Eclipse Looking for g++ Instead of gcc - c

I have the opposite issue compared to most questions I see posted here, and my google-fu has run out. I'm using Eclipse Luna to work on a C project (on Ubuntu 14.04), with a makefile that I am not allowed to modify. There is no C++ in this project.
The makefile uses the $(CC) variable instead of explicitly setting a compiler, and there is no CC= or CC?= set to anything within the makefile.
Running make in terminal works without issue to compile my project, however in Eclipse it says Program "g++" not found in PATH.
I set up eclipse to use make as the build command and set the toolchain to be "Cross GCC". I don't have a single c++ file in my project, so why would it be looking for g++ as the default compiler? Did I miss some detail to set this up, such as adding CC as a variable set to something within eclipse?

The issue was that the CC environment variable was never properly being set anywhere so Eclipse would default it to g++. In order to fix this follow the below steps:
Open the Project's Properties
Click on the C/C++ Build option on the left hand side
Uncheck "Use default build command"
Make sure you have a valid build command in the box usually just make will do unless you're using other options.
Click on the button named 'Variables..."
Locate CC and update the value to what it should be.
Here's the documentation where I located this:
According to this forum post another option is to actually update the command being passed inside of that 'build command' box to make CC = gcc, however I've never tested this.


How can I set KDevelop to compile codes with gcc properly?

I just downloaded KDevelop from Ubuntu Software Center, and have gcc.
I want to see anything happens by pressing F9 but KDevelop says I need to configure a launcher first. And all I know about the setting window is I have to put 'gcc' in somewhere on the window, as well as path to the source code file and path to the executable file it will make.
I have no any knowledge about this window, no any syntax to use in it and can't find it anywhere on the web. Now I desperately require some help. I want to make KDevelop to compile and debug with already-installed gcc and gdb.
It asks you of which executable to debug. You, i suppose, don't want to debug gcc, so you should set this field to your executable. You can also select Project Target option, and choose CMake target that corresponds to your executable.
This step happens after the build step. Make sure your build process is working first (F8).
The window above lets you select which executable in your project should be run when the launch button is pressed.
If your project is created in KDevelop or otherwise uses CMake as the build system, this should be configured by default and use the "target" part of the dialog.
Otherwise the executable should point to the executable you created as part the build process that you want to test.

