Angular drag and drop - angularjs

I have two simple lists that I can drag my questions to and from. Each time I drag one of the questions it changes its "Active" status to true or false:
$scope.onDrop = function ($event, $data, array) {
if ($data.Active) {
$data.Active = false;
else if (!$data.Active) {
$data.Active = true;
This works great but I need to restrict the user from being able to drag and drop into the same list as they are dragging from since that also triggers the onDrop function.
I'm using :
I have just started out with drag and drop but from what I can tell of the documentation is that I have to use the drag-channel/drop-channel attributes , however I am having a hard time understanding how they actually work.
In my markup I have two panels like so:
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
Aktiva frågor
<div class="panel panel-body">
<ul class="dnd"
<li ui-draggable="true" drag="aquestion"
ng-repeat="aquestion in activeQuestions track by $index">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
Inaktiva Frågor
<div class="panel panel-body" >
<ul class="dnd"
<li ui-draggable="true" drag="iquestion"
ng-repeat="iquestion in inactiveQuestions track by $index">
I have tried all kinds of combinations of A and B but none are working so obviously I seem to not understand the logic of them.
Or if this is not the best way to attack the problem please let me know of a better way. :)

Solved it by moving the Active logic into my code behind instead.


AngularJS filter is requiring two clicks before it filters results

I am a beginner at angular. I am pretty certain I am doing this the completely incorrect way but because I finally have it "somewhat working" as it works on the second click I am stuck going in this direction and can't seem to figure out another way to do it.
The filter sorts on the second click because it is initialing as "undefined" before the first click and sets it based on that I believe.
In my html:
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 location-list" ng-repeat="key in careerlist.location">
<div class="locations" ng-click="careerlist.criteriaMatch()">{{key}}
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 job-container" ng-repeat="job in | filter : searchText | filter: selectExperience | filter:">
<div class="job-description" ng-bind-html="job.description | limitHtml : 200">
<button>Read More</button>
In my controller:
cl.criteriaMatch = function( criteria ) {
jQuery(document).on('click', '.locations', function(){
cl.criteria = {};
console.log("just the element text " + jQuery(this).text()); = jQuery(this).text();
return function( criteria ) {
return ===;
Use ng-click instead of jQuery#on('click'). Angular does not know that the filter should be updated.
#Makoto points out that the click is bound twice. It very much looks like you should just remove the jQuery binding altogether. I would even go so far as suggesting removing jQuery from you project.

In what scope is ng-repeat "as alias" available

I'm using angular 1.4.8. I want to save filtered result from ng-repeat and use it to determine whether to enable a "load more" button at the bottom of the list. I have looked at this question:
AngularJS - how to get an ngRepeat filtered result reference
And many others, they suggest to use "as alias" from ng-repeat, here's what my code looks like:
<ul class="media-list tab-pane fade in active">
<li class="media">
<div ng-repeat-start="item in items | limitTo: totalDisplayed as filteredResult">
<div class="panel panel-default" ng-repeat-end>
<button ng-click="loadMore()" ng-show="totalDisplayed <= filteredResult.length">
However, I found filteredResult.length is displayed fine right after ng-repeat, but the button is never shown. If I try to display filteredResult.length in where the button is, it will show null.
So is there a rule for "as alias" scope? I've seen plenty of examples work but mine doesn't, what am I missing here?
The accepted answer uses controllerAs which indeed will resolve the problem. However, charlietfl's comment using ng-init to save filteredResult to parent scope is also very neat and that's the solution I use in my code eventually.
Probably some of classes in your <ul class="media-list tab-pane fade in active"> or <li class="media"> is selector for a directive that would have its own scope. So you store filteredResult in e.g. tab-pane's scope and then try to have access out of it's scope in outside of ul tag.
Try to use Controller as instead of scope:
.module('plunker', [])
.controller('MainCtrl', function() {
vm = this;
// make an array from 1 to 10
var arr = [];
while (arr.length < 10) {
arr.push(arr.length + 1)
vm.items = arr;
vm.totalDisplayed = 5;
vm.filteredResult = [];
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl as main">
<ul class="media-list tab-pane fade in active">
<li class="media">
<div ng-repeat-start="item in main.items | limitTo: main.totalDisplayed as filteredResult">
<div class="panel panel-default" ng-repeat-end>
filteredResult = {{main.filteredResult = filteredResult}}
<button ng-click="loadMore()" ng-show="main.totalDisplayed <= main.filteredResult.length">

Why is my ng-hide / show not working with my ng-click?

