", and results in weird behaviour.
What do I need to do to link these values. Am I along the right lines or way off?
I made a simple jsfiddle showing how to use an angular model (service) to store the data. Modifying the text inputs will also modify the model. In order to reference them somewhere else in your app, you can include TestModel in your other controllers.
<body ng-app="TestApp">
<div ng-controller="TestController">
<div ng-repeat="item in queries track by $index">
<input type="text" ng-model="queries[$index]" />
<button ng-click="getVal()">Get Values</button>
var app = angular.module('TestApp',[]);
app.controller('TestController', function($scope, TestModel)
$scope.queries = TestModel.get();
$scope.getVal = function()
app.service('TestModel', function()
var queries = ['box1','box2','box3'];
return {
get: function()
return queries;

What is the "right" way in Angularjs of doing "master-detail" inter directive communication

I have a directive that displays a list of "master" items and when the user clicks on one of these items I want any "details" directives on the page (there could be more than one) to be updated with the details of the currently selected "master" item.
Currently I'm using id and href attributes as a way for a "details" directive to find its corresponding master directive. But my impression is that this is not the angular way, so if it's not, what would be a better solution?
I appreciate that typically when the issue of inter-communication between directives is raised then the obvious solutions are either to use require: "^master-directive" or to use a service, but in this case the directives are not in the same hierarchy and I don't think using a service is appropriate, as it would make the solution more complicated.
This is some illustrative code showing what I'm doing currently.
<master-list id="master1"></master-list>
<details-item href="#master1" ></details-item>
In the master-list directive when an item is selected I set an attribute to indicate the currently selected master item:
In the details-item directive's link function I do:
if (attrs.href) {
var id = attrs.href.split('#')[1];
var masterList = angular.element(document.getElementById(id));
if (masterList) {
var ctrl = masterList.controller('masterList');
ctrl.attrs().$observe('masterListItemId',function(value) {
attrs.$observe('detailItemId',function(id) {
// detail id changed so refresh
One aspect that put me off from using a service for inter-directive communication was that it is possible (in my situation) to have multiple 'masterList' elements on the same page and if these were logically related to the same service, the service would end up managing the selection state of multiple masterList elements. If you then consider each masterList element had an associated detailItem how are the right detailItem elements updated to reflect the state of its associated masterList?
<master-list id="master1"></master-list>
<master-list id="master2"></master-list>
<details-item href="#master1" ></details-item>
<details-item href="#master2" ></details-item>
Finally I was trying to use directives, rather than using controller code (as has been sensibly suggested) as I'd really like the relationship between a masterList and its associated detailItems to be 'declared' in the html, rather than javascript, so it is obvious how the elements relate to each other by looking at the html alone.
This is particularly important as I have users that have sufficient knowledge to create a html ui using directives, but understanding javascript is a step too far.
Is there a better way of achieving the same thing that is more aligned with the angular way of doing things?
I think I would use a service for this. The service would hold the details data you care about, so it would look something like this.
In your master-list template, you might have something like a list of items:
<li ng-repeat"item in items"><a ng-click="select(item)">{{}}</a></li>
...or similar.
Then in your directives, you would have (partial code only)
.directive('masterList',function(DetailsService) {
return {
controller: function($scope) {
$ = function(item) {
DetailsService.pick(item); // or however you get and retrieve data
.directive('detailsItem',function(DetailsService) {
return {
controller: function($scope) { // you could do this in the link as well
$ = DetailsService.item;
And then use data in your details template:
<div>Details for {{}}</div>
<li ng-repeat="detail in data.details">{{detail.description}}</li>
Or something like that.
I would not use id or href, instead use a service to retrieve, save and pass the info.
Here is a jsfiddle that does it between 2 controllers but a directive would be the same idea
If you want to have multiple masters and details, leave the templates unchanged, but change your directive controllers and services as follows:
.directive('masterList',function(DetailsService) {
return {
controller: function($scope) {
$ = function(item) {
DetailsService.pick($scope.listId,item); // or however you get and retrieve data
.directive('detailsItem',function(DetailsService) {
return {
controller: function($scope) { // you could do this in the link as well
$ = DetailsService.get($scope.listId).item;
var data = {};
return {
pick: function(id,item) {
data[id] = data[id] || {item:{}};
// set data[id].item to whatever you want here
get: function(id) {
data[id] = data[id] || {item:{}};
return data[id];
I would opt for a different approach altogether without directives. Directives are ideal for DOM manipulation. But in this case I would stick to using just the template and a controller that manages all the data and get rid of the directives. Use ng-repeat to repeat the items
Check out this fiddle for an example of this:
<div ng-controller="ItemController as ic">
<ul><li ng-repeat="item in ic.items" ng-click="ic.selected($index)">{{item.prop1}}</li></ul>
<ul><li ng-repeat="item in ic.items" >
<span ng-if="item.selected">SELECTED!</span>
this.items = [{prop1:'some value'},{prop1:'some other value'}]
this.selected = function(index){
item.selected = false;
this.items[index].selected = true