Source file not compiled Dev C++

I just installed Dev C++ and I am learning C programming.
the code i used was
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello world");
I saved it as a .c file. When I compile it works fine, but when I compile and run it says source file not compiled. So I googled buncha things and came across this video on youtube which shows you how to fix it. I also saw other forums on google which suggest the same thing... However, after doing whats asked, Now I can't even compile my code. I get this error
Compiler: Default compiler
Executing C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\gcc.exe...
C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\gcc.exe "C:\Users\ubaid\Documents\C\Untitled1.c" -o "C:\Users\ubaid\Documents\C\Untitled1.exe" -I"C:\Dev-Cpp\include" -L"C:\Dev-Cpp\lib"
gcc.exe: Internal error: Aborted (program collect2)
Please submit a full bug report.
See <URL:> for instructions.
Execution terminated
I have also used what is asked on this link, and still no luck..
I am using windows 8
I was having this issue and fixed it by going to:
, then deleting collect2.exe
Install new version of Dev c++. It works fine in Windows 8. It also supports 64 bit version.
Download link is .
I guess you're using windows 7 with the Orwell Dev CPP
This version of Dev CPP is good for windows 8 only. However on Windows 7 you need the older version of it which is devcpp-
Download it from the link and use it.
(Don't forget to uninstall any other version already installed on your pc)
Also note that the older version does not work with windows 8.
This maybe because the c compiler is designed to work in linux.I had this problem too and to fix it go to tools and select compiler options.In the box click on programs
Now you will see a tab with gcc and make and the respective path to it.Edit the gcc and make path to use mingw32-c++.exe and mingw32-make.exe respectively.Now it will work.
The reason was that you were using compilers built for linux.
You can always try doing it manually from the command prompt. Navigate to the path of the file and type:
gcc filename.c -o filename
I found a solution. Please follow the following steps:
Right Click the My comp. Icon
Click Advanced Setting.
CLick Environment Variable. On the top part of Environment Variable Click New
Set Variable name as: PATH then
Set Variable Value as: (" the location of g++ .exe" )
For ex. C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\bin
Click OK
This error occurred because your settings are not correct.
For example I receive
cannot open output file Project1.exe: Permission denied
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make.exe: *** [Project1.exe] Error 1
Because I have no permission to write on my exe file.
After some investigation, and with Dr.Topaz's help, I have learned that you will want to confirm that the program set for g++ in the Compiler Options really does compile the source code. In my case, the C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\g++.exe program did not create an exe, but the C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\c++.exe program did. Either program appears to be intended to take the same arguments and options as GNU g++. I would love to find an actual doc on the Dev-C++ compiler programs, but I have not so far.
You can test the compiler program with a simple example like this:
C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\c++.exe hello.cpp -o hello.exe
Currently in 2021, the Dev-C++ site invites you to download either original Dev-C++ or a newer fork by a group named Embarcadero.
I decided to try the Embarcadero version and the experience was slightly better. The UI is still a tad dated, but the g++.exe program it came with was able to compile programs without issue. Again, take note of where the program is being installed, but in my case, the Embarcadero compiler programs were in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Dev-Cpp\TDM-GCC-64\bin.
Both original Dev-C++ and Embarcadero come with mingw-32 versions of the compiler programs that from what I see do work in a Git Bash console, with slight differences such as not recognizing a default locale when using the command std::cout.imbue(std::locale("")).
I faced this similar error, and none of the solutions worked.
so I tried to download the latest version from here,
I rerun the program.
and everything is now working correctly.
I was facing the same issue as described above.
It can be resolved by creating a new project and creating a new file in that project.
Save the file and then try to build and run.
Hope that helps. :)

Set compiler includes (-I) with c.vim plugin?

I've been setting up vim to us as my C/C++ IDE recently and have been really impressed with the c.vim plugin (found here). However, I'm working on a project that relies on a library that is not found in my system includes. When I compile manually, I just list this directory by passing g++ an include flag (e.g. g++ -I ~/lib/). Is there any way to set up c.vim to have this directory included when I use the "save and compile" ("\rc" by default) command?
I'd would just set $CXXFLAGS to -I~/lib, it's its job -- unless you are using the dumb makefile default configuration from mingw project, $CXXFLAGS will be recognized automagically, as long as your &makeprg still points to make and not directly to g++ or any other compiler (I don't know what c.vim does with this vim setting as I don't use it).
As I suspect you don't have any Makefile in your directory but just a monofile project, I'd prefer an extended modeline over project settings.