I want to show the elements that contain with the ng-click above it, but it's not working as expected.
Find where you stand
%li(ng-repeat='category in service.categories')
.clear.btn.Category(ng-click='thisCategory(category) ; showMe = true') {{}}
What do you think about {{}}
I dropped your haml into a converter and this is what it spat out (clearly incorrect):
<div class="divider-row">
<div class="row-border">(ng-hide="showMe")
<div class="row row-format">
<div class="col-xs-12 top-label">
Find where you stand
<hr class="profile"/>
<div class="row labelRow">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<li>(ng-repeat='category in service.categories')
<div class="clear btn Category">(ng-click='thisCategory(category) ; showMe = true') {{}}</div>
<div class="divider-row"></div>
<div class="row-border">(ng-show="showMe")
<div class="row row-format">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 top-label nopadLeft">
What do you think about {{}}
So after some quick googling I found that you should be writing it like this:
.row-border{"ng-hide" => "showMe"}
Find where you stand...
As that will convert to what you need:
<div class="divider-row">
<div class="row-border" ng-hide="showMe">
<div class="row row-format">
<div class="col-xs-12 top-label">
Find where you stand
Using curly braces instead of round ones for attributes
I cannot run your code to verify, but I think the problem is that the binding property showMe should be replaced with some object like status.showMe.
For example, define $scope.status = { showMe: false}; outside the ng-repeat (in your controller maybe).
Please check a working demonstration:
ng-repeat creates a child scope for each item. The child scope prototypical inherits from the parent scope. In your case, the primitive showMe is assigned to the child scope. While you use it outside the ng-repeat, where it tries to get the value from the parent scope, which is undefined. That is why it is not working.
Basic rule is: always use Object, instead of primitive types, for binding.
For more details, please refer to:

Get id of parent element of currently clicked element in AngularJS

How do I get the id of a parent element of currently clicked element in AngularJS?
<div id="d8" class="menutitles ng-scope" ng-repeat="title in list">
<div class="right" ng-click="showsubmenu($event)">+</div>
<div class="left" ng-click="showsubmenu($event)">Unit 9</div>
How to get the value d8 in showsubmenu($event) function?
Below is what I tried but it doesn't work
It should be parentNode, not just parent:
Also attributes is redundant as you can access id property directly.
But note, that since you have ngRepeat, it will create invalid markup, since ids are going to be duplicated. You probably want to fix this too, maybe like this or use classes:
<div id="d8{{$index}}" class="menutitles ng-scope" ng-repeat="title in list">
<div class="right" ng-click="showsubmenu()">+</div>
<div class="left" ng-click="showsubmenu()">Unit 9</div>
<div id="d8" class="menutitles ng-scope" ng-repeat="title in list">
<div class="right" ng-click="showsubmenu()">+</div>
<div class="left" ng-click="showsubmenu()">Unit 9</div>
It should be enough :D
function showsubmenu($event){
Have a nice day
As an addition to Pedro's answer I'd say that using the jQuery method closest would be preferable.
function showsubmenu($event){
var parent = $($'.yourclass'); // or any selector you prefer

AngularJS: data-ng-model & data-ng-hide/show

My index.html page is like as follows:
<div id="sidepanel" data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
<li data-ng-repeat="record in records">
<input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="addwidget">
<div id="main">
<div data-ng-view></div>
for this data-ng-view i have another page recordlist.html in that i have following code:
<div data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
<ul class="design">
<li data-ng-repeat="record in records">
<div data-ng-switch data-on="record.category">
<div data-ng-switch-when="reporting1">
<div id="{{}}" data-ng-show="addwidget">{{record.description}}</div>
<div data-ng-switch-when="reporting2">
<div id="{{}}" data-ng-hide="addwidget">{{record.description}}</div>
My question is i want to show the first div when i check the checkbox & when i uncheck it i want to show the second div.When both of the data-ng-model & data-ng-hide/show are on the same page then it works fine but in my case it present on two different pages.
Is it correct ? How can i implement this. Need Help.Thanks.
The problem is that you are setting addwidget in the first controller, but is trying to use it in the second. Controllers are not singletons.
So, in this situation:
<div id="sidepanel" data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
<div id="main">
<div data-ng-view>
<div data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
You got two separated controllers and scopes. And you are setting addwidget in the first trying to read in the second.
You can either bind it to the root scope $root.addwidget or use a service share to the states.
As you have many records, binding directly to root is a problem, as all of them are going to share the same state. So you gonna need an object in the rootScope and bind the option by id $root.addwidget[]. Made a pretty simplified modification here.