Can I use one ng-app inside another one in AngularJS

I have two ng-app
like ;
<div ng-app="app1" >
<div ng-app="app2">
some more expression
is there any way to make it work?
when I make a nested ng-app it doesn't work
I know that I can use two different controller but I don't want to use two controllers
---- EDIT -----
The thing is;
angular.module('AppName', [
SO I need somehow to change this ng-app to directive
From the AngularJS document, the answer is no
AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other.
And if not nested, then it's OK, someone already asked this question, refer here:AngularJS Multiple ng-app within a page
and the AnguarJS document
Only one AngularJS application can be auto-bootstrapped per HTML document. The first ngApp found in the document will be used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap as an application. To run multiple applications in an HTML document you must manually bootstrap them using angular.bootstrap instead.
I found one tricky solution for this problem. The idea is that the "host" application have to somehow jump over the root element of nested application. I used directive for this:
angular.module("ng").directive("ngIsolateApp", function() {
return {
"scope" : {},
"restrict" : "AEC",
"compile" : function(element, attrs) {
// removing body
var html = element.html();
return function(scope, element) {
// destroy scope
// async
setTimeout(function() {
// prepare root element for new app
var newRoot = document.createElement("div");
newRoot.innerHTML = html;
// bootstrap module
angular.bootstrap(newRoot, [attrs["ngIsolateApp"]]);
// add it to page
Example simple app:
// module definition
.service("moduleService", function ModuleService() {
this.counter = 0;
this.getCounter = function() {
return this.counter;
this.incCounter = function() {
this.counter += 1;
.controller("ModuleCtrl", function(moduleService) {
this.getValue = function() {
return moduleService.getCounter();
this.incValue = function() {
Now in the markup we can use the ng-isolate-app:
<!-- App instance 1 -->
<body ng-app="testMod1">
<div ng-controller="ModuleCtrl as ctrl">
<button ng-click="ctrl.incValue()">Click</button>
<!-- App instance 2 -->
<div ng-isolate-app="testMod1">
<div ng-controller="ModuleCtrl as ctrl">
<button ng-click="ctrl.incValue()">Click</button>
<!-- App instance 3 -->
<div ng-isolate-app="testMod1">
<div ng-controller="ModuleCtrl as ctrl">
<button ng-click="ctrl.incValue()">Click</button>
Working example on plnkr
This works in simple cases, I do not know how this will work on complex applications.
You can't use one ng-app inside another one in angularjs.
because AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other.

Perform task after model's DOM is displayed in view

I have a code snippet in my content which is a model fetched from http. I am using syntax highlighter to prettify the code. So I need to call a javascript function as soon as the DOM is updated for that particular model.
Here is a sample code to make it clear. I am using alert to demonstrate it. In my project I would use a third party plugin which will find matching dom elements and remodel them.
I want the alert to occur after the list is displayed
jsfiddle :
My controller has something like this.
$scope.items = Model.notes();
alert comes even before the items list is shown, I want it after the list is displayed.
Any hint to help me achieve this.
We need to use $timeout ,
$scope.items = Model.notes();
$timeout(function () {
Yeah it was silly , $timeout seemed to be a misnomer to me. I am 2 days old to angularjs . Sorry for wasting your time.
Lucky for you, I wanted to do the exact same thing. Mutation observers are the path forward, but if you need backwards compatibility with older browsers, you'll need a bit more code than this.
Working plunker for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.
var app = angular.module('plunker', [])
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$ = 'World';
.directive('watchChanges', function ($parse, $timeout) {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
var setter = $parse(attrs.watchChanges).assign;
// create an observer instance
var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
$timeout(function () {
var text = angular.element('<div></div>').text(element.html()).text();
setter(scope, text);
// configuration of the observer:
var config = {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
characterData: true,
subtree: true
// pass in the target node, as well as the observer options
observer.observe(element[0], config);
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div watch-changes="text">
<p>Hello {{ name }}</p>
<input type="text" ng-model="name" />
