How to convert array of strings to string in D? - arrays

I have got array of strings like:
string [] foo = ["zxc", "asd", "qwe"];
I need to create string from them. Like:
"zxc", "asd", "qwe" (yes every elements need be quoted and separate with comma from another, but it should be string, but not array of strings.
How can I do it's in functional style?

import std.algorithm, std.array, std.string;
string[] foo = ["zxc", "asd", "qwe"];
string str =!(a => format(`"%s"`, a)).join(", ");
assert(str == `"zxc", "asd", "qwe"`); takes a lambda which converts an element in the range into something else, and it returns a lazy range where each element is the result of passing an element from the original range to the lambda function. In this case, the lambda takes the input string and creates a new string which has quotes around it, so the result of passing foo to it is a range of strings which have quotes around them.
std.array.join then takes a range and eagerly concatenates each of its elements with the given separator separating each one and returns a new array, and since it's given a range of strings it returns a string. So, by giving it the result of the call to map and ", " for the separator, you get your string made up of the original strings quoted and separated by commas.
std.algorithm.joiner would do the same thing as join, except that it results in a lazy range instead of an array.

Alternatively, use std.string.format
Your format specifier should be something like this:
auto joinedstring = format("%(\“%s\",%)", stringarray)
this is untested as I'm on mobile, but it's something similar to it!


Slicing Multidimensional Array by a variable

I am writing a method which accepts a two dimensional array of doubles and an int row number as parameters and returns the highest value of the elements in the given row.
it looks like this:
function getHighestInRow(A, i)
the issue i am having is when i slice the array with
I get an argument error because the :i makes i get treated differently.
the code works in the other direction with
Is there a way to escape the colon? so that i gets treated as a variable after a colon?
You're doing something strange with the colon. In this case you're using the symbol :i not the value of i. Just getHighestInRow(A,i) = maximum(A[i,:]) should work.
Edit: As Dan Getz said in the comment on the question, getHighestInRow(A,i) = maximum(#view A[i,:]) is more efficient, though, as the slicing will allocate a temporary unnecessary array.

storing the longest string after strsplit

I am trying to store the longest resultant string after using the function strsplit unable to do so
eg: I have input strings such as
I need store the string only between the dots (.)
If there is no dot then I want the entire string.
Each string may have zero, one or two dots.
part of the code which I am using:
for i=1:700
x=regexprep(txt(i,1), '\([^\(\)]*\)','');
for j=1:3
But the string yValues is not storing the value of y, instead showing the following error:
Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts
What am I doing wrong and are there any suggestions on how to fix it?
The issue is that y is a cell array and each element contains an entire string and it therefore can't be assigned to a single element in a normal array yvalues(1,j).
You need yvalues to be a cell array and then you can assign into it just fine.
yValues{j} = y{j};
Or more simply
% Outside of your loop
yValues = cell(1,3);
% Then inside of your loop
yValues(j) = y(j);
Alternately, if you just want the longest output of strsplit, you can just do something like this.
% Split the string
parts = strsplit(mystring, '.');
% Find the length of each piece and figure out which piece was the longest
[~, ind] = max(cellfun(#numel, parts));
% Grab just the longest part
longest = parts{ind};

How to get a string into an array using vbscript?

I have a randomly generated string which is generated at runtime.
I want to capture the value of that string into an array such that
the first word of the string becomes the first element in the array,
second word the second element
and so on.
Please help
In VBscript use the Split function:
dim myArray, myString
myString = "This is an example"
myArray = Split(myString)

Array of strings as hash function key?

Is it possible, in any language (it doesn't matter), to have a hash function which uses an array of strings as keys?
I mean something like this:
hash(["word1", "word2", ...]) = "element"
instead of the classical:
hash("word") = "element"
I need something like that because each word I would like to use as key could change the output element of the function. I've got a sequence of words and I want a specific output for that sequence (also the order may change the result).
Sure. Any data structure at all can be hashed. You only need to come up with a strict definition of equality and then ensure that hash(A) == hash(B) if A == B. Suppose your definition is that [s1, s2, ..., sm] == [t1, t2, ..., tn] if and only if m == n and si == ti for i = 1..m and further string s == t if and only if |s|==|t| and s[i]==t[i] for 0<=i<|s|. You can build a hash in a many, many ways:
Concatenate all the strings in the list and hash the result with any string hash function.
Do the same, adding separators such as commas (,)
Hash each string individually and xor the results.
Hash eash string individually, shift the previous hash value, and xor the new value into the hash.
Infinitely many more possibilities...
Tigorous definition of equality is important. If for example order doesn't matter in the lists or the string comparison is case-insensitive, then the hash function must still be designed to ensure hash(A) == hash(B) if A == B . Getting this wrong will cause lookups to fail.
Java is one language that lets you define a hash function for any data type. And in fact a library list of strings will work just fine as a key using the default hash function.
HashMap<ArrayList<String>, String> map = new HashMap<ArrayList<String>, String>();
ArrayList<String> key = new ArrayList<String>();
map.put(key, "It's me.");
// map now contains mapping ["Hello", "World"] -> "It's me."
Yes it is possible, but in most cases you will have to define your own hash function that translates an array into a hash-key. For example, in java, the array.hashCode() is based on the Object.hashCode() function which is based on the Reference itself and not the contents of the Object.
You may also have a look at Arrays.deepHashCode() function in java if you are interested in an implementation of a hashing function built on top of an array.

How to get specific parts of a string from an array where every string has a different length?

I have an array of strings, they contain information about objects position in 3D space.The positions are separated with commas. The first one before the comma is x position, second one is y and third one is z. Some of these strings are:
string a = "0.95,2.34,0" string b = "18.05,5,0" string c ="112.1,10,3"
I want to assign 0.95 into float xPos, 2.34 into yPos, 0 into zPos etc.
I want to do these one by one in a for loop for every string in the array.
I couldn't use substr because they have different lengths.
How can i get the substrings between the commas and put them into variables?
-I use c++
P.S sorry for my bad English
Usually there is a Split() type of method in most languages. You would call the method on the incoming string, and split it on the comma then you would have a resulting array with two strings, one of each value. Place the first value in X and the second in Y. You might want a helper method to do this.
You could get the x,y and z string values using RegularExpressions. Then you could use a TryParse method to cast the value to double.