Setting Default NetBeans Options (-std=c99, -Wall) for C programs

I have NetBeans 6.9 installed and working fine on Ubuntu Linux 11.10. My goal is to set compiler options like -Wall and -std=c99 to be used by default. Currently, I have to right click on my project -> Properties -> C Compiler -> Warning Level to "More Warnings" and add -std=c99 to Additional Options. This is obviously a pain when creating many projects, and I'm sure there is a way to make all of this the default.
I found this thread which relates closely to my question. However, the only answer involves installing Code::Blocks and MSYS 1.0.11, which doesn't make much sense to me. I don't see how installing another IDE will help me, and MSYS seems unnecessary, as I am already using Linux.
I have tried every reasonable search term I can imagine, and am very surprised how little info I have turned up. It seems like most everyone who uses NetBeans should have to change this type of thing at some point. Terms I'm searching for: 'NetBeans -std=c99 default', 'NetBeans set default compile options', 'how to make NetBeans use c99 by default' and 'Code::Blocks settings into NetBeans'.
Here are some different things that you can do:
Copy and share the configuration files between projects, so you won't have to set every setting.
Create a default project, and configure however you like it. When you want to create a new project, just copy the default project and rename it to something else.
Modify your toolchain properties.
For details, see here:
NetBeans settings for GCC
You can create a Project Template Module. I was aware this is possible but didn't try it before, and this link is explaining how to do it;
(First you need NetBeans with platform SDK, not just C/C++ Bundle.)
I followed steps;
Open/Create your project with settings you want to use.
Create a NetBeans module project, choose a Code Base Name, i gave my.templates.ctemplate1
Add "Module Development > Project Template" to the module project. Choose your C project in "Select Project" step.
At next step select the Category as C/C++ and give a name for template i used MyCTemplate1.
Right click on module project and select "Create NBM", it will create my-templates-ctemplate1.nbm in the build folder of the module project.
Tools > Plugins > Downloaded , click "Add Plugin" and point to the nbm file in the build folder. Select install, it will give warnings because it's not signed.
When you want to create a new C/C++ project you will see your template in the wizard which will have all the settings as your first C project has.
Enjoy other possibilities; files, folders in original project will be there.
Have you tried editing your netbeans.conf file (for me, it's in /usr/local/netbeans-7.0.1/etc/netbeans.conf) and adding the options you need to the netbeans_default_options line? From looking at my version of the file, you might need to prepend -J to the switches (hence -Wall would become -J-Wall.)

Default flags for gcc compiler in Eclipse

I want all my C programs to be compiled with the options -Wall -pedantic -ansi by default. Is there a way to have Eclipse add these flags to the compiler command by default for all projects?
Assign CFLAGS to include those values, and have Eclipse run a tool that uses that environment variable by default when compiling (such as make).
You may have to specify environment variables before running Eclipse (and then they get inherited when Eclipse runs make) but there might be a way to specify default environment in Eclipse.
(I don't use Eclipse, so I'll have to see about installing and testing this; or maybe this answer can jog someone's memory, if so, feel free to edit.)
As an aside, you might want -std=c99 instead of -ansi. The -ansi option simply means -std=c89 or -std=c++98, depending on whether you're compiling C or C++, and both of those standards are showing their age.
I installed Eclipse inside a VM running Windows to test this, and, even though CFLAGS is in the environment, Eclipse doesn't use it. Eclipse also pretends (by displaying text like "make all" and "make clean") that it's running make in a few situations/projects I tried, when it is not really using make (probably using some internal engine). This answer was on the wrong track for Eclipse.
Assuming you are using Eclipse's internal builder goto Preferences->C/C++ Build->Settings
Choose the warnings section for the compiler, there are tick boxes for -Wall and -pedantic
For -ansi set in Miscellaneous
As the OP notes this is just for each project not a global setting
Eclipse on Windows: For a project: Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Setting than "Tool Setting" tab. select "CGG C++ Compiler" than at the right side you will see Command : g++
modify it to Command: g++ CFLAGS for instance if you like to have C++11 support modify as Command: g++ --std=c++11
PS: This modification will valid for only current project and for only current configuration. If you want it for all configurations modify each configuration (Run, Debug) similarly.
EDIT: I see that the OP runs Windows from a prior comment, however the following information may benefit users of Eclipse on the Linux platform, if Eclipse honors the alias.
Are you running Eclipse in Linux? If so, try aliasing the gcc command; run this at a terminal:
alias gcc='gcc -Wall -pedantic -ansi'
This is a common method in Linux to specify default parameters for an application. However, Eclipse might execute the actual gcc application and ignore the alias; I have not tested it.
Yes, Run as -> Run configuration -> 1st Tab is "Main" , choose the second tab(the one next to it) , you have there arguments box, paste -Wall -pedantic -ansi and just apply then run. Every next time you run you'll have these arguments as default
