Customise SQL Compare script output for Database Project - sql-server

We've recently started using Database Projects in Visual Studio 2013. So far, it's great!
There are some things we'd like to be able to customise and I'm not sure if it's even possible.
We'd like to be able to have our post-deployment scripts appended to the SQL that is generated when doing a schema compare, so that when we create a deployment script, it comes with our post-deployment stuff all in the one .sql file. Is there a way to do that?
Also, we'd like to know if there's a way that the .sql file that is generated can be customised (much like a .tt file can be for entity framework).

Welcome to SSDT!
Pre/Post deploy scripts don't get used by the schema compare so if you generate a lot of scripts then set up PowerShell or a batch file to call sqlpackage.exe and set the action to script. I use this as part of a CI build to generate scripts for different environments and works great.
You can customize the output by choosing what to include or exclude in the output script but if there is something not supplied out of the box you can modify it by using deployment contributors which you can add or remove steps or do things like add your own transactions etc, for more details see:
If you let us know more about how you want to change it, there may be something already available to help.


Dacpac to sqlproj - programmatically

I am trying to automate the following steps:
We currently try to keep our database project (.sqlproj) up to date with out database, but this is currently a manual procedure.
We open Visual Studio, put our database as source, put our sqlproj as target, select the pieces we want (we only need the tables, views, indexes and stored procedures) and then run a comparison. When that is done, we hit the 'update' button and our sqlproj file gets updated with the files generated or updated. We check this in and done.
Now I'm trying to automate this process. I'm able to generate the source dacpac file with sqlpackage and I can run a comparison script with the dacpac generated using msbuild OR update a target database, but I can't find how to update the sqlproj like the Update button on the above screenshot does.
I've found DACExtensions to try to simulate the behaviour, but it seems the Update button works in its own specific way.
Long story short: what command do I need to run in order to simulate the 'Update' button?
Any and all help would be appreciated :)

SSIS file exist check works in SSDT not running from SSISDB

this is one that has me stumped and Ive been doing this a long while.
Migrating to SQL server 2016, large number of ETL. Easy enough.
One of the ETL packages has a simple script task to take a table of files, run a file exists foreach loop.
it uses a project parameter to create the unc ( \servername\share) and then binds that to the file name in the script task.
use an environment config setup in SSISDB
execute in SSDT works fine, deploy to catalog and it cant see the file. i know youll say permissions, but ive permissioned everyone group to share and drive in case its that. SSISDB execution means it should be running under my security context and im domain admin, local admin and creator owner of the share.
even strangeR, i have created simple package to grab the contents of one of the files and import into a dump table in case permissions or pathway were duff ( even though they work in SSDT might be the enviroNment config in SSISDB). THIS WORKS FINE, therefore it cant be the envrionment setup of SSISDB being referenced.
please note this is not running from an agent job yet so wont be due to agent server account issue. need to get it running from ssisdb first then ill create an agent job
So -- script task cant see unc share, built from two variables, that works in ssdt and its running under same credentials...
For what its work the script task code is
Dts.Variables("BolFileExists").Value = File.Exists(Dts.Variables("StrLoadFileLocation").Value.ToString & Dts.Variables("StrCurrentFile").Value.ToString)
This is a slightly different answer as it shows a different approach and removes the script task. I use a foreach to check if the file exists using GUI tools provided by SSIS:
Well I found the answer and I deserve to punch myself in the face.
Tried everything, it was a file variable and path variable being pulled together in the script task so tried concatenation that before the script task, pumped this into a table to ensure it was going to write table.
Literally everything was fine and still didn’t work.
The issue....
Building it as a 2017 package onto a 2016 Sql server.
I’ve not found what was missing dll wise but it must have been one of those that meant the script task couldn’t find the files but weird it didn’t break and just said the files weren’t there!
Thanks all for input, I’m going to go put my head in the door and slam it

SQL Server Database Project

I want to use database project for script deployment in Azure SQL Server, I don't want to import full database. I just want to use database project for delta script. I added a project and included one script file with none as build action that contains create table statement , I am publishing the project, It's completing successfully but create statement is not executing. What is wrong here? Is there any other way to do this?
TLDR: Set your build action to "Post Deployment Script".
What happens in SSDT is that all the files that have a build action of "Build" are built into a model of what the database should look like. When the deploy happens that model is compared to the target database and if there are any changes, a change script it generated and then optionally deployed.
If you have any file marked pre or post deployment script then they are either prepended or appended to the change script and will be run as part of the deployment.
If you have any files with a build action of "None" then SSDT ignores them, you could put anything in there, even an ascii picture of a donkey and the project will still build and deploy (obviously your ascii donkey won't get deployed anywhere).
If you just want to use SSDT to do your deployments you can just set the build action to pre or post deploy and it will be included. This is pretty odd though, either don't use SSDT or use SSDT and put the model of your entire database in there.
Personally, I would use SSDT properly and live the dream.

Can I manage database using database project without knowing connection string?

I have created database project. I am able to upgrade my changes in my sql server. Now I have deploy the same changes on another environment. Also I dont want to change my previous data. I dont have to access that Sql server so I don`t know the connection string.
I have some options, like to deploy the .dacpac file or .sql script, but it first delete the database then creates new one. So that I loosing my data.
Please help me. If any option is there?
The options I see for this are:
Ask for a backup (or extract schema tables using task-->Generate scripts ion ssms) - restore this somewhere and use sqlpackage to generate a deployment script you can ask them to run
Ask them to run sqlpackage.exe and either generate a script or run it directly
Ask them for permissions so you can do it
If the database is being deleted then you have the option "CreateNewDatabase" set to true which would be bad in a production environment so remove it or set it to false!
If they run it or you ask for permissions, these are the minimum permissions you need to generate a script (to run the script you will probably need dbo): (my blog)

Database project - running Build Action=None SQL scripts

When I choose "Publish..." from a Visual Studio database project, it looks like, among other things, it runs the project's scripts on the database, but only the ones that have Build Action set to "Build". In other words, Build Action "None" scripts don't get run on the database as part of a Publish.
I have a database project but I do not have all the database's items in that project. Can I still keep scripts (for example, for stored procedures) in my project and run them on the database? How?
If I set them to "Build", I get build errors, because the items they depend on are not in the project. If I set them to "None", they don't run on the database at all. Is there a way to make them run on the database without needing their dependent items? If not, what is the best way to do this?
You could try setting the build action to none on the script, and then running the script from a post-deployment script.
There can only be one post-deployment script in each database project. You can add it by adding a new item and searching for post-deployment. Within the script, you use the command syntax to execute scripts.
It seems like there is no way to do what I am looking for; that Database projects were meant to have all the dependencies resolved.
